102 Everyone assembles again

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Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross was in a meeting with some other politicians as he was saying. "So I think that makes it clear tha-"

Then they heard slow clapping and turned to see Everett standing there, a smirk on his face.

"Mr. Ross", Ross greeted Everett.

"Mr. Ross", Everett greeted back with a smile. "So, fooling these people into thinking you are a great man who wants what's best for everyone in the world, right?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about", Ross said as he walked to him till their faces were inches apart. "And mind your tone with me, agent."

"Sure I will, counsellor", Everett smirked. "I will use a neutral tone with you, like I use with every criminal."

Ross' eyes widened as he snarled. "What are you talking about?"

Two more agents entered behind Everett as he said. "Secretary Ross, you are under arrest for illegal experimentation, endangerment of civilians, illegal crossing of borders, illegal construction, and misleading people on a global level."

The agents started cuffing Ross as he said. "This is ridiculous! I didn't do anything! This is a trick against me!"

"The information we found suggests otherwise", Everett smirked as his agents led Ross away.

"THIS ISN'T RIGHT! YOU SHALL PAY FOR THIS!" Ross screamed as the agents dragged him away.

Everett looked at the other politicians and said with a smile. "Have a good day, ladies and gentlemen. With him gone, I am sure your day has gotten a lot better."

He then walked out, leaving the others exchanging dumbfounded looks.

Later, Stark Tower

"Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross was arrested earlier this day by the Joint Counter Terrorism Center over breaking international laws. A lot of information still hasn't been given out regarding what he has done. But this raises the question- What happens to the enforcement of the Sokovia Accords in the US, since he was the handler here?"

Tony shut off the TV, exchanging looks with Rhodes and Pepper.

"I wish I was there, would have been awesome to see", Rhodes said.

"Well, there's still the trial, we can see him there", Pepper said.

"Yup, the scene is gonna be satisfying to watch, whenever we get to it", Tony told the two before dialing a number as the call was sent.

"Mr. Stark", President Matthew Ellis greeted from the other end.

"I think you have seen the news of Ross being arrested", Tony said. "Or you probably knew about the arrest before it happened."

"Yeah, I know about it", Ellis simply said.

"So, I'm pretty sure this would affect the position of the Sokovia Accords in the US", Tony told him.

"Yes, rather badly. Those are going to get derailed badly", Ellis told him. "Any reason you're interested in all of this?"

"So, Mr. President, I know you have no reason trust me, actually wait, you do", Tony said, making Ellis chuckle from the other end. "So, what I want to say is, there is a threat I have been warned about, and we need all of us to fight it, so the Avengers who broke the Accords need to be pardoned. Will you do that, please?"

"In case you haven't noticed, whatever crime they committed, it was done before the Accords were in force, and none of it happened on US soil", Ellis pointed out. "So we have no reason to really stop any of them from coming to the US if they want to come. Do whatever you feel is best, Mr. Stark. Just make sure we do not have any incident like Sokovia or Lagos on our hands."

"I assure you nothing of that sort is going to happen this time", Tony said.

"Well then, we have nothing more to talk about", Ellis said before cutting the call as Tony looked at the other two.

"So, the others are coming?" Rhodes asked.

"Yeah", Tony nodded. "Technically, they don't even need a pardon."

Pepper jumped in joy before collecting herself, and all three shared happy smiles.

Tony then walked to a drawer and pulled it, revealing the phone Steve had given. He picked it up and called as Steve picked up from the other end. "Yeah Tony?"

"I'm guessing you know about Ross' arrest", Tony said.


"Yeah, we're watching it right now", Steve said as he, Natasha, Bucky, Sam and T'Challa watched the news of Ross' arrest on a TV in Wakanda.

New York, Stark Tower

"See, I talked to the President and he says you were technically never fugitives from the law in the US because the Accords weren't in force when the thing between us happened due to not being ratified, and whatever you did wasn't on US soil", Tony told Steve.


"Yeah, I know, we just avoided the US because of Ross, not a fan of that guy", Steve said.

New York, Stark Tower

"No one with half a brain is a fan of that asshat, Cap", Tony said. "Anyway, so how soon are you all coming to New York?"


"In a day", Steve assured. "We'll plan stuff, then we shall all go to Wakanda to remove the Mind Stone from Vision's head without killing him."

New York, Stark Tower

"Yeah, we better do that quickly", Tony said. "And we have a few new friends to make too."


"I know just who you are talking about", Steve said with a smirk. "Good luck, Tony. We'll meet soon."

New York, Stark Tower

"Likewise Cap", Tony said. "See ya soon."

With that, he cut the call.


"I believe I should take a leave for some time", T'Challa said. "A few weeks would be appropriate, right?"

"Yes, more than appropriate, Your Highness", Sam said to him.

"So New York it is first, then back here", Natasha said.

"Yeah, looks like it", Steve said.

"Let's start then", Bucky said and all nodded.

"Your new arm shall be given to you first", T'Challa told Bucky.

"I would very much like that, thanks a lot", Bucky said.

"You do not need to thank me, Barnes", T'Challa assured as he got up and walked away to finish any needed formalities.


Peter was preparing his suit as May asked. "Peter?"

"Yes Aunt May", Peter turned to her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" May asked him.

"Yes, I need to do this", Peter said. "All of us need to do this, if we are to have a better future."

May just smiled and walking to him, gave him a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "All right then, I won't stop you. Just take care of yourself."

"I will", Peter assured as he gave her a hug and went back to preparing his suit.

"Go get 'em tiger", May smiled as he smiled back and she walked off, deciding it was time to let Peter be a hero on his own terms.

One day later

Tony, Clint, Peter, Scott, Hope, Pepper, Rhodes, Fury and Maria stood, waiting for the Quinjet. With the Accords derailed, Tony had also managed to convince the President to pardon Clint, especially since the guy had been illegally locked up in the Raft at first, so the President had agreed. Scott and Hope had joined them shortly after, and Fury and Maria as well.

"Here they come", Clint noticed the Wakanda jet before anyone else, and then it came.

"See! That's why he's Hawkeye", Maria commented with a smirk.

"Yeah, eye as good as a hawk", Tony quipped.

"Thanks Tony", Clint said as jet landed on the ground and out of it walked Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, T'Challa, Wanda and Vision.

Wanda and Vision had been picked up by Steve, T'Challa and the rest from where they were in Edinburgh.

"Glad you could make it", Tony held out his hand as Steve shook it.

"Yeah me too", Steve said as they dropped hands.

"Your Highness", Tony greeted T'Challa as he raised his hand.

"Mr. Stark", T'Challa greeted too as they shook hands and dropped them soon afterwards.

"Feels nostalgic to be here again", Sam commented.

"Last time we were here was at the party Ultron crashed", Maria remembered.

"Yup, after that it was the Compound, which Thanos will destroy if we don't stop him", Natasha said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Bucky said.

"Yes, come in", Pepper gestured as all of them walked in together, just liking the feeling of comradery they were sharing again after so long. But they weren't here for that. What they had to do was much more important, and they were going to make sure they succeeded.


The group all sat around the table, with Fury just standing in a corner, as those were always his favorite spots.

"So, first things first", Tony said. "We are together and all, but Thanos has an army."

"Which means we need one too", Steve said as he looked at the rest. "And Thor and Hulk as well."

"They're doing their own thing in Space right now I am sure", Scott commented. "Thor has to find the Guardians and Carol, and then make his badass ax."

"Oh I can't wait to see it in real life", Peter said.

"With a proper handle", Hope added.

"Anyway, now onto important matters", Hill started. "So, who are we going to approach?"

"Well, Stephen Strange still lives in New York", Steve pointed out. "He's the one we should go to for sure, he will believe us, and he can help us out in getting more reinforcements."

"I would gladly have the Wakandans fight in this", T'Challa offered bravely.

"And we appreciate that, Your Highness", Steve said respectfully. "But right now, we do not when or where we will end up fighting Thanos, so I think its best to not call them to fight for us."

"Right you are, Captain", T'Challa said.

"I guess first we go to Strange, have him steal one or two Stones from their spots", Peter suggested. "Can the Soul Stone be stolen with the yellow sparkly thing he does?"

"I doubt that", Natasha said as all looked at her sadly. "The Soul Stone demands a price. There would be contingencies in case someone tries to steal it."

"So no Soul Stone then", Clint said.

"Let's just put that on the side", Steve said. "Only Gamora knows where it is, and Thor is going to find them. I know he can protect her, and the other Guardians as well."

"The Reality Stone can still be stolen", Wanda piped up. "That's fair game."

"Yeah, that can be taken", Bucky agreed. "And I'm sure Strange can take that."

"Thor already has the Space Stone", Steve noted before turning to T'Challa and Vision. "Now we need to get the Mind Stone out of Vision's head as soon as possible. We have 2 weeks, its barely enough time."

"Do not worry, we shall remove the Stone with our technology", T'Challa assured.

"Yes, I am ready for the procedure", Vision agreed.

"I guess in that case, all we need is to call a surgeon", Tony said as he got up and exchanged a look with the others. "You know who I'm talking about, right?"

"Of course we do", Rhodes said as all chuckled.

Fury gave a slight smile at the scene before his expression turned neutral. He would never say it out loud, but he was proud of all of them.

Same time, Space

"So the three of you and the other Avengers were all taken to the future by the future Avengers and shown the future", Heimdall summed up what he had been told as they nodded. "Thanos will attack Xandar in two weeks, right?"

"Yes, and then come straight for us", Thor said. "And you as well as Loki die."

"Since we already know now, we can prevent this", Heimdall pointed out.

"I agree", Loki said as he raised his hand and the Teserract was summoned. "This needs to be taken off of this ship."

"You can send this to Earth with me", Bruce said. "What do you think?"

"Yes, I will send you both to Earth, that way we will be safe from Thanos and be free to do what we need to", Heimdall agreed.

"Well first, we shall find the Guardians and Carol, then go to Nidavellir for Stormbreaker", Thor said. "And then we shall go to Xandar to defeat Thanos, because that's where he will attack."

"I think this plan works", Heimdall agreed. "Let's hope it all works out."

Same time, Earth, Sanctum Sanctorum

Tony knocked on the door of the Sanctorum as Strange stepped out.

"Tony Stark", Strange greeted him. "Why are you here?"

"Stephen Strange, I am Tony Stark. I need you to come with me", Tony said.

"I just said your name, why did you need to introduce yourself?" Strange wondered.

"Just a practical joke", Tony said, remembering this is how Strange had greeted him in the recording. Then suddenly the Bifrost Energy hit the ground next to them, forming a crater, as both Tony and Strange backed off to avoid being hit by it.

When the energy was gone, the two peered into the crater that had been formed. Bruce was there, groaning, and fully-clothed, fortunately, the Teserract next to him.

"Hey….hey Tony", Bruce greeted him.

"Bruce", Tony greeted back. "Good to see ya! And nice that you didn't lose your clothes this time."

"That is an Infinity Stone", Strange recognized the Teserract.

"Yup", Tony said turning to Strange. "Now about the reason I need you to come with me-"