266 – Celebrating with Family

Steward Paul, Chef Jules and the babies had arranged for a lavish feast to celebrate Ren and Fang's legal marriage. The Dragon Queen, Princess Una and Zeus had also flown in that very afternoon and were waiting to welcome the newly married couple at home.

Ren and Fang were very happy to have this intimate celebratory dinner with their close family and friends. Professor Luke and Wade had not been invited, naturally.

The Dragon Queen hugged Fang and Ren and ruffled their hair affectionately. "Heaven knows how I've been waiting for this day since the first time I met the two of you," she said with a smile. "Congratulations to you both, my dear children. You have been through a lot together, and I hope that you have only happiness in your future ahead – but even if there is trouble, remember that as long as you stand united, you will remain invincible."

Ren and Fang nodded obediently.