46 - The Use of Magic

Since the involved people were already dismissed or expelled from school, no one knew about the fight Fang had gotten into except the headmaster and a few teachers. Thus, when Fang turned up with bandages and an additional bodyguard the next day, his classmates were quite concerned. With his handsome face and polite demeanour, Fang was quite popular in school, so naturally the word of his injuries spread all over the school by lunchtime.

Wade, too, heard about it and rushed to find Fang during lunch. He grabbed Fang's shoulders and looked at him earnestly.

"What happened to you? Are you all right? Did my Big Brother do something?" Wade asked anxiously.

Fang chuckled and shook his head. "I got into a fight," he replied. "Not with Ren."

Wade was still anxious. "Was it Big Brother's enemies? Did he deal with them yet?"

"You can say that," Fang replied lightly. "I'm fine, Wade. Don't worry."