Ch 34 Truth revealed

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"Making my way towards the underwhelming reveal." Tony joked.

Tony was driving in his car, looking at the file. That was when he noticed AIM's name on it and shook his head in anger.

"AIM better watch out." Bruce said.

"The only thing more dangerous than a cheerful Stark is an angry Stark." Thor said seriously.

In Pakistan, Rhodes broke down a door as the people working raised their hands in fear. His phone suddenly rang and he picked up.

Everyone chuckled at the funny scene.

"I know. It's some funny timing." Rhodes said.

Tony asked from the other end if he ever had a chick straddling him and she had suddenly turned yellow. Tony then confirmed it was him and Rhodes laughed as Tony reminded how Rhodes had come looking for him last time he had gone missing and Rhodes joked he was making friends in Pakistan.

"So you make friends by pointing guns at them? What a nice way to start friendship." Peter joked and everyone laughed.

Tony asked Rhodes if his rebrand was AIM and Rhodes confirmed it was. Tony said he was going to find a heavy-duty comm sat and needed Rhodes' login. Rhodes said it was "WarMachine68." Tony asked the password and Rhodes said he needed to change it every time Tony hacked in. Tony said this wasn't the 80's and no one said "hack" anymore.

"You just did." Sam said and everyone chuckled.

"Bunch of smartasses." Tony quipped.

Rhodes finally said his login was "WARMACHINEROX" with an "X", all caps.

Everyone laughed as Rhodes shook his head.

"And people say Stark has an ego." Natasha quipped as Rhodes looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Nothing wrong with trying to increase your self-esteem." Jessica said, "Especially if you're taking it the 'rock' way instead of the 'cray cray' way."

"Why did you bring that up?" Trish asked, embarrassed as everyone laughed at remembering the 'cray cray' song.

"Hey hey, I want your cray cray", Luke started as everyone laughed and Trish smacked his arm.

The men chuckled and Rhodes whirled his turret on them and they stopped as Tony chuckled too and so did Rhodes. Tony said it was much better than Iron Patriot and turned the car the other way.

Everyone chuckled again at the "WARMACHINEROX" thing.

A beauty pageant was going on where the winner was asked what she wanted for Christmas. Outside, Tony walked around before eventually sneaking into a broadcasting van as an elderly man raised a scoreboard at the pageant, with a perfect 10 on it.

"So he is also a pageant judge." Clint said as everyone saw the man again.

"Must be very rich with all the jobs he has." Hope said.

"Barber. Driver. Judge. You name it. He has done it." Logan said.

Tony set up the van but the connection was slow. That moment, a cameraman entered the van and was about to tell Tony to go out but gasped in joy on seeing it was Tony Stark. He cut the call with his mom and walking inside, said how he was Tony's biggest fan and knew he was alive.

"Look. A fanboy." Loki joked.

The cameraman closed the door and introduced himself as Gary and said how he had patterned his whole look after Tony, taking off his cap to show his hair.

"That doesn't look like it." Bucky said and everyone nodded in agreement.

Gary said he didn't want to make things awkward and then showed him a tattoo as Tony joked it was a Hispanic Scott Baio before realizing it was him. Gary said it was after a doll he had made.

"That is the exact definition of making it awkward." Elektra said.

"He is just an over-excited fellow." Matt said.

Tony finally told Gary to clip his wings as they both were overexcited and told him he was chasing bad guys and needed to grab some hard-crypt data files. But he didn't have a proper connection so Gary needed to go up and recalibrate the ISDNs, pumping them up by 40%. He told him it was a mission of "Tony needs Gary" and Gary agreed, though Tony told him to be quiet about it.

"Fanboys are always a big help." Benjamin said.

"Like you?" Odinson asked.

"Exactly like me." Benjamin sighed.

Gary recalibrated the ISDNs and Tony accessed the AIM servers, using Rhodes' login and password.

Everyone chuckled at the password as Rhodes said, "Get over it."

He broke through the firewalls and finally started a video where Chad Davis was asked the defining moment of his life by Aldrich Killian and he said it was the day he decided not to let his injury beat him. Then there was a video of the woman who had attacked Tony and she didn't have a left arm. Her name was Ellen Brandt. Aldrich Killian said the injections were administered periodically, addiction will not be tolerated and those who cannot regulate will be cut from the program.

"Cut off from their bodies." Frank snarled.

Aldrich then gave a speech to all the subjects, telling them this was their day of glory as the process started and both Brandt and Davis roared in pain while glowing. Brandt's arm was slowly growing back as Tony looked on, horrified.

Everyone watched the scene with horror on their faces as Pepper shook, reminded of when it had happened to her. Tony put an arm around her for comfort and pulled her into an embrace as some tears escaped her eyes.

"It's okay. I'm here." Tony said soothingly.

Davis suddenly screamed in pain and Aldrich realized he was about to exploded and told everyone to clear out as an explosion occurred.

Everyone flinched at the horrifying scene.

Tony sighed sadly and finally said, "A bomb is not a bomb when it's a misfire. The stuff doesn't always work. Right, pal?" He then snarled angrily, "It's faulty, but you found a buyer, didn't you? Sold it to the Mandarin. Got you, pal."

"Got you." Tony snarled.

"Nowhere to run to now." Steve said.

In a hotel, Maya told Pepper about Wernher von Braun, who used to dream of space travel and when the first V-2 had hit London, he had said, "The rocket performed perfectly. It just landed on the wrong planet." Maya continued saying, "See, we all begin wide-eyed. Pure science. And then the ego steps in, the obsession. And you look up, you're a long way from shore."

"Not wrong." Hope said, "Very true, sadly."

Pepper told Maya not to be too hard on herself as she had sold her research to a think tank. Maya countered that Killian had built the think tank on military contracts but Pepper pointed out that Stark Industries used to do the same, so she shouldn't be too hard on herself. Maya thanked Pepper, saying she appreciated it.

"Appreciated enough to capture me." Pepper snarled.

There was a knock on the door and Pepper went to open it as Maya had a look on her face. The waiter walked inside but suddenly Killian snapped his neck from behind and grabbed Pepper by the throat, pinning her to the wall.

"Oh no!" Aunt May said in horror.

"Shit!" Sam and Rhodes said.

Pepper paled at the scene as Tony once again had an arm around her as he glared daggers at the onscreen Killian.

"Coward without guts." Bucky said.

"You're correct." Natasha agreed.

Aldrich asked Maya why she was at Stark's mansion the previous night and she said she was trying to fix everything, unaware that Aldrich and the Mandarin were going to blow the place up. Aldrich wondered why she was trying to save him and Maya said they could use him, and now he had a decent incentive.

"What a manipulative bitch!" Jessica spat out.

"Maybe this moron should try picking on someone his own size." Logan said as he thought of ways to kill Killian.

"He is too cowardly for that." Steve said in anger.

"Of course he is." An enraged Thor agreed.

Rhodes was flying around when he was given coordinates for another Mandarin attack and flew down, blasting the place open, only to find women in hijabs stitching up sportswear. He told Support Blue-Zero they had messed up again as the women got up and started shaking Rhodes' hand happily. He wondered what that was about as another woman shook his hand but suddenly, her hand glowed and Rhodes gasped in pain, falling down.

"That is why I should never let my guard down." Rhodes said as everyone watched in shock.

Rhodes fell down as the woman threw her disguise off, revealing herself to be a blonde woman. She called Savin, telling him she had acquired the armor. Rhodes said they'd have to pry his cold, dead body out of it and she said that was the plan.

"This keeps getting more horrible." Wanda said, shocked.

Tony was driving his car and asked Harley on the phone to give him the full report. Harley said he had 2 or 3 bowls of candy. Tony asked if he could see straight. Harley said he could so Tony said he was all right.

Everyone chuckled.

Harley then put the phone on the armor as Jarvis told Tony they were totally fine but at the end of the sentence, he said the wrong cranberry.

Everyone chuckled.

"Not the best moments for me." Vision said.

Jarvis said he had factored the AIM downlink facilities and had pinpointed the Mandarin's broadcast signal. Tony asked which country it was, mentioning several countries that were notorious for having terrorists in them but Jarvis said it was in Miami, Florida. Tony was confused and asked Harley to reboot Jarvis' speech drive and also told him to look at the screen. Harley said it was in Miami, Florida.

"What a shock." Frank said.

"It's not like we knew he was an actor." Tony pointed out.

Tony asked how much the armor had charged but Harley said it wasn't charging. Tony suddenly pumped the brakes and panted, getting another anxiety attack as Jarvis said it was charging but the power source was questionable. A panting Tony tried to argue but he realized he was having another attack.

"How did that happen?" A concerned Pepper asked.

"I have no idea." Tony said.

Tony staggered out of the car as Harley said he hadn't even mentioned New York but Tony pointed out now he had. Harley asked him to breathe and he did, calming down and then Harley told him he was a mechanic so he could just build something. Tony got up and with determination in his eyes, thanked Harley before getting back in his car.

"That is a cool kid." Steve said and everyone nodded, impressed at how mature Harley was for his age.

Tony went to a gardening store, buying supplies as the man scanned them. Tony then started working on the supplies intently, McGuyvering several gadgets together.

Everyone clapped at Tony's brilliance at what he had done.

"Once again, pleasure watching you work." Thor said.

"Thanks." Tony said.

Tony drove to Miami, Florida and took position outside the walls of the Mandarin's mansion. He looked at the guards with binoculars and leapt in via the back of a fence. Sneaking up, he twirled some kind of rope and tying it to a guard's legs, pulled him down before firing a knock out dart at another one.

"You made these just like that?" Sam asked as everyone watched the scene in awe.

"Just like that." Tony said.

Tony then kneed that guard and taking his taser, tased another one who trying to attack him, knocking him out. A kind of blue ball then rolled up to two guards. One of them picked it up but it exploded on his face, sending him into the fountain as Tony fired knockout darts at the other one, throwing him there too before throwing a red ball into the fountain which exploded on his face.

Everyone clapped and cheered at Tony.

"Are those home-made grenades?" Rhodes asked about the balls.

"Yup." Tony said.

Tony snuck into the mansion where a hammered woman was lying on the table. A high woman asked a man to drop the temperature. He said he wasn't her personal air conditioner but Tony grabbed his head with an electrified glove, knocking him out and taking his gun as the high woman pointed a hand gun at him but he told her to shush and she smiled as Tony snuck further in and took off the glove with his teeth.

"You're in." Frank said.

"And I will get out." Tony said, "In the most unconventional way."

Tony made his way through the rooms, seeing a frame of Mandarin executing Richards as he eventually saw a bed and figures moving under the sheets. He discreetly moved closer and ripped the sheets off, only to see two half-naked women instead.

"Bummer." Peter said, summing up everyone's reactions.

Tony was shocked and heard the sound of the toilet flushing. He then told them to shush and hid behind the bed as the Mandarin walked out, talking in a British accent, confusing Tony. He asked which one of the women was Vanessa and Vanessa raised her hand. Mandarin told her fortune cookies weren't Chinese and were actually American based on a Japanese recipe.

"I'm pretty sure that is not entirely accurate." Tony said.

The other woman said there was someone there and then Tony emerged, pointing his gun at the Mandarin, telling him to not move. He told Tony he could take anything he wanted, though the guns were fake as they wouldn't trust him with the real ones, shocking Tony. He asked if Tony fancied either of the birds but Tony clicked the safety off the gun and pointed it at him, angrily roaring at him to tell him where the real Mandarin was.

"What a shock!" Sam said.

"A disappointing one." Rhodes said.

The man sat on the couch and said he was here but not here. Tony asked him to uncomplicated it and sent the ladies to the bathroom, where they were disgusted.

"Looks like he made a mess." Aunt May said in disgust, summing up everyone's reactions.

The man tried to crawl away but Tony shot the floor in front of him, making him go back up to the couch. The man introduced himself as Trevor Slattery. Tony asked if he was a decoy and pointed the gun at his face. Trevor asked him not to hurt his face as he was an actor. A horrified Tony told him he had a minute to live and fill it with words. Trevor said "The Mandarin" was a role. He had problems with substances and did illegal things to get more. Then they approached him and said they'd give him more, along with this palace and everything he wanted. He then started snoring.

"What the hell?" Jessica said, "What does he do all the time?"

"Think of ways to doze off." Luke said.

A shocked Tony kicked him back up and he said he had also been given a lovely speedboat if he took credits for some accidental explosions. Tony realized it was Killian who had created him. Trevor too a drink. He then changed his accent and said his performance had brought the Mandarin to life. Tony told him people had died but he said it was all green screens and half of the time he wasn't even on the location and if he was, it was movie magic.

"If this was a movie, I'd say it is a movie too smart for its own good." Peter said.

"Damn right kid!" Tony said, remembering Trevor's embarrassing antics.

Tony said he had a best friend in a coma who might not wake up so Trevor would have to answer for that and was still going down. He then sensed a presence behind him and turned around, only for Savin to grab his hand and punch him out.

"Oh my God!" Peter said.

"Damn it!" Frank snarled.

"And now they've got all three of us." Rhodes said about himself, Tony and Pepper.

Savin asked what Trevor had told Tony and he said he hadn't told him anything. Savin told him they had a panic button. Trevor said he had panicked but then handled it.

"Handled enough to tell the truth." Tony said.

Maya was working when Tony woke up behind her, tied up. She joked how it was like old times and he said he was zip tied now. Maya said it wasn't her idea. Tony realized she had taken Aldrich's card. She said she had taken his money. Tony said she was in a dungeon 13 years later but she said he was in a dungeon and she was free to go.

"Technically, you're in one right now." Jessica said.

Maya said Extremis was practically stabilized but Tony said it wasn't as people were exploding on the streets and painting the walls. Maya asked his help in fixing it, showing him an equation he had written on the card. Tony said he only remembered the night, not the morning.

"Now that is the biggest disappointment ever after 13 years." Matt said.

Maya was horrified that Tony didn't remember as he said, "You used to have a moral psychology. You used to have ideals. You wanted to help people. Now look at you. I get to wake up every morning with someone who…..still has their soul."

"And I still get to do it." Tony said firmly as him and Pepper held hands lovingly and everyone smiled at their true love for each other.

Tony asked Maya to get him out but Killian arrived, talking about another one of his father's sayings which was that the early bird got the worm but the second mouse got the cheese.

"Dictionary of quotes." Elektra sighed.

Tony asked if Killian was still pissed about the Switzerland thing but Killian thanked him and said Tony had given him the greatest gift- desperation.

"Good for some. Bad for others." Benjamin said.

Killian said he had thought that Tony would show up for the first 20 minutes before thinking of taking the shortcut to the lobby. Tony said he was still trying to figure out what had happened to the first mouse and the scene flashed back as Killian said nobody could see him back then and he had a thought to guide him for years to come- anonymity. He simply ruled from behind the scenes and handed the people a target by giving evil a face. He then said how Trevor was a little over the top sometimes but he was a stage actor. He then said, "Anyway, the point is, ever since that big dude with the hammer fell out of the sky, subtlety has kind of had its day."

"Why is everything on Earth my fault?" Thor said.

"I have no idea." Odinson told him.

"Even I bought it for a few years." Loki said.

Aldrich said he wanted to give Tony the same gift of desperation Tony had imparted him and throwing his orbs down, pressed a remote and a hologram of a strapped and glowing Pepper appeared on the screen as Tony looked at it in horror. Killian said at this stage the body was trying to decide whether to accept Extremis or not and if it didn't, the explosion was quite spectacular. Until then, it was just a lot of pain.

Pepper paled again as Tony gathered her into his arms.

"Bastard!" Logan spat out.

"I wish I got my hands on the moron." Rhodes said angrily.

Killian cruelly mocked Potts' suffering and Tony's anguish, grabbing his throat and asking him how much salary he wanted. That was when Maya told him to let Stark go. He turned around to see Maya pointing the injector at herself, saying a doze half of this size would kill her and told him again to let Stark go.

"She discovered her soul again after all." Steve said as everyone had some respect for Maya in their eyes again.

"And it did pay off." Tony said before saying sadly, "Though it cost her."

Maya threatened Killian, saying how he wouldn't be able to do anything without her. Killian angrily disconnected an Extremis plant from its source and shot Maya, making her fall down as Tony looked away.

Everyone gasped in horror at the scene.

"What a madman." Sam said.

Aldrich angrily said how Maya had tried to kill him and that the good news was that a high level position had been vacated. Stark called him a maniac but he said he was a visionary.

"Who envisions madness and chaos." Thor said angrily.

As a wounded Maya started crawling away, Killian said he did own a maniac who would take center stage that night. He connected the plant to Extremis in front of Maya and said how Tony should worry about Pepper's health, mocking how he was good at making big decisions in small caves. He then walked off.

"Can't wait to see him get his." Luke said.

"Trust me, you're not the only one." Trish said.

Maya crawled towards the computers as Tony told her to take it easy. Maya opened the Extremis files and Told tony to burn it down and start over as it was his now. Tony nodded firmly as she transferred all the files to Stark Industries and then the plant exploded, killing her as her ash imprint was seen on the wall. Tony looked at the imprint, his face a mixture of anger and sadness.

Everyone flinched at the scene and closed their eyes sadly, feeling grief for Maya who had been killed by Killian just when she tried to redeem herself.

Killian walked with Savin, who said once they installed the Patriot, he would need 10 minutes for the takedown. Aldrich said there was still someone inside it. Men were trying to cut through the armor but failed as Aldrich started heating it up, making Rhodes groan in discomfort. He said he was taking the Chinook to the base and wanted Potts with him, though she was still in Phase 2.

Rhodes groaned in discomfort, remembering the heat.

Tony was still tied up when the watch Harley had given him beeped and Tony realized the armor was charged. One of the men picked it up as Tony told him it was limited edition and to be careful. He called the other thug Ponytail Express and asked the mileage count between Tennessee and Miami, to which he said 832 miles. The beeping continued and the other thug broke it. Tony told him the watch belonged to his friend's sister so he'd kill him first. "What are you gonna do to me?" The thug asked. "You'll see." Tony said. "You're zip-tied to a bed." The thug told him. "This." Tony said as he raised his hands but nothing happened to his shock and the men's amusement. "That." He said but still, nothing happened.

Everyone laughed at the scene as Tony looked embarrassed and looked like he would be anywhere but here.

"I know. Most embarrassing moments. This is like dirt on us." Tony said as everyone continued laughing.

"And I thought I was the only one." Thor said.

Killian continued heating the armor and Rhodes finally opened it. Jumping out, he punched Savin and kicked him into a table. Aldrich suddenly breathed fire and a horrified Rhodes barely dodged. The distraction was all Savin needed to knock him down.

"What was that?" Steve asked in shock.

"Miniature Smaug." Tony said.

"I know right!" Logan said dryly.

Aldrich told Savin this was a glorious day as this time the next day he'd have the West's most powerful leader in one hand and the world's most feared terrorist in another. He'll own the war on terror and create supply and demand for their brothers and sisters.

"And I thought Rawlins was delusional." Frank snarled as everyone glared at Aldrich.

Tony was still counting down, telling the thugs how they would be puddles. He counted down but nothing happened as the thugs wondered how they had gotten this shift. Tony told them he'd give them a chance to escape so they should drop their weapons and tie themselves to their chairs. He counted down again but nothing happened as the thugs joked they were beyond terrified and told him to shut up.

Everyone continued laughing at the scene.

"Why is this happening to me?" Tony groaned.

Tony counted down again and this time, the window shattered and the right gauntlet flew in, hitting Ponytail Express as he staggered away and it attached itself to Tony's hand.

"Finally!" Odinson said as everyone clapped happily.

Tony fired at the other thug, throwing him back as the force made his bed turn. He freed himself from his restraints and smacked Ponytail Express on the face with the gauntlet. They struggled when the left foot crashed in through the window. It attached itself to Tony's foot and he kicked Ponytail Express away, taking his gun. He turned around, waiting for his suit to assemble but it didn't come and he wondered where it was. Harley saw the chained door to his barn shaking and realized what was happening.

"So that's what happened." Tony said, "Mystery solved."

Harley opened the barn and threw himself down as all the pieces of the suit flew out. He got up and looked at them happily as Tony fired at three more guards, making them back off. He then used the thruster on the leg to fly up. He twirled around erratically due to just one thruster, firing the gun. The thugs fired back as Tony flew down and exchanged fire before firing a repulsor to blind them. The gun ran out and he threw it off as they fired back at him. He fired a repulsor in front of one man and throwing himself down, fired a repulsor to push himself back into the air. Twirling in the air with his thruster, he landed and elbowed a thug back, putting him in the way of another thug's fire, throwing him back. He then sent the other back with a repulsor before struggling with the third one. He tried to fire but it hit the head of the previous thug, killing him before Tony activated the thruster, pushing the thug back and slamming him into the wall, taking him down.

"That was so awesome." Peter cheered as everyone clapped happily.

"Even two pieces of the suit got the job done." Scott said.

The last one threw his gun down and said he hated working here so Tony waved his fingers and he ran off as the rest of the pieces finally arrived, assembling around Tony. "Better late than never." Tony said as they attached to him and he caught the visor before it could hit his face, putting it on.

"A wise man learns from his mistakes." Tony said and everyone chuckled.

He greeted Jarvis who greeted him back. He saw an aircraft flying off along with the Iron Patriot armor and tried to fly but failed. Rhodes finally took action and running out, pushed a guard down and leaping on him, knocked him out before using his phone to call Stark. Stark asked if he was in the suit but Rhodes said he wasn't so Tony told him to get to the main house where he'd like him to meet someone.

"That someone being a drug-addled actor." Matt said.

Trevor was sitting, watching two hot girls in two piece bikinis playing table tennis when two men with guns told them to get out. Tony arrived in his armor and they fired, though he was unaffected as Rhodes crashed in through the window, shooting them both down.

"Nice shots." Clint complimented.

"Thanks." Rhodes said gratefully.

"If he compliments your marksmanship, you're great at it." Natasha said.

Rhodes pinned Trevor to the couch as he said he had been lied to and never thought people had been hurt. Rhodes was stunned at the realization that this was the Mandarin and Tony said it was embarrassing.

"Too embarrassing." Elektra said.

Trevor said if they were arresting him, he'd roll on some people. Tony called him 'Meryl Streep' and said if he told the where Pepper was, they'd let him go. He didn't know any Pepper but he did know about the plan. Rhodes asked about his suit but Trevor said it was happening off the coast and had something to do with a boat. He could take them there. He suddenly chanted, "Ole', ole', ole', ole'". Stark and Rhodes were beyond annoyed.

"My ears need treatment." Aunt May said as everyone flinched in irritation at Trevor's ole.

"That guy was just embarrassing." Tony said.

"I was stunned beyond anything." Rhodes said.

Rhodes said he was gonna blow Trevor's face off when he said the Vice-President was involved. Rhodes wondered what to do as they didn't have transport. There was a gleam in Tony's eye and as they turned to Trevor, Tony inquired about his speedboat.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Bucky said.

On the speedboat, Tony said they were 20 minutes from Pepper's location as Rhodes pointed out the Vice-President problem. Tony called Vice-President Rodriguez, telling him he was Tony Stark. Rodriguez welcomed him to the land of the living as Tony said they needed to get him somewhere safe from the Mandarin campaign. Rodriguez said they were fine with the Agency's finest and President Ellis was safe with Rhodes. Rhodes then spoke on the phone, telling him they were using the Iron Patriot as a Trojan Horse to abduct President Ellis. Rodriguez said he'd alert them and cut the call. He then walked up to his daughter and kissed her forehead. It was revealed she didn't have one foot.

"Oh boy!" Sam said in horror.

"So that's why he supported AIM." Peter realized.

"No matter what his reason was, he is a traitor." Frank said.

"His daughter would be ashamed of him." Matt said.

"Agreed." Steve said, equally disgusted at Rodriguez.

President Ellis walked up to his plane as all the soldiers saluted him and Iron Patriot landed, walking up to him. Ellis and Iron Patriot saluted each other as the former said he felt safer already. They all walked into the plane. Rhodes told Tony they had to make a decision when Jarvis informed Tony the cranes had arrived and cellar doors were being cleared. Tony inquired about his own armor and Jarvis said it was at 92%. Tony disconnected it and said it'd have to do.

"Yes it would." Tony said.

In the plane, Savin was sitting in the armor when a man walked up to him, asking him about any stories. Savin opened a magazine to distract himself but the man continued pestering him with questions. Savin pointed at the window, asking if it was Thor. As the man looked out, Savin elbowed him out and put the magazine on him.

"He used my name to do evil." Thor snarled.

"Don't worry. I gave him his just desserts." Tony said.

Savin walked around as two guards tried to get a picture with him but he pushed them into a room before opening his gauntlet and using his glowing hand to seal the knob. He walked up to the President and other bodyguards and picking up a pointed object, threw it at one's chest, killing him. The others attacked him. He knocked one into the other as one of the bullets made a hole in a window. He knocked the man out with a repulsor before slamming another into a table. Taking his gun, he shot down three more guards. The President and a guard were hidden under a table when Savin ripped the table out with the guard. Ellis tried to take his guard's gun but Savin grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the wall, disarming him. The visor opened, revealing Savin's face. Ellis was ready to die but Savin said that's not how the Mandarin worked. At the base, the operators noted Air Force One had been compromised and saw the Iron Patriot armor flying out. That confused them.

"Poor guys. They have no idea about anything." Rhodes said.

Savin walked around in the plane in a security guard's uniform as the locked people banged on the door. Suddenly, a repulsor hit him, throwing him back. He got back up when Tony in his Mark 42 grabbed him and slammed him into a wall, demanding where the President was. Savin said he wasn't here and grabbing his hand, disabled the suit with his powers temporarily and pressed a button, causing an explosion that destroyed a portion of the plane. The people were sucked out and started falling down.

"OH NO!" Aunt May said.

"Oh my God!" Peter said.

"What will you do now?" Scott asked.

"Just watch." Tony said.

Tony and Savin struggled until Tony fired his Unibeam directly through Savin's chest. Savin gasped as Tony said, "Walk away from that, you son of a bitch." Savin fell down and died.

Everyone cheered as Odinson said, "Finally!"

Tony saw the people being sucked out of the plane and flew out. Jarvis told him there were 13 people and he could carry only 4. He flew down and grabbed a woman called Heather as the plane exploded. He told her she had to grab the guy and he will electrify her arm so she won't be able to open her hand.

"Damn!" Sam said.

"That is very smart." Natasha said, "Nice job."

"Thanks." Stark said.

"Nice way to save everyone." Wanda said too.

"Sticking together is the best way to be saved." Tony quipped and everyone chuckled.

Tony flew closer to a guy and heather reached out, grabbing him as Tony electrified her arm. He said there were 11 more to go and reminded them of the game "Barrel of monkeys" so everyone should grab their monkeys.

Everyone chuckled as Rhodes said, "Nice way to calm everyone down."

Tony continued flying down, with him or one of the people grabbing the others as he electrified their arms to prevent them from opening their hands. They reached 1000 feet and the only one left was the one Savin knocked out. Tony flew closer and called him a chunky monkey as he was also finally grabbed and they flew closer to the water. Tony increased his thrusters' power and soon, dropped everyone in the water. He flew up and looked at the people who clapped and cheered happily at him. He said it was a good team effort they had shown and they had done well.

Everyone clapped happily at the scene again.

"You did it." Steve said.

"With style." Bruce added.

"I did." Tony said as the applause continued.

Tony then flew off but a truck hit the suit, breaking it into pieces. But Tony wasn't in the suit.

"Ouch! That came out of nowhere!" Pepper said.

"So that was the first time you used remote controlled your armor like that." Peter realized.

On the board, Stark took off the Telepresence Headset as Rhodes asked for good news and Stark said the people were saved but he couldn't get the President. Rhodes commented how they couldn't save the President with the suit and wondered how they would save Pepper without it. Tony asked Jarvis to enact the House Party Protocol. At the mansion, the cleanup was almost finished when the ground shook and something flew out.

"The Iron Legion?" Steve asked.

"The Iron Legion." Tony confirmed.

"This is gonna be good." Logan said.