Ch 24 The Howling Commandos!

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"So what did you do after this?" Sam asked.

"Earned their respect." Steve simply said.

It was raining as Steve drew a picture of a monkey balancing on a unicycle with a shield on its arm and an umbrella over its head. It wore a sweater with a big star on its chest.

"Expressive." Wanda muttered.

Peggy arrived, greeting a surprised Steve who asked her why she was here and she said she wasn't officially there. She talked about his performance and he said he had to improvise as his crowds were usually twelve year olds. Peggy told him he was America's new hope.

"That doesn't really sound like a bad thing." Pepper said.

"It isn't. But for someone like Captain America, it's a waste." Thor pointed out.

Steve said bond sales took a 10 percent bump in every state he visited but Peggy knew that those were Senator Brandt's words. Steve said that at least Brandt had him doing this because Phillips would have him stuck in a lab.

"Which would also be a waste." Scott said.

"Yeah, even bigger waste than this." Hope agreed.

Peggy demanded if a lab rat or dancing monkey were his only options. "You were meant for more than this you know." Peggy told him sincerely.

"You were." Natasha told him.

"And now you have proven it, time and time again." Daisy said.

Steve said he had dreamt of serving his country for the longest time and now that he had everything he wanted, he was wearing tights.

"If you wanted to fight, you haven't got anything you wanted." Rhodes pointed out.

Then a medical truck pulled up and man on a stretcher was brought out as Steve realized they had been through hell and Peggy told him that 200 men had gone up against Schmidt in Azzano and less than 50 had returned. Steve's audience had been the remainder of the 107th.

"The 107th!" Bucky said in realization.

"Yup." Steve told him.

Peggy said the rest were killed or captured as Steve looked shocked and rushed to Phillips' tent where he was signing condolence letters. He dryly asked Steve what his plan was for the day.

"To hang a noose on the goose-stepping goons-" Tony began.

"Come on, let's not talk about that." Steve said.

Steve said he needed the casualty list from Azzano but Phillips said he didn't take orders from him. Steve said he needed only one name- Sergeant James Barnes.

"Well, look who is brought up." Fury said as he looked at Bucky.

Phillips told Peggy they were going to have a chat as Steve asked him again and he said he had signed more condolence letters than he had cared to count but the name was familiar. He apologized to Rogers.

"Not a good thing to say to you, Captain Rogers." T'Challa said.

"Nope." Bucky agreed.

"Let's keep watching." Benjamin said.

Steve asked about the other men and Phillips said they had to win the war to bring them back. Steve asked why they couldn't send an extraction team as Phillips said they were 30 miles behind some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe and they'd lose more men than they'd but Steve wouldn't understand as he was a chorus girl.

"Technically, he isn't." Clint said.

Steve said he understood just fine but Phillips told him to understand somewhere else and reminded him he had to be somewhere in 30 minutes. He walked off as Steve looked at the map and said he did. Phillips told Peggy if she had something to say, she could keep it to herself.

"That's what she did." Bobbi said.

Backstage, Steve was packing up when Peggy asked him if he intended to walk to Austria and he said he did if that's what it took.

"Respect." Peter said.

Peggy said his friend was most likely dead but Steve said they didn't know that and it would be too late by the time the Colonel devised a strategy. Steve put on a coat and strode into the rain and put his bag in an army vehicle as Peggy called after him. "You told me you thought I was meant for more than this." Steve said, turning to face her, "Did you mean that?" Peggy stared into his face. "Every word." She said. "Than you've got to let me go." Steve said, climbing into the driver's seat. Peggy stopped him. "I can do more than that." She said.

"What did she do?" Loki asked.

"Oh you have no idea, bub." Logan said.

Backstage, one of the women reached for her helmet but found it missing as a voice called out if anyone had seen Rogers.

"So you never showed up for that, eh?" Tony asked.

"Nope." Steve said.

"Can't believe you abandoned your glory for me." Bucky said and everyone chuckled.

"That wasn't glorious, that was embarrassing." Steve said.

Steve and Peggy then flew in a plane piloted by Howard Stark while Peggy had a map spread out. She told him the Hydra camp was in Kreischberg between two mountain ranges and it was some kind of factory. Howard said they could drop him around the doorstep.

"Looks pretty ironic." Tony said, seeing his father helping Steve rescue Bucky.

No one said a word.

Steve said the both of them would be in a lot of trouble when he lands.

"No, she will be in a lot of trouble when you land." Tony corrected him.

"Yeah, he is untouchable." Pepper told Steve.

Peggy asked if Steve won't and he said if anybody yelled at him where he was going, he could just shoot them. Peggy said they would shoot back but he gestured to the shield and said that it might be good for something.

"Captain, it's a stage prop." Vision said as everyone chuckled.

Howard told Peggy if they weren't in too much of a hurry, they could stop in Loussern for a late-night fondue. Steve looked at Peggy and she seemed uneasy and said Stark was the best civilian pilot and mad enough to brave the airspace.

"Now if only he had told me about that." Tony said, seeing more similarities between his father and himself.

"I'm sure he wanted to." Pepper said as she held his hand.

Steve then asked Howard and Peggy if they fondue.

Everyone burst out laughing at that.

"You thought fondue meant sex?" Natasha asked.

"What is fondue?" Thor asked.

"Melted cheese on bread, or melted chocolate and fruit." Odinson told him, "Tastes pretty good."

"But it is not sex." Hope said as she laughed.

"I don't keep up with slang." Steve said.

"Do you know what shag is?" Daisy asked.

"An artist." Steve said as almost everyone around him chuckled.

"Yeah right." Daisy said as she turned away and Steve wondered what that was about.

"Screwing with America's golden boy. Never thought I'd see you do that." Logan said to her as everyone laughed.

"Well, I'm sure you're proud of yourself." Storm told her.

Peggy handed Steve a transponder as Howard told him its signal would lead them to him. But then shooting began as the plane rumbled.

"Shit!" Sam said.

"Oh boy!" Rhodes said.

"Why is everything so difficult?" Scott wondered.

"They are infiltrating a Hydra base." Benjamin pointed out.

Peggy insisted to take Steve all the way in but he said he would leave and they could turn the thing around and get out. Peggy told him he couldn't give her orders but he joked that he could as he was a captain and pulling down his goggles, jumped off as Howard turned the plane away while Steve's parachute opened up.

"Go get 'em Captain." Hill cheered.

In the Hydra lab, men were working as Zola told Schmidt production of the Valkyrie was on schedule even with the huge components. Schmidt told him to increase the output by 60 percent and have the other facilities do the same. Zola argued that the prisoners weren't strong enough but Schmidt told them to use up their remaining strength as there were always more workers before walking off.

"What a rat bastard!" Logan snarled.

"He really is." Bucky said.

"Can't wait to see him get beaten up." Clint said.

"He will." Storm assured.

"Just have patience." Odinson said.

"You're an archer so I'm sure you have patience." Bobbi told him and he nodded with a smirk.

"You have no idea." Fury told her.

In the cells, the Hydra soldiers led some prisoners into their cell as one of them removed a prisoner's hat with his stick. The prisoner, who also had a moustache, put his hat back on and turning around smugly told the guard that one day he would have a stick of his own.

"Dum Dum Dugan!" Steve smiled.

"What a badass!" Bucky said.

"He is in the history books." Natasha remembered.

"Yeah, read about him." Clint said.

"The Howling Commandos were important to SHIELD history." Fury said.

"Is it just me or does he look like a magician?" Peter asked about Dugan. [1]

Steve sneaked in, hiding between the trees of the forest as he looked at the facility and saw several military humvees going in. He ran into the last one, pushing back the tarp and jumping inside as two soldiers sat there. He dryly greeted them. There was some fighting and a few seconds later, both of them were thrown out.

"The classic two." Rhodes said as everyone chuckled.

The humvees parked at different points to unload as an armed man lifted the tarp behind the Humvee and saw the shield. Before he could react, Steve bashed his face with it, knocking him out.

"Look, it is useful." Steve said.

"I am unconvinced." Vision told him.

Steve jumped out and ran between the rows of the Hydra vehicles. He climbed on one of the smaller buildings and jogged up to the lab. He then knocked on the door and as a guard opened it, Steve slammed his head with it and knocked him out with a punch before hauling him aside and slipping into the lab.

"That was awesome!" Peter cheered.

"Captain America in action for the first time." Loki said dryly.

Steve cautiously slipped around the big machines before finding a machine that held little cartridges of Cube energy. He took one and put it in his pocket.

"How did he manage to store it?" Wanda asked.

"I have no idea." Steve said, "Science isn't my strongest suit."

In the cells, one of the prisoners looked up and saw a guard being knocked out. Steve leaned over his body and showed them the keys. One of the men asked him who he was.

"That's Gabe Jones." Steve told everyone.

"The Star Spangled-" Natasha began.

"Don't piss the little guy off." Bucky told her and both chuckled as Steve shook his head.

Steve introduced himself as Captain America, confusing them all. Steve then went down to the cells and opened them, freeing all the men. Dugan saw another man and asked if they were taking everybody. The man said he was from Fresno.

"Jim Morita." Bucky introduced him.

"Nice guy." Steve said.

"He is my Principal's grandfather." Peter revealed and everyone was a bit surprised on hearing it but Aunt May nodded too and it did make sense.

Steve then said he was looking for Sergeant James Barnes as Morita told him there was an isolation ward but no one came back from it. Steve told them the tree line was north-west eighty yards past the gate and they had to get out fast and give them hell. He would meet them in the clearing with anyone else he found.

"Giving orders like a Captain already." Hill said.

"You are a natural leader, Rogers. Which is why you are fit to lead the Avengers." Thor told him.

"Thanks." Steve said in appreciation with a nod.

Gabe Jones asked Steve if he knew what he was doing and he said he did as he had knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times. He then ran off to the isolation ward.

"They didn't even get the joke." Tony said.

"Pity." Aunt May agreed as everyone chuckled.

The men charged out of the factory. The few Hydra guards tried to fire at them and even got a few but over 100 prisoners were too much for them even with Teserract-powered guns. Dugan and a man called James Montgomery punched two out as Morita and another man called Jacques Dernier knocked out another and the latter picked up his weapon. Morita asked him if he knew how to use it and he fired, the recoil making him reel as a tank was destroyed.

"Now he does." Hope said.

"These men were all hardasses." Logan said.

"Yeah, I remember when you fought with us a few times." Steve said.

"And you were one too." Bucky said and Logan shrugged.

"They're giving them hell." Fury said.

"Go!" Sam cheered.

"So badass!" Rhodes said.

Dugan managed to climb into a tank while in the control room, Schmidt saw what was going on and pressed a large red button which sent an alarm blaring in the facility.

"And now they will escape." Bruce sighed.

Gabe had climbed beside Dugan in the tank as they started it and Gabe spoke German. Dugan inquired about it as Gabe said he had spent three semesters at Howard before switching to French as the girls were cuter. Dugan said he hadn't asked for the resume as James Montgomery climbed inside too.

"Still an impressive resume." Pepper said.

Dugan started the tank and fired it around on the soldiers happily.

"Wicked cool!" Scott said.

Schmidt looked at the screen and turning the camera, saw Steve fighting and beating several soldiers alone so he started the timer, shocking Zola. He pointed at Steve on the screen and said their forces were outmatched.

"So that's how he found you." Bucky realized and Steve nodded.

Zola ran to his room as Schmidt continued flipping the switches while Steve burst through a door, knocking down a man on the other side. He looked around in the empty lab as the freed prisoners fought the soldiers outside while Dugan, Gabe and Montgomery fired the tank around. One of them picked up a grenade and used it to kill more soldiers as Schmidt went to the central machine and picked up the Teserract with a metal thing and the timer counted down with less than 3 minutes left.

"Get out fast!" Peter said.

Zola was shoving papers in his bag and hurried out, leaving a large map behind as Steve appeared in the hallway. The two looked at each other before Zola ran off.

"Hi doctor." Steve snarled.

Steve then rushed into the room where someone was muttering incoherently. He ran up there and to his shock, he saw Bucky lying there, strapped to a bed.

"Oh my God!" Aunt May said in horror, summing up everyone's reaction. Even Tony looked pale and to his own surprise, worried about Bucky.

"It is horrible." Wanda said, remembering her own experience under Hydra.

"What did they do to you?" Hope asked.

"Whatever they did, it helped me survive the fall." Bucky said with a wince as Natasha held his hand for comfort and Steve put a hand around his shoulder.

The shocked Steve undid his restraints and called out his name, saying it was Steve. His name seemed to snap Bucky out of his daze and he was surprised to see Steve there.

"Now look at that. The dawn of bromance." Natasha joked and everyone chuckled.

Steve said he had thought Bucky was dead as Bucky said he had thought Steve was smaller. Steve then looked at the map Zola had left behind.

"I still can't believe you memorized it with just one glance." Bucky said.

Steve then carried Bucky off as he asked what had happened to him and he said he had joined the army.

"And taken part in a top-secret experiment." Bucky added.

"And become the Star Spangled Man with a Plan." Clint said and everyone laughed as Steve shook his head.

"Seriously though, thank you." Bucky said and Steve nodded.

The soldiers continued fighting the Hydra guards as Bucky asked Steve if it was permanent and he said it was.

"For someone who has been experimented on by Hydra, you seem very stable." Wanda said, remembering she hadn't been the most stable after being experimented upon.

"They enhanced me a bit so I guess I got my balance." Bucky said, "And they did use a different stone on me."

"All the stones are dangerous." Odinson said in a tone that invited no argument and for a split second Wanda saw a purple stone being pressed into his head by a giant purple being in an armor and he was screaming in pain.

She shuddered as the image vanished. The giant purple being in his head had left her rattled. She decided to ask the future people about it later.

The freed prisoners blasted through the gate and charged as the timers started reaching "0" and the buildings all started exploding.

"Get out!" Peter said again.

Steve and Bucky ran up to the railing as the latest explosion rocked the floor. They tore through a set of stairs and just when they were about to pass a bridge a voice called out, "Captain America!"

"Uh-oh!" Hill said.

"The Red Skull." Bobbi said.

Steve and Bucky turned back to see Schmidt and Zola. Schmidt mocked Steve, calling the situation exciting and saying how he was a great fan of his films.

"So he is a fan too." T'Challa said dryly.

Schmidt said how Erskine had managed it after all. Steve wasn't exactly an improvement but still impressive.

"He is 10 times the man you or Blonsky will ever be." Bruce said as everyone nodded in agreement.

Steve punched Schmidt, staggering him back and damaging his mask slightly. Schmidt then tried to punch Steve but he put the shield in the way, blocking the attack though the metal was dented.

"Told ya!" Steve said.

Vision didn't say a thing as everyone chuckled.

Steve tried to take out his gun but Schmidt punched him on the face, sending him to the ground as the gun fell off. Before he could attack again, Steve kicked him away. Zola then pulled a lever and the bridge split from the middle and started folding backwards. Captain America and Red Skull glared at each other as they were separated by a fiery chasm.

"Looks like a classic action movie." Tony commented.

Schmidt told Steve that no matter what lies Erskine told him, he was his greatest success.

"Anyone who still has food in their stomach, look away." Bucky said.

Schmidt gripped the flesh on his face and began peeling, slowly ripping it off and throwing it away, revealing his true face. He was bald with deep red skin.

"Ughh!" Wanda said.

"That was disgusting." Fury agreed.

"Ewww." Scott and Hope said simultaneously.

"The ears!" Tony said.

"The second most disgusting thing I have seen." Daisy said.

"What's the most disgusting?" Peter asked, not sure if anything could top what he had just seen.

"I'll tell you later." Daisy said as her and Bobbi thought of Hive again.

"This is not much to be honest." Logan said and Wanda saw an image in his head for a split second where he was covering a man with debris under a well as a powerful blast hit him hard, burning his skin badly.

She shuddered as the image vanished and she wondered what it was that had hit Logan and the other man.

A traumatized Bucky hoped Steve didn't have one of those.

"I don't." Steve said.

Schmidt tossed his mask aside and told Steve he was deluded as he pretended to be a simple soldier when they had left humanity behind.

"You aren't even a human to begin with you bastard." Bobbi snarled at him.

As he walked away, Red Skull said unlike Steve he embraced it proudly and without fear. Steve asked him why he was running then. Red Skull didn't reply and went into an elevator with Zola that took them up. Steve and Bucky continued running up as Red Skull and Zola stopped in front of a single-passenger plane. Zola asked where he would sit and Red Skull gave him the keys to his motorcar, telling him not to scratch it.

"I expected him to ditch the guy." Tony said.

"He would have." Hill said.

"If he still hadn't needed him." Fury finished.

Steve and Bucky reached a large metal crossbeam that rattled while Zola got to Red Skull's motorcar and starting it, sped off while Red Skull flew off in his plane. Bucky swung his legs over the railing and balanced himself on the crossbeams on Steve's suggestion. He then slowly walked as the beam began to snap.

"Shit!" Sam said.

"What the hell?" Rhodes said.

"It's like you love death." Loki said with a chuckle as Thor glared at him and he shut up.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Peter was saying.

Natasha unconsciously grasped Bucky's hand and he squeezed back.

As the beam fell, Bucky jumped to the other side and catching the railing, swung himself over, saving himself.

"Phew!" Aunt May sighed in relief as everyone relaxed a little and Natasha and Bucky let each other's hands go.

Bucky said there would be a rope around. "Just go! Get out of here!" Steve shouted. "No! Not without you!" Bucky screamed.

Everyone watched the bond between the two with wide eyes and agape jaws.

"You think you are the only one who can sacrifice himself?" Bucky asked Steve who sighed.

"Looks like we got a new candidate." Hill joked.

Steve bent the railing and backing up, ran forward, taking a leap just as everything exploded and was covered in flames.

"What happened? What happened?" Peter said frantically.

"I realized I could jump really high." Steve said dryly and everyone sighed in relief.

"Rogers you son of a bitch!" Tony said as everyone chuckled.

"And that is how Captain America won the respect of the soldiers." Benjamin said and everyone nodded.

At the army base, Phillips dictated a condolence letter to a man on the typewriter about Steve Rogers being killed in action.

"He is in for a huge surprise." Daisy said cheerfully as Steve smirked.

Peggy entered as the dictation was finished and said the last surveillance flight hadn't found anything. Phillips asked the man to get a cup of coffee and said to Peggy that he couldn't touch Stark as he was rich and the army's number one weapons contractor but she wasn't. Peggy said she didn't regret her actions and she was sure Steve didn't either.

"Still don't." Steve said.

Phillips said he didn't care about her opinions and him taking a chance with her had lead America's golden boy and many other people to death because she had a crush.

"Ah, so he sees it too." Tony said.

"He is an army officer." Steve said.

Peggy said she had faith as Phillips said dryly it would provide good comfort once the division was shut down. That was when they heard voices of disbelief coming from outside.

"Here it comes!" Clint said.

Phillips walked out with Peggy behind him and saw a crowd gathering. There, striding up the ridge with all the former HYDRA prisoners behind him and Bucky at his side and a fanfare heralding his arrival, strode Captain America himself.

Everyone in the room broke out in applause.

"Now that is what Captain America is supposed to do!" Aunt May said.

"Couldn't agree more." Sam told her.

Steve, Bucky and the others marched into the camp past the cheering men who had earlier mocked Steve. Gilmore Hodge was among them too.

"He ate humble pie too." Natasha said and everyone chuckled.

The sleeping men came out to watch too as Steve walked up to Phillips and giving him a salute, told him some men needed medical attention. Phillips glanced at the men and Steve who was ready to surrender himself to disciplinary action but he said it won't be necessary.

"Now that's what I call appreciation." Logan said.

Phillips joked a bit with Peggy about how she had faith and walked off as she walked up to Steve and said he was late. He took out the broken transponder and said he couldn't call his ride.

"Awww, look at that. So cute." Natasha said with a teasing smirk as Steve shot her a look and Bucky and Sam chuckled too.

"You have earned everyone's respect, Captain." T'Challa said.

"And that is a good thing." Thor agreed.

"Hey!" Bucky shouted, drawing everyone's attention. "Let's hear it for Captain America!" And all the men burst into cheers.

So did everyone in the room as Steve thanked them.

In front of the White House, Brandt announced how he was giving a Medal For Valor to his 'personal friend' Captain America but he didn't come out in spite of being called thrice.

"Ironic that when you finally earned a Medal For Valor, you weren't there to take it." Natasha said.

"I didn't do it for medals." Steve shrugged.

The assistant came out, apologizing to Brandt that he couldn't find Captain America as an elderly man in a uniform among the audience said, "I thought he'd be taller."

"Okay, what?" Rhodes said in shock.

"He is in this too?" Tony asked.

"Looks like he is a higher being." Thor said.

"He might be." Odinson told him.

"I can't believe it." Steve said.

"Me neither." Fury agreed.

"Maybe he is a watcher." Daisy said.

"Or The One Above All Himself." Bobbi shrugged as everyone decided to continue watching.

In the SSR Base, Steve marked the Hydra bases on the map and said he had just got a quick look as Peggy said no one was perfect.

"Nope!" Tony said and everyone sighed.

Steve said there were other weapons factories as manufactured weapons were shipped off to a facility that wasn't on the map according to Barnes. Phillips asked Peggy to coordinate with MI6 as he wanted every Allied eyeball to look for that Hydra base.

"Just call James Bond." Benjamin joked and everyone chuckled.

Phillips said they were going to set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass as a woman with blonde curled hair called Private Lorraine came up to him and handed him a document before looking flirtatiously at Steve.

"Ugh." Steve groaned.

"What?" Natasha asked.

"Don't ask." He said.

Phillips asked Steve if he could wipe Hydra off his map and he said he could with a team. Phillips said he was assembling the best men but Rogers told him he was too.

"Oh that is going to be so awesome!" Scott said.

"Yup." Hope agreed.

"And I met those men. They were the best." Logan said as Steve and Bucky nodded at him.

Later, Steve sat down with Dugan, Gabe, Morita and James, asking them to join his team. James agreed as Morita agreed too as James talked to Gabe in French and both of them agreed as Dugan said he would always fight as long as one thing was done for him.

"Get the beer!" Tony said.

Dugan said if a tab was opened for him as he finished his beer.

"Look!" Tony said as everyone laughed.

Steve walked to the bartender, asking him for another round as he wondered where they were putting this stuff.

"In their stomachs." Vision said.

Steve walked up to Bucky who said they were all idiots as music was played.

"No. Just drunk." Wanda said.

Steve asked Bucky, "How about you? You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" Bucky shook his head, "Hell no. That little fellow in Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight, I'm following him."

Everyone smiled again at the bond between Steve and Bucky.

"I had to watch your back." Bucky said.

"And you did." Steve told him.

Bucky asked if Steve was keeping the outfit as he looked and old poster of the tour and said it was growing on him as the others sang a song about how the best of friends must part.

Steve and Bucky winced, with the former wondering if this was God's way of telling him he would be parting with his best friend for a long time.

They stopped as someone entered. It was Peggy Carter in a red dress.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"Okay. She looks…beautiful." Peter said.

"She does." Aunt May smiled.

"You remember this, right?" Steve asked with a smirk.

"I do." Bucky sighed.

Peggy halted in front of the two as they got up and addressed her. She said Howard had some equipment for Steve which he could try out the next morning.

"Equipment huh." Tony said as Steve sighed.

Steve agreed as the others sang again and Peggy said dryly how his squad was prepping for duty. Bucky asked if she didn't like music and she said she did and would even go dancing when this was over. Bucky asked what she was waiting for and she looked at Steve and said, "The right partner."

"Awkward." Bruce said.

"Very." Hill agreed.

Bucky sighed.

She walked off, telling Steve the time as he agreed to be there.

"Score!" Hope said as everyone chuckled.

Bucky said how he was invisible and turning into Steve which was like a horrible dream. Steve asked him not to take it too hard as she might have a friend.

Everyone laughed as Bucky said this time, "Somebody kill me."

Howard and an assistant worked on the little cartridge of Teserract energy Steve had brought, thinking it harmless as he touched it with a pair of prongs, only for a pulse of light to send them both on the floor.

"Yup. I'm just like my old man." Tony said.

"Not in everything." Pepper said as she held his hand.

"Mad scientists." Clint said only for Tony, Bruce and Benjamin to glare at him and he shrugged.

Steve went around to look for Howard and asked Private Lorraine about it.

"Why this?" Steve moaned.

"Just like that." Benjamin chuckled.

"What?" Bucky and Natasha asked.

"Just watch." Daisy smirked.

She looked at him and said he was welcome to wait. She talked about how he had saved 400 men, though he tried to shrug it off.

No one could control their laughter.

"Back at you!" Bucky said as Steve put his head in his hands.

"Please shoot me." He said, "Why did you have to show this one?"

"To show how adorably dumb you are." Bobbi laughed as Steve held his head in his hands.

"Is it just me or does she look like Margery Tyrell?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, she looks like Natalie Dormer." Hope agreed. [2]

She got up and told him to tell that to their wives. She grabbed him by the tie and said the women of America owed him their thanks but because they weren't here, she would do it on their behalf. She then pulled him into a kiss.

"Margery Tyrell, always going for the alpha." Scott laughed.

"Whether it is in personality or status." Hope said.

That was when Peggy arrived and the two pulled away.

"Odin's Beard." Thor said.

"That would be an appropriate reaction." Loki said.

"Yes." Odinson agreed.

"Why? Why?" Steve was moaning as everyone laughed at his misery.

"I don't think that was your plan." Natasha laughed.

Carter said they were ready if he wasn't occupied and strode off. Steve ran after her and tried to explain as she said how finding a partner wasn't hard. He told her it wasn't what she thought as she said she didn't think anything and he was on the frontlines now. Steve pointed out her and Stark had been fondue-ing.

"Okay you are the worst!" Bucky said as everyone laughed again.

"I can never be this bad." Peter laughed too.

Steve just looked at the screen, not paying attention to them.

Peggy said he still didn't know anything about women and walked off as Steve looked after her. He then went in and Howard told him how fondue was just cheese and bread.

"Or chocolate and fruit." Thor said.

"Finally." Bucky said.

"This isn't over." Steve sighed.

Steve realized his mistake as Howard said when he understood women would be when his goose is fully cooked.

"Of course you'd know, dad." Tony scoffed.

Howard said he just focused on work which was to keep Steve and his team alive for now.

"Yes it is." Tony said as Steve and Bucky didn't look at him.

Howard then had Steve look at some shields as he said Hydra won't attack him with a pocket knife.

"I don't think so." Steve said and Bucky shook his head.

He then joked how Steve and the stage prop shield were attached as Steve said it was pretty handy. Howard was about to show him more shields when Steve saw a perfectly round one and asked him about it as he held it up.

"That's the one!" Thor smiled as everyone smirked too.

Howard said it was just a prototype and that it was made of Vibranium, the rarest metal on Earth and that shield was all they had got.

"It was all my ancestors let you take." T'Challa corrected.

"All righty." Tony said.

That was when Peggy arrived, saying how Captain had unfinished business. Steve asked her about the shield and she suddenly lifted up a gun and fired as Steve blocked with the shield. The bullets were deflected off.

"Oh boy!" Peter said in shock.

"Never making you jealous now." Bucky said to Natasha as he realized making agents jealous was a stupid idea.

"Why are you doing this?" Steve asked the future people.

"Too good for bloopers." Benjamin said and everyone laughed.

"Still, isn't the reaction too over the top?" Aunt May asked, "It's not like you two were together. So she had no right to do that."

"She does have a very good point." Sam agreed and Steve nodded. [3]

Peggy put the gun away and said it worked fine as she walked off while Steve and Howard stared after her. Steve gave Howard a note that had some ideas about the uniform.

"Now it will begin." Logan said as everyone watched.

Steve was now in his uniform with the mask as well. He loaded a pistol, strapped on his shield which was painted with the colors of America and it began. Steve burst into a Hydra base with Bucky, Dugan, Morita, James and Gabe as they fired at the Hydra soldiers together.

"Those were the days!" Bucky said.

"Yeah. With the Howling Commandos." Steve smiled.

"And I joined you on one such adventure." Logan said.

"With that friend of yours." Bucky said, "Victor Creed."

"Yeah, what happened to him?" Steve asked.

"Don't ask." Logan said in a tone that invited no argument as the two looked away, wondering what that was about.

Steve kicked men or knocked them away with his shield. Later, the Howling Commandos came running out of the back of the exploding base as Steve rode out on his bike and smiled as he looked back.

"Son of a gun." Fury said.

"Rock that bike!" Hill cheered.

"So you always did that." Tony sighed.

The Red Skull sped on his motorcar and looked at the wreckage with a scowl.

"What happened? Lost a base?" Daisy joked as everyone laughed.

Decorated pins were moved off a map in SSR by Peggy and Phillips as Steve and the Commandos walked in a forest. Steve sensed something and threw his shield at a tree, sending a hidden Hydra agent down as the others watched.

"How did you…." Clint trailed off.

"Superhuman senses." Steve shrugged.

"Matt would be proud of those." Bobbi said.

Steve caught his shield and put it on his arm as they proceeded and raised through the forest despite heavy fire, blowing up a tank as well.

"So nice!" Logan smirked.

Morita whistled and shone a flashlight from a hidden position as everyone else huddled. He ran and dove right under a running truck, fastening the thing on its underside as it passed him. He got up and closed his ears as the truck exploded and he smiled as the others laughed.

"What the hell?" Aunt May said.

"Not my idea." Steve said.

"Not mine either." Bucky said.

Footage of Steve and the Commandos played in a movie theater as Phillips and Peggy watched. The camera inched closer to Steve's hand and a picture of Peggy was shown.

"Awww. That is so sweet, Steve." Natasha said as he sighed.

Steve noticed it and put the picture away as Phillips looked at Peggy who looked uncomfortable but then smiled.

"So that's why she changed her mind about me." Steve said.

Somewhere else, Bucky looked at Steve with a sniper rifle before noticing a soldier aiming at him from above and shot him dead as Steve gave him a salute.

"Thank you." Steve said.

"You're welcome." Bucky told him.

"Go Bucky!" Hope cheered as everyone clapped and Bucky gave a flattered smile.

Steve fought Hydra men at another lab and tossed his shield like a giant Frisbee.

"Badass!" Peter clapped as everyone joined in.

Steve jumped on a tank, busted the lock, pulled open the door and yanked the man out, throwing him off. James then tossed him explosive devices as he threw them inside the tank and sealed it before jumping off as the tank exploded behind him.

"YES!" Thor, Bruce and Peter cheered.

"Now that is what the history books said." Fury told everyone and they nodded.

"You are failing!" Red Skull roared at Zola in some ruins, "We are close to an offensive that could shake the planet, yet we are continually delayed because you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield!" Zola said he had only developed the weapons and couldn't fire them.

"Driving them nuts, aren't you?" Daisy asked as Steve smirked.

"That's what we lot did." Logan told her.

Red Skull asked Zola to finish his mission before Steve finished his as a man arrived held at gunpoint by one of Red Skull's guards and said they had fought to the last man. Red Skull said they hadn't and disintegrated him with a shot.

"Dictators." Pepper said.

"I know." Loki of all people said.

James looked down with some binoculars as Morita and Gabe listened to German messages on a radio.

"Oh God!" Steve paled.

"This." Bucky sighed.

"What?" Peter and Scott asked at the same time.

"A tragedy." Bobbi said as Natasha held Bucky's hand for comfort.

Bucky reminded Steve of the time he had made him ride the cyclone on Coney Island as Steve remembered he had thrown up. Bucky jokingly asked if it was payback as Steve said it wasn't.

"Don't like heights." Steve joked to lighten the mood and Bucky chuckled a little.

Gabe said Zola was on the train headed to somewhere as James said they were moving like the devil. Steve got ready to slide down a rope with a handlebar as he said they had a ten second window and if they missed that they'd be bugs on a windshield.

"Not really." Clint said.

Dugan joked at the bugs to get moving as Steve, Bucky and Gabe slid down and landed on boxes of the train. Steve and Bucky reached the ladder near the engine as Gabe remained up.

"So this is it." Fury said.

Steve opened the cabin door and entered with Bucky as they looked around at rows of weapons. Steve passed an open doorway cautiously when it was slammed shut in Bucky's face from the other side.

"Shit!" Sam said.

"What the hell?" Rhodes said.

"It was a trap!" Hill realized.

A Hydra soldier attacked Bucky as he fired back at him while Steve was attacked by a Hydra agent with some kind of big weapon. Zola ordered him to fire as Steve took cover and raised his shield to defend himself from the blue powerful shots.

"What is that thing?" Scott said.

Bucky exchanged fire with the Hydra soldier as Steve jumped up and grabbed something dangling from the ceiling and sliding towards the man while blocking his shots, jumped down to kick him and knocked him out with his shield.

"Way to go!" Tony said.

Bucky and the guard continued firing at each other when the former ran out. Steve pulled the door open quietly and tossed Bucky his gun. He then used his shield to send a compartment flying as the guard was pinned down and Bucky shot him dead.

"Very nice." Odinson said as everyone watched.

Bucky said he had him on the ropes as Steve said he knew he did.

Everyone chuckled lightly.

Suddenly Steve's opponent returned and fired as Steve blocked with his shield and was sent flying off as the blast ricocheted off his shield and blew a hole in the compartment. Zola ordered him to fire again as Bucky leapt up and grabbing the shield, fired. The man fired at him and he was sent out as the shield fell off.

"NO!" Aunt May cried.

"Why?" Peter said sadly.

Steve grabbed the shield and hurled it at the guard, sending him back. He then ran towards the opening as he took off his mask, calling out to Bucky. Bucky was dangling from one of the handlebars on the outside of the train, clinging for dear life. The track now ran along the edge of the mountain. If Bucky let go, he would fall to his death.

"No, no, no, no, no." Scott was saying as Hope looked pale too.

Steve began inching towards him and shouted, "Hang on!" He gave his hand and yelled, "Grab my hand!" But the bar Bucky was hanging from broke from one end.

"NO!" Bruce yelled.

Logan sighed angrily and looked down as Bobbi and Daisy watched wide eyes.

The other end broke as Steve roared, "NO!" Bucky fell down with a scream.

Steve realized tears were falling out of his eyes as Bucky trembled and Natasha grabbed him tightly to comfort him.

"It's okay." She said, "You're here."

Tony was trembling too due to the sadness he was actually feeling for Bucky as Pepper held his hand tightly for comfort and he squeezed back.

Peter was on the verge of sobbing as Aunt May covered her hand with her mouth.

Thor held his head in his hands, reminded of Loki's 'death.' Loki put a hand around him for comfort.

Scott and Hope couldn't say a thing either as Sam and Rhodes watched with wide jaws and Clint shook too.

Benjamin, Logan, Odinson and Storm didn't comment either and looked saddened as Fury closed his one eye sadly and Hill just sighed.

Wanda cowered a little, thinking about how Bucky endured things far worse than even death.

After about five minutes, everyone was back to normal and Benjamin finally restarted the recording.

Steve started crying. Zola looked back at the screen as Gabe jumped into the engine and held him at gunpoint as he shrank back in fear.

"No more than what you deserve, you piece of shit!" Logan snarled.

"He does." Natasha snarled too.

But they all knew this was a pyrrhic victory. Nothing more.