174 – The Party Starts

"I don't think Chairman Ren is unaware that you love him very much, Little Brother," Princess Una said with a bright smile, looking behind Fang's shoulder.

Fang whipped around and saw Ren standing at the doorway with a helpless expression on his handsome face.

Fang immediately rushed to Ren. "Why are you up? You should be resting!" he fussed.

Ren's golden eyes sparkled. "How can I sleep peacefully without my big darling by my side?" he teased in a light voice.

Fang flushed. Then he put his arm around Ren's shoulders, nodded a farewell to his royal aunt and big sister, both of whom looked rather amused, and led Ren upstairs to their bedroom.

"Don't worry so much," Ren said quietly, pressing a kiss to Fang's cheek. "We are doing fine, and you make me very happy, my big darling."

Fang hugged Ren tightly. "Go to sleep," he said firmly. "We have a long evening ahead of us."