"Now she knows the truth." Steve noted.
"I don't think she will react well." Bucky said.
Carol walked out, panting. "He lied to me." She gasped, "Everything that I knew was a lie." Talos said Yon-Rogg had killed Mar-Vell because she had had realized she was on the wrong side. Carol said Skrulls were terrorists but he said the Accusers were responsible for the ruins on Torfa and his people were living as refugees when the Kree had destroyed their planet.
"So these Skrulls are good guys?" Peter asked in shock.
"Only Talos' faction are." Odinson told him.
"There are many other Skrull factions around the Universe." Benjamin said.
"And they aren't nice." Logan added.
Talos said the coordinates would lead them to the lightspeed engine as Maria remembered Lawson used to say their work would end wars. Talos said the engine had been destroyed but the core was in a remote location where they could find it. He told her she wasn't one of them and she said he didn't know her and even she didn't know herself.
"I get the feeling." Bucky said in sympathy and all nodded.
"You are Carol Danvers." Maria spoke up, "You are the woman on that black box risking her life to do the right thing. My best friend…who supported me as a mother, and a pilot when no one else did. You're smart, and funny, and a huge pain in the ass. And you are the most powerful person I knew. Way before you could shoot fire from your fist." As Carol listened, she asked, "Do you hear me? Do you hear me?" And then she hugged Carol who happily hugged back.
Everyone smiled happily as T'Challa said, "She has reached her friend at last."
"Now they are going to strike against the Kree." Loki said.
Talos later told Carol he didn't deserve her trust but she was the only lead and her energy signature matched Mar-Vell's core. He said he needed help in decoding the coordinates. Carol said those were safe vectors as Fury and Maria explained what they were. Talos was angered at his science guy, asking if that was so hard to figure out.
Everyone laughed as Tony said, "Looks like the Skrulls aren't too bright."
"Doesn't look like it." Pepper agreed.
Talos said a few tweaks to the aircraft could make it suitable for travelling to space as the science guy said he'd do it. Later, Carol told Maria she could use a co-pilot but she couldn't leave Monica. Monica said she could stay with her grandparents. Maria listed out all the dangers as Monica said she had to go and would have the coolest mission in history. She needed to set an example for her daughter. Carol laughed.
Everyone laughed as Clint said, "That kid has a mouth."
"A unique kind of mouth." Natasha added.
Later, Maria's parents arrived for Monica as Carol told her when they were handing out kids, she got the toughest one- Lieutenant Trouble. Monica laughed, realizing Carol remembered as Carol noticed her jacket. Monica tried to return it but Carol told her to hold onto it. She then said she couldn't wear Kree colors anymore and Monica was the only person with style.
Everyone chuckled a bit as Thor said, "Changing uniforms is a wise decision."
"Yes. Now she doesn't stand for militaristic assholes." Hill said.
"Cap, your girlfriend-to-be just cursed." Hope said and both Steve and Hill groaned as the others laughed.
Then Monica changed the colors, one of them being too bright.
Everyone laughed as Scott said, "Not that one for sure."
Then Carol noticed the air force symbol on Monica's shirt and then finally Monica transformed her suit into a red and blue uniform with a star on it. "How do I look?" Carol asked. "Fresh." She said.
"You look great." Bruce said as all clapped. The suit did look good on her.
"Yeah, she has worn it like this ever since." Scarlet Witch said.
Later, Yon-Rogg arrived as Carol spoke a code but he said systems were fallible and asked what he saw when he communed with SI. She said he saw something personal but didn't tell her. He asked her of earliest memory and she said blood transfusion. He asked whose blood and she faltered so he shot her as she transformed back into the science guy while he said it was his blood.
"Oh no!" Aunt May said as all gasped.
"Now they know." Sam said grimly.
Yon-Rogg asked if she knew and he said she did so he shot him dead.
"What a coward!" Lila sneered.
"No kidding." Cassie agreed.
Yon-Rogg called Ronan and told him the Skrulls were at C-53 so he agreed to come.
"Now that guy is coming too." Rhodes groaned as all sighed.
Carol, Fury, Maria, Goose and Talos were flying up in the aircraft as Fury petted Goose and Talos said he shouldn't have it on his lap. Fury said their alliance was tenuous at best and as long as Goose freaked him out, he would keep him as Fury showed Goose to Talos.
Everyone chuckled as Tony said, "I can't believe you're a cat person."
"Not anymore." Fury said.
"Why?" Natasha asked but got no reply.
"Using Goose like that is still a wise move as the alliance is tenuous." Thor said and Fury nodded.
Maria asked if they could turn into anything and Talos said they could but it took practice and even talent. Fury asked if he could turn into a cat and he asked what a cat was. Maria asked about a filing cabinet and Fury dared him to turn into a Venus flytrap, saying he'd give him $50.
Everyone laughed as Morgan said, "Never seen them turn into non-living things before."
Then they finally exited Earth's atmosphere as stuff in the ship was thrown around due to lack of gravity and even Goose was in the air till Fury put out his arm for him.
"And space is here." Tony said and all nodded.
Soon, they managed to find the coordinates and decloaked the lab, revealing it.
"There it is!" Wanda said and all looked with wide eyes.
"The lab." Vision said, "Mar-Vell's lab."
"What the Skrulls need." T'Challa said.
They walked inside when Goose found the Tesrract and touched it with his paw.
"Why didn't anything happen to it?" Clint wondered.
They looked to Fury who didn't answer.
"No spoilers." Benjamin said.
Carol and Maria put it in a lunchbox.
"Teserract in a lunchbox." Steve said and all laughed.
"Now I've seen everything." Tony said.
They saw lot of kid stuff around when Fury noticed a coffee that was still hot and they realized they weren't alone. Talos gave a sound.
"Sounds like a horn." Peter commented and all nodded.
Then several others Skrulls walked out as one of them, a female, hugged and kissed Talos as Maria realized he wasn't here for the Teserract.
"His girlfriend?" Scott asked.
"Wife." Logan corrected and all nodded, "Her name is Soren."
Then Soren beckoned to someone and a Skrull child walked out as Talos hugged her.
"She looks cute." Wanda noted and all nodded.
"She does indeed." Natasha agreed.
She said Mar-Vell had told them not to send the signal or the Kree would find them. Talos said it was the right thing as they noticed Carol and backed in fear but Talos said she was a friend who had led them here. "I am not gonna hurt you." She said with tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Talos said his hands were filthy with war too.
"All of us have such hands." Steve said and all nodded.
Talos said she had found his family and there were many other separated like this.
"But they aren't nice." Logan said.
"They are angry and vindictive." Benjamin said.
"And oh so unpleasant." Odinson added.
"We get it." Loki told him.
Then a child led Carol to a pinball machine, showing her his very high score as Fury commented how he'd have some too if he played pinball on the same machine for 6 years.
Everyone laughed as Sam said, "That sounds right."
Suddenly, the doors burst open and Yon-Rogg walked in with his unit as Fury aimed his gun but Minn-Erva stopped him while Yon-Rogg threw Goose down.
"Damn it!" Rhodes said as all paled.
"They had to choose this time." Clint groaned.
"Enemies always choose the worst times." Scarlet Witch told him.
Minn-Erva noted Skrulls had got in her head as he said SI would set her straight. Talos said the other Skrulls weren't soldiers so they could have him. Yon-Rogg demanded the core too as Carol said he'd lied to her and he said he'd made her the best version of herself.
"You keep telling yourself that." Natasha sneered angrily as all glared at him.
Carol tried to fire but it didn't work as Yon-Rogg said what was given could be taken away as her device stopped her.
"They have their own Obedience Disk for her too." Thor said in disgust.
"She was just a weapon for them. They didn't care about her." Fury said sadly and all looked at Carol sadly too.
As the Teserract was taken and the Skrulls were captured, Carol tried to fight Yon-Rogg in hand to hand but was beaten down as he activated a device and knocked her out with it.
"Now they have her." Tony said as all paled.
"And the Skrulls and Teserract too." Steve added.
Later, Carol had tubes attached to her as she met SI in her brain again while a Nirvana track played and SI said she was remembering while calling the jacket killer and dancing to the music.
"At least that thing has good taste." Tony said and all laughed.
"But this just looks…..weird." May said and all nodded.
Carol told her to let her out and not to touch the Skrulls or she'd kill her. SI said her powers came from them but Carol pointed out they came from the core. SI said she still couldn't control them.
"You will have to, if you want to win." Thor said and all nodded.
Outside, a Kree scanned Goose and said it was a Flerken with high threat level and restrained his mouth with a muzzle as Fury said Goose was a cat, not Hannibal Lecter.
"What's a Flerken?" Hope asked.
"No spoilers." Cassie smiled again and all wondered what it was about.
"Monsters." Fury muttered.
They scanned Fury and it said he was a human with low threat level and Fury said the machine was broken.
"It might be." Clint shrugged.
They decided to load the Flerken on heli and eject the others into Space.
"Uh-oh." Rhodes said and all paled.
SI said because of Carol, they had the Teserract and Skrulls when she said they had destroyed their home as they refused to submit and she wouldn't either. SI said they had found and embraced her but she said they had stolen her and tried to punch but her fist went through SI who said it was cute how she tried and threw her into a wall which sucked her to the other side as SI said she was weak without them.
"What the hell?!" Scott asked.
"Looks like the Supreme Intelligence can do that." Sam noted.
Carol saw all her old memories of falling and being ridiculed as she fell in front of SI who said without them she was only human and she agreed, saying she was.
"That's the best part of yourself." Steve agreed.
In the flashbacks, Carol got up every time after falling, ready to fight back and finish it. Then Carol got up as SI said, "On Hala you were reborn, Vers." Carol looked at the broken badge and with a tear in her eye said, "My name... is Carol."
"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Rhodes said and all clapped.
SI fired at her but she resisted as she started glowing and SI started coming down. Then her hands glowed in the real world too as she stood up while energy in the ship flickered. Fury's and Maria's cuffs came off as they fought the Kree while the cell behind which Skrulls were kept started coming down too.
"The Kree better watch out." Tony smirked and all nodded.
As Carol's hands glowed, she said, "I've been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. But what happens when..." She ripped out the device, "... I'm finally set free?" The device fell down as an explosion occurred while SI came down at last. Then in the real world Carol's eyes opened, glowing, and she was glowing brightly.
"She's a Super Saiyan!" Peter said happily as all laughed and clapped at the scene as well.
"Now the Kree are screwed!" Bruce said and all nodded.
Carol sent a blast of energy around, knocking down all nearby Kree and took the lunch box as Fury and Maria were beaten down but Carol blasted the Kree away while the two were awed by her appearance as she glowed.
"Now the final fight." Benjamin said and all nodded.
Carol showed the Teserract as Fury said he wasn't touching it while removing Goose's muzzle. Carol asked if she should find an oven mitt.
"Yeah!" Pepper said and all nodded, "It's dangerous to touch with bare hands."
"It's like she wants to kill you or something." Clint joked.
Then suddenly Goose's mouth opened and tentacles came out, wrapping the Teserract as Goose swallowed it while Fury dropped Goose in shock.
Everyone was speechless at this point, trying to process what they had just seen. What the hell?!
"Okay, alien cat. I can live with that." Tony said, "Nope! I can't! What the hell?!"
"Threat level is high." Clint noted.
"So Flerkens are basically alien cats?" Natasha asked.
"Sort of." Benjamin said.
"I've heard of Flerkens but I never knew what one looked like." Thor said.
"Now we do." Loki said.
"Let's never mess with these." Logan said and all nodded.
Carol told them to get the Skrulls and go with the Flerken while she'd buy them time. She ran off with the lunchbox as Fury cautiously picked up Goose, trusting Goose not to eat him.
"Yup. Be careful now." Hill agreed.
As the Kree moved around, they saw Carol sitting up who sarcastically greeted them and asked if they'd arm wrestle for the Teserract. Yon-Rogg said he found her amusing but now they'd finish it. Then she punched the bridge with her energy and it shattered, taking them all down.
"Now it has begun." Odinson said and all nodded, watching in anticipation.
As she got up, one attacked her but she punched him away before two more arrived but she fired at them and took them down. Fury and Maria ran when Skrulls appeared in the way. Maria fired but they dodged as she ran out. As they tried to attack again, Goose opened his mouth and his tentacles wrapped around the Kree, throwing them around as Goose at them before meowing as Fury called him good kitty.
"That he is." Steve said and all nodded with chuckles.
"No he isn't." Fury said.
Carol blasted two away before being thrown back by her own energy. She laughed as Minn-Erva tried to attack but she broke the ground under her and she fell down. As Korath tried to attack, she dodged and broke his blade before kicking him away.
"Yeah!" Tony said as all clapped and cheered.
Minn-Erva attacked as Carol asked if they never hung out because she knew but Minn-Erva said she just didn't like her and fired with a gun she had picked up but it was just a dart gun. Carol blasted her away.
Everyone laughed and clapped as Sam said, "Good thing they don't know much about Earth."
The big Kree slammed her down with a table and tried to attack but she blasted him away before Att-Lass pinned her down and told her not to make him do this. She agreed and sent them both flying back with her blast as Fury and Maria were stopped by Kree who had Skrulls hostage. Fury tried to use Goose but Goose jumped down and walked to one Kree instead as Fury told him to pick a side.
"Yes pick one!" Tony said as all groaned.
"Where's Talos?" Clint noted.
"So he picked a side." Steve said as all smirked.
A Kree told Fury to play it cool like Havana and he realized it was Talos and told him Flerken kitty ate Teserract.
"Shocking I know." Natasha said.
Yon-Rogg lifted debris off himself with his device and punched Carol into a machine, activating it as he pinned her with debris. As the others reached the ejection point, Talos told Soren to cover their daughter's eyes and she did as Talos shot them all down. They started getting on the ship.
"Now we're getting out." Fury said.
Carol broke free and the lunch box dropped and was revealed to be empty as Yon-Rogg realized it was a distraction and she joked she had put it in there.
"Yeah we remember." Benjamin said and all laughed.
Carol blasted him and he dodged and ran off as Korath and the big Kree fought her instead. As Talos shared a moment with his wife and daughter, a shot hit him and he was down while Soren screamed.
"Oh no!" Peter said as all paled.
"He made it." Fury said and all sighed in relief.
As the Kree fired at them, Maria activated some guns which fired and destroyed the Kree ship instead, making them back off as they flew off while Carol threw Korath into the rotating device before knocking the other one out and then threw Korath off as well.
"Finally!" Tony said as all clapped again.
Fury asked if Talos was all right and he said he was.
Everyone sighed in relief.
Maria noted they had a bogey. It was Minn-Erva, having been sent by Yon-Rogg. As Yon-Rogg got in his ship, Carol jumped on it and tried to punch but he started it and the two dropped to Earth as Carol tried to punch again but his device threw her off and she started falling.
"Shit!" Sam said.
"Oh no!" Rhodes said too.
"Damn it!" Tony said.
"No, no, no." Peter was saying.
Then she closed her eyes and when she opened them, they glowed.
"What's gonna happen?" Bruce asked.
"Just watch." Odinson smirked.
Maria maneuvered around to avoid Minn-Erva's blasts as one wing got slightly damaged and they went on the opposite sides of a hill. But Maria's aircraft was faster and she ambushed Minn-Erva, blasting her ship. Fury laughed and high-fived with Maria.
"YES!" Thor said and all cheered again.
"You're high-fiving?" Tony asked Fury in shock as all chuckled and he groaned.
Then another shot hit them as Yon-Rogg arrived. Before he could fire again, Carol arrived, flying to him, and punched his ship, damaging it before cheering happily as Fury and Maria watched in shock.
"She can fly?" Tony asked in shock.
"Yeah." Benjamin said, "She can."
"Okay, isn't it convenient she learnt flying just when needed?" Rhodes asked.
"And even more convenient she mastered it in a minute." Natasha added. [1]
"It's too convenient." Steve agreed.
"Maybe." Wanda shrugged.
"Let's just finish up." Morgan said and all nodded.
Yon-Rogg's ship crashed when Carol turned to see Kree warships arriving led by Ronan.
"Ronan came to Earth?" Steve asked in shock.
"Only above it." Fury said.
Ronan deployed ballistic warheads and several missiles dropped down on Earth. Carol then flew up and held a missile, trying to hold it back with all her strength.
"She's doing it." Steve said and all nodded, watching in anticipation.
Then she pushed the missile into the others and an explosion occurred, destroying them all as Ronan said C-53 didn't have a weapons system advanced enough. They noticed Carol on the monitors and said it wasn't the defense system.
"How do you like that, huh?" Bruce asked as all clapped and cheered.
"Not very much I'm sure." Cassie said.
Carol flew up as Ronan said to take her down. As missiles were fired at her, she took them all down with her blasts and powers, cheering happily before taking down a huge ship by flying through it with her energy.
"Oh yeah!" Rhodes cheered as all clapped for her.
"That'll teach Ronan!" Lila said.
Carol hovered in front of the ship and clashed her fists, producing energy. That scared Ronan and he said they'd return for the weapon. Another asked if it was the core but he said it was the woman as the ships all started returning to the jump point.
"So she drove them all away." Tony said.
"And they never came back because of her." Fury said.
"Nice." Pepper said.
"So you knew aliens existed long before my brother and I came." Thor noted.
"I did." Fury said, "That is why I had been working on the Avengers Initiative for so long. We needed heroes of our own to fight such threats."
"And now you have them." Steve said and he nodded.
Yon-Rogg got out of his ship and the two marched towards each other. Then he shut off his device and said how he was proud of her. She'd come a long way since he'd found her by the lake.
"Emotional manipulation." Natasha snorted and all looked at Yon-Rogg in disgust.
He asked if she could control her emotions long enough to take him. He told her to shut off the light show and asked her to prove to him. Carol simply blasted him away and he fell down. She walked up to him and said, "I have nothing to prove to you."
"You don't." Bucky agreed.
"He was emotionally manipulating her." Natasha said.
"He knew he couldn't beat her with her powers." Steve said, "So he was enticing her into fighting him in hand to hand as he can win that."
"But now she knows not to listen to bullies." Thor said and all nodded.
"Unless it's a competition, the goal is to end the fight, not fight honorably." Clint said and all nodded in agreement.
"That's right, Barton." Tony agreed. [2]
She gave him a hand and he accepted but then she dragged him away.
Everyone laughed, finding that funny.
She put him on his ship and fed the coordinates of Hala to it, telling him to send a message from her that she was coming to end the Kree and the lies. She charged the ship with her powers and it flew off.
"But she didn't end all of it, did she?" Hill asked.
"She only ended the Supreme Intelligence and then moved on." Benjamin said.
"Not a good move." Odinson said and all agreed.
Fury held Goose in his hands, cooing him.
Fury widened his eye on his seat and covered it, praying it was not going to show it.
"Please, no, not that. Please..." He whispered quietly.
"What are you mumbling about?" Hill and Natasha turned to him, confused.
Suddenly Goose meowed and scratched Fury in the eye as he groaned, when Maria looked to him in concern. Fury assured her that it was just a scratch, when on his left eye were seen claw marks but Talos said it wasn't.
All the Avengers had their jaws dropped, while Peter, Tony, Natasha and Steve tried to hold back their laughter as they turned to Fury, who had his face buried in his hands in embarrassment.
"No..." Steve shook his head in disbelief.
"Oh, my God..." Natasha snickered.
"You lost your eye to a cat?" Tony realized as everyone burst out laughing hysterically, while Fury was praying to die and escape this misery of being ridiculed.
"I hate that stupid Flerken." Fury muttered.
"You guys are the best!" Hill said to the future people who chuckled.
"Oh the best of the best!" Clint added.
"Why did you have to show that?" Fury asked.
"They deserved to know." Scarlet Witch shrugged with a snicker as all continued laughing.
"Still, I find that rather….disappointing." Loki said and all nodded as the laughter stopped.
"Yeah, it'd be better if we never found out how it happened." Thor said. [3]
"Damn right it would! Fury groaned and all laughed at him again.
"Now whenever you piss me off, I'm just gonna say 'Flerken' to your face!" Tony said and all laughed at Fury again and imagined the scene.
"I'm gonna end you, Stark." Fury said.
"I'll get the recording before we go back and end you first." Tony said and Fury actually looked pale. Tony turned to Nat, "Will you get it?"
"Uhhhhh….no!" Natasha said and Tony deflated immediately while Fury chuckled at him and all chuckled at Tony too.
At night, all of them were sitting together as Fury complimented Maria's flying and asked if she'd like to join SHIELD and she said she'd think about it before asking about Fury's eye and he said it was getting better every second.
"There isn't much of it to be honest." Odinson said and all nodded as Fury groaned.
Carol asked if Talos was Soh-Larr and Keller to be clear and he said he was, having borrowed the identity as he was no thief but Soren said it was a little like stealing. Fury said they would all need a new look and Talos joked he could be Keller again as he liked sporting those beautiful eyes but Monica said they all had beautiful eyes and not to let anyone tell them anything else.
"Sweet child." Steve said and all smiled.
Carol said she'd help them find a new home to finish what Mar-Vell started but Monica said they could stay here. Maria pointed out they wouldn't be safe. Carol said she'd be back before they know it and Monica said maybe she could fly up or build a spaceship, saying 'you don't know.' Carol said Fury didn't and all laughed at him.
"You're wrong. He knows everything!" Logan said and all nodded, "That is the truth."
"No kidding." Tony agreed.
Later, Carol and Fury were washing plates as she said he could keep the Teserract on Earth. He said if Marvel would want that but she said it was Mar-Vell and was two words. Fury said Marvel sounded better like Marvelettes.
"Oh Marvel sounds a lot better!" Peter said and all nodded in agreement.
Fury then sang a song of theirs to remind her.
"Oh my God! Fury is singing!" Natasha said as all laughed while Fury groaned.
"But you've a nice voice." Scott noted.
"Yes, it's a great voice." Hope agreed.
"Well, thank you." Fury said.
"Now all we need is Fury singing the Star Spangled Man." Tony said as all laughed while Fury groaned.
"Would love to see that." Hill said.
"Not happening." Fury said.
Fury asked if it rang bells and she told him to keep singing and it might. She then took out the pager, saying she had upgraded it and it'd now reach across a few galaxies. She then gave him a look and he said he wouldn't crank call her.
"If you crank called someone, you'd scare them to death with that voice." May said and all laughed while Fury smirked too.
She said it was for emergencies only and he took it from her, telling her if she was passing this galaxy, she could give a brother a shout. The two fist bumped as her fist glowed and Fury chuckled a bit.
"Why didn't you ever call her then?" Bruce asked, "She could have helped in New York, Washington DC and Sokovia."
"I have some reasons." Fury said before he began explaining, "Like I said, after seeing those Kree and Skrulls, I knew we would need to have our own heroes for dealing with such threats. So I started working on the Avengers Initiative, trying to find the right candidates, which I did eventually. The thing is, the first time at New York, I knew you people could do it. She would take a few weeks to get here anyway. With Hydra, I was caught off guard as much as you guys so I didn't do it. And it was the same for Sokovia, I knew you could do it. However, I also started the Avengers Initiative to find better heroes than her."
"What do you mean?" Tony asked.
"You used to be an arrogant dealer but you changed and now look at you." Fury said as Pepper and Rhodes smiled at Tony in pride, "While I do like Carol and find her friendly, she is too reckless and impulsive at times. I noted that in her. She might attack without thinking and change opinions too quickly. I wanted heroes with better qualities and morals. And I found them in all of you guys. Which was why I never called her. My future self called her because people turning to dust would be too much for anyone to handle." [4]
"Thank you for having faith in us." Steve said gratefully and all nodded, their appreciation for Fury increasing due to this.
Later, Carol walked out and Monica returned her jacket. She wore it and thanked and hugged her as Maria looked at her and Carol said it was hard for her too. The two then hugged before Carol flew away as the two watched. Carol flew in front of the Skrulls on the ship and lifting it up, flew away at hypersonic speed.
"That was fast." An awed Tony said and all nodded.
"Yes. I can go faster." Thor shrugged.
"A lot faster." Odinson added.
Next day, Fury was on his desk as Coulson arrived and gave him several prosthetic eyes. He asked if the Kree had actually burnt his eye for refusing to give up the Teserract and he said he'd neither confirm nor deny the story.
"Wise decision." T'Challa said and he nodded.
"That's why the rumors began." Hill said.
Coulson apologized for not being able to find the Teserract as Fury looked at Goose and said it'd turn up. Fury said there would be more intergalactic threats out there and their one-woman security force had a prior commitment on the other side of the Universe so they needed to find more. "More weapons?" Coulson asked. "More heroes." Fury said.
Fury and the original six Avengers shared a knowing smile.
Coulson asked if they could find others and Fury said they'd found Carol without even looking. Coulson told him to get rest and walked out as Fury looked at his computer, where he was typing about a new initiative in his mind called 'The Protector Initiative.' Then he noticed Carol's call sign on her aircraft which said 'Capt. Carol 'Revenger' Danvers.' Inspired by that, he changed the name to 'The Avenger Initiative.' The screen went black.
"So that's where you got the name from." Steve said and Fury nodded.
"We weren't the first Revengers then." Loki joked and they all laughed.
"Doesn't look like it." Odinson agreed.
"I liked the name and thought to add a little flare." Fury said and all nodded. [5]
"Now big things are coming up." Cassie said.
"As big as us?" Scott asked jokingly as all laughed.
The pager was shown held by a bot as it suddenly died down. Steve and Natasha were looking at all the global casualties as Steve said it was a nightmare and Natasha said she had worse nightmares.
"No kidding." Bucky said as all watched grimly.
Rhodes arrived and said the pager had stopped working. The three and Bruce looked at it as they wondered how to get it to work. It had died down by itself. Steve said to reboot it. Bruce said they didn't even know what this was. "Fury did. Just do it, please." Natasha said, "You tell me the second you get a signal. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing." She turned around to see Carol standing there in her suit. "Where's Fury?" She asked. The screen went black.
"So that's how we met her." Rhodes said and all nodded.
"So now we'll team up or something?" Bruce asked.
"Looks like it." Steve shrugged.
"One more scene." Lila said.
Goose jumped onto Fury's desk and suddenly vomited the Teserract out. The screen went black.
"Mystery solved." Natasha said as all chuckled.
"What happened to Goose?" Clint asked.
"The Skrulls ended up liking him later and took him to their new home." Fury said, "Now he lives with them. Good riddance."
All laughed at that.
Morgan then looked at Tony sadly for a second as Lila looked at Natasha before Morgan said, "Now from next recording onwards, we're back to the future. We'll see what happened in the aftermath of Thanos' snap."
"And it will be terrible." Lila said.
"I wasn't expecting it to be good." Scott said.
"It's worse than you can imagine, dad." Cassie told him.
"It's gonna be hard for you all to watch." Scarlet Witch said as she looked at them all.
"But you have to watch it." Odinson said.
"We will." May told him.
"Be prepared." Odinson said and they all nodded.
Steve looked to all the others and they nodded one by one. When they had, Steve turned to them and said firmly, "Show us."
"All right." Benjamin said.
"Let's start." Logan said as he turned on the recording. The climatic recording was going to be shown at last.