ch 97 Janet returns

"I'm guessing you reached in time." Bruce said.

"Just watch." Scott said.

Scott's door was knocked on before being opened to reveal Cassie, Maggie and Jim who began looking for her soccer shoes. Jim discovered dirt and leaves on the ground as Maggie commented how Scott lived like a pig these days.

"No. Like an ant." Scot said and all laughed.

Cassie ran upstairs on hearing sounds from the bathroom only to see an ant in the bath instead before smiling.

"Ant in the bathtub. What more am I gonna see?" Tony muttered.

"A lot." Morgan said.

Woo and the FBI arrived to search the place as Maggie said they had no shame. Cassie came down the stairs as Maggie told her to let the agents search the place. A female agent said Scott's ankle monitor was in the bathroom and Woo said he wasn't buying it. Cassie said he was barfing a lot but Woo said as a federal agent, he had seen much worse before asking if it was a lot. He still ran past her to the bathroom as Cassie ran after him. The door opened to reveal Scott Lang.

"Oh boy!" Peter said in shock as all sighed in relief.

"You made it just in time!" Pepper said.

"I know right?" Scott said, "Lucky me."

"And lucky us." Hope said.

Scott asked Woo why he was here and said he was sick as Cassie said she had told him. He said they had to let it out and going into the bathroom, made barfing sounds again.

"And Woo is fooled." Sam smirked.

Hank and Hope got out of the lab and the former shrunk it only to reveal armed agents having surrounded them to their shock. Another car pulled up and Woo's partner walked out, saying they were under arrest.

"Sonny's man." Hope muttered.

"Now you're arrested." Hill said and all groaned.

"I got favors to repay." Scott said as he and Hope exchanged a smirk.

"Oh that was pretty cool." Cassie agreed and the past viewers looked forward to seeing that.

In the house, Maggie said the FBI were harassing Scott, saying they probably stood for Forever Bothering Individuals.

"That's accurate." Rhodes said and all laughed.

The monitor checked out and Woo was a bit disappointed before being informed Hank and Hope were in custody so he was happy before apologizing to Scott as they were his friends but he needed a win. They all walked out as Woo said he'd be back to declare the end of Scott's sentence and apologized for misjudging him.

"No problem." Scott said.

Hank and Hope were put into the cars as Woo's partner discreetly put the lab in his own car's trunk only for Ava to kill him with her phasing abilities. She took the lab and escaped.

Everyone cringed at that sight.

"Painful. Painful." Benjamin muttered.

The other FBI talked to each other, saying they had a man down and the lab missing as Hope and Hank exchanged concerned looks. At the house, Cassie walked to Scott's room who thanked her for covering for him.

"Anytime dad." Cassie smiled.

"Thanks peanut." Scott said.

She sat next to him and asked how long he had been Ant-Man again. He said it had just sort of happened and apologized for lying to her and risking everything. She said it was okay but he said it wasn't as he did dumb things and people he cared for paid the price, mainly her.

"But I'm proud of you, daddy." Cassie said and the two smiled at each other again.

"I know. I know." Scott muttered as everyone's hearts melted at the emotional scene.

Cassie said trying to help people wasn't dumb and Scott said he screwed up every time. Cassie said he needed someone to watch his back like a partner. Scott said she wanted to do nothing with him. Cassie asked who and he said Hope. Cassie said she meant her and asked Scott not to laugh as she'd be a great partner and Scott said she would but he'd be a terrible dad if he let her.

"Trust me, you're the greatest dad." Cassie said to Scott who felt happy on hearing that.

"Thank you." He said, "Though I wanted to ask, did the three of us work together?"

"We did." Cassie said, "Then you two retired."

"Makes sense." Hope shrugged.

Cassie said he could let Hope be his partner as she was smart and Scott said she reminded him of her. Cassie said he should help her and Scott said he would but not without hurting her. Cassie said he could do anything as he was the 'World's Greatest Grandma' and he smiled before the two hugged.

Everyone chuckled but knew what was coming now.

Hope and Hank were cuffed to the table as the agent said Woo would see them in an hour but Hank said they didn't have one. The agent mockingly asked if he had somewhere else to be before going out when Hope spit out a pin from her mouth and unlocked both the handcuffs.

"Now that was nice." Natasha said as Hope smirked.

"Thanks." She said.

Hope said they could shrink the wall as she took out a disk and run like hell to avoid the falling ceiling. There were about 20 agents on the floor and 5 times that in the building, all armed so not great odds but they had to do it. Just before Hope could throw the disk, her suit appeared on the table and there were ants crawling on the ceiling. Scott was outside, shrunken, and said they needed to find the lab. Hank asked what about him and an FBI uniform appeared for him.

"That was very smart." Steve said as all clapped for Scott.

"Thanks." He said, "I got my moments."

"Thanks Scott." Hope said gratefully.

"No problem." He shrugged.

Hank wore it and walked out as Hope flew next to him and they got out as the van appeared and Scott asked them to get in. They did as Scott and Hope gazed at each other. "Hi." He said. "Hi." She said too when Hank asked if they were going to leave soon or if they would stare at each other until the feds started shooting. The two looked embarrassed as Scott started driving.

Everyone laughed as Scott and Hope looked embarrassed.

Uznam and another man were behind them and informed Burch.

"These idiots are like cockroaches at this point." Bucky snorted as all glared at them.

Woo was told the suit and the van were missing as he ran out in shock.

"Too late, buddy." Benjamin said.

Hank thanked Scott and he said 'you're welcome' before asking how to find the lab. Hank said after losing it the first time, he had put a different tracker. He was communicating with the ants and they looked up to see flying ants pointing in the directions. Scott said that would do and followed them until they reached the front of the lab.

"That was unique." Tony said and all nodded.

"The lab is there." T'Challa said.

"And Starr and Foster with it." Fury said.

"Starr wouldn't go down without a fight." Thor said.

In the lab, Bill told Ava they could begin the extraction but it was dangerous so they could wait but she said she only had days to live. She went into the chamber to start the process.

"Do it fast." Pepper muttered.

Hank said the tunnel hadn't been used yet and they didn't have much time. Scott said his dad used to say to make a list when doing something. So he made a list of 1) Break into the lab. 2) Kick out Foster and Starr. 3) Fight Ava. Then he realized it was part of 2 so it could be 2A). They also needed to make sure the lab was normal sized before Hank returned.

"Best list ever." Loki said sarcastically and all chuckled.

Hank said he was going to dive to their shock because the tunnel needed to be protected by them both. Hank told Hope he needed to do this and Scott said he was right.

"Seems fitting." Clint shrugged.

"Yes." Hope agreed.

Then Luis arrived in his van and asked, "Whassup?" They looked at him in amusement as he said again, "You remember that beloved commercial? Whassup?" Scott said he had Luis follow them for help.

Everyone chuckled at Luis' antics again.

Scott later stood in position as Luis asked if Hope would like a pez in the van but she refused as Luis said he loved her suit. She thanked him as he said he'd like a suit with minimal powers or just a suit.

"He wants a suit." Tony said.

"Then make it for him." Rhodes said and all laughed.

Bill started the machine inside but it shut off to his shock. He and Ava looked down to see ants disconnecting the wires so Ava put on her helmet and walked out to see a trail of ants leading up the building. Bill found himself surrounded by giant ants and Hank put on his old suit, saying Bill had been taken care of and he was suiting up now.

"The old one is back for a final mission." Natasha said and all clapped.

"Yeah. My dad. The original Ant-Man." Hope said.

"And unlike Luke Skywalker, or as Mark Hamill calls him, Jake Skywalker, this is gonna be epic." Sam said.

"Let's not refer to that horror again." Hill said and all nodded in agreement.

Bill said he had just wanted to save Ava as she was facing something far worse than death so Hank said he'd help when he returned and they'd figure something out. Bill wished him luck as the ants sent him out while Hank sat in the machine. 15 minutes were left. Hope asked if there was any sign of Ava and Scott said not yet when she grabbed him from behind and slammed his head on the glas before throwing him through a wall.

"You all right?" Steve asked Scott in concern.

"It hurt like hell but yeah." Scott said.

"She packs a wallop." Cassie said.

"Well, Hydra used her for missions after all." Lila said.

Scott tried to use the regulator but it didn't work.

"Epic fail?" Thor asked.

"Not really." Scott smirked.

Scott simply ran around to avoid Ava, saying he had a 'Ghost' problem. Hank sat in the machine and said, "I love you, Hope." Scott ran around and was thrown down by Ava just as Hank flew into the tunnel as his machine shrunk with him. Hope then pressed a button and the lab shrunk down as Scott told Ava he was misdirecting her, having learnt it from Online Close-up Magic University and shrunk too as Luis picked the lab and put it in the car.

"Oh yeah! That is awesome!" Peter said as all laughed and cheered.

"The magic lessons worked after all." Morgan said and all laughed.

"Oh absolutely." Scott said.

"Nice job." Fury said.

Scott flew off on a flying ant as Hope was about to start the van when Sonny and his men arrived in cars, with him saying their business wasn't over. Hope backed the car and drove the other way with Sonny following.

"Die cockroach." Tony said as all glared at Sonny.

She drove as Sonny's men chased. One of them was about to ram his car into hers but she shrunk the van and it rammed into a car, crashing.

"How do you like that?" May asked as all clapped.

"This looks like a unique chase." T'Challa said.

"Because it is." Morgan said.

The van enlarged again as another came after them. Hope shrunk the van again and went under the car, with Luis saying the undercarriage was filthy. Hope said they had bigger problems before enlarging the van, shattering the car as well.

"Nice pun." Hill said as all clapped.

Scott asked where Hope was going and she said she was taking the scenic route. The reached a bush as Hope shrunk her van and the car crashed over it before another crashed into it and was wrecked while Hope drove away and Luis screamed how they would die.

Everyone laughed and clapped simultaneously.

Pym moved further into the Quantum Realm when the signal was lost and began recalibrating as microorganisms surrounded the vessel. "You never said it was so beautiful, Scott." Hank said as he looked around.

"It is beautiful." Bruce noted as all watched in awe.

"An entirely new realm." Steve said.

"Right under our very noses." Tony added, "It's pretty amazing."

The microorganisms closed in on the vessel when the signal was regained and Pym flew further in. Scott joined Hope and Luis in the van as Hope told him to take the wheel while Sonny made men on bikes chase them. Hope fired a blast and shrunk a bike, making the man fall down.

Everyone clapped as Wanda said, "Ride is full."

All laughed.

She fired again but shrunk an elderly man's car instead who said, "Well, the 60's were fun. But now, I'm paying for it!"

Everyone laughed as Thor said, "Now you shrunk his car."

"Keep your hair safe now." Odinson said, "He will come for them."

"Yeah. Better keep them safe." Hope said as she caressed her hair while all laughed.

Ghost arrived and phasing through a car, kicked a man off his bike while Sonny watched and she rode it after the van. Hope took Luis' pez dispenser and threw it before enlarging it with a blast as two men fell down and Luis said they got pez'd.

"Now there's a new word." Logan said as all laughed and clapped.

Scott then saw Ghost on her bike as she disappeared and climbed on top of the van. She phased into the car and kicked Hope out though she shrunk to save herself. She then tied up both Scott and Luis and taking the lab, jumped onto a nearby truck, throwing the driver out as Sonny and his men gave chase.

"Need to enlarge the lab. Need to enlarge the lab." Peter was saying as all watched, tense.

"Oh just keep watching." Scarlet Witch said.

Scott's van crashed as Hope leapt into the truck and battled Ava, who had the upper hand. Scott jumped onto a flying ant and leapt on the truck's viper, only for Ava to activate it as Scott was thrown around while Hope and Ava fought. Then the regulator malfunctioned and Scott grew in size. He shattered the glass and punched Ava's face, breaking the mask. Hope threw the lab out and jumped back but Ava threw off the mask and jumped back too. Scott shrunk again due to the regulator when Sonny rammed into the truck and Hope fell down as Sonny grabbed the lab and drove off.

"Someone kill the cockroach." Bucky said as all glared at him.

"Oh someone is going to do something." Scott smirked.

Hope shrunk and flew after Sonny as Ava ran after him while Scott grew again and using all his strength, managed to stop the truck, passing a café where people were working on laptops.

Everyone laughed at the scene as Peter said, "Now that's another meme for you."

"Almost like the opposite of that distracted boyfriend one." Natasha said and the laughter increased.

Scott then used the truck as a skateboard of sorts.

"Now that is creative." Clint said as all laughed and clapped.

"That's my dad for you." Cassie said as Scott smiled.

Hank was in the Quantum Realm and soon entered the Quantum Void where there was only blackness. "I'm coming to you, honey." He said as he increased speed and went further in as the shrinking continued and then he crashed on the ground with only 4 minutes 52 seconds left. He walked out of the vessel and looked around.

"Time is of the essence." Thor said as all watched, tense.

Luis found the lab's remote in the van and Hope asked her to bring it but the van was busted so Scott told him to open the Hot Wheels Rally case. He did and inside were several Hot Wheels Cars. "I love you, Dr. Pym." He said.

"So…driving a Hot Wheels?" Peter asked.

"Yeah." Scott said.

As Sonny arrived, the van shrunk as the Hot Wheels car appeared and Luis sped past them, shouting happily. Sonny's men gave chase as he shrunk and jumped the car on another while one of the cars after him crashed. The car enlarged again and Luis said Burch's boys were after him. Hope said she'd take care of them as Scott continued 'skating' to the lab. As the men chased Luis, Hope burst through the window and enlarged between them and said, "Hi." One of them tried to attack but she shrunk and he hit another man as she knocked him out and Luis found it badass.

"It really is." Sam said as all clapped for her.

She leapt out and kicked the driver out before flying away as the car crashed into bicycles while she flew into the Hot Wheels car and enlarged next to Luis.

"Now that leaves the asshole himself." Tony said.

Scott caught up to Sonny and knocked the gun out of the hands of one thug before kicking the van hard, crashing it. Sonny ran out with the lab as Scott tried to chase but Sonny ran through a narrow alley into which Scott couldn't fit.

"If only Dr. Pym had worked a little more on this one." T'Challa said and all nodded.

Scott ran to the other side, asking people if they had seen a southern man with a lab when he saw Sonny escaping on a ferry and wondered how he had gotten a ticket.

"He's rich." Tony said and all nodded

He kept pressing buttons, begging the regulator to work for once and it did, shrinking him.

"Finally!" Scarlet Witch said as everyone laughed.

He tried to call an ant but a seagull ate it. He tried again to the same result and it continued happening a few times as he called them murderers.

"Couldn't these seagulls have thought of a better time?" Wanda asked as everyone groaned.

"Doesn't look like it." Hope said.

He managed to get one finally and flew on it, calling it 'Ant-onio Banderas' because it was badass.

Everyone laughed as Rhodes said, "Now that's a new name for an ant."

"Short-lived sadly." Cassie said.

Then another seagull arrived and Scott jumped down into the water as it ate Ant-onio.

"RIP Ant-onio Banderas." Scott said and all nodded.

Sonny asked Uzman to meet him at the waterfront in 3 hours on phone as the announcer saw something in the water and said they had company when Scott leapt out as Giant-Man, greeting the people.

"So it was you then." Pepper said, remembering the news.

"Yeah. It was me." Scott shrugged.

"That looks almost 85 feet tall to me." Tony said.

"Because it is." Scott said.

"Damn!" Bruce said.

He told Sonny the lab didn't belong to him, trying to snatch it. Sonny hung on but Scott said he was embarrassing himself so he let go as Scott tapped his chest and he fell down. Scott then felt dizzy due to being so big.

"You can't hold it that long, can you?" Bruce asked.

"No. It sends you to sleep." Scott said.

"It affects the brain like that." Hope told everyone.

Hank walked around in the Quantum Realm and time ran out as he felt his entire body in pain and screamed. He then found himself in his house as a little Hope called out to him. He followed the source of the voice to find an adult Hope instead asking him why he hadn't found Janet. Scott then appeared and said he looked lost before Bill appeared and asked if he still thought he had all the ideas. Then Ghost appeared in a corner.

Everyone paled.

"What is happening there?" May asked.

"The Quantum Realm is affecting his brain cells." Bruce said.

She marched towards him and then touched his head with her hands as energy passed to him. Then the Quantum Realm appeared again and the woman took off her mask to reveal not Ava, but Janet. She was old now with grey hair but it was her. Hank was overjoyed.

"Mom!" Hope said happily and let out a sound that was a mixture of a sob and a laugh as Scott held her hand with a smile and everyone looked happy.

"You all did it." Steve said happily, "You found her like you said you would."

"She's coming home." Peter said happily.

"She is." Cassie said.

"Hate to be a jerk but the lab is still shrunken." Loki said and all groaned.

"And I thought I was a jerk." Logan said.

"It's me." She said and the two kissed passionately. "I'm so sorry!" Hank said, "It took so long." "No." Janet kissed his cheek and face, "You're here now. Let's go home."

"Come home." Hope said as all watched in relief.

They sat in the machine as Hank asked about what she had done and she said this place changed them. It was adaptation and evolution.

"It gave her Quantum powers." Tony said and all nodded.

Hank was about to fly up but lab coordinates were missing so he said he better tell her what they were dealing with.

"Baba Yaga and an asshole." Tony said and all laughed.

Scott had the lab but was getting dizzy as he reached the shore. It was all over the news. Woo watched and decided to go after him with agents as Jim and Maggie watched too in their home while Cassie smirked.

Scott and Cassie exchanged a knowing look as the others chuckled.

Kurt and Dave ran to help as well while Scott dropped the lab on land just as Hope and Luis arrived and the former noted Scott was too big. A dizzy Scott said he was going to sleep and fell into the water while Luis ran to get the lab and Hope shrunk and flew to where Scott was.

"We're working on the giant form." Hope told everyone.

"You did do it." Cassie said.

Luis ran to the lab but Ava arrived and kicked him down before taking the remote and enlarging it. She went inside as Hank said they could return now and that they had done it.

"Except it wasn't you." Tony said.

"Let's go see our daughter." Janet said and they flew back up as the vessel continued enlarging. Hope tried to wake Scott up and opening his regulator, pressed some buttons, finally managing to shrink him. She looked for him and finding him, flew up and brought him back to normal size as he woke up on the shore. She let out a sound that was a mixture of a laugh and a sob and kissed him happily.

"And then that happened." Sam said as all laughed and clapped at that.

"Yeah it did." Hope said.

Luis was outside the lab and asked if Scott and Hope had been crushed by it.

"Guess he forgot you two were in the water." Odinson shrugged.

Then Sonny and his men stopped him and pointed guns, asking for the remote and Luis said it was inside. Sonny's men were about to shoot him when they were knocked out from behind by tasers from Kurt and Dave. Sonny watched in shock as Luis knocked him out and thanked the two.

"Take that, asshole!" Tony said as all laughed and clapped.

"The cockroach is gone." Bucky said and all laughed again.

"Yeah. My bro did it." Scott said.

"He sure did." Morgan smirked.

Bill arrived and ran into the lab while Ava was starting the process, telling her to stop as people were getting hurt. She said she was hurting more while Bill said Janet may die and she would be able to help as she was a brilliant scientist. Ava said she'd help right now. Bill tried to stop her but she threw him across the room, knocking him out before starting the process as she went into the chamber. Hank and Janet were flying up when the energy started tearing Janet apart.

"Mom." Hope whispered in horror and shock as Scott held her hand while the others watched with wide eyes.

Then Scott and Hope arrived and the latter ran to the computers as the former pulled down the wires. Ava got out and tried to fight but he shrunk to avoid, until she kicked him away. Hope fired but her powers protected her. Ava attacked but Hope shrunk down to avoid. Scott enlarged and punched her before shrinking when Hope enlarged and punched her too before shrinking. Then Scott enlarged and kicked her away and Hope leapt from his back and enlarging, kicked Ava away.

Everyone clapped and cheered as Steve said, "Nice teamwork."

The two shrugged.

Hope tried to attack but was knocked down and Scott as well when the vessel arrived. Scott enlarged and got Hope out of the way as the vessel hit Ava and she was knocked away into a wall. Scott and Hope were back to normal size as he asked if she was okay and she said she was. Then Janet staggered out of the vessel and Hope watched her.

Hope welled up, remembering every bit of the moment like it had happened yesterday. It was the best moment of her life. Scott smiled and held her hand as the others watched happily too and some of them had happy tears in their eyes.

"Mom?" Hope asked as the two moved towards each other, "Oh, my God." They hugged as Hope cried happily and said, "We found you. I missed you so much." "I missed you too, Jellybean." Janet said happily as Hope watched her, "It's okay. I'm, I'm here now. We have time."

"I wish." Hope said as all watched the scene with emotions welling up.

"No more last minute business trips, okay?" Hope asked and the two laughed.

Everyone laughed at that too.

"I promise." Janet said, "It's okay, it's fine." "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Hank said as he staggered out. "Dad!" Hope said and hugged him too.

"Now that's what a family reunion is like." Tony quipped and all nodded.

"Scott." Janet said as she looked at him. "Miss Van Dyne." He said, "It's nice to...I guess we've already met." "I guess we have." She agreed.

Everyone chuckled as Scott said, "Guess so."

"Yeah. Looks like it." Cassie agreed.

Then Ava got back up and Hope was about to attack but Janet stopped her and walking up to her said, "Your pain...I can feel it." "It hurts." Ava said, "It always hurts."

Everyone watched Ava sadly. While she had done bad things, they did understand why. To live in pain like that all the time was going to do that to someone.

"I'm sorry." Janet said, "I think I can help you." She then touched Ava's head and Quantum Energy flowed into her, stopping her phasing and reducing her pain as she was overjoyed while an awakened Bill watched with a smile. Scott asked if Hank knew she could do that. "It's okay." Janet said to Ava.

Everyone watched in awe as Bruce said, "So she could save Ava after all."

"Did that work permanently?" Peter asked.

"No." Hope said.

"I guess you need more Quantum Energy for that." Tony said.

"Yeah. And we'll collect it." Scott said.

Luis arrived and said the cops were coming so they needed to go. Outside, Kurt and Dave were confronted by cops but pointed at the captured Sonny, Uzman and another man, saying they were just normal workers who had been threatened by Sonny so they had apprehended them for the cops. "We traffic in stolen technology." Uzman said. "And they have killed many, many people." The other man said before gesturing to Sonny, "He's in charge." Sonny said, "That's true. I am. I've also committed numerous healthcode violations in my restaurant. Some of them would shock you." The concoction lay next to Uzman who said, "It is truth serum." They had been injected with it.

Everyone laughed and clapped as Scott said, "He told ya!"

"So there is truth serum." Bruce muttered in amusement and all laughed more.

Scott, Hope, Hank, Janet, Luis, Ava and Bill ran out and said they needed to get out and escape the cops. "I have an idea." Scott said. Woo and the others were told of Giant-Man's location and drove there to see him standing. Woo told him to return to normal size but it was just a suit as Scott, wearing a shirt and boxers, ran off.

Everyone laughed and Scott groaned as Tony said, "Nice idea actually."

"And it works." Pepper said.

The suit deflated and shrunk as Woo groaned, "Magic." He and the others drove away as Hope got the suit and flew to Hank and Janet with the latter complimenting her. Then they were beckoned to the van and ran into it.

"Now that just leaves you returning home." Steve said to Scott who nodded.

Ava told Bill to leave her but he refused, saying they could make it together and that he wasn't leaving her. She hugged him emotionally.

Everyone smiled. At least Ava had someone to look out for her after all.

Woo and the agents arrived at Scott's home and looked around before hearing sounds. They found Scott playing his drums and when he saw them, he asked, "Are my 2 years up already?"

Everyone laughed as May said, "All's well that ends well."

"And now they're up." Natasha said.

The ankle monitor was unlocked.

"Congratulations." Clint said to Scott who smiled and nodded.

"Congratulations." Everyone said simultaneously.

"Thanks guys." Scott said.

Scott asked what it was like out there, asking if people still danced or if food trucks were still a thing.

Everyone laughed as Steve said, "Great act."

Woo said Scott had gotten away this time but he'd see him again. Scott asked where and Woo said in general if he did something bad. Scott said he'd thought Woo was inviting him and both wondered why would he do that until Woo asked if Scott would like to come to dinner and he shrugged so an embarrassed Woo walked away.

Everyone laughed as Hill said, "He has a crush."

"What is it about me?" Scott muttered.

"Instant likeability." Sam said and all chuckled.

"And I thought I was bad at it." Peter said and all laughed again.

"But he asked his crush out." Benjamin pointed out.

"That takes guts." Logan said and all nodded.

"It does for sure." Hope agreed.

"Sorry Woo." Scott said apologetically, "But I got a girlfriend."

He held hands with Hope and the two smiled at each other.

Scott ran to Maggie's home and rang the doorbell before opening it as Cassie hugged him and Maggie too before Jim hugged them so tight they groaned.

Everyone chuckled at that.

Scott was later at X-Con with Luis, Kurt and Dave as footage of the latter people apprehending Sonny was shown on the news when Luis got a call from Mr. Karapetyan who had seen the news of them apprehending Sonny and agreed to do business, to their joy. They all cheered happily.

"Yes!" Scott cheered as all smiled, happy for him.

"Congrats, tic-tac." Sam said and he nodded.

"You did it." Steve said to him and he smiled.

Hank and Janet stood on the beach as the former took out his old house, which was shrunken and Janet laughed.

"What a guy. Takes his work around and takes his home around." Tony said and all laughed.

He enlarged the house and the two watched it. Scott, Hope and Cassie watched 'Them!' Hope asked what Cassie wanted to be when she grew up and she said she wanted to help people like daddy.

"And I'm so proud." Scott said as Cassie smiled.

She said she wanted to be Scott's partner but he wanted Hope. Hope looked at Scott and the two smiled at each other. Then a giant butterfly appeared on the screen and Scott honked the horn to get it to leave but it came on the car instead as they tried to shake it off. They were sitting in shrunken cars while the laptop was playing the movie in front of them like a movie theater. The screen went black.

"Now that's what I call movie theater in home. Or park." Tony said and all laughed.

Hank and Janet were shown working as he said he used to be a respected scientist with his name plastered to the sides of buildings and now he had this. They had made a smaller Quantum Tunnel in Luis' van.

"Oh! That!" Scott said.

"We were working on it before you brought us here." Hope told the future people.

"We know." Cassie said.

Scott got out after honking the horn as Hope gave him the collection unit while Janet warned him about dangers. Then Scott went subatomic and flew inside as Hank did a mic-check but they got no response for a few seconds until Scott spoke up and Hank told him to quit screwing around.

Everyone sighed in relief as Hope said, "Don't screw around."

"Sorry." He shrugged.

Scott managed to collect a lot of Quantum Energy and told the others. Hope started counting down but then no sound came from the other end, startling Scott who told Hank to quit screwing around.

"Quit screwing around!" Scott said.

"But we don't screw around." Hope said in a grim tone and all paled.

"What is it?" Thor asked and then it hit them as they saw the grim looks on the faces of the future people.

Outside, in the place of Hope, Hank and Janet, there were 3 specks of dust as Scott told them to quit screwing around before calling out in panic, "GUYS!" The screen went black.

"NO!" Scott yelled in horror as everyone paled again, the scenes of the last recording coming back to them in full force now. Hope watched, pale and angry. She had just got her mom back and now they had all lost their lives while Scott was trapped in the Quantum Realm. This was just wrong!

"That monster." Steve growled in anger as all watched the screen sadly.

"What about Ava?" Bruce asked in a voice full of grief.

"She got snapped too." Cassie said with a lump in her throat. [1]

"We have to stop this madman." Tony said.

"We will." Thor said, "Together. Nothing will happen to anyone. There will be no snap."

"No there won't." Loki agreed.

Scott and Hope held hands tightly and looked at each other sadly as Cassie also watched them sadly as Morgan and Lila put hands on her shoulders.

At Scott's home, the TV was shown having an interrupted broadcast as a message appeared saying broadcast had been interrupted due to emergency and they needed to stand by. The giant ant sat in Scott's place, playing drums and stopped. The screen went black.

No one laughed at the scene. It just looked disturbing and sad in a way. Everything was silent in the world due to Thanos' snap and the ant was blissfully unaware.

"Now what?" Hope asked, trying not to break down as Scott held her hand.

"There is one more recording of the past before we return to seeing the future." Logan told them and everyone nodded.

"What is it about?" Fury asked.

"You'd know about that." Odinson told him and he realized what it was about.

"What are they talking about?" Tony asked.

"I think we'll have to watch to find out." Hill said.

"Yeah. Let's watch." Benjamin said.

"Start it." Steve shrugged.

"With pleasure." Logan said as he picked up the remote.

Done. I know! It's shocking I finished a movie in less than 4 chapters. This is the first time that happened. Perhaps it's because of the nature of the third act of the movie I guess.

Anyway, it's a good thing this was finished in under 4 chapters because Endgame will definitely take more than even 5 due to how long it is. It will probably take 6 or even 7 chapters to finish up but a movie like that deserves more chapters.

[1] I don't think Ava would have survived for 5 years without the Quantum Energy Scott, Hope, Hank and Janet were going to bring for her so I believe she got snapped too and when she was brought back, the four collected energy to save her.

And next movie is….DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT! *Transforms into Nicolas Cage angrily*

Carol Danvers *appears out of nowhere and points at me* You! Too powerful! Explain right now!

Random person standing next to me: He transformed into Nicolas Cage.

Carol: Who's Nicolas Cage?

Random person: Basically God.

Carol: But I'm still here!

Random person: Do you really believe your own hype that much?

Carol: I am the hype!

Me (In Nicolas Cage's form): No! The controversy you generate is the hype actually.

Carol *Bursts into tears*