Part 20



As the kids neared the food stand they saw two boys with similar facial features and hair colours. They looked like twins. The other twins, also known as Neo and Lily stopped to stare at the two, the twins were none other than the 'Imperfect twins.' Also known as the other male leads.

""Greeting to your highness, Sir Neo Lucian and Lady Lily Lucian."" They both said in unison as they gave the both a bow. They both were looking at the last strawberry tart before the other arrival, however no one had yet noticed.

The two twin male-leads had beautiful and fluffy purple hair, one being bigger than the others. A purple that was prettier than lilacs making one want to touch to see if they were as soft as they seemed. Their eyes were golden, a gold more mesmerising than actual gold. Their chubby cheeks made them look even cuter and make one want too pinch if their hair wasn't enough.

"Ah! New friends, greetings to you too!" The prince said. The twins, despite having a straight face with a smile had a few sweats fall from their face.

Suddenly the last strawberry tart came into the princes view. "Oh! Lucky! The last one!" The prince said forgetting the twins for a second. He neared the tarts, picking them on a plate to eat. At least he was going to until he saw the two twins look at the tart in disappointment.

"..oh.." The prince said, looking at the tart to then at the twins and then at the tart, and again at the twins, and again at the tart. ".. Um, y-you can have this! Mother says that sharing is caring! Mhm!" He said as he extended the tart to the twin male leads. He himself was looking away so he wouldn't have to see the devouring of his strawberry tart.

"..I'm sorry." The twins apologised to the prince. They suddenly felt guilty for liking the tarts.

"Huh? Why?" The prince questioned, confused. "Do you not want it?" He asked. "No, no. You're highness can eat it instead." They said in unison.

"Hm.." The prince looked in thought. "Hm! Hm!" The prince nodded his head as if he had a genius idea, "John! Cut this into 3 pieces? Please?" He said to the butler near him. The butler was not from the prince's palace and was just a regular at the dukes household.

The peasant had never expected the prince to remember his name, he was blessed, no, he had ascended.

"Yes, your highness." He answered, the princes request was more important, he could die later. And just like some kind of professional, as if he had been cutting for years and years he cut the tart in such perfection that it looked high class even when cut into even smaller pieces.

The peasant would from then on be known as the duke households best cutter and be promoted as the head cutter. People would line up for him just to have their food cut by his hands.

"Here!" The prince handed the two twin male-leads. The prince was shining, he was very happy that he got to eat a piece of it. The twins suddenly felt guilty for having a stomach however, they could not refuse and took the tart that was being given to them.

*nom, nom..*

They ate it in happiness, Neo and Lily too had gotten something to eat. The prince suddenly shinning more than before, his face was of bliss as his cheeks turned slightly red. His aura was warm and bright, some workers and some nobles who were looking died.

Neo and Lily, as well as the other pair of twins were prepared. They had sunglasses on. However, slowly the tastes of their treats rested in their taste buds making them all show a similar- blissful expression to the prince. All their auras merging created an even brighter light.

"Quick! Quick! Bring the red! Hurry! Hurry! Brings the brooms too!" Someone shouted for workers as they lifted every person that had fallen. "Omg! there's so much blood!"Another person exclaimed looking at her fallen brother and sisters and non-binary hoes.

The entire hall was suddenly in an abrupt pandemonium. However, the kids who were the cause of the entire chaos stayed blissfully un-aware as they enjoyed their food.

