Ch 84 Hela

"I believe your questions about my whereabouts will be answered with this recording." Thor said to the others.

"Not just answered. Answered perfectly." Odinson said.

"Definitely been wondering what you've been up to." Tony said.

"Well, let's hold our breaths." Steve said.

"Let's start." Natasha said.

"You're in it too." Logan said to Bruce.

"All right. Good to know." Bruce said.

"Start it." Benjamin said to Logan.

"Of course." Logan said and turned it on.

"This is going to be embarrassing." Loki muttered to himself.

In a fiery place, Thor was chained up in a cage as he said, "Now, I know what you're thinking. "Oh, no! Thor's in a cage. How did this happen?" Well, sometimes you have to get captured just to get a straight answer out of somebody."

"I get the feeling." Natasha said.

"So do I." Clint said.

Thor said, "It's a long story, but basically, I'm a bit of a hero. See, I spent some time on Earth...Fought some robots, saved the planet a couple of times. Then I went searching through the Cosmos for some magic, colorful Infinity Stone things. Didn't find any. That's when I came across a path of death and destruction, which led me all the way here into this cage, where I met you." In front of him was a skeleton. Its lower jaw broke at that part.

"Your story made its jaw drop." Tony said and all burst out laughing.

"Why're you talking to a skeleton though? Have you gone crazy or something?" Scott asked.

"Don't ask." Thor said.

"Now you will see my brother's true self." Loki said to everyone.

There was a rumbling as Thor asked the skeleton how long they'd be here. The cage then opened underneath and he fell down, still chained up. He was hanging now. He heard laughter and saw Surtur sitting there, looking at him.

"Who the hell is that?" Bucky asked as all paled at his sight.

"Surtur." Thor said.

"The one who will be the cause of my people's destruction." Odinson said.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd call him the Devil." Steve said.

"Thor, son of Odin." Surtur greeted with a laugh. Thor greeted back, "Surtur, son of…a bitch."

Everyone burst into hysterical laughter as Rhodes said, "If this is your true self, I like you so much more than I used to."

"Oh I like you a lot now, Point Break." Tony said.

"Thank you." Thor and Odinson both said.

Thor was shocked Surtur was still alive as Odin had killed him half a million years ago. Surtur said he couldn't die until he fulfilled his destiny of destroying Asgard. Thor said that was funny as he had been having terrible dreams lately of Asgard being destroyed and Surtur being at the center of it.

"I'm sorry." Wanda said to Thor.

"Oh at this point, I'm having dreams of my own accord." Thor assured her, "You only showed me the one vision."

"Then you have seen Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard." Surtur said, "The great prophecy…." Thor cut him off, asking him to tell about Ragnarok. Surtur said his time had come and when his crown will be reunited with the Eternal Flame, he shall be restored to his full might, tower over mountains and bury his sword deep into Asgard.

"He is dangerous but he talks a lot." Peter said.

"That's his downfall." Thor said.

Thor told him to stop as the chains were rotating too much and said this was happening on its own.

Everyone burst into laughter again.

Thor then asked if he'd put his crown in the Eternal Flame and grow as big as a house. Surtur corrected him with 'mountain.' Thor asked if he meant the Eternal Flame locked away by Odin on Asgard. Surtur said Odin was not on Asgard and Thor's absence had left it defenseless.

"Odin isn't. I am." Loki said.

"How did he know though?" Hope asked.

"He could sense Odin's essence after their fight half a million years ago. And he sensed it wasn't on Asgard." Thor said.

"Now I can sense power too." Odinson said.

Thor asked where the crown was and Surtur pointed it was on his head. Thor said he thought it was a big eyebrow and Surtur angrily said it was a crown.

Everyone burst into laughter again as Hill asked, "When did you turn so funny? And by that, I mean modernly funny?"

"Even since I met the Avengers." Odinson said.

"Yes. Precisely." Thor agreed.

Thor said all he needed to stop Ragnarok was to rip the crown off Surtur's head. Surtur got up with his Twilight Sword and said Ragnarok had already begun. Thor couldn't stop it. He was Asgard's doom and so was Thor. All will suffer and burn.

"Sounded pretty intense." Aunt May said.

"And overdramatic." Pepper added.

"That's intense. To be honest, seeing you grow really big and set fire to a planet would be quite the spectacle." Thor said as he opened his hand, "But it looks like I'm gonna have to choose option B, where I bust out of these chains, knock that tiara off your head, and stash it away in Asgard's vault." Surtur asked, "You cannot stop Ragnarok. Why fight it?" Thor said, "Because that's what heroes do." But nothing happened as Thor said, "Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't time that right." Thor then said, "And now!" Mjolnir burst through a wall and Thor grabbed it before breaking free, facing Surtur.

Everyone clapped as Bruce said, "Now he is screwed!"

"Looks like it." Sam agreed.

Surtur said he had made a grave mistake and Thor said he made those all the time but things worked out pretty well. He saw a dragon in the shadows.

"I don't believe it." Fury said.

"You'll have to." Benjamin said.

Fire Demons attacked Thor as he smashed them away and they covered him but he pushed them off before smashing more with a twirling Mjolnir and then threw it. It hit all Fire Demons in a circle as Thor fought and beat some before calling it back. It killed more Fire Demons as it returned to Thor's hand and he destroyed another.

Everyone clapped as Peter said, "Now that is awesome!"

The dragon roared, trying to break its chain. Thor leapt into the air with a roar as lightning emanated from Mjolnir. He hit the ground with it, causing a shockwave that killed the Fire Demons and staggered Surtur back.

"And now you're all alone." Vision said to Surtur.

Surtur fired a fire blast from his Twilight Sword which Thor blocked by twirling Mjolnir. He then leapt into the air and hit Surtur, staggering him back. He hit him with Mjolnir throws before hitting his crown, staggering him back. He hit him with more Mjolnir throws before dodging his Twilight Sword by leaping onto a rock. He then leapt at him and hit his crown. It fell down and all his flames were sucked into it.

Everyone clapped as Tony said, "Yeah!"

Thor chained up the crown to him and called out to Heimdall, saying he knew it had been a while but he could use a fast exit. He raised Mjolnir but nothing happened, confusing him. At Asgard, a knew gatekeeper called Skurge was talking to two ladies, saying Heimdall was an idiot.

"Well, he was smarter than you for sure." Loki said.

"Who is he and why does he look like a judge?" Tony asked. [1]

"For your first question, he is Skurge, the new gatekeeper." Thor said, "For the second, I have no idea."

"Me neither." Loki said.

"Not even I do." Odinson said.

Skurge said the job should have made him rich and wasn't easy but offered benefits, showing them his stuff, which included a scooter.

"Thief." Fury muttered.

Skurge showed them a pair of M-16 Rifles which he called Des and Troy because they destroyed when they came together.

"Very original." Peter said dryly.

Thor beat some Fire Demons as the dragon freed itself. Thor raised Mjolnir and flew into the sky, crashing through the ground. He put out his slightly sparkling cape and raised Mjolnir again but nothing happened, annoying him. The ground shook and the dragon crashed. It tried to bite Thor but he stopped it with a hand before putting Mjolnir its mouth, making it fall down.

Everyone clapped as Steve said, "Smart."

The ladies heard Thor's voice through the mechanism as Skurge played with a shake weight. They informed him and he brandished Hofund, saying the girls were in for a treat. He inserted and twisted it. In Muspelheim, Thor summoned Mjolnir and flew off at Mach 1 as the dragon flew after him. Just before it could catch up, the Bifrost took him up while the symbol was formed on the ground.

"Now Surtur's lawn is ruined." Tony said and all laughed.

Thor arrived in Asgard as the dragon's head fell too, splattering green blood on Skurge and the ladies. Its tongue fell out and eyes rolled back. The ladies screamed and ran off in terror.

"There goes his chance with the ladies." Bucky said and all chuckled.

Skurge sarcastically thanked Thor for scaring his company away and drenching his workplace with blood as Thor didn't recognize him. Skurge introduced himself and said they had fought together on Vanaheim, which Thor remembered and asked where Heimdall was. Skurge said he was a traitor and Odin had charged him with negligence but he had fled before the trial. It was impossible to find a guy who could see everything.

"My way of getting him out of the way." Loki said.

"I know." Thor said.

Skruge said he was supposed to announce Thor's arrival but he flew off by twirling Mjolnir. He arrived and was shocked by the sight in front of him. It was a giant statue of Loki.

"I should get one!" Tony said as all gaped at the statue.

Thor saw a play was going on. There were actors playing Thor and Loki. Loki was dying after being stabbed by Kurse. Thor asked Sif to get help and she ran off as Loki apologized for everything he had had done while Odin watched from where he was sitting, eating grapes.

"Really dude?" Scott asked.

"I expected Skurge to announce Thor's arrival!" Loki said.

Loki apologized for turning Thor into a frog as Thor said it was a wonderful joke while Odin muttered it was hilarious.

"Oh my God!" Sam said and all laughed.

"Oh it was truly funny." Loki said.

"Let me get my ax." Odinson said and Loki shut up as Thor glared at him.

Loki asked Thor to tell his story, build a statue of him with his horned helmet. Thor said he would tell father what Loki had done. Odin muttered, "I didn't do it for him." Loki said, "I didn't do it for him." He then died as the choir sang a sad but beautiful tune while some women cried.

"They're really crying?" Pepper asked while all looked shocked.

"I have no idea why." Thor said.

"Hey! It was thoughtful and provoking!" Loki said.

"No, it was an over the top parody." Tony said and all laughed, "Somehow starring Matt Damon." [2]

The laughter increased by volumes as Loki pouted.

The actor playing Odin narrated Loki had brought peace to the Realms. A child playing young Loki arrived as the actor said he'd never thought Loki would be Asgard's savior when he was merely a baby icicle who had melted the old fool's heart. The play ended and all clapped.

"Please clap!" Rhodes said and all did while laughing.

"It was royal. I will say that." T'Challa said.

"Thank you." Loki said gratefully.

Thor then greeted Odin who muttered 'Oh shit' before greeting him like he normally would. The play was called 'The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard' as the people wanted to commemorate him. Thor said he liked the statue as it looked a lot better than Loki when he was alive. Odin made a face.

Everyone burst into laughter as Hope said, "You as him is hilarious."

"Of course." Loki said.

Thor showed him the crown and told a guard to lock it away in the vault. Odin got up and asked if Thor would go back to Midgard but he talked about his dream of Asgard's destruction while throwing Mjolnir up and catching it on return. Odin said it was a silly dream due to overactive imagination. Thor said he had investigated and found the Nine Realms in chaos, enemies assembling and plotting their demise while he was sitting in his bathrobe eating grapes.

"And that gave you away." Natasha said while Loki sighed.

Odin said he was respecting neighbors' freedom while Thor said it was freedom of massacre as he threw Mjolnir right next to Odin and caught it.

"This is getting ugly." Logan said.

Odin said he had been busy with board meeting and Security Council meetings.

"Those are things on Asgard?" Clint asked.

"Nope." Loki said.

Thor then threw Mjolnir and walked behind Odin, telling him nothing would stop it as it returned to him, not even his face. Odin said he'd gone crazy and would be executed. "Then I'll see you on the other side, brother." Thor said as Mjolnir straightened while returning and Odin moved out of the way, transforming back into Loki and confessing he yielded while the people screamed in horror.

"Busted finally!" Hope said and all laughed.

"Yeah. Embarrassing." Loki said.

"We can see that." Sam said.

Skurge then arrived to announce Thor's arrival and Loki scolded him, saying he had one job. Thor asked where Odin was and he said how Thor couldn't stay away. Asgard was prospering without him but he had ruined everything. Thor asked where Odin was again. Loki said Thor finally had the independence he wanted and Thor angrily pinned him to his seat with Mjolnir while people screamed. Loki said he knew exactly where Odin was and they were sent to Earth with the Bifrost.

"Stings, doesn't it?" Peter asked Loki.

"Oh it does." Loki said.

"You and your games." Thor said.

The old-age care home where Loki had left Odin was demolished now. Thor and Loki stood in regular clothes as the latter said he had left Odin right here and Thor jokingly asked if he meant on the sidewalk or where the building was being demolished.

"I'm sure people would notice." Rhodes said.

Thor sarcastically said his plan was great as Loki said he couldn't see the future and wasn't a witch. Thor asked why he dressed like one and said he couldn't believe Loki was alive. "I mourned you, I cried for you." Thor said. "I'm honored." Loki said sarcastically.

"Oh I live to honor you." Thor said sarcastically and Loki smirked while the others laughed.

Two girls arrived and asked Thor for a picture. He agreed, asking Loki to figure it out as the girls took a selfie and apologized for Jane dumping him. Thor told Loki she hadn't dumped him, he had dumped her, and it was a mutual dumping.

"The word you're looking for is 'break-up.'" Tony said and all chuckled.

"I know." Thor said.

Suddenly, a sparkling circle appeared underneath Loki. Thor was shocked as Loki said he wasn't doing this and fell into it.

"I think I know who that is." Steve said.

"And you're right." Odinson agreed.

There was a note there which Thor tapped with his umbrella, wondering if it was Loki.

Everyone burst out laughing as Benjamin asked, "You actually thought he had turned into a note."

"Well, he transforms into snakes and transforms me into frogs so I thought 'why not?'" Thor said.

"Fair enough." Loki snorted.

Thor picked up the note and it said, '177A Bleecker Street.' He walked to the address and knocked but was suddenly inside. "Thor Odinson." He turned around to see a man in a cape flying towards him, revealing himself to be Stephen Strange, "God of Thunder." Thor raised the umbrella but Strange told him to put it down.

"You transformed Mjolnir into an umbrella?" A shocked Natasha asked.

"Oh I can transform it into a lot of stuff to disguise it. Umbrellas. Canes. Whatever." Thor said. [3]

They were teleported further into the Sanctum as Thor put the umbrella in a coat stand and picked up an artefact, noting Earth had Wizards now before accidentally breaking the artefact. Strange said the term was 'Master of the Mystic Arts.' Thor asked who he was and he introduced himself as Doctor Stephen Strange, asking him to take a seat and then teleported them to have seats.

"Now he is creeping me out." Pepper said.

"He has grown in power since the last recording." Loki noted.

"Tea?" Strange asked Thor. "I don't drink tea." Thor said as he held up the cup he had. "What do you drink?" Strange asked. "Not tea." Thor said and beer appeared. "So, I keep a watchlist of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world." Strange said, "Your adopted brother, Loki, is one of those beings." Thor drank and saw his beer had refilled, "A worthy inclusion."

"Of course I am." Loki said.

"Yeah." Strange said, "So, why bring him here to New York?" Thor said, "That's a long story. A family drama, that kind of thing, but... we're looking for my father." "Oh, okay. So, if you've found Odin, you all will return to Asgard, promptly?" Strange asked. "Oh, yes. Promptly." Thor said. "Alright." Strange got up, "Let me help you."

"Let's see what his help looks like." Tony said.

Thor asked why Strange had not called him if he knew and Strange said Odin was adamant not to be disturbed plus Thor didn't have a cell phone. Thor said Strange could have sent the electronic letter called e-mail and Strange asked if he had a computer. Thor said he didn't, asking the reason.

Everyone burst into laughter as Clint said, "You still have a lot to learn."

"I have an e-mail ID now." Odinson said, "It's called 'Lord of Thunder.'"

"Nice." Rhodes said.

Thor asked if he could take him home and Strange said he was in Norway as they were teleported away and some beer dropped. Strange read a book and said no modifications were required for Asgardians before teleporting them again. Thor asked him to stop and Strange asked for a strand of hair. Thor said his hair was not to be meddled with but Strange appeared behind him and took a strand, teleporting them away again as Thor rolled down the stairs.

Everyone burst into laughter as Pepper said, "Is it his mission to embarrass his visitors or something?"

"I think it is." Odinson said.

"Sucks. I know." Thor said.

Strange used the strand to open a portal and told Thor Odin was waiting. He told him not to forget his umbrella. Thor raised his hand and smashing sounds were heard as he apologized.

Everyone laughed.

The umbrella stopped in his hand as Thor said he'd need his brother back and Strange opened another portal above, making Loki fall down. "I have been falling….for 30 minutes!" Loki said indignantly.

Everyone laughed as Loki looked embarrassed, "I will have my sweet vengeance."

Strange told Thor to handle him as Loki angrily brandished his daggers, calling Strange a second-rate magician as he charged but Strange pushed the portal on them, making Loki fall down as Thor looked around at the grassy area.

"I will use more than daggers next time." Loki said.

The two saw Odin standing with his back to them.

"Now the reunion." Steve said and all watched.

They walked to him as Thor called out to him. Odin looked at the sea and said this place was beautiful before recognizing them. Thor said they'd come to take him home. "Home, yes." Odin said, "Your mother, she calls me." Thor asked Loki to lift his spell and Odin laughed, saying it had taken him some time to break out, telling Loki Frigga would have been proud.

A small lump formed in Loki's throat. This was all he had ever wanted from Odin. Thor put a hand on his shoulder.

Odin told them to sit with him, saying he didn't have much time. Thor said they'd failed him but would make it right. "I failed you." Odin said, "It is upon us. Ragnarok." Thor said he'd stopped Ragnarok but Odin said it had already begun and she was coming. His life was all that had held her back but his time had come and she couldn't be kept back any longer. Thor asked who Odin was referring to and he said, "Goddess of Death. Hela. My firstborn. Your sister." Thor and Loki were both shocked.

"The truth is out." Aunt May said.

"And you won't like it." Bruce said.

"Not one bit." Odinson said.

"I understand." Thor agreed.

Odin said he violent appetites had grown beyond his control so he had imprisoned her. She drew her strength from Asgard and when she reached there, her powers would be limitless. Thor said they could face and stop her together but Odin said they couldn't as he was on a different path now and they must face this alone.

"What's happening?" Scott asked.

"I think I know." Hope said.

"I love you, my sons." Odin said as Loki looked at him.

"This was all I ever wanted." Loki said with a quivering voice while Thor comforted him. All looked at him in sympathy. While they still hadn't forgiven him for his deeds, they could still feel his pain.

"Look at that." Odin said, pointing at the sky, "Remember this place." He then faded into yellow energy which flowed away.

Thor closed his eyes sadly and so did Odinson and Loki, remembering Odin. He wasn't perfect either in spite of being the All-Father. But he was a good man and did the best he could.

T'Challa put a hand on Thor's shoulder and said, "Do not weep because he is gone. Smile because he was here."

Thor, Loki and Odinson nodded as the recording continued.

Clouds gathered in the sky as lightning cracked due to Thor's emotions. Lightning cracked in Thor's hands too. Loki called out to him as Thor angrily looked at him, "This was your doing!" Before they could fight, a green portal started opening up. Loki removed the illusion and was back in his Asgardian robes as lightning cracked and Thor was back in his Asgardian armor with Mjolnir.

"Something's happening." Hope said and all tensed.

Out of the portal walked a woman in black robes with long hair and a pale face. "So he's gone." She said, "That's a shame. I'd have liked to see that." Thor said, "You must be Hela."

"Yeah. We can see that." Tony said while all tensed.

Thor introduced himself and Hela commented he didn't look like Odin. Loki said they could come to an arrangement as Hela said he sounded like Odin. "Kneel." She then ordered. "Beg your pardon?" Loki asked.

"She sounds more like your daughter at this point." Scott said to Loki who sighed. [4]

"Kneel. Before your Queen." Hela said, summoning her Necrosword. "I don't think so." Thor said and threw Mjolnir but to his horror, she caught it. He tried to summon it back but she didn't let go as he said, "It's not possible." Hela smirked, "Darling, you have no idea what's possible." With that, she shattered Mjolnir in her grasp as there was an explosion of lightning which sent Thor and Loki flying back.

"Motherfu-" Fury trailed off while all were really shocked.

"She broke it! She actually broke it!" Tony said.

"I had no idea that could happen." Steve said, "Uru was the strongest metal in the Universe."

"And how could she use it?" Peter asked.

"She wasn't worthy but she had a different connection to it." Odinson said.

"Yes. Which is why she could hold it in spite of unworthiness." Thor said.

Hela then summoned a horned helmet and two Necroswords as Loki shouted, "Bring us back!" Thor protested but the Bifrost took them up. Thor called out to Loki and he looked down to see Hela flying up. He threw his dagger but she threw it back and he crashed out into the space.

"Oh boy!" Sam said as all looked in shock.

Thor tried to fight but she grabbed his neck and threw him into space too.

"How much did being pushed against Bifrost hurt?" Hill asked in concern.

"A lot." Thor, Loki and Odinson said simultaneously.

Volstagg took Hofund out of the device on Asgard as Hela arrived while he, Fandrall and Skurge, who was sweeping the floor, looked in shock. Hela's power seemed to increase as she arrived in Asgard as Volstagg asked who she was and what she had done with Thor. She threw a small Necrosword at him, making him fall down. Fandrall charged her but was taken down the same way. "I'm Hela." She said and killed them by throwing one more Necrosword for each.

"NO!" Thor and Odinson both said sadly as everyone looked at them in sympathy.

"They were brave men." Loki said as he put a hand on Thor for comfort.

"I'm sorry." Steve said in sympathy, knowing exactly what he was going through.

Thor, Loki and Odinson calmed themselves and looked back at the screen.

Skurge kneeled and said he was a janitor as Hela said, "You look like a smart boy with good survival instincts. How would you like a job?" She walked past him and looked at Asgard with a smile while Skurge stood next to her with Hofund stuck behind them.

"Oh no!" Tony said.

"Shit!" Sam said.

"She has her eyes on the entire cosmos, doesn't she?" Hope asked.

"Yes. She does." Logan said.

"And it would have been ugly." Benjamin said.

"Well, we need to see what happened next." Wanda said.

"Yeah we do." Odinson said as the recording continued.