22 - Wade's Secret Crush

While Fang was busy impressing the top honchos of Sirocco and shooting for the ad and posters (which also included the parting shot of Ren standing on the roof of the Sirocco building, much to his embarrassment - but his teams as well as Fang had insisted, so how could he turn it down?), Wade was sitting gloomily in his room at home, wondering how things went wrong for him in such a short time.

It was all Fang's fault, he thought fiercely.

What he needed right now was an ally, someone who would help him without any selfish motives and someone he could trust. Did he have any such person?

Wade sighed heavily. None of his friends turned out to be trustworthy...but wasn't there that one person who had saved him...? The boy hadn't even given his name, and Wade hadn't been able to see his face clearly, either. But this person...he had selflessly saved Wade and thrown himself headlong into danger without a care, just to give Wade a chance to run to safety.

It had happened almost a year ago. Wade had been feeling a little dizzy from all the noise and the fumes in the nightclub his friends had taken him to, so he stepped out on to the street to clear his head. It was past midnight, and there were hardly any people on the road, so Wade took a leisurely walk, intending to return in a few minutes.

Unfortunately, he ran into a small gang of hooligans. There were five or six of them, and they were clearly drunk, perhaps even high on a rush from some illegal drug.

"Ooh, look at that brothers...a cutie walked into our arms," one rogue jeered, eyeing Wade lasciviously.

"A real beauty...how old are you, darling?" another asked, grabbing Wade's arm.

"I'm a boy!" Wade cried, trying to get away. "Let me go!"

"Of course we can see you're a boy," a third one came up and pinched Wade's chin. "But you're pretty enough for us."

Wade struggled desperately. "My Big Brother won't spare you if you hurt me!" he threatened.

"Oh...? Is your big brother as pretty as you? Shall we ask him to join us?" the first man said, laughing unpleasantly.

"My Big Brother is rich, he'll give you a lot of money if you let me go!" Wade cried. He wrenched an arm free and felt in his pockets for his mobile phone.

Unforgettable, he had left his phone and wallet in the club.

Frightened out of his wits, Wade burst into loud tears and continued to struggle desperately. "Let me go," he wailed. "Someone...anyone...help!"

The rogues started tearing at Wade's clothes.

"Let him go," came a young voice.

The rogues glared at the new boy in a dark hoodie. Wade couldn't see his face, but he caught sight of a gleaming metal pendant as the boy rushed over and kicked the man closest to him.

"Run! Don't look back!" the boy told Wade, and started fighting.

Wade obeyed wordlessly.

Wade had run off and returned with the police about half an hour later, but everyone had disappeared. There were signs of a fight, a fair bit of blood and torn bits of the hoodie worn by his rescuer. There was no sign of the rogues or his saviour, though. Wade didn't know who saved him and didn't have any way to find him, either. All that was left was a cheap pendant in the middle of the road...it was something the boy had worn. Wade picked it up and went back home.

His friends had been terrified and extremely apologetic about the incident, and they pleaded with him not to report the incident to CEO Ren. They never returned to that nightclub, either.

Later, Wade had made some enquiries about the pendant...but no one seemed to know anything. The police had given up after a preliminary search.

Wade stood up and took out a small pouch from his drawer. He took out the pendant and examined it again. He thought of the boy who had saved him. How nice it would be of he could find him again...if he could be friends with him... perhaps more...

Wade's fair face was tinged with red as he caressed the pendant.

But...how could he locate the boy? Who would help him...?

There was always one person who had taken care of him, wasn't there? Recent events had caused Wade to do some serious thinking. He had finally realised that he needed to treat his Big Brother better or their relationship would be completely dissolved.

It was just...Wade couldn't bring himself to bow down to that Fang. He didn't know why he hated Fang so...but something about seeing the other boy with his Big Brother and seeing them get along so well rubbed him up the wrong way.

But now he had no one to turn to except his Big Brother. He desperately wanted to find his saviour and gather him by his side.

Wade picked up his phone and called Ren.

"Yes, Wade?" Ren's voice was still tired, for some reason.

Wade probably couldn't imagine that the tiredness was because of himself.

"Big Brother, I'm scared...I may be in danger..." Wade cried softly. "I didn't tell you when it happened because my friends begged me to...but I think I saw one of those gangsters on the street again and I'm really scared that they'll target me again..."

"What happened, Wade?" Ren asked tiredly. He didn't really want to entertain the spoilt brat - but one thing was that this cheap little brother of his was supposed to be the MC, and another thing was that Ren was very uncomfortable when people started crying and asking for things.

"Can we meet? I'll apologise to Fang properly. I'll do everything you tell me to. Please don't abandon me, Big Brother! I'll be good! Please help me!" Wade pleaded. "I'm really scared, Big Brother..."

Wade didn't have to fake it - he really was upset...and fearful.

"All right," Ren sighed. "Do you want to come over?"