24 - The Owner of the Pendant

Fang's expression was very strange, Ren realised.

Wade, on the other hand, was really excited. He grabbed Fang's arm eagerly. "Do you know who this pendant belongs to? Do you know where he is right now? Can you take me to him?"

Fang wrenched his arm away from Wade and backed away, nearly tripping in his haste. "Don't touch me!" he cried.

"But..." Wade began.

Ren caught Wade's arm and handed him the pendant. "Please ask Steward Paul to call Dr. Gordon and go home," he said firmly. Then he softened his face. "I'll be in touch soon, all right?"

Wade was stunned. "But Big Brother..."

"Please, Wade."

Wade looked at his Big Brother's serious face and nodded. "Ok," he said. "I'll wait for your call."

He left the room quietly.

Ren stood up and approached Fang slowly. Fang, by now, had shrunk into a corner. He crouched on the ground, his head buried between his knees and trembling violently.

"Fang...?" Ren called softly.

Fang looked up at him. His eyes were dull and unseeing, and tears flowed down his cheeks.

Ren felt his own eyes brim.

"Fang...look around you, Fang, and look at me. Do you know where you are?" he asked gently.

Fang blinked slowly. The haze in his eyes cleared as his purple gaze fixed on Ren.

"Ren...?" he whispered. He looked around, his expression turning wild for a moment before relaxing. "I...I'm home...?"

"You are," Ren confirmed. "You are home now."

Ren held out his hand and Fang grabbed it as if it was his lifeline.

Ren pulled him close and embraced him protectively. Fang buried his face in Ren's shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent which made him feel safe.

"Sorry," he murmured.

Ren stroked his back with gentle hands. "Nothing to be sorry about," he said quietly.

"That...that pendant..." Fang whispered.

Ren kissed his brow. "Don't push yourself," he said. "You are far more important than anything else."

Fang smiled bitterly. "You're the only one who thinks that," he murmured.

Ren caressed his cheek. "Well, it's my privilege as your boyfriend, isn't it?"

Fang buried his face into Ren's shoulder again.

They remained silent for a while, seeking comfort from each other's presence.

"It's mine," Fang said finally. "I lost it a long time ago. Why...why does Wade have it?"

Ren sighed. "You are the one who saved Wade, then?"

"Oh," Fang muttered. "So it was him..."

Ren froze. "You jumped in without seeing him? What were you thinking? Were you trying to get yourself killed?"

Fang chuckled, a tinge of hysteria in his voice. "Probably," he confessed. "It was just after one of those..."visits". They'd given me some weird drugs. I was...I was randomly wandering about because I didn't want to return to the orphanage immediately. I saw a guy who looked like an angel being harassed and thought I should help. That's all."

Ren could clearly understand what happened afterwards. He remembered from Fang's file that he'd spent some time in the hospital with broken ribs and severe lacerations.

"Do you remember those guys?" Ren asked.

Fang trembled. "Not too much. My perception was skewed by the drugs. They all had the same tattoo on their left shoulders, though. It was an eagle with a snake in its mouth."

Ren knew which group they belonged to immediately. He'd have to speak with Wolf again.

But that was secondary. Right now, Fang's condition was not very stable.

"I'm sorry," Fang whispered. "I'm dirtier than you think..."

Ren hugged him tighter. "Of course not," he said firmly. "Don't go shouldering other people's sins. Of you're so eager to burden yourself, why don't you take up the responsibility for me instead? I have enough to keep you occupied for a lifetime."

Fang made a choked noise halfway between a laugh and a sob.

Ren opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the door bursting open.

Dr. Gordon rushed in. "What happened to Fang?" he demanded.

Ren explained quickly.

Dr. Gordon examined Fang and declared him to be physically fit.

"Now would be a good time for you to consult a psychiatrist and appoint a qualified therapist," he suggested.

Fang shook his head violently.

Ren pulled him into his arms and comforted him. "We won't do anything that makes Fang uncomfortable," he declared.

"He needs it," Dr. Gordon said, frowning. "Although he's recovering well, there will be hidden triggers like this."

"We'll figure something out later," Ren told him.

Dr. Gordon sighed. "All right." He stood up. "Call me if there's anything."

The two young men thanked him profusely.

After the doctor left, Fang turned to Ren. "Thanks," he said guiltily. "I know I should see someone and get my head fixed, but..."

Ren kissed his brow again. "There's no hurry. We can take it slow. We have all the time in the world."

Fang sighed and leaned into him. "You're too good to me. I'll end up being a spoilt brat."

Ren's golden eyes were fond and indulgent as he regarded the teenager. "I think I'd like that. I'll be able to pamper you to my heart's content, then."

Fang smiled and shook his head. "Why was Wade looking for me anyway?"

"He wanted to thank his saviour and be friends with him," Ren replied. "Now that his fair-weather friends have disappeared, he's had to do some serious thinking. I think he'll probably be sensible now." He sighed. "It'll be good if he is."

"Do you want me to be friends with him?" Fang asked.

Ren shook his head. "These things can't be forced. Let him apologise properly first. We'll see what to do after that. It'd be nice if you two got along - but on no account should you put up with any disrespect or other nonsense from him."

Fang nodded.

"That pendant...do you want it back? Is it an important thing?" Ren asked.

"Not at all," Fang replied, shaking his head. "Someone had held a raffle at the orphanage and I got that pendant in it. I don't really have any memories or sentiment attached to it."