Ch 10 Mr. Blue

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"So who called the military?" Tony asked.

"I don't know." Bruce said.

"It has to be Samson." Natasha said.

"Yeah. He is the only one who could have done that." Clint said.

"Stanley obviously wasn't going to do it." Steve said.

"Yes. It was Samson." Professor Hulk said.

"Jealous much?" Scott asked him.

"No. Concerned much." Professor Hulk corrected him.

At Betty's house, Ross and the soldiers investigated the place but finding nothing, came out. Ross told Samson he had done the right thing and that Betty was in incredible danger as long as she was with Bruce. Samson retorted that the only people from whom she was in danger were Ross and his soldiers because Hulk had protected her and they had almost killed her. Ross gave him his word that Betty's safety was his biggest priority.

"Your word means jackshit to everyone in this room, bub." Logan snarled.

"It doesn't mean much to Samson either." Benjamin said.

Samson told him that he was a shrink so he knew when someone was lying and said she would help him if she could. Ross said coldly that then she would be aiding a fugitive. As he walked off, Samson said, "I used to wonder why she never talked about you. Now I know!" Ross wondered how Betty met guys like Bruce and Samson as he walked into his vehicle.

"Respect." Sam said to Samson with a smirk.

"Yeah. He is great." Rhodes said too.

"I can see why Betty liked him." Bruce said.

"She can see which person is good and which person is not." Professor Hulk said.

Hulk carried Betty to a nearby forest as it rained overhead. He gently put her in a cave. She woke up and screamed for a second on seeing his face. He backed off and hit his head on the cave.

"Ouch!" Tony said.

"That doesn't look fun." Peter said.

"Because it's not fun." Aunt May told him.

As Betty realized who was standing in front of her, lightning cracked in the sky and Hulk snarled angrily, thinking of it as a threat. He turned around and threw a rock before roaring at the sky as Betty watched.

"Looks like you're afraid of my brother." Loki said to Banner.

"Not all thunderstorms are caused by me." Thor shrugged.

"I'm guessing this is why Hulk loves to fight you." Bruce said.

"Yeah. I believe that too." Professor Hulk said.

"Eh! I can beat you pretty easily these days." Odinson said.

"Yeah, you can." Professor Hulk agreed.

"Didn't Hulk beat the hell out of you, Reindeer Games?" Tony asked him.

"You really think my brother is anywhere close to me in power?" Thor asked incredulously.

"As much as I hate to say it, my brother speaks the truth." Loki said.

"Real power hates embarrassing himself so he is speaking the truth." Fury said.

"So Hulk isn't the strongest Avenger?" Hill asked.

"You sure you won our second fight?" Bruce asked Thor.

"Uhhhh, yes." Thor said.

"No you didn't." Loki said.

"I was until the Grandmaster used his Obedience Disk." Thor retorted.

"I actually agree with him on this one. Thor would have beat me if not for the Obedience Disk." Professor Hulk said.

"Wait, second fight?" Steve asked.

"We can tell you about it." Thor told him.

"We will see that too later so no need." Xavier said so everyone focused on the scene again.

Betty calmed Hulk down and beckoned him into the cave, making him watch his head. The two just sat down quietly and looked at the rain as she assured him it was just rain.

Pepper started, "It almost looks-"

"Romantic?" Bruce asked and she nodded.

"Yeah. Even I have to admit that." Professor Hulk said, "Beauty and the Beast style romantic."

"Except no one has Stockholm Syndrome here." Steve said as everyone turned to him incredulously.

"What? I'm catching up." Steve shrugged.

"So proud of you, Cap." Sam said as he patted his shoulder.

"A Disney princess movie?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow.

"So our dear Cap is a little girl at heart." Natasha smirked as Steve blushed.

"So this was your plan, huh?" Bucky said as everyone laughed.

"It's not like that's my favorite." Steve said and then realized he had made his situation even worse.

"What's your favorite, Cap?" Peter asked.

"Let me guess- Sleeping Beauty?" Aunt May asked, "Because you were frozen in ice."

"Uhhh, no." Steve said.

"Aladdin?" Hope asked and he shrugged again.

"Oh I know." Scott said, "It's The Little Mermaid."

Steve didn't react this time.

"Gotcha, Cap." Clint smirked as everyone laughed at his expense again.

"What? I like its songs." Steve simply said as everyone stopped laughing and turned to the screen again. [1]

At the army base, Ross and a doctor looked at Blonsky, lying on the bed, battered, with bandages all over him. The doctor said that most of the bones in his body were crushed but his heart was like a racehorse. Ross nodded and walked off as Blonsky's fingers twitched and he clutched his fist, his right eye snapping open.

"Uh-oh." Sam and Rhodes said at the same time.

"Okay. That looked scary." Pepper said.

"Yeah." Bruce agreed.

"He's a fighter but a bully." Steve said sadly.

"Definitely an evil you." Bucky said.

Betty woke up to see Hulk had transformed back into Bruce and was lying, half-naked and prone. She quickly covered him with her jacket. Later, Betty supported Bruce into a motel in Ashwood, North Carolina, where he took a shower. He looked up at the shower and for a second, he saw the barrels of guns shooting at him instead and fell into the tub.

Almost everyone jumped at that.

"So you have it too?" Tony asked Bruce.

"Yeah. I'm just better at hiding it." Bruce said.

"Most of you are." Xavier told them and they nodded, knowing that all of them suffered from PTSD due to traumatic events, "But not you, Mr. Stark."

Stark simply shrugged.

Betty returned to the motel to hear Bruce gagging on something. She put her bags down called out to him and he walked out, saying he was fine. He showed her the memory stick which he had eaten. She was actually awed by that.

"Eugh!" Tony said this time, "It was pretty disgusting."

"Good thing you didn't show me vomit it." Bruce told the people from the future.

"Yeah. I was almost tempted to add it." Benjamin joked as everyone snickered.

"But I convinced him not to." Professor Hulk said.

"Thanks." Bruce said.

Betty then tossed Bruce a new heart monitor and stretchy purple pants, though he found them weird to Betty's amusement.

Everyone laughed at the scene.

"Learn to appreciate her, Banner." Thor said.

"I have." Banner said simply.

"Good for you." Tony told him.

In the news, the fight between the military and the creature was covered by all reporters, who all called him "Hulk."

"So that's where the name came from." Hill noted.

At the motel, Betty cut Bruce's hair expertly and asked how he had managed without her, to which he replied with clippers, making her chuckle.

"That actually looks pretty sweet." Sam said.

"Yeah." Natasha agreed, "You two were made for each other."

"Thanks." Bruce simply shrugged.

Betty then started kissing Bruce. He got up and the two looked into each other's eyes, the passion and longing clear. They then kissed each other passionately as Bruce pushed Betty onto the bed, his shirt out and her pants down.

Aunt May started, "I have a kid-"

"Don't worry." Logan said, "It doesn't go for long."

"Nothing happens really." Bruce said and everyone wondered what he was saying.

Bruce's heart monitor suddenly started beeping and he forced himself to stop, telling her he couldn't get excited. Both of them were dejected as she comforted him again.

"Oh boy!" Tony shook his head, "I am sorry, Bruce."

"It's okay." Bruce shrugged.

"Really?" Thor asked.

"No its not." Bruce admitted.

"How do you do it?" Loki asked Professor Hulk.

"I don't." Professor Hulk said, "There are no ladies of my size around." 'Except my cousin.' He thought to himself.

Everyone just nodded and looked back at the screen, not wanting to talk about this matter anymore. They all felt horrible for Bruce as he couldn't even procreate or have children.

Ross was smoking when Sparr told him something was up with Blonsky. The two walked to his hospital room to see that he was up again and looked perfectly healthy.

"What?" Peter asked shocked.

"After that beating-" Wanda started.

"The Serum and willpower." Steve simply said.

"I believe revenge is a powerful motivator here." Vision said.

Ross asked him how he felt, to which he replied, "Pissed off and ready for round three."

"Oh boy!" Peter said.

"Well, round three was just the worst." Fury said.

"Of course. It was part of your big week." Clint told him.

"Your big was the worst, wasn't it?" Natasha asked him.

"The worst of the worst. At the time." Fury said.

At the motel, Bruce told Betty they couldn't use their credit cards, ID or phone but she was allowed to take her lip gloss, which she used on her lips. She could also take her glasses and watch.

"You're pretty street smart." Hill told Bruce, "I never thought you would be."

"Yeah." Natasha agreed, "If you and Tony got stuck somewhere with no resources, I feel you will manage to survive."

"I will try not to be offended by that." Tony said.

"It's true." Pepper told him and he had a look of mock offense on his face.

"Thanks." Bruce and Professor Hulk said politely.

They wondered how to get to the city with just $40 and no credit cards. Betty considered selling her mother's necklace. Bruce refused, saying it was all she had left of her but Betty insisted.

Everyone's jaw dropped again at Betty's love for Bruce.

"You know what? You have to start it with her once we get back." Tony told Bruce.

"If you don't, I will beat you up." Thor said as everyone chuckled.

"All right. All right." Bruce shrugged.

Bruce and Betty later brought a truck with the money they got from selling the necklace as Bruce sent the data to Mr. Blue in an email. At the army base, Ross told everyone to look for them, saying he was looking for help so they had the chance to catch him. The email found its way to the base computers and Sparr saw Mr. Blue was someone called Dr. Samuel Sterns.

"Oh no!" Steve said.

"Busted." Tony realized.

"Badly." Hope said.

"Yup." Bruce said, "I wasn't expecting that."

Bruce walked towards the truck as Betty stopped him and took a picture.

Almost everyone went 'Awww' at that as Bruce blushed and Professor Hulk looked away.

Later, Betty drove the truck and asked Bruce about the experience. He said they were like the induced hallucination experiment at Harvard but a thousand times amplified. She asked him if he remembered anything, to which he replied fragments. Betty reasoned that it was still him inside but he rejected the idea, though she said it knew her in the cave. She said his mind was overcharged so he couldn't process it. "I don't want to control it. I want to get rid of it." Bruce said.

"And look what happened now." Professor Hulk said.

"Well, like I said, I will try to find a better solution." Bruce said.

"Just don't send him away or anything like that." Professor Hulk said, "He is still part of us."

Bruce nodded at that.

At the army base, Blonsky took a larger dosage of the Super Soldier Serum.

"Oh no!" Steve said.

"He is going to become the next Red Skull at this rate." Bucky said.

"Much worse." Bruce told them and they paled.

"Yeah. I remember." Fury said.

Bruce dreamt of a humvee blowing up on his face when he was awoken by Betty and the sounds of car honking. The two saw that all the cars entering New York had been stopped by the NYPD for checking because Ross would have alerted them about the fugitives. The two quickly got out of the truck and got off the bridge, using their remaining cash to hire a boat. They reached the mainland and stood in front of a map.

"That was close." Natasha said.

"A narrow escape." Clint agreed.

Betty suggested to use the subway but Bruce said him underground wasn't the best idea so she decided to take a cab. The scene changed to the cab driver driving like a maniac, even bumping a person slightly.

"Cab would have been better." Tony said dryly as everyone else was just speechless.

"Yup." Bruce and Professor Hulk said simultaneously.

Bruce's heart rate started going up as Betty made him stop and as the two got out, she yelled at him, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" The driver tried to flirt with her, "What's the matter baby? You don't like a good ride?" He then made a kissing face but her rage filled face made him drive off in fear as she kicked the cab and roared, "ASSHOLE!" She turned to a shocked Bruce who said, "You know, I know a few techniques that could help you manage that anger very effectively." She cut him off, "Zip it up. We're walking." The two then walked off as Bruce now realized who to not mess with.

"Just when I thought your journey was a humorless drab." Tony said in amusement.

"I think even Hulk would be afraid of Betty." Hope joked.

"Of course. Hulk isn't completely senseless." Bruce told her.

"Yeah. I wouldn't want to fight her." Professor Hulk said before turning to Thor, "Would you Tho-"

"I don't have a death wish." Thor said as everyone laughed.

"She is the Goddess of Wrath." Loki said.

"Never mess with Elizabeth Ross." Steve joked and everyone laughed again.

"I wouldn't." Wanda said.

At Grayburn College in Harlem, Dr. Samuel Sterns was walking out when Betty approached him and introduced herself. He recognized her due to his work as Bruce arrived and asked, "It's Mr. Blue, isn't it?" A shocked Sterns asked, "Mr. Green?"

"He seems pretty nice right now." Aunt May said.

"Yeah. For now." Bruce warned her.

"I know him." Natasha said as everyone turned to her.

"How?" Bruce asked.

"I sent her to clean up whatever Sterns had but he had lost his mind by then so she brought him in." Fury said.

"So this really was your big week." Tony said and he nodded.

"I saw your fights at Culver and Harlem too." Natasha told Bruce to his shock. [2]

"And you still thought it was a good idea to recruit me?" Bruce asked incredulously and she shrugged.

Later, the three scientists sat together as Sterns said he was awed by how an unassuming man carried so much power and said that he had perfected an antidote, but even if everything went perfectly, they might just suppress one specific transformation instead of curing Bruce completely, so it was dangerous.

"I'm guessing that's what happened." Sam said.

"Yeah. That's what happened." Bruce said.

At the army base, Blonsky looked at himself in the mirror and saw his spine was deformed now.

"Okay. What is that?" Peter asked unnerved.

"His spine appears to have been deformed from the dosage." Vision said.

"Just like Schmidt's face." Steve remembered.

"And I doubt he can cover that up." Bucky said.

"You don't want to know what that is." Bruce said.

"Trust him." Professor Hulk agreed.

"You will see soon though." Benjamin said.

"And it won't be pretty." Logan told them.

Blonsky then sat with other men. One of them asked how he felt, to which he replied, "Like a monster."

"Because you are one." Fury said.

Sterns uncovered the dialysis machine and as Bruce was strapped to it, he kicked it to make it work. As Betty watched, Sterns gave Bruce an electric shock directly to the head, inducing the transformation.

Everyone watched the scene and tensed.

Bruce's eyes glowed green as he started transforming. Sterns tried to use the machine but Betty stopped him, saying there was more. Bruce then transformed fully, breaking his restraints and smacking Sterns on the face accidentally, sending him down.

"Ouch!" Pepper said.

Betty climbed on top of Hulk to calm him down as Sterns kicked the machine and the antidote flowed into him as he slowly transformed back into Bruce and she woke him up.

"That is one brave woman." Hill said.

"Very loving too." Steve noted.

"I know. I know." Bruce sighed.

"And it didn't work." Tony said.

"Nope." Bruce said.

"I'm glad it didn't." Professor Hulk said.

As helicopters flew into the city, Sterns told Bruce and Betty how that was the most extraordinary thing he had ever seen and said they could have permanently neutralized the cells or just suppressed one specific event, with him believing it was the latter, though there was no way to find out as the test subjects died. Bruce was shocked on hearing about the test subjects and when he inquired about them, Sterns lead them away.

"So he is ambitious too." Steve noted.

"And he went crazy later." Fury said.

"He is eccentric and ambitious." Bruce said.

Ross and his people were in the city as one of the soldiers looked at Bruce, Betty and Sterns from outside the lab using his sniper rifle.

"Uh-oh." Sam said.

"This is so not good." Rhodes said too.

Sterns showed Bruce and Betty how he had synthesized the former's blood with intention of using its properties to cure mankind and even make them impervious to disease.

"The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions." Pepper said as everyone nodded in agreement.

Bruce refused, saying they needed to destroy it as the government intended to make it a weapon, not a cure. He called it the Promethean fire.

"Very good comparison." Thor agreed.

Blonsky threw his earpiece off and ran upstairs in spite of Ross' orders.

"And that's what you get for trying to create another Red Skull." Fury said.

"The man is becoming crueler and more unstable every second." T'Challa noted.

The sniper outside fired a dart at Bruce as Betty gasped and Sterns yelped. He fell down as Betty removed the dart but Blonsky arrived. She tried to stop him but he threw her across the room, knocking her out.

Everyone clutched their fists angrily at Blonsky.

"Bastard." Thor sneered.

Tony started, "If I get my hands on him-"

"First hurting defenseless animals, now hurting defenseless women. He has become even worse than before." Steve said.

Blonsky then slapped Bruce repeatedly, demanding him to transform.

"Careful what you wish for." Wanda told him.

Bruce didn't transform even though his heart monitor beeped and as Ross and the others arrived, Blonsky knocked him out. Later Betty was given a shawl to wrap around herself by a soldier as Ross threatened a restrained Bruce and had him taken to the helicopter.

"Yeah. Threatening people who are restrained on beds or with collars. I bet you would piss your pants if they weren't." Tony snarled at him as Wanda realized he was defending her too, to her surprise.

"Well, Clint can hit him with arrows, I will light him up, and Wanda can throw him into the water to drown." Thor said as almost everyone laughed.

"I'm in." Clint said.

"Me too." Wanda smirked.

"Then I will take him out and throw him back in." Bruce said.

Scott started, "And I will go into his nostril and-"

"Do nothing! Because it's really disgusting." Hope said as she smacked his shoulder and everyone laughed.

"Just keep him away from my boy." Aunt May told them.

Ross called out to Betty and she told him, "I will never forgive what you've done to him." Ross said, "He's a fugitive." She responded, "You made him a fugitive to cover your failures and to protect your career. Don't ever speak to me as your daughter again." Ross discreetly threatened her, "It's only because you're my daughter that you're not in handcuffs, too." The two then walked to the helicopter.

"Threatening his own daughter. Just when I thought he couldn't get any worse!" Tony snarled.

"So he threatens not only others' families, but his own too. He is the worst." Clint said.

"Respect for Betty though." Sam said.

"Yeah." Rhodes said, "Take tips, Tony. This is how you stand up to Ross."

Tony shrugged as Logan said, "Maybe you should call him the nickname Pepper gave him in front of him."

Everyone laughed at imagining Ross' reaction as Xavier, "That would be very amusing."

"Yes. It would be very entertaining." T'Challa agreed.

Sparr asked Sterns if he could make more like Bruce, to which he said he couldn't yet. Before she could speak more, Blonsky snapped her neck from behind, calling her an annoying bitch.

"Ross put this guy on his team?" Steve said incredulously.

"Like I said, worst commander ever." Rhodes told everyone.

"And he somehow became Secretary of State." Tony said.

"He should be rotting in a cell." Xavier said.

Sterns asked Blonsky why he hit everyone, to which he responded by pulling out a gun and asking to make him like Banner. Sterns said that Bruce's blood mixed with what he already had inside could create an abomination, to which Blonsky lifted him by the throat. A frightened Sterns said he wasn't unwilling, he just needed informed consent, and Blonsky had now given it.

"What?" Steve said as everyone paled.

"The Serum combined with your blood-" Peter trailed off in horror.

"Is he out of his mind?" Hope said.

"I think it's established that he is." Scott said.

"Yeah. He took it." Professor Hulk said.

"And it wasn't pretty." Bruce told everyone.

"I saw that too." Natasha said.

"But Ross covered up his involvement." Benjamin said and everyone sighed.

"Which is why he isn't rotting in a prison." Fury said.

"Maybe we should leave him to rot in The Raft." Sam suggested.

"Good idea." Rhodes agreed.

"He did become an Abomination after this." Xavier said and everyone paled.

In the helicopter, Bruce smiled at Betty as she held his hands and he kissed hers.

"Awww." Natasha said.

"And you're doing it right next to him." Tony said.

"Respect." Rhodes agreed too.

Bruce and Professor Hulk shook their heads.

Sterns started the device and soon, Blonsky started growing huge too and soon, he stepped down the table as he continued growing and his spine protruded from his back. A terrified Sterns tried to tell him to get back on the table but he smacked him away. Sterns fell down as Bruce's gamma blood fell on his forehead, mutating him. He smirked as whatever Blonsky had transformed into leapt away and the terrified screams of the soldiers could be heard.

"Oh no!" Steve said as everyone paled.

"So Blonsky has now become something like Hulk." Bucky said.

"And Dr. Sterns is also mutating." T'Challa noted.

"I got him though." Natasha told everyone, "And he is locked up now."

"Thankfully." Fury said.

"And now this is going to get uglier." Bruce warned the others.

"Yeah. Very ugly." Professor Hulk said.

"If Luke was around back then, he would have joined in." Benjamin said.

"Luke Cage?" Tony asked and Benjamin nodded.

"Harlem's Hero." Peter said excitedly.

"Yeah. He is here too. He is an Avenger." Odinson said.

"Well, let's get this over with. It's very ugly." Logan said as everyone turned to the screen again.