81 - Little Brother Gets Angry

Ren immediately rushed to the door and pulled Fang into a hug.

"Don't worry, my little darling, we'll fix this," he promised. "Pax and I were just speaking about it."

Fang sighed and leaned into Ren's shoulder. "I don't care a fig about my own reputation," he murmured. "But it's inevitably tied to yours, and I hate it when people point fingers at you because of me."

"Yes, yes, you two are the most lovey-dovey couple in the world," Pax's sarcastic voice sounded from Ren's phone. "How did Fang get to know about this?"

"My schoolmates are all up in arms about how the legendary CEO Ren doesn't deserve a scumbag like me," Fang told him. "Some people saw Steward Paul and Jules when they were out shopping with Sylvia and the furballs, and managed to get some sneak shots."

Ren hugged his boyfriend tighter. "I'm so sorry, Fang," he murmured. "I should have been more careful."