
Yun Chun was wary of the guy. He opened his awfully beautiful Dong Feng with the intention of slicing his neck, if it was necessary.

The guy walked towards him and said, "Zhao Yunru. Why is this mor-"

Yun Chun aimed Dong Feng at him.

"Who Zhao Yunru? Why are you here? Are you behind everything?"

Zhao YunRu stopped in his tracks and looked at him in disbelief,"What 'behind all this'? I'm your saviour. I mean technically, my brother was the one who saved you. Still I carried your friend. The prettiest one. And it's very unfair to be framed by someone you saved."

Yun Chun dropped his hands after hearing him and ran towards him.

He gripped Zhao Yunru's arms and said, "Is it Li Chao?"

Zhao YunRu was quite taken back by the sudden closeness and he said,"I-I don't know his name but he is the survivor of The Water Clan."

He wanted to ask many questions but he had more important things to do.

"Take me to him."

"O-Okay. You c-calm down. Don't come near, so scary."

Yun Chun realised that it seemed like he was threatening the kid. He loosened his grip on him.

"I apologize."

"It's okay. Let's go. The Fire Clan's survivor seemed quite hurt. He must have fought hard before he was tied."

He gripped him tightly again and asked,"How is Feng Jia's condition?"

"H-he is good. My brothers fed him divine medicine. He must be waking up anytime soon."

They went inside Li Chao's room to find him asleep.

"He doesn't respond. It seems like he's unconscious or something."

Yun Chun had already understood.

"His meditation hasn't been completed. He's still gathering his healing water Qi. He won't wake up till his healing powers are at its peak."

Zhao YunRu nodded his head with open mouth.

They went to Feng Jia just in time. He had just regained his consciousness and was looking around in surprise and suspicion.

His eyes lightened when he saw Yun Chun but glared at the person behind him.

"Don't worry, Feng Jia. He's the one who saved us."

Zhao YunRu said quickly with a fool-like smile on his face,"With my brothers. This survivor was saved by our eldest brother. It's still a mystery how he didn't drag you but carry you."

Both of them stared at him.

Then they turned to look at each other.

"Does it hurt somewhere?"

"No, I'm good. But who were those bastards? I didn't see my sister, Chun Chun. My nanny too. She also wasn't there. No one was there. What, what happened to them? Our people-"

Yun Chun hugged him. He patted him on the back.

"We'll find them. We'll find out. You, me and Li Chao will find out together."

Feng Jia looked at his determined friend and nodded in determination too.

"We will."

"Aaaaaa, I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but three more."

Yun Chun and Feng Jia shot him a look.

"Don't look at me like that. It's an order. The Eight Master Gods have assigned us brothers with the task of dealing with the Five Clan case."

Yun Chun asked him,"You guys are?"

He straightened his posture and said, "Yes yes, you guessed right. We are Gods-"

Yun Chun and Feng Jia just turned towards each other and started talking again.

Zhao YunRu looked at them in utter disbelief.

"I'm not lying. I really am. My brothers-"

The door to the room was slid open and the person spoke nervously.

"Young Masters, the Young Master in the room has awakened but s-something seems to be wrong with him. Please take a look."

All three people had already gone to the room by that time.

Li Cho was grunting like he was in extreme pain.

He rolled around in the bed. Clutching his quilt. His lips were pale.

"Oi, what's wrong with you?"

"Li Chao, what is happening?"


All three in the room shuddered. Yun Chun and Feng Jia felt like ice pierced through their body.

Zhao YunRu spoke,"His powers. He doesn't know how to control. As much as the power of water can save someone, it's quite destructive. He seems to have immense potential but since he doesn't know how to control his power, those with the opposite element of his power need to consume his power."

"That would be the fire element. Feng Jia."

Zhao YunRu walked to the bed and said, "Move. His own powers are suppressed."

"But you-"

"I belong to the Vermilion Bird Clan. Now move."

Yun Chun and Feng Jia stood beside the bed.

Zhao YunRu sat on the bed and tried to make Li Chao sit in lotus position, taking his hands in his own. But Li Chao was in so much pain that he just kept moving.

Zhao YunRu had no choice. He sighed and pulled Li Chao to his arms. He gripped him tightly in his arms and closed his eyes. Li Chao squirmed at first but slowly relaxed. The fire and water energy circling around them.

The face of Li Chao slowly started gaining it's colour. He fell asleep, peacefully.

Zhao YunRu laid him down gently and said,"Let's wait for him to wake up. He'll be fine in a while but I must keep on doing it till he knows how to stabilise it well."

"How long will it be?"

"Depends upon the person. At least two months."

Yun Chun and Feng Jia cupped his hands at Zhao YunRu and said together, "Many thanks to the Lord. We would do anything to repay you for your kindness."

"Aye, aye, please stop. It was my responsibility as a God to help those I can. If Young Masters could do anything then I would like to request you to have little faith in us. We are here on divine orders. This case is far more dangerous than just the five clans being wiped clean. Our goals are the same so we might as well cooperate so that we can be more efficient."

Yun Chun and Feng Jia nodded at each other.

"Then we will be in each other's care."

"Let us work together to catch those scoundrels soon."

Both the parties bowed at each other.

Zhao YunRu flashed his fool-like smile and said, "Please don't mind my status as the descendants of Vermilions, son and disciple of one of the Eight Master Gods and speak to me with more ease. We are accomplices from now on."

Feng Jia smiled and said tapping his shoulder,"Sure then, Lord."

While Yun Chun just nodded painfully.

What had they gotten themselves into.