Ch 28 the argument

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"Didn't see that coming, did you?" Fury asked with a smirk.

"My brother doesn't get witty retorts that much." Thor said as Loki shook his head.

"I'm betting I changed that." Tony said as everyone chuckled and Loki shook his head again.

Loki laughed and said it was an impressive cage which was built for something a lot stronger than him. Loki knew it was the mindless beast who made play he was still a man. Bruce heard it but ignored as Loki asked how desperate he was to call on such lost creatures to defend himself.

"Clearly, you don't know enough about me." Bruce said.

"He didn't tell me enough." Loki said about Clint.

"It's not like I was an expert on him." Clint shrugged.

Fury said Loki threatened his world with war, stole a force he couldn't hope to control, talked about peace and killed because it's fun. "You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did." Fury finished.

"I am not." Loki said.

"Obviously." Hill said.

Loki scoffed to him how close he was to the Teserract, asking him if he wanted it for all mankind to share and then to be reminded what real power is. Fury walked off, telling him to say if real power needed a magazine or something.

"Burn." Scott said and everyone chuckled.

"Very funny." Loki sighed.

Bruce joked about how Loki was growing on them all. Steve said Loki was going to drag this out and asked Thor about his plan. Thor said Loki had an army called the Chitauri which were not of Asgard nor of any world known. He would lead them against the Earth's people and win him the Earth in return for the Teserract.

"You thought you would lead the galaxy's weakest to conquer our world?" Logan asked mockingly, "Not very bright."

"Clearly, the Earth's Mightiest Heroes didn't know about the mothership for a while." Loki smirked and everyone sighed.

"There strength was in numbers really." Storm said, "And their Leviathans."

"Take the Leviathans away and they are not that hard to beat." Daisy said and everyone nodded.

Bruce realized he was building another portal and that's why he needed Selvig, shocking Thor as Natasha explained Loki had put him under some kind of mind control along with Clint. Steve asked why Loki had let them take him as he wasn't leading any army from his cell. Bruce said they shouldn't be focusing on him as his brain was like a bag full of cats and crazy could be smelled on him. Thor asked him to talk respectfully as Loki was beyond reason but still of Asgard and his brother. Natasha said he had killed 80 people in 2 days and Thor added that he was adopted.

"Wow! That was a nice burn!" Peter said.

"Thanks kid." Natasha smiled.

"Yup. That was awesome." Bucky agreed as the two smiled at each other.

"And then you proceeded to burn me too." Loki said and everyone chuckled.

"Did you really kill 80 people in 2 days?" Hope asked him.

"Some agents didn't escape the facility unfortunately." Hill said.

Bruce wondered why the Iridium was needed as Tony arrived with Phil and said it was a stabilizing agent. Tony then talk to Phil about how he would fly him and the cellist to Portland and Coulson nodded before walking off.

"I'm guessing he really loved the cellist." Bruce said.

"You have no idea." Daisy said sadly.

Tony said the portal won't collapse on itself like at SHIELD. He then turned to Thor and tapping his bicep said, "No hard feelings, Point Break. You've got a mean swing."

"Not anymore." Thor said.

"Maybe you can." Odinson said with a gleam in his eye and Thor wondered what that was about.

"Now you've got mean lighting." Loki said.

"So, Point Break." Pepper said as she looked at Thor, "Good comparison."

"I know." Tony said.

"Yes it is!" Peter agreed.

Tony said that the portal could open as wide and for as long as Loki wanted and pointing at a man in the corner said, "That man is playing Galaga. Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did."

Everyone chuckled at Tony's antics.

"Can't let them work in peace, can't you?" Aunt May chuckled.

"Play in peace." Tony corrected.

Tony tried to see the monitors with just one eye and asked Hill how Fury saw them. Hill said he turned and Tony said how it was exhausting.

"Not as exhausting as listening to your babble." Fury said dryly and everyone chuckled.

Tony said Barton could get his hands on the rest of the raw materials easily and he only needed a power source to kick start the Cube. As he said that, he put a small device on a monitor.

"Wow. Trust comes in short supply for you or something?" Hill asked.

"I think that is a better question for your boss there." Tony said and Fury didn't react.

Hill asked when he had become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics and he said the previous night with the package, Selvig's notes, the Extraction Theory papers. He jokingly asked if he was the only one who had done the reading.

"Not all of us are rocket scientists." Steve said.

"Rocket scientist?" Tony asked incredulously, "Now that is insulting."

Steve asked if Loki needed any particular kind of power source and Banner said he needed to heat the cube to a hundred and twenty million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier. Tony wondered if Selvig had figured out how to stabilize the Quantum Tunneling Effect and Bruce said then he could achieve Heavy Ion Fusion at any reactor on the planet. Tony was happy to see someone else who spoke English.

"Your version of it you mean." Vision said.

"And the science bromance was born." Tony said and everyone chuckled as Bruce sighed.

Tony shook hands with Bruce and said it was good to meet him, saying his work on anti-electron collisions was unparalleled. He then said, "And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster." Banner thanked him lamely.

"I was not." Bruce said, "Not back then at least."

"I had no idea." Tony said.

Fury said Banner was only there to track the Cube and Tony could help him. Steve said Loki's stick was magical but it worked a lot like a Hydra weapon so they should start with that. Fury said it was powered by the Cube and said he needed to know how it turned to of the sharpest men he knew into Loki's personal flying monkeys. Thor was confused as monkeys did not exist on any other realm as Steve said, "I do." Everyone looked at him in confusion and he said, "I understood that reference."

Everyone laughed as Steve said, "Got one over you all there, didn't I?"

"Wizard of Oz I think." Bucky said and Steve nodded.

"Well, everyone knows some things." Bobbi said.

Tony and Banner went off to work as the man in the corner started playing Galaga again.

"There he goes again." Benjamin said.

"Video game addiction." Sam said.

Bruce later analyzed the Scepter and said the gamma readings on it were consistent with Selvig's reports but it would take weeks to process as Tony said if they bypassed the main frame and rerouted to the home cluster, they could clock it to about 600 Tera Flops.

"Wow!" Rhodes said.

"That was impressive, Mr. Stark." T'Challa complimented and Tony nodded.

Bruce joked he had only packed a tooth brush as Tony said he should come to Stark Tower. The top 10 floors were all R&D and it was like candyland. Bruce thanked him but said he had broken Harlem the previous time and Tony promised him a stress free environment.

"Stress free with you?" Logan chuckled, "That's like the Earth being flat."

"No kidding." Pepper said as Tony gave her a mock glare.

Tony promised no tension or surprises before poking Bruce with a prod as Bruce looked at him and nothing happened.

"Really?" Clint asked.

"I could take it." Bruce said.

"I knew it." Tony said.

Steve arrived and asked Tony if he was nuts.

"I am." Tony said.

Tony said Bruce had a lid on it and joked about his secret as Steve asked if everything was a joke to him and Tony said funny things were. Steve said threatening the safety of everyone wasn't funny as Bruce said he wouldn't have come aboard if he couldn't handle pointy things.

"Good point." Bobbi shrugged.

Tony told Bruce he was tiptoeing and needed to strut and Steve told him to focus on the problem. Tony asked why Fury had called them now and not before. Steve asked if he was hiding something and Tony said, "He's a spy. Captain, he's the spy. His secrets have secrets."

"Got that right." Fury said.

Tony said it was bugging Bruce too but Steve asked him too and he remembered Loki's jab at Fury about the Teserract of "a warm light for all mankind", saying it was meant for Tony. Bruce then ate some blueberries Tony gave him, referring to the Stark Tower as Steve called it a big, ugly building, getting a glare from Tony.

"All right." Steve groaned, "Not ugly. Just not my kind of place. I prefer natural settings."

"Comes with the 40's." Tony quipped.

Bruce said it was powered by a self-sustaining Arc Reactor and will run itself for a year as Tony said it was just the prototype and that he was the only name in the clean energy business. Bruce then asked why SHIELD had not called him on the Teserract project as Tony said they would know once his decryption program finished its work.

"There it is." Fury said dryly.

"Surprised that someone played your own game with you, eh?" Tony asked.

"I was actually expecting you to do it." Fury said.

Steve was shocked as Tony said Jarvis had been running it since he had hit the bridge and soon, he would find out all of SHIELD's dirty secrets.

"Wish you found out about Hydra that way." Wanda joked.

Tony offered Steve a blueberry as he said Loki was trying to wind them up so they should focus on him and follow their orders. Tony said following wasn't his style and Steve asked him if he was all about style. Tony asked which one out of them was wearing a spangly outfit and not of use.

"That was hurtful." Scott said.

"I'm being a bit of a jock." Steve said in shock at his on-screen self.

"And I'm taking out my frustrations at my dad on you." Tony said, equally shocked.

Bruce asked him if it felt fishy and Steve told them to find the cube as he walked out but had a contemplative look on his face as he considered what he had learnt from Tony and Bruce and decided to find evidence.

"And now you're on me too." Fury said.

"Both of them on you spells trouble." Daisy joked and everyone chuckled.

Tony said that was the guy his dad never shut up about and wondered if they should have left him on ice.

"All right!" Tony said as he felt the glares at him, "That was horrible to say. I agree. I'm taking all the anger at my dad on him. Not healthy. Sorry Cap."

"No problem. I can understand." Steve sighed.

Bruce looked at the readings on the monitor and said Steve wasn't wrong about Loki who had the jump on them.

"I did." Loki smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. No need to boast." Tony said.

Tony said he had an acme dynamite kit which was going to blow up in his face and he would be there when it does.

"And I was there." Tony smirked and Loki sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. No need to boast." He said.

Bruce said he would read about it and Tony said he would suit up with them. Bruce said he didn't have a suit. He was exposed like a nerve. It was a nightmare. Tony said he had a cluster of shrapnel trying to crawl its way into his heart and the circle of light stopped it. It was a part of him, not just the armor. It was a terrible privilege.

"You're actually good at this." Hope noted, realizing he was trying to get Bruce to accept Hulk.

"Thanks." Tony said.

"Wonder why you weren't like that with me." Peter said.

"Yeah. I wasn't the best to you." Tony said, "And I'm hoping to change that."

"I'd like that." Peter said.

Bruce said Tony could control it but he retorted he had learnt it. Bruce said their situations were different as Tony removed the readings from his monitor and said he had read about the accident. That much gamma exposure should have killed him. Bruce then wondered aloud if the Hulk had saved his life and said it was a nice sentiment. He then asked why it had saved him.

"It's actually been part of you longer than you know, bub." Logan said.

"Really?" Bruce asked.

"I think you'd know about that." Benjamin said and Bruce realized they were right.

"Wonder what he saved me for though." Bruce said.

"I think we know." Daisy said.

"Though you didn't enjoy it." Bobbi said.

"At all." Storm added.

"But you did it." Odinson said.

"What exactly?" Bruce asked.

"You will see later." Odinson said. [1]

Tony said they will find out. Bruce said he might not enjoy that and Tony said Bruce would.

"He didn't." Odinson said.

Steve opened a storage room and looked around before jumping up while Erik Selvig worked at Loki's base, lifting up a new power source with prongs and putting it in the device, which started.

"And it works." Pepper sighed.

At the Helicarrier, Coulson told Thor they had moved Jane to Tromso where she had been asked to consult very suddenly the previous day. She had a handsome fee, private plane and the place was very remote.

"Sir cares about people a lot." Daisy said.

"I know." Thor agreed.

Thor thanked Coulson and dreaded what Loki would do to Erik once he was done with him. He was a good man. Phil said Erik talked about Thor a lot as he had changed not just his life, but everything around there.

"Not everything." Bobbi said, "Though you did fasten the process."

Everyone except Fury wondered what that was about.

Thor said things were better as they were before. They pretended to be more advanced on Asgard but they came to Earth battling like Bilge Snipe. Coulson was confused as Thor said they were big, scaly and had pointy antlers. Coulson said they didn't have those and Thor said they were repulsive and trampled everything in their path.

"Good thing we don't have them then." Bucky said.

"When I first came to Earth, Loki's rage followed me here and your people paid the price." Thor said sadly, "And now again. In my youth I courted war." "War hasn't started yet." Fury said as he arrived.

"Always have to put all of us down, don' you?" Thor asked Fury jokingly who shrugged.

Fury asked if Thor could make Loki talk and he said he didn't know as Loki's mind was far afield. He didn't just crave power but vengeance upon Thor. No pain would prize his need for that.

"Got that right." Loki sighed sadly.

Fury said a lot of guys thought that until the pain started. Thor asked what Fury wanted him to do and Fury asked what he was prepared to do. Thor said Loki was a prisoner and Fury asked why it felt like he was the only person who looked like he wanted to be on the boat.

"Because he is." Loki said dryly and everyone sighed.

Loki was walking around in his cell when he realized someone was behind him and with a smirk, turned around to see Natasha Romanoff. He complimented her, saying not many could sneak up on him.

"I definitely can't." Thor said.

"Never could." Odinson agreed.

"I was better at stealth obviously." Loki said.

Natasha realized Loki knew she would come and he said after Fury had concocted his tortures, she would come as a balm and he would cooperate.

"The good cop, bad cop routine." Tony chuckled.

"Yup." Natasha said, "And he did cooperate."

"I know. I know." Loki groaned as everyone chuckled at his expense.

Natasha asked what he had done to Agent Barton and Loki said he had expanded his mind.

"Expanded?" Clint snarled, "If I had my bow right now-"

"You wouldn't do anything." Bobbi said.

"Because we did not bring you here to fight." Benjamin said.

Natasha asked what he would do to Clint once he was king of the mountain.

"Or under it." Clint said.

Loki asked if it was love and Natasha said love was for children.

"So you're a child now?" Bucky asked with a wink.

"You can say that." Natasha said and everyone chuckled.

She owed Barton a debt. Loki said he would like to hear about it.

"You don't." Clint told her.

"I do." Natasha said firmly.

Natasha said before SHIELD, she made a name for herself. She had a specific skillset and didn't care whom she used it for or on. She got on SHIELD's radar in a bad way and Agent Barton was sent to kill her but he made a different call.

"I don't regret it." Clint assured her, "Not for a second."

Natasha simply nodded with a smile.

Loki asked what she would do if he vowed to spare Clint. She said she won't let him out but he commented how her world hung in the balance and she bargained for the life of one man. Natasha said regimes fell every day and she didn't weep over that due to being Russian. It was simply. "I got red in my ledger. I'd like to wipe it out." Natasha said.

Benjamin, Odinson, Logan, Storm, Daisy and Bobbi winced on hearing that as they remembered how Natasha had wiped it out.

Loki asked if she could wipe out that much red. He got up and started mentioning Drakov's daughter, Sao Paolo and the hospital fire. Natasha clearly looked uncomfortable.

Natasha looked uncomfortable as Bucky held her hand in comfort and him, Steve and Clint glared at Loki who raised his hands in surrender.

Barton had told him everything.

"Sorry." Clint said.

"It wasn't your fault." Natasha told him.

Loki said her ledger was gushing red and she thought saving a man no more virtuous than herself would change anything. It was pathetic and the basest sentimentality of a child at prayer. Tony and Bruce were shown working in the lab as Hill and Fury were shown having detected the virus.

"And busted." Hope said and everyone chuckled in spite of the tense mood.

Steve was shown opening a box where he saw weapons and didn't look pleased while Loki said how she lied and killed in the service of liars and killers. She pretended to be separate and have her own code to block out the horrors but they were a part of her and would never go away. Loki then slammed his fist on the glass as Natasha backed off.

Everyone jumped at that.

Loki said he would make Barton kill her slowly, intimately, in every way he knew she feared and when he woke up and screamed at his handiwork, he would split his skull. Natasha looked away in horror.

"You bastard!" Bucky said as he almost shot out of his couch at Loki but Steve, Sam and Natasha restrained him as Clint was restrained by Thor.

Loki looked at the screen with wide eyes, shocked at himself. While he wasn't the most virtuous person, this was the stone. Thor put a hand on his shoulder.

"If you keep this up, I will send you out." Benjamin said and they stopped. Peter and Aunt May were both awed at how Benjamin actually could be a bit authoritative if he wanted.

Loki called Natasha a mewling quim and said this was his bargain. Natasha called him a monster and he said she had brought the monster. Natasha looked up and turned to him, realizing his play was Banner. Loki looked confused as Natasha told Fury on comms that Loki planned to unleash the Hulk so Banner should be kept in the lab and she was on her way. She asked to send Thor as well. She then turned to Loki and sarcastically thanked him for his cooperation before walking off.

"She got you there, didn't she?" Scott teased Loki.

"Well done, Agent Romanoff." Loki said.

"I do not think many have outwitted you before, Prince Loki." T'Challa agreed.

Tony and Bruce were in the lab as Fury arrived and said they were supposed to be locating the Teserract. Bruce said the model was locked and when they got a hit, they would get the location within half a mile. The search bar was at 46% currently. Tony then asked Fury about Phase 2 as Steve dropped a prototype weapon on the table and said Phase 2 was SHIELD using the Teserract to build weapons.

"Busted." Scott said this time to lighten the mood.

"Now we know why I wasn't called earlier." Tony said.

Fury tried to explain but Tony turned the screen towards and asked him about it again. Steve said the world hadn't changed one bit in a disappointed tone.

"Why exactly were you against weapons though?" Hill asked.

"Because of the Teserract." Steve said, "It had caused a lot of damage. I just found anyone using it to be a recipe for destruction."

"You weren't wrong." Fury said.

Thor and Natasha then arrived as Natasha asked Bruce to remove himself from this environment and he said he was pretty well removed in Kolkata. Natasha said Loki was manipulating him and Bruce said they were doing the same thing. Natasha said he hadn't come because she had bat her eyelashes at him and he said he wouldn't leave because she had suddenly gotten a little twitchy. He asked why SHIELD was using the Teserract to build weapons of mass destruction. Fury pointed at Thor and said because of him.

"And here it comes." Thor said.

Thor was confused as Fury said, "Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that levelled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously out gunned."

"And the Avengers Initiative was being shut down." Fury said.

Thor said his people only wanted peace with their planet as Fury said they weren't the only people out there and not the only threat. Fury walked around and said, "The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, they can't be controlled."

"And now the entire universe." Daisy said.

Thor said SHIELD's work with the Teserract was what drew Loki and his allies to it and was a signal to all the worlds that Earth was ready for a higher form of war. Steve was shocked as Fury said their hand was forced and Tony joked how a nuclear deterrent calmed everything down.

"It makes things worse." Wanda said sadly.

Fury reminded him of how he made his fortune as Steve said if he still did it, he would be neck deep but then Stark asked how it was suddenly about him and Steve dryly said how everything was. Thor said he thought humans were more evolved than this as Fury asked if they had gone to his planet to blow stuff up. Thor said they treated their champions with mistrust as Natasha said SHIELD monitored potential threats. There was a close up on the Scepter.

"It's affecting all of you, right?" Peter asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. It was warping us in that moment." Steve said.

At that moment, Tony felt great sympathy for Wanda, realizing that being experimented on by the Mind Stone for a year would have left her unstable too.

A small Quinjet flew up to the Helicarrier and communicated with the operator, saying they were arms and ammunition. They were actually the rogue agents led by Barton.

"Shit!" Sam said.

"Took the word right out of my mouth." Rhodes said.

"You speak of control yet you court chaos." Thor said. "It's his M.O., isn't it?" Banner asked, "I mean, what are we? A team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're...we're a time-bomb." Fury asked him to step away as Tony casually put a hand on Steve's shoulder and asked why he shouldn't let off some steam as Steve forced his hand and asked him to back off. Tony asked him to make him. "Yeah, big man in a suit of armor." Steve mocked, "Take that off, what are you?" "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." Tony smirked smugly. Natasha had a bit of an impressed face.

"Hero." Steve added and everyone felt the tension in the room ease.

"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you." Steve said to Tony, "I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you." "I think I would just cut the wire", Tony said casually. "Always a way out." Steve said with a smirk, "You know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero." "A hero, like you?" Tony asked rhetorically, "You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle."

"Nope. Out of you." Tony said and the tension eased more.

"Well, you proved me wrong." Steve said, "You made the sacrifice play."

"When will you cut the wire though?" Tony asked jokingly and everyone chuckled.

"He will." Logan said, "Hasn't happened to you yet, but it will. And you'll love it."

Everyone wondered what that was about, though now they really wanted to see it, Steve included.

Steve asked Tony to put on the suit and they would go a few rounds as Thor laughed, "You people are so petty, and tiny." Barton aimed at the Helicarrier from outside and fired as the arrow got stuck.

"Damn!" Bobbi said.

Fury asked Romanoff to escort Banner to his cell but Banner said they couldn't kill him. Everyone stared at him in horror as he said, "I know, I tried. I got low, I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out."

"More like stopped you from putting it in your mouth." Tony reminded Bruce who shrugged.

Bruce continued, "So I moved on, I focused on helping other people. I was good until you dragged me back into this freak show, and put everyone here at risk. You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?" Fury had a hand on his gun as Steve pointed at his hand and said he was holding the Scepter. Banner realized it too and put it down quickly, saying how they wouldn't get to see his party trick after all while the tracking machine beeped.

"Well, that thing was something." Banner said about the Scepter.

"Yes. It does seem like it is trying to communicate with me sometimes." Vision said about the Mind Stone.

Thor asked if the Teserract was found and Tony said he could get there fastest when Thor said it belonged to Asgard and no human was a match for it. Steve grabbed Tony's shoulder and said he wasn't going alone and Tony dared him as Steve asked him to put on the suit again. Banner's eyes widened as he looked at the screen and then there was an explosion.

"Oh boy!" A shocked Peter said.

"Now that was horrible." Pepper said.

"And it gets worse." Clint said, "Unfortunately."

Daisy and Bobbi looked tense as they prepared themselves for what they were about to see.