17 - Congratulations!

Somehow, in half an hour, the dining hall had been decorated and Ren and Fang were being congratulated with cake and flowers by the staff. Wolf had also turned up, for some reason, and pulled away Fang for a while to chat privately while Pax kept Ren occupied.

It made Ren rather antsy. He didn't have very clear memories of the original Ren-the-villain dating Wolf, so he felt especially anxious when the ex-boyfriend took away the current one to "chat".

"You're his boyfriend, not his mother," Pax chided Ren. "Don't fuss too much or you'll irritate him. Teenagers like being independent."

"But..." Ren began.

"Wolf is probably giving him some tips on how to handle you," Pax continued, ignoring Ren's attempts to speak up.

Ren threw a napkin at his assistant in response.

Steward Paul kept dabbing at his eyes and muttering to himself, planning to shift Fang to the room next to Ren's bedroom and setting up another study exclusively for Fang.

Wolf and Fang returned after some time. The former looked extremely pleased with himself and the latter appeared to stuck between embarrassment and determination.

"I'd like to learn some martial arts from Wolf," Fang told Ren. "May I?"

"Of course," Ren said. "It'll be great if you are stronger and healthier."

"Could I also learn some music and some languages?" Fang asked hesitantly.

Ren, who played the violin and spoke nineteen languages himself, was delighted. Learning new things? He'd never stop Fang!

"Whatever you want to learn, whenever you want to learn, just name it! It's always good to learn new things!" Ren said enthusiastically.

Wolf winked at Fang. "Told you, didn't I? The way to this one's heart is through a giant sea of brains. Good thing you have an IQ to match, at least."

Fang giggled.

"If you're not careful, he'll take you to conferences and seminars for dates and marry you in a library!" Wolf continued.

Fang flushed.

Ren smirked at Wolf. "Actually, Fang is taking me to medical school in Light City next year. We'll study medicine together."

Wolf made retching noises. "You two are unbelievable! Simply a match made in heaven!"

Ren stuck out his tongue.

Wolf rolled his eyes.

"All right, let's all settle down now," Dr. Gordon announced. "Some of us need to eat!"

Everyone laughed at that.

Fang kept staring at Ren in a daze throughout the meal, as if trying to make sure that he was real.

"Am I that handsome? Can't take your eyes off your boyfriend?" Ren teased.

Fang nodded shyly.

"Well, you'll be even better looking than me soon enough," Ren told him.

Fang shook his head. "You'll always be the most beautiful in my eyes."

Ren flushed and wondered how a sixteen year old could be such a smooth operator!

Pax coughed. "Ren told me about the modelling idea," he told Fang. "Are you interested?"

Fang stared at Ren. "Are you serious?"

Ren nodded.

"It's a good idea," Pax added. "You really are more suitable than the model profiles we received from the agency. Maybe Ren could bring you to office next weekend and we'll try it out. If you don't like it, we'll drop it."

"All right," Fang said.

Pax smiled at him and turned to Ren. "Are you really running off to medical school?"

"Yes," Ren said. "You know I've always been interested in medicine."

Pax sighed. "Very well, I won't run your company into the ground while you're away. But why Light City?"

"It's the best, isn't it?" Ren asked.

"You're already building the best medical school right here in Cosmopolis. Have you forgotten?" Pax asked.

Ren frowned. "Will it be ready in time?"

"If you want it to be, it will be," Pax pointed out. "Also, you'll be able to stay at home and keep an eye on Sirocco."

"That does make sense," Ren said, rubbing his chin. "What do you think, Fang?"

"I'm good with anywhere that suits you," Fang replied loyally.

"Oh, what a good child, our Young Master Fang!" Steward Paul exclaimed emotionally. "Master Ren, I know it's not in my place to say so, but this old man would still like to ask you to consider remaining in Cosmopolis."

Ren smiled kindly at the middle aged man. "Steward Paul, you're as good as an uncle for me. You know I value your opinion." He turned to Pax. "Let's try and hurry it up, then. Fang and I can be the first two students to enroll!"

He high-fived his new boyfriend and everyone cheered.

The rest of the meal passed happily amidst laughter and teasing.

Fang suddenly reached out under the table and took Ren's hand. His palm was rather cold and clammy.

"What's wrong?" Ren asked immediately, his voice full of concern.

Fang smiled slightly and shook his head. "I'm just trying to make sure that this is real... that you are real and that I'm not hallucinating."

Ren brought Fang's hand to his lips and planted a gentle kiss on his knuckles. "There you go," he said softly. "Is that real enough for you?"

Fang nodded tearfully.

"Have you decided whether you want to disclose your relationship in public?" Pax asked.

"I don't mind either way," Ren said immediately. "Let Fang decide."

"There's no hurry to rush to the public," Steward Paul said. "It may be better to keep it under wraps until both of you recover completely, and then throw a party to make the announcement."

"That makes sense," Ren said. "Fang?"

"I'm good with whatever suits you," he replied.

Ren chuckled. "You can ask for things you want, you know?"

Fang blushed. "Once you recover is good enough."

"That's right," Pax said. "We'll have to prepare for a press conference and a press release as well." He paused. "Would you be getting engaged soon, then? I'll have the marketing prepare accordingly."

Fang stared. "Engaged...?'

"Pax, don't scare the child," Ren snapped.

Pax shrugged. "He's not a child if he's old enough to date you," he pointed out.

"I'm nearly seventeen," Fang said at the same time.

"Let's throw Fang a birthday party, then, and you can make your announcement and issue a press release then," Pax suggested. "Shall I prepare for that?"

"Fang? Is that ok?" Ren asked.

Fang bit his lip. "Will your leg be ok by then?" he asked anxiously.

"Not fully," Dr. Gordon said. "He'll be able to stand for a little while, at most, but the wheelchair would be required."

"Then no," Fang said firmly. "If we have to tag it with my birthday, we can tag it with my birthday next year."

"What a lovely, sensible young man!" Steward Paul praised. "Congratulations on finding yourself such a treasure, Master Ren!"