the day after death

City Medical Center

Doctor: -Well, I see that everyone is fine.

Sawatori: -thanks to this beautiful lady.

Sawatori holds the hand of one of the nurses.

Nurse 01: -I didn't do anything too much.

She is embarrassed.

Nurse 02: -lucky for you Hideo managed to crawl to the front of the village and told the villagers where to find them.

Hideo: -drag???

Sado: -Did he make you conscious?

Hideo: -He was going to kill me most of all he disappeared.

Fugako: -What else was that creature?

-Which? All speak.

Sado: -Never heard of the ghost?

Fugako: -And do I look like I've heard children's stories?

Hideo: -Dude, what hole did you live in?

Fugako: -More respect for my city you bastard brat.

Hideo appears to be the youngest of the 4.

Sawatori: -How about later we go out?

Nurse: -well- I...

Doctor : -you are only alive for a miracle, you will only be 100% tomorrow, sleep and rest well. No leaving today.

The doctor leaves with the nurses, Sawatori is crying.

Fugako: -That bastard, dodged all my attacks.

Sado: -he didn't dodge, he simply crossed.

Fugako: -What do you mean?

Sado: -just before he knocked me out I saw, in the fog my current went through his body as if nothing was there.

Hideo: -That explains how he hit me with the scythe. He shoved her through it to attack me.

Sawatori: -So he can go through things like a ghost? Sinister.

Fugako: -Hey, you call him a ghost that was kind of obvious right.

Sado: - some call him a ghost because he appears and disappears in the blink of an eye.

Sawatori: -Others say it's because he never left any survivors so he has no witnesses that he actually existed.

Everyone looks at Hideo.

Hideo: -I only knew from the part that if someone defeats him, he becomes a master of the blade.

Sado takes out his notebook and puts on his glasses.

Fugako: -What is this? A master of blades who wears glasses. Hahahaha

Sado: -Why? It can not?

Hideo: -That's weird it is.

Sawatori: -This is all a pain. We are the only ones to survive the ghost and we don't even know how.

Sado: -That leaves us with one more opportunity.

Hideo: -opportunity?

Sado: -yes, he faced 4 blade masters and left 4 alive, that never happened.

Sawatori: -What do you mean?

Sado: -blade masters and not even blade masters go together, that is, he hadn't been facing several at once.

Hideo: -so the fact that there was more than one fighting him made you change?

Sado: -that's what it looks like.

Sawatori: - that doesn't make much sense.

Sado: - that's not what we have anymore, if we fight him together we can beat him

Fugako: -We already fought together and he beat us up, I still feel that scythe of his in me.

Sado: -correction, we didn't fight together, it just happened that we were there at the same time.

Hideo: -So if we fight him we can win?

Sado: -Well we have a chance.

Fugako: -And what do I get out of it.

Hideo: -the title of master of the blade or intelligence.

Sado: -if we defeat him, we will all become masters of the blade.

Sawatori: -I don't care about that title, I just want the money.

I felt weird.

Sado: -so ok.

Hideo: -So is this we'll go after him tomorrow?

Sado: -First we have to find a way around the power to go through things.

Sado lies down.

Hideo: -You talk like it's easy.

Sado: -Relax, you have me.

Sawatori: -Oh, how humble.

Fugako and Hideo smile.

Sado: -Now go to sleep, we have a long day ahead.

1 day before 23:35

He sleeps and another day dawns, the doctor releases them, Sawatori once again tries to talk to the nurse to go out with Lelé but gets dumped.

Current day 11:13

Hideo: -Where are we going.

Sado: - Come with me.

Fugako: -Who elected this guy the boss?

Sawatori: -Himself .

They arrive at the tavern that Sado got information about the ghost.

Hideo: -I didn't know there were taverns here.

Sado: -and where did you find information about the ghost other than in a blade masters location?

Hideo: -An old woman told me for 300 coins.

Sawatori: -she asked me for 100 and I gave my cover for the information.

Sado: -she asked me for 50. But I already had everything I needed.

Hideo: -What? Did she just charge for it?

They look at Fugako.

Fugako: -What is it?

Sado: -How did the fireplace arrive?

Fugako: -I was going to Livet City.

Hideo: -Livet is in the western country.

Fugako: -So what?

Sawatori: -We are in the northern country...

Fugako was far from where he intended.

Fugako: -...

Sado: -enter.

They enter the tavern and sit at a table, the other warriors look at them. They find blade masters strange together.

Hideo: -I don't like it here.

Sawatori: -Why are we here?

Fugako: -I just want to eat, bring me a pig.

Sado: -if we're going to fight together we need to get to know each other, gaining confidence is the first step. So each one of us will tell us a little about themselves and how they got here.

Fugako: -I got it. (speaks with his mouth full).

Hideo: -How disgusting.

Sado: -let's recap.

Sawatori: so who starts?

Sado: -let's

He points to Hideo.