IMPORTANT NOTE: hi people it's been a long time since I posted any kind of note and I am requesting you help to support me on P_A_T_R_E_O_N. i know it may be too much to ask but as you all know I have not been able to upload for a few months, it's because of my college and that makes it much hard for me to upload new chapters and I really hope to get some support from u guys because it would be really helpful to me and in the P_A_T_R_E_O_N you guys can also vote which novel should I post next or help me in noval editing works and stuff, I will also do my best to upload at least two chapters a day of any novel which i am uploading, so please support me guys thank you guys 🙂.
This is my P_A_T_R_E_O_N link please support me.thank you guys
"So how do we beat him now?" Tony wondered.
"Together." Steve said as he and Tony shared a look.
"Yes. Only together can we do it." Thor said too.
The future people knew what the price of victory had been as they exchanged grim looks.
Tony walked through the remains of the Compound before finding the unconscious Steve, "Come on, buddy. Wake up." Steve gasped as he woke up and Tony said, "That's my man." Holding out the shield, he said, "You lose this again, I'm keeping it."
Everyone chuckled as Sam wondered, "Captain Iron Man."
"What happened?" Steve asked as he looked around. "We messed with time. It tends to mess back." Tony said as he helped Steve up, "You'll see."
"Yeah. It does tend to mess back." Hope mused.
"Let's talk about time travel movies later." Scott said and she nodded as all watched, tense.
Thor was standing at an opening in the rubble and they walked next to him to see Thanos sitting on a rock, fiddling with a stone with the Thanoscopter planted next to him and his helmet on it. "What's he been doing?" Tony asked. "Absolutely nothing." Thor said.
"Waiting." Thor said.
"To spring his trap." Loki added.
"Where are the Stones?" Steve asked. "Lost somewhere under all this." Tony said, "All I know is he doesn't have 'em." "So we keep it that way." Steve said.
"You will have to." Sam said grimly.
"I have them right now." Clint muttered.
"So Nebula will be after you." Natasha realized.
"You know it's a trap, right?" Thor asked. "Yeah..." Tony said, "I don't much care."
"Now the only thing to be done is fight." Bucky said.
"And end him." Bruce added and all nodded.
"Good." Thor said, "Just as long as we're all in agreement."
"I'm sure we are." Odinson said and all tensed, knowing the biggest fight ever was coming.
"The bastard is now facing the big three of the Avengers." Logan said.
"I can't wait to see it!" Peter said excitedly.
"For the fate of the Universe." Benjamin reminded and Peter deflated.
"Which means no mistakes." T'Challa said.
"They won't fail Earth. They are Earth's Mightiest Heroes." Fury reminded and all nodded.
Thor then raised both his hands as lightning flashed in his eyes and cracked in the sky darkened by the explosion's smoke. And then Stormbreaker flew into his right hand and Mjolnir into his left as lightning emanated from him while his beard turned into a kempt one and his armor formed around him along with his cape.
Everyone clapped and cheered happily as Loki said, "Now my brother has returned at last."
"My best moment in this recording." Odinson shrugged.
"I hope this works." Thor whispered.
"It will." Hill assured him.
"It has to." Hope said.
"Thanos is no slouch either." Scarlet Witch reminded and the atmosphere grew tenser.
"Let's kill him properly this time." Thor said.
"So that he never comes back." Morgan sneered.
The three marched towards him as one, slowly spreading out to surround him. Thanos looked at them and announced, "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me."
"But you're the one who came to them." Lila said angrily as all glared at him.
"He considers himself to be a harbinger of fate, remember?" Rhodes reminded and all nodded.
The three slowly surrounded Thanos as he said, "I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you've shown me, that's impossible."
"Because the other half won't thrive." Morgan sneered as all glared more.
"His narrow mind doesn't get that." Wanda reminded and all nodded.
"And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be." Thanos announced, "They will resist."
"Yep. We're all kinds of stubborn." Morgan said.
"Yep. We're all kinds of stubborn." Tony said.
"You repeated her." Pepper joked to lighten the mood but it didn't work.
"I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do." Thanos said as he threw the rock away.
"What?" Scott asked, dread filling him.
"I will shred this universe down to its last atom." Thanos said as he stood up and took his helmet from the top of his sword, putting it on, "And then...With the Stones you've collected for me, create a new one." He picked up his Thanoscopter and said, "Teeming with life, that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given."
"He wants people to worship him as a God in this new Universe!" Hope said in dread as all paled and glared.
"That's worse than even me." Loki commented.
"A grateful universe." Thanos said.
"Only because they don't know their God is a daughter-killing bastard." Clint said angrily as all tensed up.
"Born out of blood." Steve pointed out.
"He doesn't care about that." Natasha said and the disgust increased.
"They'll never know it." Thanos said as he prepared to fight all three of them at once, "Because you won't be alive to tell them."
"Because it will never happen." Steve said firmly and all watched the screen determinedly.
Thor bellowed a war cry as he and his weapons flashed with lightning while Tony formed a blade with his suit and jumped at Thanos who deflected with his sword, throwing him down as he rolled and recovered before Thanos deflected Steve's shield which he had thrown as well back at him and dodged Mjolnir thrown at him by Thor and then smacked Steve away by hitting his shield while Tony flew up before he kicked Thor away into a rock and Tony fired his repulsors which he blocked with his sword.
"And so begins the biggest fight of the Universe." Fury announced as all watched with wide eyes and pale faces. They couldn't make any mistakes or afford to be tardy. Because if they did, Thanos would slaughter them all and create a new Universe which would worship him as their God.
No one commented, too absorbed in what was happening to do so.
Bruce held up the collapsing building as Rhodes said he'd see him on the other side and Rocket whimpered.
"No else is dying today." Tony said firmly while Morgan winced, trying not to cry while Cassie put a hand on her shoulder.
Scott floated on debris, saying he was coming and leaping off some kind of lever, jumped into the water.
"You're going to save them, aren't you?" Hope asked Scott.
"Looks like it." He shrugged.
"Thanks man." Rhodes said and he nodded.
Clint was running from the Outriders before he planted 2 explosive arrows in the walls and ran further as an explosion occurred, throwing him down and killing some. As more came at him, he fired a grapple arrow at the ceiling and was pulled up. Some of them tried to jump at him but he sliced them down with his sword, slicing one clean into two as he fell at the upper level and roared.
"You and your sword are awesome." Peter noted as all nodded.
Clint then lay down, tired and panting when 2014 Nebula stood over him. He thought she was on their side and handed her the Gauntlet when she told Thanos she had the Stones and pinned him down with her foot, pointing her gun at him.
"And now I gave it to her." Clint groaned.
"You don't know there are two Nebulas." Bucky reminded, "No one does."
"Stop." She turned to see 2014 Gamora approach her, gun out.
"Oh boy!" Peter said as all tensed up again.
"You're betraying us?" Nebula asked in shock. "You don't have to do this." Gamora said. "I am... this." Nebula said sadly when 2023 Nebula approached. 2014 Nebula pointed her gun at her as 2023 Nebula raised her hands and said, "No, you're not. You've seen what we become."
"Does she want to?" Fury wondered and all noted what he had said.
"Nebula, listen to her." Gamora urged, "You can change." "He won't let me." 2014 Nebula said in a quivering voice.
"Asshole!" Scott snarled about Thanos as all growled.
She was then about to shoot Gamora when 2023 Nebula shot her instead, killing her as a hole was formed in her chest.
Everyone gasped at the scene.
"Gives an entirely new meaning to killing yourself." Tony quipped to lighten the mood but it didn't work.
2014 Nebula was dead with a glassy look in her eyes as Clint got up and lifted the Gauntlet again.
"We must take that thing away." Clint said and all nodded, tensing up more, knowing this was getting terrible for all involved.
Outside, Tony landed and the back of his suit opened to reveal a new energy absorber as he said, "Okay, Thor. Hit me." Thor roared and charging both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, hit the absorber with a huge blast of lightning, supercharging the suit as Tony fired eight overpowered repulsors at Thanos. Thanos spun the Thanoscopter fast enough to deflect them all and walked closer. Thor threw Mjolnir up and used Stormbreker to bat it at Thanos. However, Thanos grabbed Tony and lifted him up, putting him in the way. Mjolnir hit him and both Tony and the hammer were sent tumbling to the ground, with Tony out cold. "Boss, wake up!" FRIDAY said and even the AI sounded concerned.
"Oh no!" Pepper paled as she put a hand on her mouth and held Tony's hand with her other one while he held it back tightly, watching the screen with wide eyes.
"Sorry about that." Odinson apologized to Tony.
"Me too." Thor said.
"He lifted me." Tony shrugged.
Steve flipped and kicked Thanos' face, very slightly affecting him. Thanos then punched him as he put the shield in the way but was still sent flying back, crashing into a rock, He then threw Thanoscopter at a rushing Thor, who ducked and slid under it as Thanos caught it on return and, just in time to block Stormbreaker.
"The God of Thunder vs. The Mad Titan." T'Challa said as all watched, praying Thor won, including Thor himself. But the future people knew what would happen.
Thor still managed to disarm Thanos of his sword.
"Yes!" Steve of all people cheered at this small victory and all followed, but it was rather restrained.
Then Thanos disarmed Thor too and lifting him up by the throat, threw him into a broken tree.
"No!" Sam yelled as the slight hope from a second earlier faded.
Thanos punched Thor several times before tossing him into a rock on the other side, dazing him badly. He then kicked Thor on the chest and punched his face again, dazing him more as Thor bled.
"He is killing you." A concerned Loki said as Thor watched tensely and the others did too.
"Looks like I pissed him off by killing him." Thor noted.
"Oh that we did." Odinson said.
Thor raised his hand, summoning Stormbreaker but Thanos caught it instead and gripping the handle in one hand and the ax's head in another, attempted to drive it into Thor's chest as Thor grabbed it, desperately trying to stop it.
"No, no, no, no, no." Loki was saying as all paled.
"I'm still here guys!" Odinson reminded but it didn't work.
"Someone save him." Hill muttered and the future people smirked, knowing her prayers were about to be answered.
Unknown to them both, Mjolnir slowly lifted into the air a few yards away.
No one reacted then, assuming Thor was calling it. Hidden to all, the future people smirked.
Thanos had almost pushed Stormbreaker into Thor's chest when suddenly Mjolnir flew into him, making him stumble away and drop Stormbreaker as Mjolnir halted in its path, then reversed course and flied back over Thanos' head. Right into the hand of Steve Rogers!
"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!" Scott cheered, fanboying as loud applause filled the entire room.
"CAP CAN LIFT IT!" Peter screamed happily and clapped loudly.
"I KNEW IT!" Thor said happily, all clapping.
"Even I did!" Loki said, clapping himself.
"The Captain is worthy." Vision simply said.
"When the time came, you finally used its power after all." Odinson said to Steve who nodded.
"That looks so epic. Like next level epic." Hill cheered and applauded before whispering to herself, "And hot."
"I always wondered. Now I don't." Fury said.
Hope was so awed she didn't even make a jibe at Hill, instead saying, "Shield and Mjolnir combo coming up!"
"Oh I feel that too." Bucky smirked as all clapped.
"And you won't be holding back." Natasha said to Steve.
"Because he doesn't have to." Sam said.
"Hulk can hang his head in shame now." Bruce joked as all laughed and the applause continued.
"Take that Thanos!" Clint said as all continued clapping.
"Someone needs to record this scene." Wanda said.
"Someone has." Scarlet Witch pointed out and she looked sheepish.
"Awesome." May said.
"I do not think Thanos would have seen that coming either." T'Challa said and all nodded.
"Nope. Not at all." Rhodes said.
"Now he knows he isn't up against unruly wretches." Logan said.
"Which is how we prove him wrong." Benjamin said.
"Yeah." Morgan agreed.
"Well, Thanos, you have really screwed up." Cassie said.
"Too much." Lila added.
"Cap." Tony said as he looked to Steve, "Congrats."
"Thank you." Steve said to him and everyone with a humble and grateful nod.
'You could have the power of the Gods!' Steve remembered Schmidt's words.
"Well, now I do." He whispered to himself.
"I knew it!" Thor laughed happily when Thanos kicked his face into rubble.
"Now I repeated myself." Thor joked as all chuckled.
Steve twirled Mjolnir and the two charged each other. Steve leapt up and swung Mjolnir upwards, hitting Thanos under the chin and knocking him down into rubble.
"How do you like that, huh?" Scott cheered as all clapped.
"You can do this!" Sam cheered for Steve.
"Oh just do it!" Tony cheered too.
"Thanos is mindblown!" Hill cheered.
As Thanos got up, Steve threw his shield which Thanos deflected with his sword. Steve then threw Mjolnir at the shield and a loud shockwave went off, knocking Thanos to his knee.
"WHAT A COMBO!" Hope cheered as all clapped more.
"You learnt to master it in seconds." Thor said happily as all clapped.
"That's why he is the best hand-to-hand combatant on Earth." Natasha pointed out and Steve smiled gratefully at them all.
Steve caught Mjolnir and shield on return and leaping up, kneed Thanos back before hitting his knee with Mjolnir and following up by a shield blow to the face, before striking his face with Mjolnir twice, the second strike breaking the helmet as Thanos staggered back.
"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Peter cheered as the clapping increased.
"KICK HIS ASS!" Wanda of all people cheered.
And then all started chanting- "Kick his ass! Kick his ass! Kick his ass!"
Steve just smiled and continued watching.
Steve then threw the shield at Thanos, staggering him back and then batted it with Mjolnir at him, staggering him back again and catching the shield, fired a powerful lightning bolt from Mjolnir which ripped the ground and hit Thanos, throwing him down.
"Oh yeah!" Sam cheered as all applauded more.
"Oh Thanos, you're so screwed now." Bruce smirked.
"More than he knows." Thor said.
"Oh that is true." Odinson said, remembering what was about to happen a few minutes later.
Steve raised Mjolnir skyward and as clouds gathered, an even larger lightning bolt was summoned which struck Thanos, making him roar in pain. Steve leapt at him with Mjolnir raised but he rolled away at the last moment and picking Steve up by the throat, slammed him to the ground.
"NO!" Scott said as the cheering stopped and all paled.
"He had to roll away!" Loki complained.
"Oh no!" Peter paled.
"Why?" Tony moaned.
"Oh no!" Hill said too.
"Yeah…that happened." Logan told everyone lamely.
Steve rolled away and got up as Thanos picked up his sword and threw his broken helmet away. He swung but Steve blocked or dodged a few times before being stabbed in the foot. He yelled in pain but tried to strike with Mjolnir. However, Thanos grabbed Steve's wrist and stopped the strike, dropping his sword and punching Steve with his other hand, knocking Mjolnir away.
"FUCK!" Bucky cursed as the atmosphere plummeted.
"Damn it!" Rhodes said too.
"Sorry to disappoint." Steve said to everyone.
"It's not your fault. He's too strong." Fury pointed out.
Steve was kicked away but got up as Thanos kicked his sword into his hand. Steve raised his shield as Thanos brought the sword down on him. Steve's shield held up. But Thanos brought it up and back down on Steve's shield many times and the seemingly unbreakable shield shattered into pieces at the top.
Steve put his hand over his head in horror and disbelief, rubbing his head as everyone else was stunned to the next level.
"WHAT? THE? HELL?!" Sam said.
"It was supposed to be unbreakable!" Tony snapped.
"Looks like it is not." A pale T'Challa said, wondering what would happen if it was his suit instead.
"Thanos' sword is made of even more powerful alien metal." Odinson told everyone.
"Even Vibranium can't stand against that." Morgan said.
"Oh no!" Steve simply said. The shield was a part of him and even though he didn't consider himself worthy of it for the time being, he missed it a lot.
Bucky and Natasha put hands on his shoulders as all watched, now even paler than before.
Thanos then smacked Steve who put his shield in the way and he was thrown back. Steve lay on the ground, straining heavily and groaned to get up as Thanos announced, "In all my years of conquest...violence...slaughter...It was never personal. But I'll tell you now...what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet...I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much." A beam shot down from the Sanctuary II and the entire Chitauri army appeared led by Ebony Maw, Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian. Leviathans were flying in the air too. Some war devices were being moved by Sakaarans. Chitauri gorillas were unchained. And Outriders ran into the fray as well.
Everyone's hearts stopped at the scene. Thor and Tony were out cold. Everyone else was trying to save themselves from the collapsing building. Steve's shield was broken and Mjolnir knocked away. He was alone and wounded. And Thanos had made it personal. What would happen now?
Steve looked at the approaching army. He wanted so badly to just lie down and rest. But he was the last line of defense between not just Thanos and the Stones, but the Universe as well. He straightened up and tightened the remainder of his shield's strap on his arm, sealing a giant cut Thanos' sword had made. He staggered towards the limitless marching army, ready to face them all alone.
All of them gulped on seeing that. And also looked to Steve with respect shining in their eyes. Facing the entire army alone with wounds while everyone else was down? That took courage too much to even describe.
"He can do this all day." Tony said with a smile as Steve nodded gratefully at him and they looked at the screen.
As Steve continued marching, he suddenly heard a voice in his earpiece. "Cap?" Steve froze, "You hear me?"
Everyone froze at that too and all turned to look at Sam who was watching the screen with wide eyes. Then they all turned to look at the screen, knowing something was coming.
"Oh boy!" was all Peter could say, with everyone trying to temper their excitement.
"It is happening." Scarlet Witch whispered with a smirk.
"Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?" Sam asked again as Steve breathlessly tapped his earpiece with shaking hands. And then Sam settled a score from years ago. "On your left." Steve turned behind to his left to see a golden portal open up.
"YES!" Sam raised his fist happily, "I DID IT! I GOT BACK AT YA! YES! ON YOUR LEFT!"
Everyone shook their heads in amusement at Sam's enthusiasm before turning to the screen again.
"It worked." Natasha smiled in joy as everyone's hearts beat against their chests, anticipation for what was coming high.
Out of the portal walked T'Challa, Okoye and Shuri. T'Challa retracted his visor as Steve looked at the three, panting in relief. T'Challa gave him a nod.
"You're back!" Thor said happily to T'Challa and clapped him on the back. T'Challa stared at the screen like everyone else, absorbed into the scene.
"The King has returned." Odinson smiled.
Then Sam flew over their heads as several golden portals started opening up all around.
"OH YEAH!" Sam cheered as all started clapping happily.
"YES! YES!" Peter was cheering.
Thanos looked around as out of one portal flew Doctor Strange with Mantis and Drax. Drax brandished his knives as Mantis took a fighting pose while Strange summoned Tao Mandalas and Quill flew next to them, retracting his visor just as Peter swung down and standing up, retracted his mask too, revealing a smile on his face.
"Peter!" May said happily as she hugged Peter tightly and he hugged her back happily while Logan clapped Benjamin on the shoulder who was smiling and Scarlet Witch gave him a reassuring smile too.
"Great to have you back, kid." Tony said to Peter and Benjamin who smiled at him.
"Aunt May, you're suffocating me." Peter then said and she let him go.
"Oops!" She said as all chuckled and then turned to the screen again.
Steve smiled in relief on seeing Peter while T'Challa chanted 'Yibambe' and Okoye, Shuri and his Wakandan troops that had assembled behind him repeated.
"Yibambe!" T'Challa said and all repeated Several more portals opened as Ravager ships flew out with Ravagers coming out of several of them. Bucky and Groot walked out of another portal with several Wakandans.
"Bucky!" Natasha said as she smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Buck!" Steve said too, clapping Bucky on the shoulder as all looked at the screen.
"Mordo was wrong about one thing." Tony suddenly popped up as all looked to him, "You can never have too many sorcerers."
All nodded and clapped at what he had said as well as the scene.
Korg and Miek stood in front of another portal with Valkyrie on her Pegasus called Aragorn while several Asgardians stood behind them. Wanda flew down to join them.
"Wanda!" Clint said happily and hugged her, kissing her forehead while Vision smiled at her.
Benjamin and Scarlet Witch held hands and gave each other smiles.
Wong and other Masters of the Mystic Arts clapped their hands, forming Tao Mandalas, prepared to fight. As Ravagers and Howard the Duck marched out behind them, Hope, in her suit, suddenly enlarged, looking at them all.
"Hope!" Scott and Cassie said the same time as Scott kissed Hope and she kissed back.
"I'm back!" She said.
"We all are!" Peter added.
"For one last fight." Bucky smirked.
Thor summoned Stormbreaker to him and smiled happily while Tony woke up, looking around in shock. Then Pepper landed in her Rescue armor and retracted her visor, revealing her face.
"That's my girl!" Tony cheered happily as he hugged Pepper and kissed her on the forehead, "Now we'll fight together!"
"Yes. You both fight together in this one." Morgan smiled at them as Tony let Pepper go and she smiled at them both.
"Good luck." Tony said to her.
"Good luck." Everyone else said too.
"Thank you." She nodded with a smile.
"Is that everyone?" Strange asked Wong. "What, you wanted more?" Wong asked incredulously.
"Oh yeah!" Hill said, "Matt, Frank, Elektra, Jessica, Luke, Danny, Colleen, Daisy, Bobbi, Hunter, Mack, Melinda and some more."
"They couldn't make it." Logan said lamely.
"Just kidding." Hill said as the recording continued.
Then there was a crashing sound as Scott emerged from the rubble as Giant-Man and opened his fist. Bruce and Rocket jumped out while Rhodes flew out in a new War Machine suit while Rocket jumped at his shoulder and loaded his gun.
"And you saved them!" Hope said as all clapped for Scott too.
"My moment…" Scott trailed off happily and smiled at the others in appreciation.
"Thanks mate." Rhodes said.
"Yeah me too." Bruce added.
He nodded.
All the armies of Wakandans, Asgardians, Ravagers and Masters of the Mystic Arts roared in unison as Steve turned to look at Thanos who was watching in shock.
"What? You thought there were only 6 of us?" Clint asked mockingly.
Everyone got into fighting poses while Steve stepped forward. "Avengers!" He shouted and held out his hand while all looked at him and the approaching army just as Mjolnir flew into Steve's hand, "Assemble."
For few seconds, it was silent. Then Tony started clapping, followed by Thor and Odinson and then Loki, and then Clint, Bucky and Sam (Natasha couldn't because of her injured hand) then Bruce, then Fury, then T'Challa and then everyone burst into loud applause at what they had just seen.
"Avengers have assembled." Steve smiled, "In this moment, all of us are Avengers."
"AYE!" They all said simultaneously.
Thor bellowed, followed by T'Challa and then all charged as Rhodes flew with Rocket on him and Valkyrie too flew on her Pegasus along with Tony, Pepper, Wanda, Quill and Ravager ships as Scott ran in giant form while Peter swung from his hand. An unintimidated Thanos pointed his sword at the charging army and his army charged too. Thor continued bellowing as the armies reached closer with M'Baku roaring next to him. And then the two armies clashed, determined to end the Battle of Earth once and for all.
There were no words. This was it at last! The fight of their lives! The battle for the fate of the Universe! And they had to fight it for the sake of everyone.
With those thoughts in mind, they continued watching.