Strange discovery

Adrian had been driving for four hours now. It was dawn already, the sun had started making its way through the gloomy clouds. The cloud still looked cold and dark from the rain last night.

Sophia had lost track of how many gas stations Adrian had stopped by. Either to refuel his car or to go to the rest room. And she?? ...had not moved from her spot ever since , giving Adrian the silent treatment all these while. Adrian didn't mind as long as she was quiet. He had handcuffed her wrist somewhere in the car so that she wouldn't try to escape anytime he goes to the restroom.

Sophia was sitting quietly now. Waiting for Adrian who had just gone into a Chinese restaurant . Her mind was running about with questions.

She remembered in the past when she had to go Adrian's house to drop off a message for her father. The drive to the house didn't take up to an hour. So where exactly was he taking her.

He lived in a 2-room apartment. It was very small and he shared it with four of his friends. She had never bothered to know their names. The place smelt bad and looked bad. The roof was leaking and she felt so uncomfortable so she had left quickly.

So where exactly was he taking her. What was he going to do with her. She remembered as his eyes trailed her body, tracing every symmetrical part of her body anytime he came to their house. She knew he was sexually attracted to her. No doubt. Her father trusted him so much that he even let him into his at times. All these while not knowing he was using the opportunity to know every aspect of the house and their lives...exactly when the guards won't be around.....when they had retired to bed....

She was sure they were no longer in New York but had no idea where they were.

She knew her father had many enemies in his life who would to anything to have all his properties at bay but never in her life did she even think someone as wretched as Adrian would stand a chance to make any move on her father. Though she had always suspected him. She never really liked him but she had to admit that Adrian was perfect when it came to looks. He had no flaw or whatsoever. He had a beautiful symmetrical face. His eyebrows were very thick and usually knitted together when he was deep in thought or when he was angry. His eyes were deep and aquamarine blue which she always seemed to melt into when he stared deep into hers. His nose was just perfect and pointed accentuating down to his mouth which were part full-part slim.

Sophia sighed leaning down on her seat. She was so confused right now. Her ankle hurt. She was handcuffed to something in the car and even if she could escape , she didn't know where she was and her ankle hurt so bad that she couldn't move. Suddenly she saw something bright gleaming from underneath her leg. She didn't know she was stepping on it all this while. She picked it up. Right there in her hand was a solid gold diamond encrusted wrist watch. If she wanted to suspect that he had stolen it from her father, she couldn't because her father never wore wristwatches. So he didn't have any.

She scrunched up her face at the thought that someone so wretched and shrewd as Adrian could own something so expensive. If so...How?