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"So this is more about me being me?" Tony asked.
"Yes. Though your behavior isn't the best in this one." Benjamin said and he paled a bit.
"I'm pretty sure I would have seen that." Pepper sighed.
"Oh yes you have seen him at his worst and his best." Logan said.
The recording was started.
Tony's voice could be heard speaking about the speculation of his involvement in the freeway and on the rooftop when Christine Everhart interrupted him and asked if he expected them to believe the story of a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared.
"So this starts where the previous one about him left off." Rhodes said.
"These recordings really do start at interesting places." Tony said.
"We just make them in a way that they don't get boring and are easy to understand." Professor Hulk said.
"You sure do. I feel like we're watching movies." Peter said.
"Yes. An entire franchise starring us." Sam said.
"How much do you think movies about us would gross?" Natasha asked.
"A lot." Tony said, "I mean- me, Cap, Thor and you alone will draw a lot of audience."
"Why me?" Natasha asked.
"I think he is trying to call you eye candy." Bucky told her and she and Pepper both glared at him so he shut up.
"I think he is calling you and Thor eye candy too." Sam told Steve.
Steve and Thor simply shrugged.
"Well, let's continue." Odinson said.
Tony said it was one thing to question the official story and another to insinuate that he was a superhero, to which she replied that she didn't. Tony started backtracking when Rhodes told him to stick to the cards and he agreed. "Truth is…" Tony looked up and his face went completely blank as the conference appeared on a TV screen with Russian subtitles below it, "I am Iron Man."
"And there it is again." Fury said.
"You announcing yourself as Iron Man started an entire new generation." Vision told Tony who nodded.
"Don't let that get to your head." Pepper said.
"I won't, honey." Tony told her.
An old man lay on the bed and watched television and called out to someone called Ivan.
"Isn't that-" Hill began.
"Anton Vanko." Fury said.
"Ah. So this is what we're watching." Tony said.
A man with a hard, careworn face- Ivan Vanko, walked inside to his father Anton Vanko. Anton pointed at the TV and said it should be Ivan as Ivan told him not to listen to that crap.
"Did he just call that conference crap?" Tony asked in mock offense.
"I think it was a good conference." Steve of all people said and everyone was surprised he was speaking for Tony.
"Anton has basically painted himself as the victim to his son." Fury said.
Anton coughed and apologized, saying all he could give him was knowledge before his eyes closed and he went still. He was dead.
While everyone in the room knew that Anton had been up to no good and the same was true for Ivan, they did feel a little sympathy. Even Tony.
Ivan took a sip of alcohol as tears rolled down his eyes and gave a cry of rage and bitterness.
Almost everyone from the past jumped at that.
"Oh God-" Wanda trailed off as she witnessed Ivan's rage at Tony. It almost reminded her of her own.
"Sometimes knowledge is enough." Natasha said.
"And now he will come after you." Bruce realized and Tony nodded.
"This is not going to end well for anyone involved." Clint said.
Later, Ivan was working on something in his workshop as newspaper and magazine clippings of Stark were shown around. He kept hammering at whatever he was working on.
"He's like you in your first recording, Stark." Thor said to Tony.
"An evil version of me." Tony said.
A bird watched Ivan from the corners and flew up to the worktable as he fed it and later hammered at whatever he was working and soon, it lit up. It was an Arc Reactor. Ivan laughed like a maniac.
"What?" Steve said in shock.
"Another Arc Reactor?" Aunt May asked.
"Yes. Ivan created another Arc Reactor to battle Tony." Natasha said.
"We all know how well that turned out for him." Tony smirked.
"Yeah we do." Rhodes sighed.
"6 months later" appeared on the screen as Iron Man stood in a hangar as the ramp opened into the night sky. He jumped out and flew down as AC/DC's Shoot to Thrill played.
"Oh I hate this one." Loki snarled.
"Of course you would, Reindeer Games." Tony said.
"Yeah, I know why." Natasha said.
Fireworks lit up in the sky as Tony descended and landed at the Stark Expo on one knee as women clad in scanty Iron Man costumes danced behind him and people roared happily.
"Oh! This!" Tony said.
"The Stark Expo." Pepper sighed.
"Man that was something." Rhodes said.
"It sure was, wasn't it?" Tony asked.
"Yeah, it was your ego going crazy." Rhodes said and Tony shut up.
"Did you design those costumes the dancers are wearing?" Natasha asked.
With a sigh, Tony said, "Yup."
Tony stood as the arms of his bot removed his suit piece by piece to reveal his pristine business suit. The women all danced and struck poses around him before moving off as him and everyone else clapped. "Oh, it's good to be back!" Tony said cheerfully, "You missed me, I missed you."
"We didn't miss you." Sam said.
"I didn't either." Rhodes said.
"No one does." Pepper joked and Tony shook his head, not seeing the expressions on Benjamin, Odinson and Professor Hulk, who did miss him.
Tony then started saying, "I'm not saying that the world is enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years because of me." The audience cheered again. "I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity!" He held out his arms, "Never has a greater phoenix metaphor been personified in human history."
"Well aren't you charismatic?" Steve joked.
"I think Cap is being very polite." Sam said.
"Yeah, he means to say you are very arrogant." Thor told him.
"I used to be very arrogant." Tony said, "But aren't you arrogant?"
"I used to be." Thor simply said.
Tony joked how he hadn't met anyone who would be mad enough to go toe-to-toe with him on his best day.
"And then you met me." Thor said.
"And me." Steve said.
"And me." Bruce said.
"Yeah, things changed a lot real quick." Professor Hulk said.
"Yeah, you lot can definitely go toe-to-toe with me." Tony said.
"I can beat you." Thor simply said and no one dared argue as that was the truth.
Everyone cheered for Tony as he said it wasn't about him but legacy and that for the first time since 1974, the Expo would be opened again. He then welcomed everyone back to the Stark Expo as everyone cheered again.
"It was about legacy?" Pepper asked.
"I hoped it was." Tony said.
Tony then asked the audience to welcome Howard Stark as a video of him appeared, telling about his plans for the city of the future as Tony walked off to the backstage area.
Bucky gulped again as Steve sighed sadly on seeing Howard there. The man was his friend.
Tony chose not to look at Bucky again for the time being and simply said, "Dad struggled to express his love to me but he did leave me a lot of stuff."
Tony held a small metal device near his chest with a screen and stuck his thumb on a needle before wiping it on the prick as the words "BLOOD TOXICITY: 19%" appeared on the screen.
"19%?" Bruce asked.
"Yes. The palladium in his blood rose to toxic levels, slowly killing him but he decided to fool around nad get drunk instead of tell-" Pepper started.
"Pepper-" Tony started.
"Don't you 'Pepper' me!" Pepper said, "Me and Rhodey had to clean up all of your messes."
"Me and Romanoff too." Fury added.
"Just a bit more discreetly." Natasha said.
"Yeah, me and Tony weren't so discreet." Rhodes said.
"Didn't you ask him to throw that party?" Pepper asked Natasha.
"I didn't think he would do all the stuff he did there." Natasha said.
"Metal poisoning, I can relate." Logan said.
"What?" Steve, Bucky and Tony asked simultaneously.
"I have had adamantium implanted in me. My healing factor constantly works to save me from it." Logan said and everyone felt a lot of sympathy for him as Wanda saw a memory of his for a second which had many needles piercing him at once.
She shuddered as it reminded her of the experiments done on her.
"Who did it?" Steve asked.
"Stryker." Logan said simply.
Later, an attractive reporter was talking about the Expo as Tony tossed his jacket to Happy and an assistant opened the door as they walked out into a huge crowd.
"I hate crowds." Natasha said.
"Me too." Bruce said, "They make me feel enclosed."
"I love crowds now." Professor Hulk said.
"Now that's a zoo." Rhodes said.
"Happy was right." Pepper said too.
"The Expo does look pretty great though." Steve noted as he remembered Howard's expo.
"Yup. Stark Heaven." Bucky muttered to him.
"Got to admit though, you look good on TV." Bruce told Tony.
"Thanks." Tony shrugged.
Some attractive women walked up to Tony and one even gave him her number as he signed autographs and patted a kid with the Iron Man helmet on the head before shaking hands with old people. He noticed an old man looking at him.
"Him again!" Hill said.
"This person shows up like everywhere." Fury said.
"Must be a watcher." Benjamin said again.
"Good theory." Tony said.
Tony and Happy reached his sleek silver car as an attractive woman stood near it. The two sat inside as Tony and the woman greeted each other and she introduced herself as Marshal.
"Who names their daughter Marshal?" Clint wondered.
"Yeah, Marshal sounds more like the name of a burly man to me." Hill said. [1]
Marshal said she was from Bedford and said that she was here to serve subpoenas. Happy said Tony didn't like being handed things as it was a pet peeve. Marshal said he had to appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee the next morning at 9:00 AM.
"Oh boy!" Sam said.
"So that's the meeting huh." Hope said.
"Doesn't look very good." Scott said.
Tony asked for a badge and she showed him. He asked Happy how far it was to D.C., to which he replied 250 miles. Tony then started to drive away.
"And you started driving right then." Pepper said.
"It said I had to be there the next morning." Tony shrugged.
The US Capitol appeared as the words "Washington, D.C." appeared underneath. Tony was turning around whispering with Pepper in the middle of the hearing before somebody banged a gavel and asked if they could pick up where they left off. The man with the gavel was revealed to be Senator Stern.
"Oh boy, him!" Tony said as everyone looked at him with disgust.
"The man was Hydra." Natasha said.
"Well, he seems pretty annoyed by you." Steve told Tony.
"That's me!" Tony said.
"And he gave you and Rhodes medals too." Fury told everyone.
"Being awarded with medals by someone who works for Hydra. Wow." Rhodes muttered.
"Ain't you lot funny?" Sam said.
"He looks like he has never done a hard day's work in his entire life." Wanda said.
"The observation seems correct, Wanda." Vision agreed.
"Even if he wasn't Hydra, he has the makings of a corrupt and weak politician." T'Challa noted.
"Basically Janos Slynt." Scott said.
"That seems like a very good comparison." Hope said.
"And he has Stern is his name too. Looks like all Sterns around here are shady." Bruce said.
"Couldn't agree more." Professor Hulk said.
Stern asked Tony if he possessed an advanced weapon, to which he replied he didn't and on Stern's request, defined it as a high-tech prosthesis, calling it the most apt description he could make as the audience except Pepper laughed. Stern called it a weapon.
"They are trying to pressure you with a hearing, aren't they?" Sam asked.
"Yup." Tony said, "Because I have got an army of lawyers."
"And yet you didn't have them read the Accords." Pepper said and everyone snickered while he sighed sadly.
"I make stupid decisions without you around me." Tony said.
"Aww." Pepper said as she touched his face, "Aren't you a little baby?"
Everyone laughed again.
"Guys, let's focus." Benjamin said and everyone turned to the screen.
Tony talked to him scornfully, saying his priority wasn't the well being of the American citizenry, to which he replied his priority was to turn over the Iron Man weapon to the people of the United States of America.
"Yeah right! To the people." Fury said scornfully.
"I always thought of him as a weak minded politician." Hill said, "I never thought he would be Hydra."
"It's obvious he was going to turn over the Suit to Hydra." Steve said.
"Yup. But good thing I didn't listen to the government in those days." Tony said.
"And now you do? Why?" Natasha asked.
"Guilt." Tony simply said, "I let it take over me. It made me not trust in myself but in others."
Pepper held his hand for comfort as it was obvious he wasn't very proud of his recent actions.
Tony said they could forget it as the Suit and him were one and turning it over would be like turning over himself and that would indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on which state they were in. The others behind Tony were already chuckling.
Everyone in the room was chuckling at Tony's attitude.
Stern tried to say he was no expert, to which Tony asked him if he was no expert in prostitution, before saying that he wouldn't be as he was a Senator. He then flung out his arm and raised two fingers as everyone laughed behind him.
Everyone in the room was laughing hard at this point.
"Prostitution?" Sam asked as he struggled to control his laughter.
"To be honest, he does look like one." Natasha joked and everyone laughed hard again.
"Yeah. Like the stripper for Phoebe's bachelorette in Friends." Scott said and everyone laughed again at the comparison.
"It's like you have a crush on Phoebe or something." Hope said as everyone chuckled. [2]
Tony made eye contact with Pepper and she shook her head at him so he sat back down.
"Yeah, he really does make stupid decisions without you." Fury said to Pepper who nodded with a smirk.
Stern said he wasn't an expert in weapons so they would be calling the military's weapons contractor- Justin Hammer.
Everyone started laughing again.
"What's so funny?" Peter asked innocently.
"He said "expert" and called Justin Hammer." Tony said.
"Yeah. The only good thing he had was the ex-wife." Rhodes said.
"But that didn't work on Ivan." Tony said.
"That's because it didn't develop enough kinetic energy." Rhodes pointed out. [3]
"Oh." Tony said.
As Justin Hammer entered, Tony said he wondered when an actual expert will be called as Hammer took his seat. Hammer laughed and said he was no expert but Tony was, calling him "Anthony."
"No one calls you that." Steve noted.
"Except him." Tony said.
Hammer rose and said the real expert was Howard Stark, the father to them all and to the military industrial age. He then said Howard was no flower child, but a lion.
"You want lions? Here we all are." Tony said as everyone chuckled.
Hammer said Tony had created a sword with untold possibilities but was using it as a shield, asking everyone else to cower behind it but this wasn't Canada and Tony won't be able to foresee all threats.
"Yup. This ain't Canada. Because idiots like Hammer are a rarity there." Logan said.
As everyone looked at him, Logan said, "I'm Canadian."
"I'm Canadian too actually." Hill said. [4]
"Always nice to meet fellow countrymen and women." Logan smirked.
Hammer then went back to his chair after saying, "God bless Iron Man, and God bless America." Stern then invited Lieutenant-Colonel James Rhodes to the chamber and the man arrived to Tony's shock.
"There I am." Rhodes said.
"You look so different from the previous recording." Tony said, "Even from the back."
"I know!" Rhodes said.
Rhodes walked in as Tony said he didn't expect to see him here. Rhodes said, "Look. It's me, I'm here, deal with it, let's move on."
"It's like you're trying to convince me you're Rhodey." Tony joked. [5]
Tony then dropped it on Rhodes' request and he took his seat as Stern said he had a complete report on the Iron Man weapon and asked him to read page fifty-seven, paragraph four. Rhodes protested, saying specific lines won't reflect the entire report but Stern didn't have any of it.
"Government pig." Scott said and everyone laughed again.
"Hydra pig." Hope corrected and the laughter increased.
"Taking statements out of context is something that happens a lot in such public matters." Vision said.
Rhodes then read that Iron Man didn't operate in any branch of the government and that Iron Man was a threat to both America and her interests, but he continued on, saying the pros outweighed the cons and it would be in their interests to fold Stark into the existing chain of command, but Stern had already interrupted him.
"Who cares for context?" Steve said dryly.
"No one." Natasha told him.
Tony said he wasn't a joiner but he would consider Secretary of Defense if asked nicely and if they could amend the hours. Everyone laughed.
"The probability of that happening is as much as the probability of me amending the Accords." Tony joked and everyone snickered.
Stern then decided to show some imagery related to the report but Rhodes said it was premature, but Stern insisted.
"They were too premature." Rhodes laughed.
The flat screen then started showing images of landscapes as Rhodes said they were photos of attempts to recreate the Iron Man Armor.
"'Attempt' is the operative word." Pepper said.
Tony looked at the screen with a frown and took out a device, his thumbs flying over the icons as Rhodes continued.
"He had you all over it." Wanda said to Vision.
"Yes he did." Vision said.
Tony stopped Rhodes and pushed an icon as a black box with lines of code appeared on the screen with the words "WELCOME, MR. STARK."
"Did you just hack the US government?" Fury asked.
"In front of them." Hill added.
"Now that's Tony Stark." Logan said and everyone laughed.
"Yeah, that's me!" Tony said.
Tony said he commandeered their screens and pushed an icon to reveal North Korea where a very heavy kind of suit staggered and fell down.
Everyone laughed at the display in front of them. Thor and Odinson sounded like rumbling thunder.
"North Korea." Clint said dryly, "Why am I not surprised?"
"Even the Accords sound like they are something out of there." Logan said.
"Yup. So wishing I could remove my signature right now." Tony said.
"Me too." Rhodes agreed.
Two reporters sprang to their feet as Stern demanded to turn off the TV while Hammer ran to the front of the television and Tony revealed Iran on the screen. Some explosions were shown on the screen before Hammer appeared, fumbling with a Suit which collapsed. Tony mocked Justin, telling him to focus up as he was on TV.
Everyone laughed really hard again. Wanda was clutching her stomach at this point.
"He's too shy to be on TV." Banner said.
Tony said most countries would take 5 to 10 years to make a Suit but Hammer Industries would take 20 while Hammer managed to disconnect the TV and said the pilot had survived.
"But lost his limbs." Natasha said.
"Even Stephen Strange didn't treat him." Benjamin said.
"Stephen Strange?" Tony asked, "The brilliant neurosurgeon who couldn't use his hands after a car crash?"
"Yes. That one." Xavier said.
"How do you know him?" Steve asked.
"Long story." Benjamin said, "Though he got into the crash right after refusing to treat that pilot." [6]
"Karma?" Clint asked.
"Oh you have no idea, bub." Logan said.
Stern tried to diffuse the situation as Tony said they were welcome. When Stern asked why, he said because he was their nuclear deterrent and that America was secure. He then said, "You want my property. You can't have it!"
Everyone clapped happily at the scene.
"If only you were this good while dealing with the snake known as Ross." Loki muttered.
"Do not bring up snakes again." Thor told him.
Tony said he had successfully privatized world peace and he wouldn't play ball with the ass clowns as he raised his fingers and everyone clapped for him. Stern actually said "Fuck you" to Tony.
"Did he just drop the F-bomb on national TV?" Aunt May asked incredulously.
"It appears he did." T'Challa said.
"He cannot control his temper." Steve said.
"So he is not fit to be a politician either." Natasha said.
Stern adjourned the gathering as Tony put on his sunglasses and gave flying kisses to them all before he walked out and waved to people and shook their hands.
"Now that is the Tony Stark we know and love." Sam said.
"Yes. Not the person who played ball with Ross." Bruce said. [7]
"Yeah. Now I won't play ball with corrupt government officials like him ever again." Tony declared and everyone in the room nodded with pride, especially Pepper.
Ivan Vanko watched the hearing on TV with Russian subtitles as Tony said that he would serve the country at his pleasure and that they could count on him to pleasure himself.
Everyone laughed hard again.
"Do you stop with the dirty puns?" Pepper asked as she struggled to hold her laughter.
"I don't do them anymore." Tony said.
"Hide the zucchini?" Natasha asked with a glare and he paled.
Ivan worked on something and soon electricity crackled. Few seconds later, Ivan walked around with those electrical weapons and some kind of suit and swinging them, cut the TV in half.
"Oh boy!" Peter said.
"Meet Ivan Vanko." Natasha said.
"We called him Whiplash." Fury said.
"I can see why." Steve said.