"Now we have to be very careful with this time heist." Steve said.
"Yes." Hope agreed, "Even if it isn't affecting our timeline, don't want to let the other timelines end in disaster now, do we?"
"No we don't." Tony agreed.
In New York, 2012, the battle with the Chitauri was going on. The Chitauri roared angrily. Hulk roared back louder as Clint notched an arrow next to him and Thor raised Mjolnir while Natasha loaded her guns. Steve stood with his shield as Tony descended next to him. The Avengers had assembled in a circle.
"Avengers assembled." Steve said happily.
"Good ol' days." Tony said.
"It's kind of nostalgic to see that again after all that's happened." Natasha said and all nodded.
"But we aren't doing this for nostalgia." Bruce pointed out.
"No. But to bring everyone back." Cassie said.
In a nearby alley, Steve, Tony, Bruce and Scott appeared as their Quantum suits disappeared, with Steve telling them they had 2 Stones uptown, one Stone down. They had to stay low and keep an eye on the clock. Then they noticed Hulk of 2012 angrily smashing a Chitauri with a car before throwing its tire around randomly while another scared Chitauri ran off. Hulk then jumped on the car, crushing it before running off. Bruce looked horrified as Steve told him to smash a few things along the way.
"I don't think you'd like to." Thor told him.
"No. Me and Hulk are kind of opposites." Bruce said.
"Just wondering though, why the hell is Hulk randomly smashing stuff out of anger?" Clint asked, "Because I remember New York. Hulk was angry but he fought smartly. Not like this." [1]
"I don't know what happened." Bruce said.
"Me neither." Logan said.
"No idea." Benjamin shrugged.
"Let's just continue." Morgan said.
Bruce said he found it gratuitous but agreed, ripping off his shirt and giving out fake half-hearted roars as he lightly smashed a car and threw a bike.
Everyone burst into laughter as Scott said, "Okay, you acting like Hulk is hilarious."
"Like I said, opposites." Bruce said.
On the New York Sanctum, Ancient One was using her Eldritch magic to cut down any Chitauri flying nearby.
"So she was there too?" Rhodes asked in shock.
"The Masters of the Mystic Arts leave physical threats to us but they do defend their Sanctums." Odinson said.
"Though if by chance you had failed to stop the Chitauri, she would have interfered." Lila told them and they nodded.
Bruce then jumped there and was about to go in until Ancient One said the floors were waxed. He said he was looking for Doctor Strange and she said he was 5 years too early.
"If only I had known." Bruce sighed.
"But she is a reasonable person." Fury pointed out.
"She might give it to you." Hill agreed too.
"She also has to look after her reality." Scarlet Witch told them.
Ancient One said Strange was performing surgery 20 blocks the other way and asked what Bruce wanted from him. Bruce pointed at the Eye of Agamotto and said that. She said she couldn't give it to him. Bruce walked up to her, reaching out, saying he wasn't asking. She said he didn't want to do this and he agreed but he needed the Stone. Then she struck him and his body fell down as Bruce's astral form was thrown out of his body, shocking him. She calmly said they needed to start over.
"Man, I am behaving like an idiot." Bruce said.
"It's not like you knew their full capabilities." Wanda pointed out.
"Now you will be enlightened." Bucky joked as all chuckled a bit.
In Asgard, 2013, Loki was lying in his cell, tossing an object around as Bro Thor and Rocket snuck past his cell.
"Good thing you didn't see me." Odinson said as Loki smirked.
"I'm in a mood." Loki shrugged.
"We're in Asgard." Thor noted emotionally as all felt their greatest sympathies going out to him.
Thor and Rocket noticed a maiden giving Jane clothes. Jane asked if she had anything with pants but the maiden was confused so Jane took the clothes.
"No pants on Asgard." Vision noted.
"We live like ancient people." Thor said.
"Now we don't." Odinson told him.
Rocket told Thor that he would charm Jane while he would get the Aether out.
"How stupid does he think Jane is?" Thor wondered.
"And how are you going to charm in that state?" Sam asked.
Thor said there was a wine cellar down there with Aakonian ale so he would get it first while Rocket said he was drunk enough already.
"What is up with us?" Thor asked his future self.
"We've become too much of a disgrace is what." Odinson said, "Sad, I know."
"Do not blame yourself." T'Challa said, "It is never easy to give up bad habits."
They nodded in appreciation.
"Yeah, like I still smoke. Now I know it won't affect me but it is unhealthy." Logan said.
Thor then noticed Frigga walking with some maidens, telling them to send Loki soup.
"She cares about me." Loki said guiltily as Thor put a hand on his shoulder, trying to control himself along with Odinson.
Rocket asked who she was and Thor said she was his mother. She was going to die that day. That shocked Rocket.
"Please don't tell me we have to see that again." Thor said.
"No, we don't." Odinson assured.
"Good to know." Loki sighed. He wouldn't be able to deal with it.
Thor realized he was having a panic attack. Rocket called him closer and then slapped him.
Everyone froze at that scene as Thor and Odinson touched their cheeks. Then everyone laughed.
"He slapped you!" Tony said, trying to control himself.
"The God of Thunder slapped by a rabbit." Loki chuckled.
"It's kind of hilarious." Pepper agreed too.
"I deserved that." Odinson said, "I'm not being very useful."
"No kidding." Thor agreed. While he knew he had lost it, he was going a bit too far with it.
Rocket then gave a motivational speech, "You think you're the only one who lost people? What do you think we're doing here? I lost the only family I ever had. Quill, Groot, Drax, the chick with the antenna, all gone. Now, I get you miss your Mom. But she's gone. Really gone. And there are plenty of people who are only kinda gone. But you can help them. So is it too much to ask that you brush the crumbs outta your beard, make schmoopy talk to Pretty Pants, and when she's not looking, suck out the Infinity Stone and help me get my family back?"
"It shouldn't be too much to ask." Thor said.
"But I'm struggling to get rid of my bad habits." Odinson said.
"Don't blame yourself too much." Tony said, "You're having a panic attack. Like I did after New York. It's understandable."
They nodded in appreciation before Scott said, "Rocket can give motivational speeches."
"I know right?" Hope asked as all chuckled.
Rocket assured Thor he could do this and Thor said he could before chickening out and turning away. Rocket said they had their shot before turning around to notice Thor was gone, to his disappointment.
"The difference between you and me is that you fought through your panic attacks." Odinson told Tony, "I'm letting them get to me."
"When I shouldn't." Thor said.
"Brother, not all people are the same. Stop insulting yourself." Loki said, "It won't do a thing."
In Morag, 2014, the Benatar descended as Natasha, Clint, Rhodes and Nebula walked out, with Natasha kicking the lizard like creature away.
"And now we've met them." Natasha said in disgust.
Natasha and Clint hugged Rhodes goodbye who wished them luck and asked them to return with the Stone. They flew off in the Benatar as Nebula said coordinates to Vormir were laid in and they did not have to fall out. In the Benatar, Clint said this was a long way from Budapest as Natasha chuckled happily.
"You look…..happy." Bucky said to Natasha with a smile.
"Because we're bringing you all back." Natasha as they wrapped their arms around each other.
'At the cost of your life.' Lila said in her mind, trying not to break down. Right now, because of the light-hearted atmosphere, they had all forgotten how to get the Soul Stone. They were in denial at the moment.
"Budapest isn't even comparable to this." Clint said and they both nodded.
Rhodes then asked if they had to wait for Quill to show up. Nebula said they had to take cover as they weren't the only one looking for the Stones in 2014. Rhodes asked who else was and Nebula said her father, her sister and her.
"Uh-oh." Rhodes said and all paled.
"The Thanos of that timeline." May realized.
"He would be looking for the Stones with Ronan." Steve said.
"This is not good. This is not good." Peter said, panicking.
"Relax, dude." Benjamin said to his younger self, "Let's just watch."
Rhodes asked where she was right now. In the Sanctuary II, Nebula of 2014 roared as she battled Chitauri Gorillas for practice. She took one down but its grenade dropped and exploded, sending her back. Another one was about to shoot her when someone else killed it by throwing it into a beam. It was Gamora of 2014 who gave her a hand but Nebula swatted it away, saying she hadn't asked for help while Gamora said she always needed it.
"She is so different from the Gamora Thanos killed." Scott noted as all nodded, seeing the difference which was clear as night and day.
"Not that different." Odinson said.
"You will see." Scarlet Witch added.
"Their sister issues are as bad as mine." Thor said.
Gamora said father wanted them back on the ship as he had found an Infinity Stone.
"On Morag." Tony said and all paled.
In the Q-ship, Nebula said Thanos' plan was finally in motion when Gamora pointed out one Stone wasn't 6 but Nebula said it was a start. Then a beam of light shone and out of it stepped Thanos of 2014, wearing his golden armor and helmet.
Everyone instantly tensed on seeing Thanos again. After his death earlier, it was rather shocking for them all to see him like this. Most of them were too numb to talk.
"Thanos." Tony whispered in dread as Pepper held his hand.
"Now the only hope is he doesn't get wind of what we're up to." Steve said.
The future people exchanged grim looks.
Thanos said Ronan had located the Power Stone and he was dispatching them to his ship. Gamora said he wouldn't like it when Thanos pointed out his alternative was death and his obsession clouded his judgment. Nebula said they wouldn't fail him. Thanos looked at Gamora said she wouldn't so Nebula kneeled before him, saying she swore she would make him proud.
"His treatment of them both is too toxic and abusive to even describe." Clint snorted in disgust and all nodded.
Then suddenly Nebula held her head in pain as Gamora supported her. A holographic recording of the 2023 Nebula's chat with Rhodes appeared, with him asking if they should just wait for Quill to show up and her saying they weren't the only ones in 2014 looking for the Stones.
"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" Peter was saying with a hand on his chest as all watched, pale.
"And now he knows." Thor moaned in sadness.
"Why can nothing be easy?" Natasha groaned sadly.
"The Universe hates us." Bruce sighed.
"What now?" Rhodes asked.
"Just watch." Logan said.
Nebula said her head was splitting as Gamora made an excuse about her synaptic drive being damaged in battle but Thanos wasn't fooled, pointing his giant double-edged sword at Nebula.
"That is a big sword." Tony gulped as all watched.
"I thought Sephiroth's Masamune was big." Scott said too.
"Does it have a name?" Loki asked.
"Oh it does." Odinson said, "The Thanoscopter." [2]
"Wait what?" Hope asked in amusement as all ended up snickering.
"Yeah. That's what it is called." Morgan said.
"So the all-powerful Dark Lord names a sword like a helicopter?" Tony asked in amusement as all chuckled.
"Bring her to my ship." Thanos commanded.
The light atmosphere instantly faded as all gulped.
In New York, Tony flew to the tower and his suit wrapped up as he noticed their past versions standing over Loki after beating him as he said, "If it's all the same to you…I'll have that drink now."
"I'm not getting it." Loki groaned as all chuckled.
"The nostalgia." Tony said and all smiled.
Then 2012 Tony quipped to get Loki on his feet and stand around to pose a storm later and clean up the mess.
"Now you just ruined the moment." Peter joked and all laughed.
"Life isn't like the movies, kid." Bruce said.
They picked Loki up as 2023 Tony noticed something and commented, "Ugh, Mr. Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass." "No one asked you to look." 2023 Steve said indignantly as 2012 Steve's ass was shown. Scott, who was shrunken on Tony's shoulder said, "I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass."
All burst out laughing as Steve put his head in his hands in embarrassment.
"I have to thank Coulson for giving is that!" Tony said as the laughter increased.
"You like that ass, don't you?" Hope jokingly asked Hill.
"Not as much as your boyfriend does." Hill fired back and Hope groaned as Scott sighed.
"That is America's ass!" Bucky said and all laughed more while Steve groaned.
2012 Natasha noticed the STRIKE Team coming to get the Scepter as Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins and Jasper Sitwell led them.
"Oh! Them!" Natasha said and all groaned.
"The ones who got the Scepter for Hydra." Wanda sighed.
2012 Natasha handed Sitwell the Scepter as Scott asked if they were SHIELD while Tony corrected they were Hydra which they didn't know yet while they put the Scepter in a case. Scott commented how they looked like bad guys.
"Don't judge a book by its cover." Fury told Scott who nodded.
Tony said he was small but talking loud. 2012 Steve said he was going to coordinate search and rescue and Loki transformed into him, repeating his line before transforming back to himself and asking how they kept the food down when Thor put a muzzle on his face to shut him up.
"That is the only way to shut me up." Loki said and all chuckled.
"Why do you always have to turn into me?" Steve asked and all laughed.
"It's fun." Loki shrugged.
Tony noticed the Teserract being kept away and flicked Scott away onto 2012 Tony just as they went off. Tony then put on his suit and flew out. The Avengers were taking the lift and Hulk tried to join but they pointed out maximum occupancy was reached and to take the stairs. As the lift closed, Hulk angrily punched the wall, denting the lift and whined, "Take the stairs. Hate the stairs."
"Couldn't you have just jumped down them?" Benjamin asked and Bruce groaned.
"Yeah. Makes sense." Bruce shrugged.
Tony noticed the lift moving to the 80th floor and 2023 Steve noticed, stopping the elevator and getting in with the Strike Team. Sitwell remembered he was coordinating search and rescue but he said plans had changed. Rumlow and Steve greeted each other. Steve looked at them all tensely, remembering the fight in the elevator.
"Oh my God!" Scott fanboyed.
"Elevator fight is happening again!" Peter cheered too.
"I need to see it again!" Hill said, remembering the fight.
"Oh that was too awesome!" Thor agreed too as all looked forward to the fight.
"Hope I don't disappoint." Steve said while the future people exchanged knowing looks.
"I just got a call from the Secretary. I'm gonna be running point on the scepter." Steve said. "Sir? I don't understand." A confused Sitwell said. "We got word there may be an attempt to steal it." Steve said. "Sorry, Cap." Rumlow said, "I can't give you the scepter." Sitwell took out the phone saying, "I'm gonna have to call the Director." Steve stopped him, "That's okay. Trust me."
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Tony was cheering.
"Kick their asses!" Hope said too.
"Especially Rumlow's!" Sam added.
Steve brought his face closer to Sitwell and whispered in his ear, "Hail Hydra."
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Scott was saying as all gapped.
"OH MY GOD!" Peter cheered.
"WOW!" Loki of all people said, impressed.
"That was so awesome!" Hope said too.
"Awesome job." Hill complimented.
"I knew you'd make SHIELD proud." Fury said.
"I'm proud too." Natasha smiled.
"Hydra got mind-blown." Bucky said.
"More than they could imagine." Sam added.
"You just did it, Cap." Clint said.
"Cap, you just cut the wire." Tony said and the two exchanged a knowing look and all nodded.
Steve then walked away with the case, smirking.
Everyone chuckled and clapped while Steve smirked.
"So many stairs!" Hulk whined as he crossed them.
"I think he's gonna blow up." Bruce said.
As 2012 Thor and Tony walked to the entrance with a restrained Loki and the STRIKE team, 2023 Tony stood there, disguised as an agent. He gave Scott instructions and Scott jumped from Tony's beard to his chest, getting to his Arc Reactor before asking if that was Ax body spray he had. Tony said he'd a can on his desk for emergencies and told Scott to focus.
"Focus please!" Tony said as Scott groaned and all chuckled.
Scott said he was now going inside Tony.
"It sounds weird." Pepper said.
"Yeah I know." Morgan nodded.
"Why?" Scott moaned.
"I wish I knew." Tony said.
Then Alexander Pierce and others stopped 2012 Tony and Thor, asking where they were going. Thor said they were going for lunch and then to Asgard as Tony explained who he was.
"Now he had to show up." Natasha said and all groaned.
"Nothing is easy." Steve sighed.
Thor said Loki will answer to Odin as Pierce he'd answer to them and Odin could have whatever was left and also asked for the case. 2023 Tony told Scott to give him a mild cardiac dysrhythmia and Scott said it didn't sound mild.
"Dude, that isn't mild!" Bruce said as Tony shrugged.
"Please survive." Pepper begged.
As Pierce's men got physical, Scott pulled the pin and Tony gasped as he got mild cardiac dysrhythmia, falling down while the others tried to help. 2023 Tony shouted for someone to help.
"Oh no!" Pepper gasped as Tony touched his chest.
"Sorry." Scott said to Tony apologetically.
"I told you to do it." Tony shrugged.
Scott then pushed the case away which Loki noticed as 2023 Tony picked it and started walking off. Tony was walking away to a door when Hulk smashed it open from the other side roaring, "NO STAIRS!" All the people ran around in horror as the case fell down and the Teserract fell near Loki. Loki picked it up and teleported away.
"Uh-oh." Rhodes said as all paled.
"Bye-bye timeline." Hope said dryly, "You're too messed up now."
Thor tapped Mjolnir on Tony's chest and a minor electric shock brought him to normal.
"Oh thank God!" Pepper said as Tony stopped rubbing his chest and all sighed in relief.
"Thanks Point Break." Tony said to both the Thors who shrugged.
Then they noticed Loki and the Tesserract were missing as Scott and Tony realized they had blown it.
"Well, this timeline is messed up." Tony sighed before asking the future people, "Ever found out what happened to it?"
"We will tell you when this is over." Benjamin said.
"How had the incident with Hulk originally gone?" Hope asked out of curiosity.
"Oh that?" Tony asked before saying, "One agent fired at Hulk in panic so Hulk crushed his gun and I told Pierce his agent had fired first so it was assault and we'd file a case if they tried anything. Made them back off." [3]
"Wow!" Scott said, impressed.
"I remember that." Thor said.
"Was smart." Odinson said.
"Only because they were dumb." Tony added.
2023 Steve heard all that only to see 2012 Steve in front of him and said, "You've gotta be shitting me."
"Cap, watch your mouth!" Tony said and all laughed.
"Now you're facing your old self." Fury noted and all tensed, knowing a fight was coming.
2012 Steve said he'd eyes on Loki as 2023 Steve put his case down and said he wasn't Loki and didn't want to hurt him. 2012 Steve charged and both clashed their shields.
"It's on." Wanda said as all watched.
They blocked and dodged each other's hits before 2023 Steve was kicked away. "I can do this all day." 2012 Steve smirked. "Yeah, I know, I know." 2023 Steve said in annoyance as he got up.
"Now you see it! Now you finally see it!" Tony said as all laughed.
"Yeah, that is so annoying." Bucky said too as all groaned.
"Basically I'm fucking myself up." Steve used bad language on purpose.
"Now you don't get to say 'language.'" Natasha mock scolded and all laughed.
They both threw their shields which clashed and flew off and then fought hand to hand before 2023 Steve flipped 2012 Steve down. As they fought, the case with the Scepter was kicked down, smashing through glass as the case opened and the Scepter fell out. The two continued fighting before tripping on the glass and falling down, crashing through more glass and then on the ground.
Everyone cringed, finding the fall very painful.
2012 Steve then noticed the compass with Peggy's picture and asked where he'd gotten it. 2023 Steve tried to get the Scepter but 2012 Steve stopped him and put him in a chokehold with both falling. As 2023 Steve was getting choked, he coughed out, "Bucky….is….alive." That shocked 2012 Steve enough to let go as 2023 Steve coughed. "What?" 2012 Steve asked before being punched down as 2023 Steve picked the Scepter and put it on his chest, knocking him out.
"You little rascal!" Bucky said to Steve as all laughed, "You used my name on yourself."
"Only I know my greatest weaknesses." Steve shrugged.
"That was awesome!" Peter laughed.
"Now you've cut the wire twice already." Tony said as all chuckled.
"Guess we both are proving each other wrong." Steve said and both smiled at each other.
"What a timeline though." Natasha said, "Loki has escaped. Hydra thinks Captain America is on their side and 2012 Cap knows Bucky is alive."
"He might dismiss it as a taunt by me." Loki pointed out and she conceded.
"Basically, you guys fucked up the timeline so much you should just go and marry it." Clint joked and all burst out laughing.
"That was a good one!" Lila said.
Steve then looked at his knocked out self and commented, "That is America's ass."
Everyone laughed as Steve groaned and Cassie said, "Don't fanboy over it, dad."
All laughed again.
At the Sanctum, Hulk's body was knocked out with a hat on it as Ancient One said she couldn't help Bruce because by helping her reality, she was dooming her own. Bruce said science didn't support it when she used her magic to create a line which was presented as time with all 6 Infinity Stones around it and said, "The Infinity Stones create what you experience as the flow of time. Remove one of the Stones, and that flow splits." She removed the Time Stone and a dark tendril of enrgy split as a new timeline, "Now this may benefit your reality. But my new one, not so much. In this new branched reality, without our chief weapon against the forces of darkness, our world will be overrun. Millions will suffer. So, tell me, doctor, can your science prevent all that?"
"She's got a point." May said.
"I've a feeling I got one too." Bruce said.
"No." Bruce said, "But we can erase it. Because once we're done with the Stones, we can return each one into its own timeline at the moment it was taken. So, chronologically...In that reality..." He put the Time Stone back and the tendril vanished, "it never left."
"Told ya!" Bruce said as all smirked.
"She's got to listen to that." Tony said.
Ancient One said they'd return it only on surviving but Bruce promised they would. She said she couldn't risk this reality on a promise and it was the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to guard the Time Stone. Bruce asked why Strange had given it away, shocking her. She asked if he had given it away willingly and he said Strange had, so he might have made a mistake. "Or I did." Ancient One realized, "Strange was meant to be the best of us." Bruce realized, "So he must've done it for a reason."
"Now she'll give it." Scarlet Witch told them.
"I fear you might be right." She said as she summoned Hulks' body and the astral form went into it.
"Oh thank God!" Bruce sighed in relief.
She opened the Eye of Agamotto and handed the Time Stone to Bruce who thanked her. She put her hand on his and said, "I'm counting on you, Bruce. We all are."
"We won't disappoint." Bruce promised.
"At least we have two now." Steve said.
"Four to go." Tony shrugged.
"But what about the Space Stone?" Scott asked.
"Just watch, bub." Logan said.
In Sanctuary II, Ebony Maw was accessing Nebula's memory drives after Thanos put a machine on her head as Maw said her memory drive was entangled with another and was sharing consciousness with another network.
Everyone was worried about Thanos discovering them but they were sickened to their core by his treatment of Nebula. He had replaced her so much with cybernetic organs and parts that now she had a network and memory drives and wires could fit into her. How much of a monster was this guy? Scott, Clint and now Tony as well were especially pissed.
Thanos realized there was another Nebula and Maw said the duplicate carried a time stamp from 9 years in the future. Thanos asked where the other Nebula was and Maw said in their Solar System in Morag. Thanos asked to access her and Maw did, searching the duplicate's memories for Infinity Stones on Thanos' orders. And then they saw a holographic memory of the Avengers discussing their time heist. Gamora recognized them as Terrans. "Avengers." Thanos growled, "Unruly wretches."
"We are wretches? We are wretches?" Tony asked, "You are the one unhappy with so much life growing around!"
"Every villain is the hero of his story." Cassie said and they nodded, knowing she was right.
"But now he has found out our plan." Steve said and all paled.
"Oh no!" Thor sighed.
"'Oh no' indeed." Odinson said.
Then he noticed a reflection and made Maw amplify it, finding another Nebula. Gamora was shocked there were 2 Nebulas but Thanos said it was the same one from two different timelines. He asked to plot a course to Morag and scan the duplicate's memories as he needed to see everything.
"Damn it!" Natasha said as all were frustrated.
"Now that happened!" Clint groaned.
"And he is coming to where I am!" Rhodes snorted.
In Asgard, Frigga sent her maidens away and sensed a presence. 2023 Thor was hidden nearby behind a column when he turned to see her and screamed like a girl while she screamed too before saying he should leave the sneaking to his brother.
"Yeah you should." Loki said but Thor was absorbed into the screen, like everyone else. And they had to be of course.
Loki put a hand on Thor's shoulder, knowing what they were about to witness.
He said he was going for a walk as she noted what he was wearing. Thor lied it was his favorite as she noticed the cybernetic eye and he reminded of being hit on the face with a broadsword during the Battle of Harokin. "You're not the Thor I know at all, are you?" Frigga asked. Thor lied he was when she said the future hadn't been kind to him and on hearing his shocked reaction reminded, "I was raised by witches, boy. I see with more than eyes, you know that." Breaking down, Thor hugged her, "Yes, I'm totally, totally from the future!" "Yes you are." She said as she hugged back and he said he needed to talk to her.
Thor was panting heavily at the scene, missing Frigga and Loki was as well while Odinson looked down sadly.
"Her words were what got me moving again." Odinson said as all looked at both the Thors in sympathy.
"Thank you, mom." Thor whispered as Loki smiled at him.
In Jane's room, she woke up and walked around when Rocket popped up with the device and struck.
"Good luck, rabbit." Thor said as all smirked.
Thor was telling Frigga about killing Thanos, saying now it didn't matter as it was too late and he was just an idiot with an ax. She told him he wasn't an idiot as he was seeking counsel from the wisest person in Asgard. "Idiot? No. A failure? Absolutely." She said. Thor said it was a bit harsh but she sat next to him and said, "You do know what that makes you? Just like everyone else."
Thor had happy tears in his eyes, remembering how Frigga used to always counsel him like this as Loki struggled not to break down at the scene as well while Odinson smiled sadly.
Seeing Thor's powers it was easy to forget that he too was a person with flaws he had to overcome. Like right now.
Thor said he wasn't supposed to be like everyone else but she said everyone failed at who they were supposed to be. "The measure of a person, of a hero is how well they succeed at being who they are."
"Wise words." Steve said with a smile as all had respect for Frigga in their eyes.
"I really missed you, Mum." Thor said when Rocket came running on all fours, saying he had it while the guards chased him, calling him Rabbit.
"Looks like raccoons aren't common on Asgard." Scott said.
"They aren't that common on Earth either." Hope told him.
Thor said he had to tell Frigga something but she said, "You're here to repair your future, not mine." "But this is about your future." He argued. "It's none of my business." She said.
"You wanted to save her. I understand that." T'Challa told him.
"But it would only mess with the timeline." Thor conceded sadly.
"Mom knew that." Odinson told him, "Hence she stopped me."
Rocket stopped and greeted her as Thor hugged Frigga and said, "I wish we had more time." "No this was a gift." She assured, "And you're going to be the man you're meant to be." She then told him to eat a salad.
All chuckled a bit at her motherly instincts.
Rocket was about to go when Thor stopped him and raised his hand, confusing Rocket. Frigga said it took a second at times. Then Mjolnir came flying into Thor's hand and he laughed happily. "I'm still worthy!"
Thor gasped as Odinson smiled while all clapped for Thor.
"You're still worthy, man." Tony said, "Now put a smile on that face."
"A permanent one." Loki added, happy for his brother.
"I'm still worthy." He said, "I can't believe it."
"I couldn't either." Odinson said, "Mom and Mjolnir together made me finally get off my ass."
"Awesome." Clint said.
"Congrats Thor." Natasha said to him and he smiled.
Stormbreaker was a King's weapon but Mjolnir always had a special place in Thor's and Odinson's hearts as it reminded them they were worthy.
"But if 2013 Thor tries to call it, what will happen?" Tony wondered naughtily.
"He'll stand like that for an hour or two." Steve joked and all laughed.
"I hope we return the hammer before that." Thor said.
Thor and Frigga bade each other goodbye as Thor and Rocket went off while at Morag, Quill was dancing to 'Come and Get Your Love', lip-syncing by putting the lizard like creature near his lips. Rhodes and Nebula watched him and they couldn't hear the music, only him singing and dancing. "So he's an idiot?" Rhodes asked finally.
"Without music, it does look stupid." Rhodes said as all chuckled.
Benjamin suddenly gasped as all looked at him.
"What happened?" May asked him.
"Don't ask." Benjamin said in embarrassment. [4]
"Yeah." Nebula said. As Quill slid, Rhodes knocked him out.
All burst out laughing at the scene.
Nebula then took out his tool from his bag and used it to open the door to see the Orb in the beam device. Rhodes stopped her from walking, saying spikes with skeletons on the ends would come out and that booby traps were to be expected in 'The Temple of the Power Stone.'
All burst out laughing as Rhodes said, "So I watch movies! What's the big deal?"
"Never expected you to refer to one is all." Tony said as all laughed while Rhodes groaned more.
Nebula still walked and nothing happened. She put her hand through the beam, burning it to Rhodes' shock. She was unaffected as it was cybernetic and took the Orb out at last and then blew at her hand. "I wasn't always like this." She said. "Me either." He told her, "But we work with what we got, right?"
"We do." Rhodes said, now realizing how he was like Nebula in a way, with those braces attached to him and all.
All looked at both him and on-screen Nebula in sympathy.
Then they synced up as Rhodes wore the Quantum Suit and disappeared. Nebula was about to follow when her head beeped and she fell down as 2014 Nebula screamed while the recording of the Avengers interrogating Thanos after finding him in the Garden played.
"Damn it!" Rhodes said in guilt, "Why couldn't I wait for a second?"
"You didn't know the two Nebulas would be connected." Steve assured him.
"And we all would have shown up in the compound after one second anyway." Tony pointed out.
Rhodes nodded but wasn't entirely convinced.
"Don't blame yourself." Morgan said too.
"But now he knows everything." Thor said and all paled.
"I used the Stones to destroy the Stones." 2018 Thanos said, "But the work is done. And it always will be. I am inevitable." Gamora asked what Thanos had done to them and 2014 Thanos said nothing yet. They weren't trying to stop him from doing something but undo what he had done. "The Stones….I found them all. I won." He said to her as he stroked her hair, "Tipped the Cosmic scales to balance."
"Shut up!" Scott said as all glared.
Gamora kneeled to him, saying this was his future and he said it was his destiny. Then 2018 Nebula was heard saying, "My father is many things. But he is not a liar." 2018 Thanos looked at her gratefully and in regret and said, "Thank you daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly…." He was cut off when Thor chopped off his head with Stormbreaker with a roar of rage. Gamora gasped in horror but Thanos didn't even flinch. "And that is destiny fulfilled." He said.
While all of them hated Thanos to their core, they could respect him as a warrior. And to not even flinch on seeing the death of his future self, instead accepting it as destiny. He did have globes. They'd give him that.
Maw telekinetically wrapped a chain around Nebula, saying she was a traitor. She gasped she wasn't when Thanos walked to her, his future self's words causing a change in his attitude to Nebula. He removed the change and told her he knew and she'd have the chance to prove it.
"Now you're trying to act like you can love her." Clint said as all watched in disgust.
2023 Nebula gasped, "He knows!" She ran to her pod and tried to contact Natasha and Clint, saying Thanos knew but then she saw the Sanctuary II above her as it beamed her up.
"Oh no!" Peter said as all paled.
"This is terrible." Loki said.
"Now what?" Steve wondered.
"Just watch." Lila said, "It gets worse before it gets even a little better."
In New York, Steve leapt off the tower with the Scepter in his hand and saw Tony and Scott in a car, saying they had a problem and Scott scoffed. Later, they discussed it as Scott said they had shot and missed because it was 6 Stones or nothing and then repeated himself. Tony pointed that out and Scott repeated his line twice too.
"Please stop fighting." Wanda said as all groaned.
"Hope you two don't fight like that." Tony said to Morgan and Cassie.
"Nope." They said together.
Scott then said how Tony wasn't on board with the time heist and had now ruined it. Steve asked if there were any other options and Scott said there were none as they had one particle left and if they used it, there was no coming back.
"We're in a tight spot." Steve sighed.
"Just watch yourself." Morgan said to Tony.
"I got it." Tony said suddenly with a look of realization on his face, "There's another way. To retake the Tesseract and acquire new particles." He walked to Steve and said, "We'll stroll down memory lane. Military installation, Garden State."
"Oh!" Steve said as realization dawned on everyone.
"Camp Lehigh." Tony smirked.
"Memory Lane for sure." Fury smirked.
"Now you two are gonna do it." Morgan said to Tony and Steve.
Steve asked when they both were there and Tony said he had a vague idea. Steve asked how vague as Scott asked what they were discussing. Steve realized they were improvising as Scott asked how. Steve gave him the Scepter, telling him to get it to the Compound.
"Now you two are on your own." Scott said, "Good luck."
They nodded in thanks.
Scott asked what was in New Jersey as Steve and Tony fed the time periods into their Quantum Suits and Scott asked them if they were sure, calling Steve as 'Cap', 'Captain', 'Steve', 'America' and 'Rogers.'
Everyone burst out laughing as Hope said, "You are such a fanboy!"
"Of Steve." Hill added and Hope groaned.
Scott said they wouldn't come back if they failed and Tony sarcastically thanked him for the pep talk. "You trust me?" Tony asked Steve. "I do." Steve said. "Your call." Tony said. "Here we go." Steve said as they wore their suits and were gone.
Everyone smiled on seeing that Steve and Tony trusted each other again at last.
"Now a stroll through memory lane then." Tony said.
"More nostalgia." Steve added as all smirked.
"Just watch." Logan said as the recording continued.