42 - Puppies

Ren had always thought of himself as a cat person - but it wasn't as if he didn't like dogs. Overall, he was quite pleased with the situation once he heard the entire tale of how Fang had managed to acquire a couple of pups.

That evening, when Fang was on his way home from training, it had been raining heavily. He felt a little cold, so he had stopped by a cafe to pick up a mug of hot chocolate. (The fact that Fang had actually gotten himself something he wanted made Ren more pleased than he'd admit.) When he stepped out of the cafe, Fang had heard some low whines and found two pups in a soaked cardboard box at the corner of the lane, clearly abandoned by their owner. They were really small, probably no more than a few days old. Fang couldn't bear to leave them to die out in the rain, so he'd picked them up and brought them home. Steward Paul had immediately called a vet, and the pups were warm and safe and well-fed now.