Ch 19 Worthy No More

"So how did you adjust to Earth?" Daisy asked.

"Very horribly." Thor said, "At least in the beginning that is."

Erik, Darcy and Jane drove Thor to the County Hospital where the receptionist asked his name and Jane said it was Thor. She asked how they knew him but Jane said she had never met him before as Darcy interjected by saying until she had hit him with her car. Jane said she had grazed him but Darcy had tasered him, which she agreed to as it was true.

Everyone present laughed at the scene.

"Darcy is always so amusing." Thor said.

"Yeah. She made life funnier." Odinson agreed.

"We all need some humor in our lives." Clint agreed.

"Yeah, my husband gives me the humor." Bobbi said.

"Who?" Clint asked.

"You know who." Bobbi said.

"Lance again?" Natasha asked, "Really?"

"We worked it out." Bobbi said.

"Trust me. They are as right as rain together." Daisy said, "Or FitzSimmons because those two are even more right than rain."

Thor woke up on his bed as the doctor said they were just taking some blood as he assumed they were attacking him and started pushing them all of while getting up, He fought a little with the doctors and security, throwing them around before some guards pinned him to the door. He tried to say how they were no match for him but a doctor hit hi, with a sedative, knocking him out before he could finish.

Everyone laughed again.

"When you said "horribly", you were downplaying it." Storm said to both Thor and Odinson.

"Like I said. Fish out of the water." Tony said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"I had no idea Midgard had changed so much during the years." Odinson said.

"And I found out the hard way." Thor said.

"Well, it's a good thing my situation never got this bad." Steve said, "Though I did fight my way out of a hospital."

"Yeah. I remember that very vividly." Fury said as him and Steve exchanged a look.

A van drove through the desert of New Mexico as the man inside saw Mjolnir lying in the middle of a crater. He pulled up near it and getting out, tried to pick it up but couldn't even budge it, shocking him.

"Yeah, keep trying." Tony joked, "You'll break your fingers."

"The two of us together with our gauntlets couldn't budge it." Rhodes said.

"Even Hulk couldn't lift it." Natasha remembered.

"And you didn't even try." Thor said.

"I wasn't interested." She said.

"None of us could lift it, could we?" Steve asked and everyone shook their heads.

No one noticed Odinson's smirk on that as Steve's question was pretty ironic.

"Viz did." Wanda reminded them.

"I am not 100% human so it doesn't count." Vision reminded everyone. [1]

"No it doesn't." Tony agreed.

"Which one out of us would be able to lift it?" Bucky wondered, "Not me."

"Me neither." Clint agreed.

"I wouldn't think about it." Sam said.

"Maybe Peter can." Aunt May said with a smile.

Everyone turned to him, wondering if he could as it did make sense.

After a sigh, he said, "No. I don't think so."

"We will never find out anyway." Benjamin said.

At their home Erik, Darcy and Jane looked at their screens as Jane said it looked like an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Darcy questioned about it as Erik explained it and Jane gave the short explanation that it was a wormhole.

"She's pretty smart." Loki said.

Jane showed Erik a picture and said the stars they were seeing weren't their stars as Ursa Minor wasn't visible and they were someone else's stars.

"The Bifrost does that too?" Hill asked in shock.

"Yes it does." Thor said.

"Jane has a keen eye." Clint complimented.

"I was wondering how long it would take for you to compliment someone's eyesight." Logan said with a smirk as Clint smirked too.

Darcy called them over to see a picture and there they saw the figure of Thor in between the storm, shocking them as Jane walked off, saying she had left something at the hospital.

"I think we all know what that thing is." Storm smiled.

Back at Asgard, Odin was standing at the edge of the palace when Frigga walked up to him and asked how he could have done this.

"She stood up for me?" Thor asked in shock.

"Yes." Loki said.

"Our father wasn't a good parent but our mother was." Odinson said, "She loved us and would have corrected our behavior better."

"Yes. I can agree to that." Loki said sadly.

"It's funny how my mother was more unstable than my father which says a lot considering my father gave himself a drug that gave him enhanced strength but drove him crazy." Daisy said sadly.

"I'm sorry." Steve said in sympathy and she nodded.

Odin told her Thor had taken them to the brink of war but Frigga berated him for banishing him. yelling, "HE'S YOUR SON!" Odin asked what she would have done. She said she would not have banished him to a world of mortals to suffer as she wouldn't have the heart.

"Oh mother." Thor said sadly, "Still trying to protect me from the harsh realities of the universe."

"I'm sure all parents are like that." Odinson said.

"Yes." Wanda agreed as she looked at Peter and Aunt May.

Odin coldly said this was the reason he was king and that he too grieved the loss of their son but some things even he couldn't undo. She said he could bring Thor back but he refused. "His fate is in his own hands now." Odin said before walking away as Frigga stood alone, grieving.

"And she failed." Tony noted, "Your old man really is pragmatic."

"That's why he was king for so long." Thor said.

"Yes. Kings need to think with their minds as well as hearts." Odinson agreed.

"Which makes me an unworthy candidate." Loki said and everyone was surprised. Perhaps he was redeeming himself after all.

"We all know how much of my fate was in my hands though." Thor laughed.

"Yeah, I think it was in my hands." Loki laughed too.

Thor woke up in the hospital, strapped to the bed. He tried to break them but failed, which shocked him greatly.

"Okay that is not good!" Sam said.

"Nope." Daisy agreed.

Thor then slipped his hands out of the straps.

"You definitely can be a SHIELD agent." Bobbi said.

"If you were human." Natasha told him.

"Yes. You have the skills." Clint agreed.

"No. Too short-tempered." Thor shrugged.

"Yes." Odinson agreed with him.

"How long until it goes to hell?" Rhodes asked.

"Not long." Thor said.

"Yeah. Pretty short time." Storm agreed.

"That's what happens when fish comes out of the water." Logan said.

"I know how long it took." Fury said.

Erik, Jane and Darcy walked into Thor's room but to their shock, he was gone as they sat in the van, with Jane being frustrated by her most important piece of evidence missing. She decided to find him, amusing Erik. Just as she backed her van, she accidentally knocked down Thor again who was behind the van. The three ran out in shock as Jane promised she wasn't doing it on purpose.

Everyone laughed merrily at the scene again.

"How many times did she hit you with her car?" Peter asked.

"I've never seen a romance beginning with a car accident." Aunt May said too.

"That is messed up." Wanda said.

"Not as much as you think." Thor said.

In the desert, people had already gathered around Mjolnir, with everyone trying to lift it though it didn't budge while they scraped their fingers.

"Yeah. Keep trying, bub." Logan said.

"I wonder if any of them read about Norse Mythology." Bobbi said.

"Norse Mythology doesn't mention the enchantment." Scott told her.

"Wow! You're a total nerd." Hope said and they both chuckled.

"Any problem?" He asked.

"No. I love it." She smiled and he smiled too.

One of the people tied a chain to it and the back of a van as the man drove it, trying to pull the hammer off but instead the back portion of his van came off. The elderly man driving the van asked, "Did it work?" Everyone laughed at him.

"And he's back." Steve said as everyone chuckled.

"So this guy showed up there too." Fury said.

"Well, if he's a watcher, why couldn't he lift the hammer?" Logan asked.

"He didn't try to lift it by himself." Benjamin said.

"Yeah, he used the van." Tony said.

"Van's not worthy." Peter finished.

"I guess now we know why he hated me enough to cut off my hair." Thor joked.

"Yeah. You cost him half of his van." Loki said.

Then a car pulled up above and Phil Coulson walked out, looking down. He pulled out his phone and said to Fury, "Sir, we found it."

"Ah that scene again." Tony said.

"Coulson." Daisy said sadly, "I miss him so much."

"You knew him?" Clint asked in shock.

"We will tell you about it later." Bobbi said as her and Daisy shot Fury a look and he looked away.

Clint and Natasha noticed it but decided to pursue it later.

Thor put on some pants in Erik, Jane and Darcy's home as Darcy commented on his muscles.

"That he is." Aunt May smirked as everyone chuckled in amusement.

He then picked up a device but Jane stopped him as he could accidentally damage it. He then put on a shirt which had the I.D. of a "Donald Blake." He asked her what it was and she said it was her ex, good with patients and bad with relationships. She took off the tag.

"I met the guy once." Odinson said, "Looks like a weaker version of us." [2]

"Interesting." Thor simply shrugged.

Thor then said his mortal form had grown weak and needed sustenance as Erik, Jane and Darcy watched him in concern and confusion.

"Yup. Definitely unnerving them." Tony said.

"I had no idea about the modern culture." Thor said.

"And now I know it very well." Odinson said.

"Good to know." Loki sighed.

Back at Asgard, Volstagg said how they should never have let Thor go but Sif pointed out there was no stopping him and Fandrall said if the guard hadn't told Odin where they were going, they would be dead instead of Thor being banished. As Loki looked at his hand, Volstagg asked how the guard even knew, to which Loki said he had told the guard and that he should be flogged for taking so long.

"The guard can't fly like I can." Thor told Loki who nodded.

Loki pointed out that he had saved their lives and that he had no idea Odin would banish Thor.

"Yes, that is the truth." Loki said, "But I used your banishment as an opportunity."

"Of course you did." Thor smirked.

"Conspiring, scheming, backstabbing God of Mischief." Tony said and he shrugged.

Sif asked Loki to make Odin change his mind but he refused, saying that while he loved Thor dearly, he was reckless and arrogant and Asgard deserved better from its king before walking off.

"While you're conspiring against Thor, you do have a good point about the arrogance." Steve said.

"Yes he does." Thor and Odinson said at the same time.

Sif said Loki spoke of Asgard's good but he had always been jealous of Thor as Volstagg said they should be grateful to him. Hogun reminded them of Laufey's words about the House of Odin being full of traitors and how a master magician could bring three Frost Giants into Asgard undetected. Fandrall said Loki always had been mischievous but this was something else entirely.

"Wasn't off the mark, was he?" Clint asked and Loki nodded.

"Yeah, Hogun was more perceptive than people gave him credit for." Loki said.

"And I think Volstagg is more dangerous than people give him credit for." Bruce said.

"Yes, his eating habits make him look harmless when he is far from it." Thor said.

Loki walked over to the Casket of Ancient Winters and closing his eyes, lifted it up when Odin stopped him. He turned around, revealing his pale skin, asking if he was cursed. He asked what he was, to which Odin said he was his son.

"Uh-oh." Aunt May said.

"And now the beans are spilled." Scott said.

Loki closed his eyes and took a deep breath, remembering the scene.

Loki asked what more he had taken from Jotunheim after the war and Odin revealed that after the battle, he had found a baby in a temple too small to be a Giant's child. In a flashback, Odin picked up the baby and using his Odinforce, transformed his pale skin into normal, giving him Asgardian qualities. Odin then revealed Loki was Laufey's son.

"Oh no!" Wanda said in horror.

"And I'm going to take it very horribly." Loki said.

Loki looked like his entire world had been turned upside down and asked Odin why he had taken him, to which he said because Loki was an abandoned child. Loki had none of it and said Odin had a different purpose. When Odin didn't reply, Loki exploded, "TELL ME!"

Everyone jumped at the scene and suddenly Steve, Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Fury and Hill found themselves having sympathy for Loki.

True he had killed many people on Earth and caused a lot of damage for which there was no justification, but they could see why he had started becoming like that.

Odin said he had taken Loki so that he could make an alliance with the Frost Giants through him. Loki had tears in his eyes by now and told Odin he could have told the truth right from the start. Odin said he was trying to protect him.

"There is no protection from the truth." Steve said sadly.

Odin, visibly stressed, started collapsing as Loki exploded on him and said, "No matter how much you claimed to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!" The combined stress from Thor's banishment, the impending war with Jotunheim and Loki knowing the truth was too much for even the Allfather to bear and he lost consciousness. Loki immediately regretted his words and called for the guards as two Einherjar arrived to take him away.

"Oh no!" Peter said as he watched in horror.

"Perhaps he could have told you right from the start." Logan said.

"At least when you were old enough to understand." Daisy agreed.

"Yes. He could have." Loki agreed, "Finding it out when I did made me snap."

"And you conspired against all of us then." Thor said.

"I'm sorry." Loki said.

"I know you are." Odinson said.

At a restaurant on Earth, Jane asked Thor how he got inside the cloud as Darcy asked how he could be this hungry after eating an entire box of pop tarts. Thor drank a coffee and liking it, smashed the cup on the ground, "Another!"

Everyone laughed hard at the scene.

"Wow!" Natasha said.

"Now that is something I've never seen." Sam agreed.

"We see it a lot during celebrations." Bobbi said.

Jane asked him why he did that, to which he said he liked it and wanted another. She said he could have asked nicely and he said he meant no disrespect. She told him not to smash anything and asked, "Deal?" With a smile, Thor said, "You have my word."

"Fish out of the water." Tony said as everyone laughed at Thor using archaic language in a modern setting.

"Don't worry, I use some normal language these days." Thor said.

A man who had been on Mjolnir's crash site arrived and started telling the waitress about the satellite crash and how the feds had shown up in the end as Jane inquired about it while Darcy took a picture of Thor to post on Facebook. The man told them about the satellite and how it was heavy. Thor realized what it was and asked him which way, to which he replied 50 miles west. Thor then walked out.

"And now you're coming to beat up my agents." Fury said dryly.

"Sorry about that." Thor said.

"To be honest, they took my property and I don't like it when someone does that." Odinson said.

"We know you don't." Hill sighed.

Thor walked in the middle of the road, annoying the car drivers who cursed him and turned away.

"Now you're causing traffic jams too." Bucky said.

"I was actually more shocked than you when I saw so many cars around me." Steve said.

"He doesn't look shocked at all." Daisy said.

"Yeah, he's just casually strutting around." Storm agreed.

"I just thought they were different kinds of chariots." Thor said.

Jane, Darcy and Erik stopped him as Jane asked where he was going, to which he replied 50 miles west because the thing was his and if she took him there, he would tell her everything she wants to know.

"I don't think you get enough credit for this but you too have a scientific brain." Bruce told Thor.

"Thanks." Thor and Odinson shrugged.

"Yeah, you were able to hold a conversation with Dr. Banner with scientific terms." Benjamin agreed.

"So you're also a science bro then." Tony said and everyone chuckled.

Thor said he just needed Mjolnir first but Darcy misheard it as "Myeuh-myeuh."

Everyone laughed at that.

"And a year later, she still called it that." Thor said.

Jane agreed to take him but Erik called her to a side and told her he was a delusional believing himself to be a God from Norse Mythology and very dangerous.

"Except he was a God from Norse Mythology." Rhodes said.

"No one had any way of knowing that." T'Challa said.

Jane apologized to Thor and said she couldn't take him. He then said goodbye and taking Jane's hand, kissed it like a gentleman and she thanked him, feeling flattered. He addressed the three by their full names and bid them farewell with a bow as they bowed back and walked off.

"They seem to like your style." Pepper said.

"People always find old culture interesting." Logan said.

As the three were walking back, Jane saw her research equipment being taken away in a truck. The three ran inside and saw Phil Coulson and several SHIELD agents taking her equipment away as Coulson introduced himself. Erik tried to calm Jane down but she was having none of it.

"You could have explained the situation to her." Steve said to Fury.

"We didn't have time." Fury defended himself.

Phil gave her a cheque to help by replacements at radio shack but she said she had made most of it herself, to which he replied she could do it again.

"Okay, wouldn't that take ages?" Daisy asked.

"It would." Bobbi agreed, "Though it's not like he took it forever."

Jane said she would sue him as an agent took away her book. She tried to stop him but Erik stopped her as Coulson thanked them for their cooperation and drove away as they needed her equipment to investigate a security breach.

"The breach being me." Thor said.

Later, the three sat dejected as Darcy ranted about her I-Pod and Jane said they took all of their backups too and wondered who they were. Erik said there was a scientist who was a pioneer in gamma radiation but when SHIELD showed up, he was never heard from again.

"I think they're talking about me." Bruce said.

"They are." Hill agreed.

"You were heard from again." Natasha said.

"Just not in the way you liked." Tony said.

"Yeah, that's true." Bruce said.

Jane said she would get it back as Erik said he had a colleague who had dealings with SHIELD and could help them after Erik sent him an e-mail but Darcy said they had taken his laptop too.

"Ouch!" Scott said.

"Who was this colleague?" Hope asked.

"It was your father, Hope." Fury said and she looked a bit shocked before realizing it made sense. [3]

At Asgard, Sif and the Warriors Three arrived to speak to Odin but to their shock saw Loki there.

"Uh-oh." Wanda said.

"Yes. 'Uh-oh' would be right." Natasha agreed.

Loki said Odin was in the Odinsleep and Frigga wouldn't leave his side so he was King of Asgard and they could bring their matters to him. Sif asked him to end Thor's banishment but Loki said his first command couldn't be to undo Odin's last and their people needed a sense of continuity to feel safe for the good of Asgard. Sif looked like she was about to attack him when Fandrall restrained her. Volstagg asked him to reconsider but he ended their meeting.

"If you want to be subtle, don't be a douche." Tony told Loki.

"Perhaps you're right." Loki shrugged.

Erik sent an e-mail to Hank in a cyber café before picking up a book on Norse Mythology and reading the stories, chuckling at them. Jane waited in her van outside a pet place where Thor asked for a horse.

"You've better chance of stealing one from a ranch." Sam shrugged.

"I love riding horses." Natasha said as she remembered how she used to go to the Montana ranch to ride horses as a leisure activity with some degree of privacy. [4]

The man said they only had dogs, cats and birds so Thor asked for one big enough to ride.

Everyone laughed as Tony said, "Even experimentation can't do that."

"My sister had a wolf big enough to ride." Thor said.

Jane honked her horn and Thor decided to go with her. She said she had never done such a thing before as Thor said he had many times and she was brave to do it and far more clever that anyone in this realm, amusing her with the "realm" word. She found him strange. He asked if it was good strange or bad strange and she said she was undecided as she hit something and lost control of the van for a moment before regaining it.

"Well, sparks are flying." Tony said as everyone chuckled while Thor and Odinson shook their heads.

Jane asked who he was and he said she would know soon. She said he had promised her answers and he said she was looking for a bridge. She asked if it was an Einstein-Rosen bridge, to which he said it was a rainbow bridge. Jane hoped he wasn't crazy.

"You are not but you sound like one." Fury said.

At Asgard, Loki and Frigga watched Odin in his Odinsleep as Loki said he never got used to it while Frigga said it was unexpected this time. Loki asked why Odin hadn't told him the truth to which she said they didn't want him to feel differently.

"Now that makes sense." Steve said.

"But I was too stupid to see it." Loki said.

She said Loki was their son and that there was a purpose to everything the Allfather did as he walked off. On Earth, Jane and Thor looked at the entire facility that had been built around Mjolnir as Jane was confused by SHIELD's actions. Thor gave her his jacket, saying she would need it as he would get her stuff out. Jane was skeptical though but Thor said he would fly out while lightning cracked in the sky.

"You didn't." Clint said.

"Nope." Thor agreed.

In the facility, the agents were monitoring everything using the tech with Jasper Sitwell looking around.

"Sitwell." Steve snarled angrily.

"He was Hydra, wasn't he?" Tony asked and they nodded.

"Yes he was." Fury said.

"And a very condescending man." Hill said as she remembered how he had talked down to her after Fury's 'death' in spite of her being his second-in-command.

"I would've loved for him to fight me there." Thor said.

"Don't worry, I kicked him off a roof." Natasha said and everyone chuckled.

"So you killed him?" Loki asked.

"No, I just kicked him off." Natasha said.

"He died pretty horribly." Steve remembered and Bucky winced as he remembered his brutality as the Winter Soldier but Natasha held his hand for comfort.

They noticed a breach in their fence as two agents went to check it out in a truck but Thor punched one out before hitting the other with the gun, knocking him out too as Jane watched via binoculars in shock.

"And so begins the humiliation of SHIELD." Bobbi said dryly.

"Yes, that was embarrassing." Fury said.

"You kicked serious ass without your powers." Clint said, "I was there. I saw it."

"Didn't know that." Thor said.

"It's a small world." Daisy shrugged.

Thor walked around in a hoodie as Jane backed to avoid detection and calling Erik, asked him to come by the crash site and apologized while Mjolnir hummed and it started raining, making Thor smile as he started running inside and agents ran after him.

"Stealth isn't your strong suit, is it?" Hill asked.

"Nope." Thor and Odinson said at the same time.

"It's mine." Loki said.

Thor ran inside and grabbing an agent, flipped him over. Another attacked from behind and threw off Thor's hoodie as Thor deflected his kick and grabbing him, threw him into the previous agent, knocking them both out.

"Nice moves." Steve said, impressed by Thor's skills.

Thor ran around as Coulson said he needed eyes up high with a gun. One agent moved to grab a sniper rifle but changed his mind at the last second and picked up a compound bow instead.

"I think we all know who that is." Natasha said.

"Yup." Clint agreed.

Bow in hand, Clint Barton ran and jumped to his vantage point as Thor jumped down some ladders and kicked an agent out.

"Tom Cruise would be proud of that move." Tony said.

Thor punched another agent out and kicked another out before running the other way on seeing many agents run after him. He ducked to avoid another agent and punched him down before flipping the other one down. He then grabbed the support above and leaping up, kicked another agent away.

"And now you even used his move." Tony said and everyone chuckled.

Barton moved up on his vantage point as Sitwell told Coulson systems were barely coping with Mjolnir's electromagnetic surge. Barton's face was revealed as he asked Coulson if he could slow Thor down or if he would send more men for him to beat up.

Everyone clapped on seeing Clint's face.

"And Hawkeye is here." Bobbi declared.

"It's more of a cameo really." Benjamin said.

"Oh." Clint said.

"But a good one." Daisy told him.

Thor saw Mjolnir and walked towards it with a smile when a big agent threw him down.

"Well, he looks pissed." Fury said.

"Toughest opponent I fought as a human." Thor said.

Thor smirked, "You're big. Fought bigger."

"With your powers." Loki said and Thor shrugged.

"Doesn't change the fact." Odinson said.

Thor punched the agent who punched him back a few times and tackled him outside where they both got drenched in mud as Clint aimed from above. The agent grabbed Thor in a chokehold but he elbowed him thrice, making him let go before the agent flipped him away. The two got up and Thor leapt in the air, kicking him away with both feet. He then kicked him out.

"That was awesome!" Peter said excitedly.

Thor walked towards Mjolnir as Clint said he was starting to root for Thor.

"Don't blame you." Bobbi said.

Thor looked at Mjolnir with a smile as Clint said it was the last chance and Coulson said he wanted to see this.

"Sir had perception." Daisy said.

"That's why I recruited him." Fury told her.

Thor then grabbed Mjolnir's handle to pick it up but to his horror, he couldn't even budge it. He grunted, trying to lift it with all his strength but failed. Looking up at the sky, Thor roared, "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!"

Everyone watched the scene with wide eyes, their greatest sympathies going out to Thor.

Thor and Odinson sighed sadly. True they weren't worthy back then, but it was still a huge shocker to them.

Jane watched in shock from outside as Coulson asked the ground units to move in while Barton lowered his bow. An agent hand-cuffed Thor as several others pointed their guns at him to prevent him from making a move. He didn't even resist, just looking at Mjolnir sadly as he was lead away while Heimdall watched the scene from his observatory at Asgard.

"Can't imagine how that would have felt." Scott said.

"And you never should." Thor said.

"How did you regain your worthiness?" Bucky asked.

"Keep watching." Odinson said.