You’re senses are as sharp as ever

Kevin then explained to them Miguel's theory about the origin of Sora's power and after Axel told them that one of their relatives was indeed a evil being, they all finally understood why Kevin and Axel had deduced that the relatives they were going to rescue were their parents.

Lena then said to them confused by this news: "I always thought that one of our parents should be a simple human as I'm one… But if both our parents are special beings then how come I'm a human and not a Dark Elf for example?"

Kevin then looked at Axel who shrugged before telling them: "I don't know, but you should save this question for your parents… They need you right now so stay focused, and Lena, as an Angel, can you really be compared to a normal human? You should be glad that you have access to this powerful energy because today, thanks to it you're going to be able to rescue your parents."