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"I really wanted to see something like this." Natasha said with an evil smirk.
"I feel so embarrassed already." Steve said.
"Well, prepare to be more embarrassed, Cap." Benjamin said and everyone chuckled.
"Yeah, and they cut of my part, so you can't even look cool." Logan said and the laughter increased.
"And I don't have my long hair in this, so you lose all your chances of looking cool." Bucky said and there was even more laughter while Steve shook his head.
"Don't listen to them, Captain." Daisy said, "I found it very inspiring."
"Thank you." Steve nodded.
"I am sure it will be." Sam said.
"It was." Bobbi said, "And a little funny too."
"I can only imagine." Tony said, "I want to see it."
"Yes, of course you do." Storm said.
"Well, without further ado." Odinson said and the recording was started.
A truck drove through a frozen wasteland as it stopped near a man and two men walked out. The man asked if they were from Washington and they said they were as it was revealed something had been hauled out 18 hours ago. The guys from Washington wondered why no one had spotted it before as the man said it was probably a weather balloon.
"It's definitely not that." Natasha said, having put two and two together.
"Where is this happening?" Tony asked.
Fury and Hill exchanged a glance.
The three decided one hell of a crane was needed to do the job as something large loomed up through the mist, surrounded by many men as one of them stood over it and shined a flashlight over it, revealing what it was.
"Oh my God!" Steve said as his eyes widened.
"Is that…." Sam started.
"The Valkyrie." Bucky finished.
"The Valkyrie?" Thor questioned in confusion, "They were an elite warrior unit of Asgard comprised solely of women."
"No, not that Valkyrie." Odinson said.
"What is Valkyrie then?" Peter asked.
"The Hydra plane where they found Cap." Clint said.
Loki started, "And I'm guessing they named their plane after the Valkyrie unit because-"
"Their leader believed he walked in the footsteps of the Norse Gods." Fury said.
"And he wanted their power." Hill told them.
"Must be very crazy." Thor said.
"Yes he was." Natasha said.
"And Hydra wanted to impose their rule all over the world." Steve said.
Bobbi and Daisy exchanged a look, deciding to tell them about Hydra's true goal later.
The men drilled their way inside the great plane and two had lowered themselves inside. They searched the space which was covered in a thick layer of snow. One of them saw something colorful through the ice and called the other as they looked at it carefully. The other one was shocked and called a man known as Bates, asking him to call the Colonel, not caring what time it is as this one had waited long enough. They looked at the thing in the ice. Captain America's shield.
Tony watched with wide eyes.
"Oh boy!" Scott said in excitement.
"Your shield!" Bruce said.
"Which means you won't be far off." Aunt May said.
"Nope." Steve agreed, "So they're fishing me out huh."
"Yes, Captain." Fury said.
"I always wondered what that would have been like." Peter said.
"Now you will see." Benjamin told him.
Tonsberg, Norway was shown in 1942.
"Isn't that where your father fought the Frost Giants?" Wanda asked Thor.
"Yes, he did." Thor said.
"I remember our father once brought us there." Loki said.
"And that is why you are worshipped as deities." Vision said in realization and they nodded.
"A lot is being revealed today." Aunt May commented.
"Tell me about it." Hope said.
A very old church was shown as a man ran inside, telling an older man that they had come for it in full force.
"Is it just me or does the guy look like Argus Filch?" Peter asked as he pointed at the old man.
"Which would mean he looks like Walder Frey too." Scott said. [1]
"It's not just you." Tony said.
"Uncanny resemblance." Rhodes said.
"I wonder if I could join Hogwarts." Wanda muttered.
"I think Hogwarts is nothing compared to you really." Storm told her.
"Yeah, you are far more powerful than that universe." Clint said.
"Let us focus." Benjamin said.
That was when a great block of stone barged through the door, shattering it as the younger man fell down with debris falling on top of him. The old man removed a piece of debris to see him lying dead.
"Oh no!" Aunt May said as she covered her mouth with her hand.
Outside the church, a man pulled up beside a great tank in a black '40s motorcar on which sat a medallion which was a symbol of a skull with tentacles.
"Hydra!" Daisy snarled as she glared at the symbol with hatred, remembering the face of the one after whom the symbol had been modelled.
"Attacking a small village. What a bunch of sadists." Steve snarled angrily.
"Bunch of self-righteous morons." Tony said.
The man walked inside as his men tried to open a coffin while he walked inside. His face slowly came into view as he said how this place had taken him a long time to find and that the old man should be commended.
"Schmidt." Steve snarled as he stared at the screen with hatred.
"With the mask." Bucky added.
"So that's the guy." Bruce said.
"Yup." Steve and Bucky said simultaneously.
"Hydra's leader during World War II." Bobbi said.
Schmidt told him men to help the old man up. They did as he said the old man had a great vision so the two of them were alike.
"Does he have to praise himself every other sentence?" Scott asked.
"Classic villain behavior." Sam said.
"Especially when it is Hydra's head." Natasha said.
"Yeah, he always did stuff like that based on what I have heard." Fury said.
The old man said how he was nothing like Schmidt as he agreed and said what the others thought of as superstition, the two of them knew it to be science.
"Of course." Thor said.
The old man said what Schmidt wanted was just a legend but he asked if it was, then why they had tried to conceal it. He took off his hat and gave it to his man before shoving aside the lid of the coffin, revealing a skeleton clutching a cube in its decayed hands. Schmidt picked up the 'Teserract', saying how it was the jewel of Odin's treasure room, before shattering it.
"Is that it?" Peter asked.
"No. It is not the real one." Thor said.
"Yeah, it looks too plain." Clint said.
"And it broke." Tony added.
"Yup. The last time we saw it, it wasn't." Natasha said.
"And did he just say jewel of Odin's treasure room?" Aunt May asked.
"Yes. Father kept it in his treasure room as a prized possession." Thor said.
"And later, he gave it to devotees of Asgard for safekeeping." Loki said.
"Until Hydra found it." Odinson sighed.
"So wait, when you had both the Scepter and the Cube-" Hill started to Loki.
"You were in possession of two Infinity Stones simultaneously." Vision said.
"Oh shit!" Bruce said.
"Is that why you were refusing to listen to reason?" Thor asked.
"I don't know brother." Loki sighed, "But I did feel a little off."
"What was it?" Wanda asked.
"Well, normally I would never threaten people I don't know intimately." Loki said as he glanced at Natasha, "And I wouldn't enjoy ripping out a man's eye."
"Oh, that!" Clint sighed.
Daisy started, "So you weren't in cont-"
"Oh no!" Loki said, "I was in control of myself. But I feel I was a bit more unstable and sadistic than usual."
"You were being affected by both the stones together." Bobbi realized and he nodded.
"Well, I am sane now." Loki smirked, "As sane as I can be." [2]
Schmidt said something like that wouldn't be buried even if the replica was a good one. The old man said he couldn't help him but Schmidt said he could help his village as people he cared about would be in it and he didn't need to kill them.
"You bastard!" Tony snarled angrily.
"Showing power over people who don't have it." Steve said.
As a tank rolled up outside, the old man looked at a nearby engraving as Schmidt turned to it. It was Yggdrasil, tree of the worlds, Guardian of wisdom and fate. Schmidt touched the engraving.
"And now he has defiled it by touching it with his filthy hands." Thor snarled.
Schmidt pushed an eye on a small serpent and a small drawer sprang out as he looked at it triumphantly.
"That is not a good job of hiding something." Natasha said.
"I don't think they were expecting the Red Skull himself." Hope pointed out.
He opened the lid as a bright, dazzling blue light shone upon his face.
"The Teserract." Bucky breathed.
Schmidt commented how the Fuhrer looked for trinkets in the desert.
"What can you find in a desert?" Fury asked.
"A hammer maybe." Hill said as Thor and Odinson chuckled.
"Or a long-lost billionaire." Tony said and everyone laughed.
"Now that was a good one." Rhodes said.
The old man said how it was not for normal men to look upon and Schmidt agreed as he closed the lid, asking his men to open fire.
"What the hell?" Pepper said angrily.
"He is a rat bastard." Logan said, "His words mean a rat's ass to me."
The old man called him fool and said he would burn as Schmidt said he already had and shot him in the chest, killing him.
"Oh no!" Aunt May said in horror.
"And the Teserract burnt him again." Steve said in anger.
"Yes it did." Odinson said as he shared a look with the others.
He then adjusted his face as there was blood on his pin.
"Is that his face dripping?" Natasha asked in disgust.
"Yes." Steve and Bucky said simultaneously.
"That's really gross." Scott said.
The scene changed as many shirtless men were shown being called.
"Here we go." Steve sighed.
The name "Rogers, Steven" was called out as a frail, short, sickly man put away his newspaper, revealing the face of Steve Rogers.
"Oh my God!" Natasha said.
"Punk." Bucky said and Steve smirked.
"Really?" Tony muttered.
"That's you?!" Thor asked incredulously.
"I didn't expect you had it this bad!" Wanda said.
"I can't believe it!" Peter said with a wide jaw.
"Long story." Steve sighed.
The soldier next to Steve said how stuff made them think twice about enlisting.
"No." Bucky said.
"Of course not." Fury said.
"Nope." Steve said as he stood in a line and the man in the platform called out his name. He looked at his thin frame and asked how his parents had died. Steve said his father, who had been in the 107th Infantry, had died of mustard gas, while his mother, who had been a nurse in the TB Ward, had been hit by the disease.
Everyone looked at Steve in sympathy.
"I'm sorry, Cap." Tony said as Steve nodded in appreciation.
"You wanted to honor them." Thor realized.
"Yes. And also to defend my country." Steve said.
Wanda wondered how a man like Steve, who himself had been in pain for such a long time, could take care of his friends while putting aside his own personal feelings.
The man looked at Steve's many ailments on his form and apologized. Steve asked for a chance but he said he was ineligible due to his asthma alone. Steve asked if he could do anything and the man said he was saving his life as he stamped a '4F' on his form.
"Bummer." Scott said.
"With all due respect, how did you think you were going to enlist with all of those ailments?" Bruce asked.
"There are even visual standards." Clint said.
"One can hope." Steve said.
"No one can hope more than you." Bucky said and both chuckled.
Later, a black-and-white screen appeared in a movie theater as a voice-over said how war continued to ravage Europe while the Nazi flag was shown and then soldiers marching in formation were shown as the voice-over said how every able-bodied man was being called to serve and even children like little Timmy were doing their part by collecting scraps.
"Awww." Rhodes said.
"He is so sweet." Aunt May said as she patted Peter's shoulder, reminded of him when he was very little.
A man said he didn't care and to start the movie as everyone glared at him and Steve asked him to show some respect.
"What the hell?" Sam asked angrily.
"Jackass." Tony said.
"The man is disrespectful of his own fellow countrymen who are risking their lives so he can live." Thor said.
"Ungrateful bastard." Loki said.
"A bully." Steve told him.
The announcer commended the brave boys as he said to start the cartoon and everyone glared at him again as Steve asked him to shut up. That moment, the man got up and looked at Steve threateningly.
"Uh-oh." Natasha said.
"Well, that isn't good." Sam said.
"Nope. Steve is dumb." Bucky said and everyone chuckled as Steve shook his head.
"He was being a jerk." Steve said.
"Yeah, he is a coward asshole." Logan snarled.
"Noble gesture Captain, and I am sure everyone appreciated it." T'Challa said.
"Thank you." Steve said.
"I think you did a great thing." Daisy told him.
"It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay." Scott said, "Small acts of kindness and love."
"Hobbit reference." Hope realized.
"Yup. It just fit." Scott said.
"It did." Benjamin told him.
"I appreciate your gesture to, Captain." Thor told him.
Later, the man was beating Steve in the alley as he fell down all the time.
"I can't believe Captain America went through the same thing as me." Peter said as he watched the screen while Aunt May patted his head.
"Yeah, I didn't either at first." Benjamin said.
Steve then picked up a trashcan lid and held it as a shield.
"Look, the prototype shield!" Tony joked.
"I am practicing my hold." Steve joked too.
The man threw the lid aside and punched Steve down again. Steve staggered up to his feet and prepared to fight again as the man said, "You just don't know when to give up, do you?" With determination on his face, Steve said, "I can do this all day."
"Of course you can." Tony grumbled.
"Yup." Bucky agreed.
"You have no idea what he was about to do all day a few years from your time." Storm said as she remembered seeing him ready to fight Thanos' army alone during the Battle of Earth.
Everyone wondered what she was talking about.
"Cap is one immovable object." Logan said.
That was when a man grabbed the bully, telling him to pick on someone his own size. The idiot swung at him but he boxed his ear before literally kicking his ass, sending him off.
"Look who it is!" Sam said.
"Hi Bucky!" Natasha said as Bucky smiled and everyone except Tony clapped.
"Go Bucky!" Peter cheered.
"Punk got a nice lesson." Logan said.
Bucky joked how Steve loved getting punched as he said he had the bully on the ropes.
"We can see that." T'Challa said dryly.
Bucky looked at the new form, wondering how many times this was and saw Steve had given his hometown as Params. He told him it was illegal to lie on the enlistment form.
"Whatever it takes." Steve said.
"Nothing could do that." Natasha said.
Steve then saw Bucky's uniform and asked if he had got his orders. Bucky said he was Sergeant James Barnes of the 107th, shipping out for England the next day.
"107th? Wow!" Rhodes said.
"Thanks." Bucky sighed.
Steve said he should be going as Bucky pulled him away, saying it was their last night in the city and they were going to 'the future' and handed him a newspaper which had the caption- "1943: The World Exposition of Tomorrow."
"Stark Expo." Pepper realized.
"Well, looks like we'll be seeing some stuff after all." Tony joked.
The globe was then shown as Steve and Bucky strolled the grounds. Bucky wondered what the problem was as Steve was going to be the last eligible man in New York with 3 and a half million women as Steve said he would settle for just one.
"You couldn't get even one girlfriend?" Tony asked.
"Look at me." Steve said.
"We are." Natasha said.
"The Serum didn't change your face, Captain." Bobbi said.
"Yeah, your face looks good." Daisy agreed.
"Don't tell me some women in 1940's were that shallow." Natasha said.
Bucky said he took care of that as he waved to two girls, one blonde and one brunette and they waved back.
"Connie and Bonnie." Steve remembered with a smirk.
"I remember them now." Bucky said.
"Did people always have rhyming names back then?" Tony asked.
"Many did." Steve said.
Steve asked what Bucky had told her about him and he said only the good stuff. A voice over the loudspeaker welcomed everyone as the four went to check it out, making their way past exhibits as the stage was lined with girls in little black uniforms with a red car behind. One of them welcomed Howard Stark on the microphone.
"Isn't that-" Steve began.
"The car." Bucky finished and both chuckled.
"Did it ever work?" Steve asked Tony.
"It did." Fury said as they all looked over at him.
Howard Stark took the microphone from the woman with a smile.
The smile reminded everyone of Tony's as Steve, Bucky and Tony looked at the screen with a pang.
Howards kissed the woman on the lips as she and the others filed behind the car Howard wiped his mouth with handkerchief before saying how in a few short years, their automobile wouldn't touch the ground at all. Steve offered his date popcorn but she refused.
"Rude!" Aunt May said.
The girls removed the tires as Howard said that with Stark gravitic-reversion technology, their automobile would do that as he started it and the car hovered for a few seconds and everyone watched in excitement before sparks flew off and it crashed. Everyone laughed and clapped as Howards told them he had said a few years.
Everyone laughed at that.
"Nice save, dad." Tony said.
Steve looked behind to see at a US recruitment sign that said "I Want You." Bucky said how they should take the girls dancing but saw Steve wasn't there at all. At the US Armed Services Recruitment Center, Steve paused to look at his own face in a mirror-picture painting of a soldier's hat and uniform after another man and barely came above the painted collar.
"You're small." Thor said.
"Very." Odinson added.
"I can go smaller." Scott said and everyone chuckled.
"So can I." Hope said as the laughter increased.
Bucky arrived, telling Steve he was missing the point of a double date as Steve told him to go ahead and he will catch up.
"Didn't look like much of a double date to me." Tony said dryly.
Bucky asked Steve if he was going to do this again as Steve said he was going to try his luck. Bucky told him they would catch him and even arrest him. Bucky told him this wasn't a back alley but a war as Steve said people were laying down their lives and he had no right to do any less. Bucky said there were more important jobs. Steve asked if Bucky wanted him to collet scrap.
"If it keeps you alive." Bruce said.
"Nobody wants to do it." Rhodes said.
"I know." Sam said.
Steve said he wasn't going to sit in a factory as men were laying down their lives and he had no right to do any less. It wasn't about him. Bucky said he had nothing to prove.
"A sickly warrior is a danger to his allies." Thor said.
"Thank you!" Bucky said.
"But appreciate the efforts." Daisy said.
"Yes, you are very persistent." Fury said.
An old man with gray hair and glasses listened to their conversation.
"Dr. Erskine." Steve said sadly.
The girls called out to him, asking if they were going dancing and he said they were.
"Spare the charm, Sarge!" Natasha said with a flirty smile.
"If it pleases you, my lady!" Bucky said.
"Oh God!" Steve shook his head.
Bucky turned to Steve and said, "Don't do anything stupid until I get back." Steve retorted jokingly, "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Bucky called him a punk as Steve called him a jerk and both hugged.
Steve and Bucky just smiled, reminded of the old times as everyone watched the scene, feeling the bond between the two.
Steve asked Bucky to be careful and said, "And don't win the war till I get there!" Bucky gave him a salute and walked off with Connie and Bonnie.
"I didn't. Bucky said, "I followed your orders, Captain."
Steve shook his head in amusement.
"So you got both of them?" Hope asked. Bucky flashed her a grin.
Steve walked off to enlist again as the old man followed him. Later, Steve was sitting in the doctor's office on the table as a nurse came in and whispered in the doctor's ear. He asked Steve, who wondered if there was a problem, to wait. As they walked off, Steve fidgeted nervously, looking at the sign behind him that said it was illegal to falsify on the enlistment form.
"Epic fail!" Peter said and everyone chuckled.
Steve was about to wear his shoes when a guard entered. Steve looked at him in fear when the old man arrived and thanked the guard. The guard went off as the man asked Steve if he wanted to go overseas and kill Nazis and introduced himself as Dr. Abraham Erskine and that he represented the Strategic Scientific Reserve.
"Hi doctor." Bucky said.
"SHIELD's predecessor." Fury said.
"Yup." Tony said.
"The SSR." Hill said.
Steve introduced himself and asked Erskine where he was from as he said he was from Queens, 73rd Street.
"Queens? Wow!" Peter said happily.
Before that, he was from Germany and asked Steve if it bothered him but he shook his head. He then looked at Steve's folder and asked where he was from, noting he had given five exams from five different cities.
"Uh-oh." Scott said.
"Not really." Steve told him.
Steve said it was the wrong file but Erskine said he wasn't interested in the five exams but the five tries, asking if he wanted to kill Nazis. Steve asked if it was a test and Erskine said it was. Steve said at length, "I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from."
"Classic Steve." Bucky said as everyone chuckled.
Erskine said they had many big men fighting the war so they needed a little guy.
"You're the Frodo Baggins of this story, Captain." Scott said happily and everyone nodded in agreement.
"A Frodo Baggins who turned into Aragorn." Hope said and everyone nodded again, as it was true.
"I'm guessing Cap is a combination of the two." Tony said and a third time, everyone nodded.
Erskine drew the curtains and said he could offer Steve a chance which Steve said he will take. Erskine then asked where he really was from and he said Brooklyn. Erskine stamped on his form and congratulated him before walking off. Steve looked at his form on which Erskine had stamped '1A.' Steve looked at it with determination.
"And there you have it, Cap." Sam said.
In the Bavarian Alps, in which sat Castle Klaufmann, Schmidt asked a doctor with glasses if it would work.
"Arnim Zola." Steve snarled.
"Of course we would see him." Bucky sighed.
"In the flesh." Natasha snarled.
"So he was the one whose artificial version you two met?" Tony asked.
"Yes." They said simultaneously.
Arnim Zola said his machine required the most delicate calibrations so he may seem overcautious as Schmidt asked if his conductors could withstand the energy long enough for transference while putting down an old engraving featuring the Cube.
"I don't think so." Tony said.
"They can't." Vision said.
Zola said he wasn't certain with this artefact and it might not work at all as Schmidt opened the box and his face was bathed in the Cube's bluish-white glow. Zola put dark goggles over his glasses for protection as Schmidt picked up the Cube with a metal of 4 arms and handle on top and put it into the receptacle.
"Going okay so far but I hope it doesn't." Peter said.
Everything around the Cube began glowing as Zola looked at the Control Panel which stabilized at 70% but Schmidt pushed it further as he hadn't come all this way for safety as the machine vibrated and the light went scorching up.
"Oh boy!" Bruce said.
"Idiots!" Hill said.
"Power hungry." Daisy told them.
"And self-righteous." Bobbi added.
"Rat bastards." Logan said.
"Yup." Storm agreed.
The surge of energy ended as everything was dark and smoky. Zola wondered what it was as Schmidt congratulated Zola and said his designs didn't disappoint even if they needed slight reinforcement. Zola was amazed that the exchange was stable and the energy could power his designs and change the war. Schmidt said it would change the world.
"Oh God!" Steve sighed.
"Of course that's what he wants." Bucky said.
"Lord Elrond lookalike wants to change the world." Scott said.
"And rule it." Hope said, "He is worse than Agent Smith." [3]
"Well, it's going to get worse before it gets better." Benjamin said.
"For everyone." Odinson added.