Isaac's story

Elias then told him: "Last time we left them a transdimensional communication stone for them to be able to warn us if they were ever in danger, but we never heard from them again, so I have no idea."

Miguel then said: "But the fact that Sora and Lena's uncle chose to leave them in your world is still a mystery and so we can assume that there must have been a problem in their world for their uncle to decide to abandon them here."

Kevin nodded and asked Sora: "Will you be able to recognize your uncle?"

Sora nodded and she said: "Of course, and even though I have no memory of our home world, our uncle raised us until we were adults so I won't have any trouble recognizing him, I might even be able to feel his energy signature as soon as we get close enough to him."

Axel then said: "That's an excellent idea, Sora, thanks to my wolf's over-developed senses, I'll have no problem tracking down people who have the same energy signature as you."