Ch 50 Guardians of the Galaxy

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"Ronan better watch out now." Sam said.

"Oh you have no idea what he witnessed." Benjamin said and everyone really looked forward to what he was talking about.

Quill listened to 'Cherry Bomb' as Gamora was shown telling the Ravagers that the Stone reacted to anything organic. The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge. Quill said Ronan only needed to touch Stone to the planet's surface and everything would die. So Ronan must not make the surface. Rocket was shown readying his cannon as Quill said Rocket would lead a team to blow a hole in the Dark Aster's starboard hull. Then their craft and Yondu's would enter. Kraglin said hundreds of Sakaarans will be there. Drax said he thought of Sakaarans as paper people. Kraglin laughed and playfully punched his shoulder but got a glare in response.

"Why so serious?" Tony asked and everyone laughed.

"Yeah, Sakaarans are paper people but they do have some tech." Thor said.

"You've met them?" Steve asked.

"Don't ask." Odinson said.

"You'll embarrass him." Loki said and everyone chuckled as both the Thors glared at him.

Drax was then shown looking at some pants and putting on some red ones and then putting his knives in them. Gamora said once they knew they were on board, Ronan would isolate himself behind impenetrable security doors on deck. She would disable it by dismantling the power source. Quill said once they were on the flight deck, he would use the Hadron Enforcer to kill Ronan. Gamora was then shown dressing up and keeping her guns. She told everyone they had to retrieve the Stone and use some Orb like devices to keep it or it would kill them on being touched. Groot was shown growing a lot of branches on his body and plucking a small twig from the side.

"Why did he do that?" Scott asked.

"Just like that." Logan said.

Quill said he would contact one of the Nova Corps who arrested them. Then Rhomann Dey was shown in his home as he got a call from Quill.

"What's his name?" Hope asked.

"Rhomann Dey." Odinson told her.

Rocket said they only needed one more thing to complete the plan. He then pointed at a man with a cybernetic eye and said his eye, shocking him as Quill assured everyone he didn't need the eye.

"Here we go again." Pepper said.

"What is it with this guy and prosthetics?" Natasha asked.

"Please keep him away from me." Bucky said again.

"I would comment on it but he gave me my new eye." Odinson said.

The announcement said they had spotted Ronan's fleet as Yondu told Quill at the end of all this he would get the Stone and if Quill crossed him, they would kill them all.

"Sounds pretty reasonable if you're thinking as a mercenary." Loki commented.

Quill then walked across the hall as Gamora joined him and then Drax joined them and flexed his muscles. They walked and were then joined by Rocket holding his cannon and then Groot joined them too. They walked as Gamora yawned and Quill wiped his nose.

"Is she yawning?" Tony asked as everyone watched the screen incredulously, "If the most sensible one of them is yawning, we are all screwed."

"Frankly, don't blame you for thinking like that." Logan said.

"They all screw up and fix stuff." Benjamin said.

Yondu was shown starting his ship as he told his boys to get 'em all and some of his 'decorations' were shown.

"Those are some interesting decorations." Peter commented.

Several small battleships flew out of the big ship. Rocket was in one and Quill, Gamora, Groot and Drax were in another. Gamora said it was a terrible plan and Quill reminded her she was the one who wanted to die among friends.

"Burn." Peter said and everyone chuckled.

Rhomann Dey walked with some other Nova Corps at the Nova Headquarters and told Nova Prime one of the Ravagers had contacted him and told him Ronan was in possession of an Infinity Stone and was headed towards Xandar, horrifying her. Another one said it was a trick but Dey said his crew had escaped from prison so they had no reason coming to Xandar for help. He said the guy had called himself an a-hole and he wasn't a "100% dick." Nova Prime asked if she believed him. He said he didn't believe anyone was 100% a dick. She asked if he believed Quill was here to help and he said he did.

"I'm sure anyone can figure out what she was asking." T'Challa said.

"Quill has an interesting way of saying stuff." Aunt May commented.

Ronan sat in the Dark Aster as it flew towards Xandar. Nebula told him a fleet of Ravagers approached them. The fleet hovered in front of the Dark Aster and at Yondu's order, fired two huge fireballs. They flew up to the ship and covered it as the battleships flew below the Dark Aster.

"So they used their brains after all." Fury said.

"The Ravagers have a lot of brains." Odinson told him.

As the flames cleared, Nebula yelled they were beneath them. Rocket and two other ships started firing below as many battleships flew out of the Dark Aster as well. Nova Prime told everyone to evacuate their civilians. Nebula yelled at the men for forward thrust and one of them operated a holographic ball, doing just that. Rocket and Kraglin continued firing and managed to finally make a hole.

"YES!" Rhodes yelled as everyone watched what they were going to do now.

Quill and Yondu flew towards it, destroying any battleships in their way. But one of them crashed into Yondu's craft and he started going down. He yelled to Quill that he would see him at the end of this.

"I think he will keep his word there." Wanda said.

The other battleships kept firing at Quill and one of them grazed his ship. Gamora told Rocket there were too many of them and that was when the Nova Star Blasters arrived, blowing up some enemy battleships.

"Thank God!" Pepper said as everyone sighed in relief.

Denarial Saal, who had advised against trusting Quill, called out to him and told him the same thing. Quill happily yelled, "They got my "dick" message!"

Everyone laughed as Tony said, "Did he realize how that sounded?"

"I have no idea." Logan said.

Saal told Quill to prove him wrong. Quill then flew his ship at full speed and managed to fly through the hole finally. Some of the enemies fired at them but the ship fired back, killing them all as Drax laughed like a madman, shocking the other three in the ship. They finally stopped and Gamora commented they were just like Kevin Bacon.

Everyone burst out in both laughter and applause as Tony said, "I think the people in space should just keep believing Kevin Bacon is real."

"Yeah, gives us more opportunities to laugh." Peter said.

"Good thing I don't already believe it." Thor said and everyone chuckled.

"And Drax still laughs like a mad guy." Clint said and everyone chuckled again.

Nebula said they had been breached but Ronan told to continue the current course as none of it would matter once they reached the ground. She told the men to seal the security doors and walked out as the doors shut. Outside, the aerial battle continued as Rocket destroyed some battleships and Nova Prime told the Nova Corps to interlock and form a blockade to stop Dark Aster from reaching the ground.

"This is like Star Wars without the Force and lightsabers." Tony commented and everyone laughed at his accurate comparison.

"Couldn't be more right there." Benjamin agreed.

"I guess that's why I'm enjoying it so much." Peter said.

"Then I guess you will enjoy the twist in the second one even more." Logan said and everyone wondered what he was talking about.

The Nova Star Blasters all connected and locked in with each other, forming a yellow barrier.

Everyone clapped at that as Steve said, "That is a very nice security system."

"On par with Asgard's barrier." Thor agreed and nods followed.

"Which says a lot about how advanced these people were." Loki said.

The Dark Aster flew into the barrier and struggled to overpower it. Inside- Quill, Gamora, Groot and Drax walked as the latter said he could barely see. Groot then suddenly threw bio-luminous spores into the air, creating a light for all of them to see.

"He can do that?" Hill asked as everyone looked on in awe.

"Yeah, he can do that." Odinson said.

"That is very nice." Hill said.

"And very useful." Steve agreed with her but got no response again.

Drax asked when he had learnt to do that and Quill said the answer was 'I am Groot.' Gamora said the flight deck was 300 meters away. Drax then said, "I want you all to know that I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders. It is pleasing to once again have friends." He said to Quill, "You, Quill, are my friend." Quill said, "Thanks." He then said about Groot, "This dumb tree, he is my friend." Groot grunted. And then he said about Gamora, "And this green whore, she, too..." Gamora angrily cut him off, "Oh! You must stop!"

Everyone burst out in laughter again as Tony said, "Still need to work on his people skills."

"And he can somehow make it sound non-offensive." Wanda commented and everyone laughed more.

"That must be his specialty." T'Challa said and more laughs followed.

Nebula then jumped down, calling Gamora weak, stupid and traitorous but Drax blasted her off and lowering his cannon said, "Nobody talks to my friends like that."

Everyone clapped as Steve said, "I think they stand united now."

"Oh they do." Logan agreed.

Gamora told them to head to the flight deck while she shut down the security doors. On the ground, Yondu got up and putting the necklace he had taken from Broker inside, looked around as Ronan's men surrounded him, telling him to command his men to turn on the Nova Corps. He parted his coat and started whistling as the Yaka Arrow flew out. They lowered their guns in confusion but were about to wire when Yondu gave a particular whistle and the Yaka Arrow flew at the man, flying through him and killing him. Like that, it flew into all the soldiers at speeds reaching Mach 5, killing them all before flying into a battleship and killing everyone there too before flying out as Yondu caught it. All the men fell dead and battleship crashed on the ground.

Everyone burst out in applause with dropped jaws as Clint said, "That arrow is really, really amazing! I want a quiver of those!"

Everyone laughed at his reaction as Natasha said with a laugh in a fake motherly tone, "Don't worry, my boy, I will get you one."

Clint sighed and looked at the screen while rolling his eyes as everyone laughed at their antics.

The Dark Aster continued struggling with the barrier as Gamora saw Nebula fixing herself.

"Damn!" Sam said as everyone watched her in sympathy and some disgust.

Gamora raised her hands and begged Nebula to help but she attacked as Gamora dodged and managed to push her away. She brought down the green generator but Nebula struck from behind, electrocuting her and the fight continued. Ronan told his pilots to enact immolation initiative and they started flying towards the city, crashing into it and destroying stuff and killing people. The Corps asked Saal if they should break formation but he told them to hold positions as the others continued crashing and killing people.

Everyone watched in horror as Fury said, "You sick son of a bitch!"

"No kidding." Hope agreed.

One of them crashed behind a bridge and another was about to when Rocket destroyed it and told Saal he would take care of them. Saal muttered how he was taking orders from a hamster now.

"It's a rabbit with the mouth of Iron Man!" Loki said and everyone laughed.

In the Dark Aster Quill, Groot and Drax were stopped by Korath and his men in the way. "Star-Lord." Korath snarled as he recognized him. "Finally." Quill said happily.

"Fight now, be happy later." Bucky said.

Korath angrily lifted him and threw him off as Drax started stabbing and kicking the others. Quill put on his helmet as Korath threw him into a pillar. Drax stabbed two men and threw them into opposite directions as Groot smacked some down. Korath called Quill a thief but Drax threw his knives at him which he barely avoided and they killed two men behind him. Drax charged with a roar and fought Korath but was kicked down as Groot continued fighting. Korath said they would never reach Ronan.

"These Kree really pack a punch." Scott said.

"Yeah they do. Carol will tell you all about it if she is around, which she isn't." Odinson said.

Rocket, Kraglin and the Ravagers fired at the battleships before the hit the ground. Gamora and Nebula clashed weapons as Gamora managed to flip kick her on the head. Groot slammed a man on the ground and kicked him away into another with a roar while Drax fought Korath. Quill activated his jets and flew around, shooting and kicking men down. He then landed on his back and sliding back, shot more of them before getting up. He ducked to avoid a swing and managed to shoot the man and another one down.

Everyone clapped as Rhodes said, "Okay, he is a badass too."

Drax slammed Korath into a wall and throwing him down, pinned him to a wall. "Finger to the throat means death." He said as he ripped out the side of Korath's head and electricity spasmed out as he died. "Metaphor." He said as he looked at Quill. "Yeah, sorta." Quill said.

"And now he just made a metaphor literal." Natasha said and everyone laughed.

More men charged at them but Groot elongated his branch and stabbed through an entire line. Lifting them up, he smashed them around into the wall and other men with a roar. Drax nodded at Quill with a happy smile. Groot finally managed to kill all of them and turning around, looked at the two with a smile.

"How can he be so dangerous and so adorable at the same time?" Hope asked and everyone chuckled.

Ronan said Xandar stood accused and the wretched peace treaty won't save it now. It would be the tinder on which it burnt. He then fired a blast from his Power Stone empowered hammer, causing a blast that started destroying the Star Corps. The blast made Gamora and Nebula stumble too as a hole was made where they fought. One of the Ravager ships was destroyed as Saal called out to Rocket. Rocket told him to hold on but he screamed as the explosion killed him and all the other Nova Corps, finally destroying the barrier.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror as Steve said, "Oh no!"

"Oh boy!" Peter said in horror.

"He is killing them all!" Aunt May said.

"Just watch." Logan said.

Rocket told Quill to hurry. Quill shot and kicked more men away and said Gamora hadn't opened the door yet. Gamora and Nebula clashed blades until Nebula disarmed Gamora and hit her with her electric shock. Gamora groaned but managed to disarm her before kicking her away. Nebula fell outside the hole that had been made and her hand got stuck as she hung on for dear life. Gamora gave her a hand, asking her to help as she knew Ronan was crazy. Nebula said they both were crazy and chopped off her own hand, falling off.

Everyone watched in shock as Loki asked, "Reminded of something?"

"Yes. Very." Thor said.

"Very vividly." Odinson agreed.

"Okay, this might sound insensitive but after the recording for the Avengers, why is everyone trying to be Luke Skywalker from Empire Strikes Back in every recording?" Peter asked and everyone shook their heads. [1]

Nebula fell onto a ship and punched the glass, cracking it. She threw the man off and flew off in it.

"That was mean." Tony said.

Gamora managed to deactivate the security doors as Quill, Groot and Drax entered. Gamora shot one guard down as Drax sliced the other down with his knife. They stood together and as Ronan turned around, Quill fired the Hadron Enforcer. It hit Ronan on the chest and finally exploded. Quill smiled as Drax said he had done it but their smiles vanished and turned to horror. The smoke cleared and Ronan got up as if he had stumbled while walking.

"Okay, what is this guy?" Tony asked as everyone looked horrified.

"The Kree are pig-headed idiots but very powerful." Loki said.

Ronan fired a concussive blast from his hammer, sending them all back. Drax got up and charged but Ronan lifted him by the throat and said he did remember his family and that their screams were pitiful.

"Oh boy! How will they stop him?" Bruce asked.

"Just watch." Benjamin said.

A roaring Rocket crashed his craft into Ronan, knocking him away as his battleship crashed and fires broke out in the place while the Dark Aster started crumbling. Quill picked up an unconscious Rocket as Gamora dragged Drax to them. The Dark Aster was crashing on the ground. Groot then smiled and started extending all of his branches and limbs further than he even had before, covering the other four as some more bio-luminous spores flew out. Rocket woke up and asked Groot why he was doing this as it would kill him. Groot used his branch to wipe off a tear from Rocket's eye.

Everyone wiped their own tears as they watched the emotional scene, realizing what was coming.

Groot declared, "We are Groot."

"What did he say?" Natasha asked, though a part of her did not want to know.

"He said- "You are strong. You are brave. You are willing to give your life for another. You have what it takes to stop Ronan. You don't need me here anymore."" Odinson explained with a lump in his throat as everyone had tears in their eyes and once again Peter, Wanda, Aunt May and Pepper sniffed.

The Dark Aster crashed to the ground, destroying part of a building as part of it fell into the water. Drax twitched as "O-o-h Child" played on Quill's Walkman. Gamora started staggering up as Quill groaned. Rocket held Groot's remains and sadly said he had called him an idiot.

"No!" Peter said with tears in his eyes as Aunt May held him in her arms with tears of her own. Groot's loss was very hard, even though they had only seen him on the screen. He was a hero.

The civilians, including Broker, walked up to the area when Ronan emerged from the ruins of the Dark Aster and they all burst into tears of horror.

"Is he another Terminator rip-off?" Tony asked angrily as everyone glared daggers at Ronan and if looks could kill, he would be dead ten times over from each and everyone's glare.

"You killed Groot!" Rocket roared angrily as he charged but was sent back by a small blast from the Power Stone enhanced hammer. He then declared, "Behold! Your guardians of the galaxy. What fruit have they wrought? Only that my father and his father shall finally know vengeance." Rocket and Drax started working on the remains of the Hadron Enforcer as Ronan said, "People of Xandar, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods! Your salvation is at hand." The people cried as he was about to touch the surface with his hammer when he heard Quill singing, "Oooh child things are gonna get easier. Oooh child things are gonna get brighter." Ronan and everyone else turned to see Quill dancing as he said, "Listen to these words." He continued dancing as he then put his hands down and said, "Now bring it down hard! Someday….."

Everyone's jaws were wide dropped now and their eyes were wide open. No one was saying a word. It was like someone had stopped time. The scene was too ridiculous for them to say anything.

After about two minutes, Tony finally asked, "So he saved everyone by dancing?"

"Kind of." Benjamin said.

"MAN!" Tony yelled and everyone jumped, finally back to normal after two full minutes.

The song played on the Walkman as Quill said, "Dance-off bro. You and me."

"Dance-off to save the universe." Rhodes said.

"What have we come to?" Natasha said and everyone laughed.

"I wonder if I could do that." Peter said only to see Aunt May glaring at him.

"Don't you ever think that, kid!" She said and he nodded.

"I'm sure half of the people would criticize it and the other half would call it ahead of its times." Benjamin joked and everyone laughed. [2]

He asked if Gamora would like to dance with him but she shook her head so he continued dancing. Ronan asked what he was doing and Quill called him a turd-blossom and said he was distracting him. Ronan then turned around as Rocket pressed two wires and Drax fired from the remade Hadron Enforcer. The blast shattered the hammer as Quill leapt. Gamora yelled out in despair as Quill managed to catch the Power Stone before Ronan.

"He can hold it?" Steve asked.

"You will know why later." Logan said.

"Definitely need to know that." Bucky said.

Quill yelled in agony as the Power Stone burnt him and the energy surrounded him. Ronan glared in anger as Gamora held out her hand and yelled, "PETER! TAKE MY HAND!" He looked at her as he then saw his mother holding out her hand, "Take my hand, Peter." He looked in shock, "Mom." Gamora yelled, "TAKE MY HAND!" And with that, Quill took her hand as she screamed too.

"Teamwork." Steve said and everyone started clapping.

"Now he has no regrets." Tony said as the clapping continued.

Drax struggled against the energy but managed to take Quill's other hand as he too screamed in agony. And then Rocket arrived, struggling against the energy but he grabbed Drax's hand and screamed too. "You're mortal! How?" Ronan asked in horror. "You said it yourself, bitch. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy." Quill said and then the Power Stone lifted him into the air. The four used it in coordination as he screamed in pain and finally exploded into pieces as the Power Stone's blast destroyed him.

Everyone applauded cheerfully as Tony said, "Take that!"

"No one will dare to fight them now." Hill said.

"I don't think it's that simple, Hill." Fury said.

Gamora shut the Power Stone with the Orb as the energy faded and Yondu and the other Ravagers arrived, commenting it was quite the light show. Yondu said Quill had some business to attend to. Gamora protested and Quill said the Nova Corps were the only ones who could keep the Stone. Yondu said he was pretty as an angel but wasn't one as he revealed the Yaka Arrow. Quill reluctantly handed over the Orb. Yondu smiled and they all started walking away as Quill told Yondu not to open as it was harmful to people. Yondu nodded with a smile as they all walked off.

"Why do I think there is another reason he said that?" Steve asked.

"Because there is." Odinson said.

The Ravagers flew off in their ships as Kraglin said Quill was all right and it was a good thing they didn't hand him over to his dad like they were hired to do. "Yeah, that guy was a jackass." Yondu said as they flew off.

"Now I really want to know who he was." Tony said.

"The next one will show who he was." Logan said, "And he was a rat bastard."

Quill took out the real Orb, saying Yondu would be pissed when he would find out he switched it. Gamora laughed happily.

"Now that was smart." Fury said as everyone sighed in relief.

"The universe is finally saved by the Guardians of the Galaxy." Sam said and everyone nodded.

Gamora said he was going to kill him and Quill said, "I know. But he was about the only family I had." Gamora held his hand and said, "No. He wasn't." Rocket cried over Groot's remains as Drax sat next to him and started patting his head to provide comfort while everyone else watched.

Everyone smiled sadly with tears at Drax's show of affection.

Later, they all were in the Nova Headquarters as a scan of Quill's body was shown and Dey said they had noticed an anomaly in his nervous system when they had arrested him so they had checked it out. Quill asked if he was not Terran. Nova Prime said he was half-Terran. His mother was of Terra but his father was something very ancient.

"What was his father?" Wanda finally asked.

"A Celestial." Odinson revealed to everyone's horror.

"Like that Eson the Searcher in that footage?" Rhodes asked in horror and got nods, "Damn!"

"So Peter Quill is half-Terran and half-Celestial." Vision said, "That is why he could hold the Power Stone for as long as he did. It is the most dangerous Stone to its users."

"That makes sense." Tony said.

"What happened to his father?" Steve asked.

"You will see in the next recording." Benjamin told him and everyone nodded.

Gamora realized that might be why Quill could have held the Stone for as long as he did. Rocket and Drax arrived in suits made by the Corps and Rocket had a sapling in his hand. Nova Prime said they would like to express their profound gratitude for their help in saving Xandar. She then asked them to follow Denarial Dey who had something for them. They walked out as Gamora thanked Nova Prime. She told Drax his wife and daughter would be at peace knowing he had avenged them. Drax agreed and then said Ronan was only a puppet and he really needed to kill Thanos.

"That can only be done by everyone together." Logan said.

Dey let them all out and showed them the rebuilt Milano which was as close to the original as possible. Quill thanked him and Dey said his family was alive because of them. Their criminal records had also been expunged but he warned them against breaking laws in the future. Rocket asked if he wanted to take something that belonged to someone else. Dey said he would be arrested but Rocket argued he wanted it more. Gamora smiled and led him inside.

Everyone laughed as Tony said, "Back to his usual self finally."

Drax asked what if someone did something irksome and he decided to remove his spine. Dey said that would be murder and it was the worst crime of all. Drax seemed to consider and walked off.

"I think they're just messing with him." Tony said.

"Damn right!" Fury said.

Quill said he would keep an eye on them. Dey looked amused but Quill said he would. Later, he sat in the ship and finally took out the wrapped present. There was a letter with it. He read it, "Peter, I know these last few months have been hard for you. But I'm going to a better place. And I will be okay. And I will always be with you. You are the light of my life. My precious son. My little Star-Lord. Love, Mom."

"That is why he kept the name." Steve said, feeling touched, "It was what his mom called him."

Quill then unwrapped the present which was another tape titled 'Awesome Mix Vol. 2.' He put it on and 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough' started playing.

"His mom had some of the best taste in music." Tony said as everyone swayed a little to the tune.

"She really did." Steve said as him and Sam exchanged a look, having listened to Marvin Gaye's soundtrack themselves.

"Yup." Sam agreed.

"Of course you two would know." Natasha said and everyone chuckled.

Quill and Gamora looked at each other and smiled as she swayed to the music too.

"Someone likes what they're listening." Clint said and chuckled followed.

The Ravagers were all having fun together as Yondu finally opened the Orb and saw a troll doll inside. Instead of lashing out, he laughed happily.

"He does care about Quill after all." Bucky realized.

"He just doesn't show it." Aunt May agreed.

Nova Prime put the Orb inside and walked off as the Nova Corps saluted her and Dey walked home, hugging his wife and daughter. Quill, Rocket and Drax sat as Gamora walked up to them. Rocket and Drax nodded at each other as the sapling yawned.

"Is that…." Steve trailed off.

"Motherfu-" Fury trailed off too.

"This is the son of that Groot." Odinson revealed to their shock.

"So…Baby Groot?" Tony asked and got nods, "Nice."

"So, what should we do next? Something good? Something bad? A bit of both?" Quill asked. Gamora said, "We'll follow your lead, Star-Lord." Quill said, "Bit of both." And with that, the Milano flew off into the sky.

"And Han is off with his crew." Tony said and everyone chuckled.

'I Want You Back' played as Drax cleaned his knives and Baby Groot suddenly smiled and started dancing happily to the music, shaking his tiny body. Drax suddenly turned to him and he froze. Drax looked around and then started cleaning his knives again and Baby Groot continued dancing.

Everyone burst out in laughter as well as applause as this time literally all the ladies went, "Awwwwww!"

"That was so sweet." Natasha said.

"And cute." Hill added.

"Please tell me we're seeing more of him in the next one." Hope said.

"We are." Benjamin said and they all looked happy.

"I really want to see more of him. He's cute." Scott agreed too.

"Okay. Just one more scene." Odinson said.

In his destroyed museum, Tivan sat sadly, drinking something as Cosmo the Dog licked him to provide comfort. It then walked off as someone asked, "What do you let it lick you like that for?" The screen turned to show a talking duck that wore a suit. "Gross." It said about the licking. It then downed its glass and said, "Yeah! But it burns going down." The screen went black.

Everyone's jaws dropped even wider that when the dance-off had happened.

"Okay, Tivan sure deserved it but what the hell is that?" Tony asked on everyone's behalf, "Donald Duck?"

"That is Howard the Duck." Benjamin said.

"An anthropomorphic duck." Logan said, "From Duckworld. He found himself Tivan's collection later."

"A planet of anthropomorphic ducks? And I thought I had seen everything." Fury muttered.

"A planet of Donald Ducks." Tony quipped.

"What happened to him?" Steve asked.

"He came to Earth eventually." Benjamin said, "Last I heard, he had joined a band and made a girlfriend." [3]

"WHAT?" Scott asked loudly as everyone turned to Benjamin in shock, "But how does that even work?"

"I have no idea. Ask Howard himself." Benjamin said.

"No thank you." Tony said.

"I was just kidding." Benjamin then revealed and they all sighed in relief.

"You pull that off again and I-" Aunt May finished it there and Benjamin shut up at the implications.

"Can we please see the next one?" Wanda asked, eager to see more of Baby Groot.

"With pleasure." Logan agreed as he picked up the remote.