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"So….are they going to try to kill each other?" Tony asked.
"Yeah. In a while." Benjamin said.
"It wasn't pretty." Odinson told them.
Rocket was looking at components of the Milano as Quill told him he couldn't take it apart without asking him.
"I took your pod without asking you and you didn't do anything." Odinson chuckled.
"Why did you take his pod?" Thor asked.
"Long story." Odinson said with a pained look in his eyes.
He asked Rocket about a certain device and he said it was a bomb. He asked Rocket if he was going to leave it like that, and he said he was looking for a box, pointing to the wrapped gift Quill's mother had given him but he kicked it out of his hands. He then pointed at a device and asked what it was. Rocket said it was for when things got really hardcore or if they needed to blow up a moon.
"That can blow up a moon?" Steve asked as everyone looked shocked.
"Uhhhh…yes." Logan said.
Gamora said no one was blowing up moons and Rocket said she sucked the joy out of everything.
"You guys don't think that about me, do you?" Natasha asked the original Avengers.
"Nah!" Clint said.
"I definitely don't." Steve said.
"I think you are rather fun." Thor said.
"Not a killjoy." Bruce agreed too.
"Looks like I am the only one." Tony muttered and everyone chuckled.
Quill asked Gamora for her buyer's coordinates and she just said they were heading in the right direction for now. He said she could trust him a little bit. She asked how much he trusted her. He took the Orb and said he would trust her a lot more if she told him what it was. As he put it down, Drax picked it up and said they should use it against Ronan. Gamora called him a fool, telling him to put it down or he will destroy them all. Drax called her a murderess. She called him a princess and they continued arguing until Quill stopped them, saying no one would kill anyone on his ship. They were stuck together until they got the money.
"Okay, he is not that bad at managing situations." Bucky said.
"Pretty good actually." Loki agreed too.
Drax walked away, saying he didn't want money. Quill said that meant more money for the 3 of them but then Groot made a face and Quill added him to the list.
"Don't worry, you will get the arcade game." Benjamin said and everyone chuckled.
Quill said they were partners. Gamora said they had an agreement but she would never call him a partner and walked off, saying his ship was filthy.
"That was uncalled for." Pepper said.
"Doesn't look filthy to me." Scott said.
Quill said if he had a black light, this place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting. Rocket told him he had issues.
"And you don't?" Peter asked and everyone chuckled again.
At the Kyln, Nebula interrogated the guard who said he didn't know anything and she told Ronan if he did, he would have told them by now.
"You lot are some real pieces of work." Hope said as everyone watched in shock.
The Nova Corps had sent a fleet to guard the prison so Ronan decided to send the Necrocraft to every corner of the quadrant for the Orb. He told Nebula the Nova couldn't know what they were after so it should be cleansed. With that, the killing of the guards and prisoners started.
"Damn it!" Sam said as everyone else looked horrified by the brutality.
"Ronan can't let anyone know his whereabouts or what he is after." Logan told them.
Yondu looked at some kind of necklace in a case, asking Broker if he had others like this as he liked to stick them in a row on his control console.
"Really?" Aunt May asked, "He does that?"
"Uhhh, yes." Odinson said and everyone looked disgusted again by space customs.
Broker said he couldn't tell if Yondu was joking or not as Kraglin said he was being fully serious. Yondu said he needed to know about the Orb and why everyone cared about it so much, asking who might want to buy it. The Broker was about to rant about the high-end community but Yondu interrupted him by saying gibberish.
No one could stop their laughter as Rhodes started, "Okay, he has a sens-"
Tony interrupted him by saying the same gibberish."
"Okay." Rhodes said, "Nice imp-"
Tony said the same gibberish again and everyone laughed.
"You do that one mo-"
Tony did that again and the laughter continued so Rhodes simply glared at him and turned to the screen.
Kraglin chuckled as Yondu then whistled and his red-tipped Yaka Arrow flew out, just a few inches from Broker's face who now looked afraid as Yondu controlled it with his whistle.
Everyone's jaws dropped as Clint said, "I want one of those!"
"Come on, Clint. Don't act like a toddler." Natasha said in a mock motherly tone and everyone laughed while he shook his head with a smirk.
"It is a pretty awesome arrow." Peter said.
"I want it too." Tony said.
"He is already a toddler." Natasha said and everyone laughed as Tony glared at her.
"I agree. Cool arrow." Wanda said.
Somewhere else, a red-skinned woman was cleaning cages when a coated man walked up to her and asked sarcastically if her people had elbows.
"Isn't that…." Steve trailed off as everyone recognized the woman.
"What are they doing here?" Tony asked.
"You will see." Benjamin said.
She said she had and he told her to use them, reminding her of what had happened to the last attendant who had disappointed him. She looked at the attendant who was chained up in a cage. Even her neck was restrained.
"Okay, what the hell?" Hill said as everyone looked at the scene in disgust.
"And I left the Aether with him." Loki muttered.
"Kind of low even for you." Bruce told him.
"What a disgusting piece of work." Fury snorted.
She got to work again, using her elbows as he said their guests would be here soon.
"Wait, is he the buyer?" Tony asked and got nods from Benjamin, Odinson and Logan.
"Well, this is gonna be interesting." Natasha said.
Quill was aiming his blasters when Rocket said they were near so he walked up and they saw what looked like a humongous severed head in the middle of space.
"What is that?" Bucky asked.
"Knowhere." Thor said.
"It has to be somewhere." Tony said.
"K-N-O-W-H-E-R-E." Loki spelled out.
"Ah!" Tony said.
Gamora said it was called Knowhere and was the severed head of an ancient Celestial being.
"What are Celestials?" Pepper asked.
"An ancient powerful race that could wield the Infinity Stones." Odinson told everyone.
"And one of their heads is a planet now?" Peter asked and he nodded, "Wow!"
She told them to beware as there were no regulations. They flew into the planet as Gamora said the Tivan Group had sent workers here hundreds of years ago to mine organic matter within the skull and it was highly valued in black markets. The place looked technologically advanced and a lot of tall buildings stood.
"That is one planet I want to visit." Tony said.
"No you don't." Thor told him.
They all walked as Gamora said this work was suitable only for outlaws and Quill said he came from a planet of them, citing Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos. Drax said he would want to visit the place and Quill said he would love it.
"No you won't." Sam said.
Some kids arrived to beg for money as they decided to watch their wallets. Groot grew a flower on his palm and handed it to a girl, who seemed happy because of it, while they continued walking.
Everyone's heart was touched by Groot's kindness and they all smiled.
They looked at a building as Gamora said their buyer's representative would visit them there.
"This does not look like a respectable establishment." T'Challa said.
Someone was pushed out of the building as Drax said this place wasn't a respectable establishment.
"You've found a kindred spirit, your highness." Tony joked and everyone chuckled.
Drax wondered what they could do while waiting.
"A lot of things I'm sure." Fury said.
Later- Rocket, Groot, Drax and several others in some kind of club cheered as a huge lizard like creature chased and ate several smaller ones, with Drax declaring his Orloni had won.
For a few seconds, everyone's jaw dropped at what they had just seen.
"Okay, what kind of game is that?" Scott finally asked.
"Basically, the surviving Orloni wins." Odinson said.
"Yeah, we got that." Tony said.
"Can't believe such stuff is out there." Steve muttered.
"Dangerous games." Wanda muttered.
He then held up some space alcoholic beverage and said they need to put more of this liquid in this body before drinking it as Rocket said this was the first thing he had said which wasn't batshit crazy.
"When Rocket said he was literal, I had no idea he was that literal." Natasha said.
Quill and Gamora stood outside as he commented they charged a lot for fuel and she said her contact was making them wait. He said it was a negotiation tactic. He knew because this was his specialty. As she cleaned her sword, he said her specialty seemed more like stabbing people and she smiled, saying her father hadn't stressed on diplomacy. Quill thought she was talking about Thanos but she said he wasn't her father. He had taken her home world, killed her parents in front of her, tortured her and turned her into a weapon.
No one could bring themselves to comment as they all felt their deepest sympathies for Gamora and Natasha once again felt she could relate to her as she too had been turned into a weapon.
She couldn't stand by when he had said he would destroy an entire planet for Ronan. She then took out the Walkman and asked why he had risked his life for this and he told her his mother had given it to him. 'Fooled Around and Fell In Love' started playing as he said his mother had shared all the pop songs she loved with him while he grew up and he had it with him when he had…left Earth.
"He keeps it because it reminds him of her." Aunt May said and everyone nodded.
Gamora asked what he did with it and he said they could listen to it and dance. She said she was a warrior and an assassin so she didn't dance. Quill said on his planet there was a legend about people like them called Footloose in which a great hero called Kevin Bacon taught an entire city full of people with sticks in their butts that dancing was the greatest thing ever.
Everyone burst out in laughter as Tony asked, "Did he just turn a movie into an urban legend?"
"I think he did." Natasha said.
"It was a pretty fun movie though." Peter said.
"Quill considers it the greatest movie ever." Benjamin said, "And the people in space actually considered Kevin Bacon a real hero."
Everyone laughed again before Odinson said, "Even I was one of those people for a while."
Gamora said putting sticks in butts was cruel and Quill told her it was just a phrase.
"I think most of the space people are literal." Bucky said and nods followed.
He put the headphones around her ears and she shouted the melody was pleasant. They then held hands and started slow dancing. They were about to kiss but then Gamora put a knife on Quill's throat, saying she won't fall for his pelvic sorcery.
The laughter started again as Tony asked, "Okay, 'you're trying to get into my pants' means pelvic sorcery in space?"
"They have a lot of interesting terms." Logan said.
"Definitely need to see more of these." Sam said.
Quill said that wasn't what he was doing but then they looked inside to see Drax fighting and tackling Groot.
"Oh boy!" Rhodes said.
Drax continued punching Groot who tried to hold him back with his branches but he ripped them apart. Rocket then pointed his big cannon at Drax as Quill stepped in the way while Gamora pushed Drax back. Quill asked what was going on and Drax said the vermin didn't know what he was talking about and was disrespectful. Rocket said Drax just wanted to laugh at him like everyone else. Quill told him he was drunk and no one was laughing at him.
"But they probably laughed at him his whole life." Clint realized sadly and everyone looked at Rocket in sympathy.
Rocket said Drax thought of him as some stupid thing. He then said in a voice that was a mixture of sadness and anger, "Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart, and put back together, over and over and turned into some...Some little monster."
"I don't think you're a monster." Hope said as everyone looked at Rocket sadly, "You're a person with thoughts and feelings."
"If only he met others who shared all of your sentiments earlier." Benjamin told her.
Quill said no one was calling him a monster but Rocket said Drax had called him a vermin and Gamora had called him a rodent. He then lifted his cannon, saying Drax won't be able to laugh after 5 or 6 good shots to the face but Quill stopped him, reminding him of 4 billion units, and told him he just had to suck it up for one more night and then he'd be rich. He lowered his gun but said he would kill them all when this was over. Quill said this was why none of them had friends as they tried to kill anyone they met in 5 seconds of meeting them. Drax said they had travelled halfway across the Quadrant and were still no closer to killing Ronan. He then walked off.
"So he just left?" Steve asked.
"I think he will come back." Thor said.
"Not in the way you think though." Odinson told him.
Quill tried to stop him but Gamora said they didn't need him. The doors then went up and Carina arrived, saying she was here to fetch Gamora for her master. They followed her.
"At least no more fighting between them for now." Pepper sighed and everyone agreed as it was pretty hard to see the Guardians fight each other.
They looked around at all the stuff in cages as Rocket said sarcastically this wasn't creepy at all. He then looked at a dog which bared its teeth at him and he bared his too.
"What is that?" Peter asked.
"Cosmo the Space Dog." Benjamin told them and their jaws gapped.
"So space has dogs too. Check." Wanda said.
Carina said they housed the galaxy's largest collection of fauna, relics and species of all matter. She then presented to them Tanleer Tivan, The Collector. He took off his inspection glasses and regarded them all.
"I had a feeling he wasn't the right person." Thor said, "But because of all the stuff I had to do, didn't think much of it."
He took Gamora's hand and kissed it but she said they should bypass all the formalities. He then looked at Groot and said he must allow him to pay him now so that he may own his carcass when he died. Groot repeated his line and Rocket asked if it was because he wanted to turn Groot into a chair. Tivan asked Groot if Rocket was his pet and he was angrily about to take out his cannon again until Quill stopped him.
"What an egotistical jerk!" Natasha said as everyone glared at Tivan.
Gamora said they had been halfway across the Galaxy to retrieve the Orb. Quill then held it out but dropped it before catching it.
"Is that part of his natural clumsiness or did he do that on purpose?" Tony wondered as everyone chuckled. [1]
Drax stumbled out and saw a Knowhere Dispatcher ordering some materials. He then snuck up on him with his two knives and told him he wanted him to send a message for him.
"I don't think that is going to end well." Loki said.
"It won't." Logan said.
Tivan used a device to open the Orb, revealing the Infinity Stone inside, and said, "Oh, my new friends. Before creation itself, there were six singularities. Then the universe exploded into existence, and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots. Infinity Stones." Holograms of the Stones appeared as Quill, Gamora, Rocket and Groot looked at them and he continued, "These stones, it seems, can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength. Observe." They turned to the screen which showed very old footage of a giant being wielding the Stone in its hammer. It tapped it on the ground and all the people were killed.
"What the hell is that?" Tony asked as everyone looked at the being in the footage in horror.
"Eson the Searcher." Odinson told them, "A Celestial."
Everyone paled as they realized how powerful these Celestials truly were.
Tivan continued, "These carriers can use the Stone to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field." Quill watched the footage in shock and said, "There's a little pee coming out of me right now."
"Trust me, you're not the only one." Scott said.
Tivan then showed them more footage on his screen of people trying to share that power, "Once, for a moment, a group was able to share the energy amongst themselves, but even they were quickly destroyed by it." They were then destroyed in the footage as Tivan shook his hands dramatically and pointed at the Stone, "Beautiful. Beyond compare."
"And I thought soap operas were over-dramatic." Natasha commented and everyone chuckled.
Rocket mimicked his gestures and said they'd like to get paid in units. He started taking out the units when he saw Carina walking towards the Infinity Stone with a defiant glare in her eyes. He told her to stand back but she declared defiantly, "I will no longer be your slave!" And then she touched the Power Stone and started screaming in agony while stuff flew around, hitting Tivan on the head and knocking him out. Groot picked up Rocket and ran off to protect him as Carina continued screaming.
Everyone's jaw dropped as Peter asked innocently, "Did she think she could use it against him?"
"No. She wanted to die." Steve said.
"She found death better for herself than serving this piece of work." Bucky agreed. [2]
Quill and Gamora ducked as Carina exploded and parts of the museum were destroyed. Groot continued running out with Rocket and leapt away as some people were consumed in the explosion. Quill and Gamora got back up with wide eyes and dropped jaws.
"Okay, Nicolas Cage would be proud of those eyes." Tony quipped to lighten the mood.
Tivan lost consciousness as Gamora shut off the Power Stone in the Orb and walked out with it, realizing Tivan couldn't contain it. Rocket asked what they still had it for and Quill said they couldn't leave it there. Rocket said he couldn't believe Gamora had kept it in her purse and Quill said it was a knapsack, not a purse.
"Not the best time to bring it up." T'Challa said.
Gamora said they had to bring it to the Nova Corps as they could contain it and Rocket said they were wanted by them so they should just give it to Ronan. Quill said he would destroy the galaxy and Rocket asked what the galaxy had done for him and why he wanted to save it. Quill responded with, "Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!"
"Good point." Fury agreed.
Gamora said they had to deliver it to the Nova Corps but Quill said they could give it to someone who didn't want to arrest them and was nice for a lot of money because it was a balance between both of their POVs. Gamora called him despicable, dishonorable and faithless.
"Kind of an overreaction." Pepper said.
She started walking away when many ships landed on the site and Drax stood there laughing with his knives. They were shocked that he had called Ronan when Yondu called out to Quill. They ran from him as he rushed after them. Ronan stepped out of his ship as Drax called out to him. He asked if he had transmitted the message and he said, "You killed my wife. You killed my daughter!"
"Prepare to get your ass kicked." Scott said.
"Not that easy." Logan warned him.
"Ronan and Yondu at the same time. Their luck can't get any worse." Clint said.
Gamora threw a worker out of the mining pod and getting in, started it as Rocket got in one too and told Groot he couldn't fit so he had to wait. They all flew off in the mining pods as Nebula told the men that Gamora was escaping with the Orb so they ran into the ship to get them. Ronan turned around to follow and Drax angrily tried to strike but Ronan casually dodged while telling Nebula to retrieve the Orb. Drax tried to strike again but he blocked and smacked him on the chest, making him fall down as the shop started flying. Drax attacked again but Ronan dodged or blocked and punched him into a building.
"Damn!" Tony said.
"Told you it wasn't easy." Logan said to Scott.
Nebula flew after the pods and told her men the Orb was in the farthest one so they should aim for it. She fired but Gamora avoided the blasts and flew off as some of the buildings and one of the pursuing ships got destroyed by the blasts instead.
"Took a page right out of my book." Tony quipped to lighten the mood again and it worked as some chuckles were heard.
Drax leapt at Ronan but was easily pushed away. He got back up and charged as Ronan dodged and struck his back and disarmed him of one knife.
"He is a tough nut to crack." Bruce said about Ronan.
"No kidding." Hill agreed.
Quill told Rocket to keep them off Gamora until she got to the Milano. Rocket said these pods had no weaponry. Quill said they were industrial grade and nearly indestructible. Rocket said not against the necroblasts but Quill told him that wasn't what he meant. Rocket realized what he was saying and flew into two ships, easily crashing them before flying into a third with a roar, crashing it too.
Everyone clapped as Tony said, "Now that's what I'm talking about."
A ship flew around before Quill flew over it and used the pod's tentacles to rip out the above portion, throwing the pilot away as he told him he was borrowing the ride. The tentacles managed to control the ship before it plummeted and flying back up, fired at some of the ships after Gamora, destroying two of them.
Everyone clapped again as Scott said, "Okay, now that's some nice use of brains right there."
"Quill has decent amounts of it." Hope agreed.
Ronan lifted Drax up by the throat. He tried to free himself by punching Ronan but failed before throwing Drax down, telling him he didn't recall killing his family and wouldn't recall killing them either. Gamora flew up, dragging against a building before flying further and told Quill she couldn't make it to the Milano so she was heading out. Quill told her the pods weren't meant to be out there but she flew out anyway as Nebula flew after her and told her she was a disappointment as out of all their siblings, she hated her the least. Gamora pleaded with her, saying Ronan would kill them all if he got the Stone but Nebula coldly said she'd already be dead and fired at her pod, destroying it as Gamora flew out of it.
Everyone's jaws dropped as Sam said, "Oh no!"
"Keep watching." Benjamin said.
The Orb was beamed up to the Dark Aster.
"Shit!" Rhodes said as everyone watched in horror, "Oh no!"
"Now that Ronan has it, he will use it wage war against Xandar." Fury said.
"Only they can stop him now." Thor said about the Guardians.
"But how?" Wanda wondered.
"You will see." Odinson said.
Ronan dragged Drax and threw him into a fountain as Nebula landed behind him on the ship and told him it was done. He walked into there as Quill and Rocket watched a floating Gamora. Rocket said her body mods would keep her alive for a few more minutes but there was nothing they could do for her as the pods weren't meant to be out there. He started flying back but Quill felt something and called up Yondu, telling him his coordinates and to come and get him.
Everyone was shocked as Peter asked, "What is he doing?"
"Trying to save both of their lives." Vision told him.
Quill then flew out of his pod in spite of Rocket's protests and holding Gamora in his arms, took off his helmet and put it on her as she started breathing lightly again.
"Oh boy!" Sam said as everyone's jaws dropped at Quill's selflessness.
"He is an honorable person." Steve said with a smile and everyone nodded in agreement.
Ravager ships finally arrived as Quill looked around. Yondu watched as his swirling beam flew out and took Quill and Gamora in. Quill then took a deep breath as Gamora coughed and asked him what had happened. He told her he saw her out there and something incredibly heroic came over him and he couldn't let her die. He didn't meant to brag but this was objectively speaking. She told him where the Orb was and he said they had got it, horrifying her.
"Now only you can stop him." Aunt May said.
The Ravagers then arrived, pointing guns at them as Kraglin said, "Welcome home, Peter."
"I don't think he is going to like it." Tony said.
"Not for now." Logan agreed.