167 – Explanations and Realisations

Princess Una froze when she caught sight of Ren, and at the expression on her face, Fang, too, turned around and saw Ren in the doorway, looking impossibly pale.

"Chairman Ren, it's not that Fang doesn't care about you – he does, very much so. It's just that he is very young, and he has confused gratitude and affection with romantic love. Please forgive his inexperience and allow him to have a clean break up with you," Princess Una said gently, ignoring the twinge in her heart that occurred at the sight of Ren's pale face.

The man really looked as if he was about to disappear into thin air, she thought with a sigh. She would have actually liked to have this man as her brother in law, in fact, but at the moment, Fang's welfare was more important than anything else in her mind.