
The crowd erupted in a frenzy of cheers and applause, their combined voices creating a great tumult. Even Raijah found himself clapping in earnest; it wasn't every day that he got to see a Saint of Aziel's caliber do battle.

While the arena pulsated with the spectators' infectious energy, Aziel took a bow, absorbing their adulation. 

Once the applause finally dulled, Val stood and stretched her arms wide.

"Sealing Prana: Release!"

Her words echoed through the arena, and the protective shield surrounding the audience dissipated, allowing them to feel even closer to the unfolding spectacle.

"Sealing Prana: Prana Seal!"

Val's incantation materialized. A violet gust of Prana swept through the arena and extinguished the flames with its ephemeral touch.

Raijah couldn't help but be awestruck by the sheer power Val and Aziel displayed. Sure he had seen a few Saints at the marketplace, but even then, Val and Aziel surpassed anything he had ever witnessed.

As he wondered if he could ever reach such heights with his own Prana, he caught sight of Damian Lee lying motionless on the ground. Concern etched itself on his face.

"What about him?" Raijah asked.

"Don't worry about him," Val said. "Aziel has it covered."

When Raijah turned back, it shocked him to see that Aziel's scythe, as well as Damian Lee, had vanished.

Could that be another one of Aziel's abilities? Raijah thought.

Aziel's voice resonated through the crowd. "That concludes this year's ceremony. Please, exit the coliseum through the many doors available. I hope to see you all next year!"

A stampede of spectators raced toward the exits. It seemed the newly awakened were eager to test their abilities.

As the crowd pushed its out of the coliseum, Raijah approached Aziel, his eagerness clear in his voice.

"I have so many questions."

Aziel, his demeanor calm and enigmatic, replied, "I understand. But let us find a more suitable place to discuss the matter."

With a graceful twirl of his scythe, an oval-shaped mirror materialized, its surface reflecting nothing but emptiness. Aziel walked through the mirror. As he disappeared, he signaled for Raijah and Val to follow.


Raijah found himself standing on a grand marble walkway leading to the magnificent entrance of a three-story home. The mirror vanished, leaving him in awe of the splendor before him. Raijah's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. He couldn't imagine how much Coin the property was worth.

"Where are we?" Raijah asked, his voice tinged with wonder.

Aziel, guiding them toward the front door, replied with a touch of humility.

"This is my humble abode."

"Humble?" Raijah muttered, struggling to correlate the breathtaking sight before him with humility. The location alone spoke volumes about Aziel's status. 

Avalon was a country that was divided into three regions: the Outer District, the Inner District, and the Central District. Those in the Outer District were the poorest, with the Inner District being slightly more well-off, and the innermost Central District being inhabited by extremely wealthy royals and nobles.

While Sean's home was in the Outer District, Aziel's sat within the forested area of the Central District. Raijah had only ever gone as far as the Great Coliseum, which was just within the confines of the Inner District. He never thought he'd find himself at the front entrance of Central District home.

As they entered the house, Raijah noticed the exquisite marble floors and walls, and the tastefully arranged white furniture adorning the living space.

"One spill or stain would ruin this house," Raijah thought, careful to watch his step.

Aziel, sensing Raijah's apprehension, smiled. "Before we begin, I would like to know your name."

He spoke in a tone that calmed Raijah enough to speak.

"My name is Raijah."

"Raijah," Aziel repeated, the name rolling off his tongue. "A pleasure to have you here. Now, what burning questions do you have?"

Raijah took a moment to collect his thoughts.

"Well, Saint Aziel," he began, "earlier, you mentioned that I possess Divine Prana, the power of the gods. But I have no memory of my life or parents before waking up in Avalon. It's all a blank slate."

Aziel and Val exchanged a glance, their curiosity piqued. "You remember absolutely nothing before arriving in Avalon?" Val asked, a mix of concern and intrigue in her voice.

Raijah shook his head. "Not a thing. Don't get me wrong, I am not suffering by any means. A man named Sean took me in. I work, and I have a roof over my head. But still, I just want to find out who I am or where I come from."

Aziel's gaze softened with understanding.

"Sometimes life unfolds in mysterious ways. You were found here for a reason, Raijah. And discovering your origins will be an important part of your journey."

Raijah nodded, grateful for his kindness. "That's what I'm hoping for. I thought awakening my Prana would give me a clue, but it left me with more questions. And speaking of my Prana, am I capable of using these divine powers? Can I learn to control them?"

Aziel's response was both honest and measured.

"I must clarify, Raijah. My Elite Prana cannot directly tap into the power of the gods. What I did was ignite a spark within your latent Prana. The way gods awaken their powers might be similar to our methods, but it remains a mystery."

"However. . ." Aziel said, leaning forward. His tone grew serious. ". . .this isn't something I've done before, so don't take it lightly. But that Prana of yours has outstanding potential. I'll have to see what I can do to get you awakened, but if you accept, I will personally train you and oversee your development."

Raijah's eyes gleamed with resolve. Just yesterday, he was bouncing back and forth between training with the old man at the dojo and selling watermelons at the marketplace. Now, he had a chance to learn under Saint Aziel himself.

He could hardly get his words out.

"Y-yes, of course. I accept."

Aziel's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Your energy is contagious, Raijah. You seem to be in great shape; I can tell you take good care of your body. We shall begin your training tomorrow. Your potential intrigues me greatly."

Val interjected. "But for now, let me show you to your room. You must be tired."

Raijah's excitement was palpable as he stood up, but a thought crossed his mind, a sense of responsibility towards the one who had cared for him all these years.

"Wait," he blurted. "I need to tell Sean about everything that has happened. It wouldn't be right to leave him without a word after all his kindness."

Aziel nodded. "Very well," he said.

With a swift twirl of his scythe, another blank mirror appeared. "This leads back to the coliseum," he explained. "This technique can only initiate transport to places I've been prior. The mirror will stay there. Return to the coliseum when you are ready, and it will bring you back here."

Raijah mustered a grateful smile as his heart filled with appreciation. "I'll be back tonight."

Stepping through the mirror, Raijah appeared back at the coliseum just as Aziel promised. He began the journey back home, and his anticipation mingled with a bittersweetness.

He had exciting prospects ahead, but he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at leaving Sean behind, even if only temporarily.


Sean rushed toward Raijah as he pushed open the door to their little home. "How was the ceremony?" he asked. 

Raijah's eyes shimmered with excitement. "It was incredible, Sean! I got there pretty late, so it took a while for my turn, but after reading my Prana, Aziel offered to train me and help tap into my potential!"

Sean's eyes widened in disbelief. "Saint Aziel? The One-Eyed Reaper? That's incredible!"

Raijah couldn't contain his excitement any longer. "Yes! It really is. I was shooting out this crazy red lightning, and when Aziel examined it, he told me I possessed the same Prana and essence as the gods above!"

Sean paused and tilted his head quizzically.

Raijah went on. "Well I don't understand it either, but at least it's something. After all these years, I finally learned something." 

Sean scratched his beard. "Well, I'm not too sure I understand, but how about we talk things over some dinner?

"What do ya say we go to the Royal Diner?" Sean asked as he threw on his tan trench coat and fedora hat. Grabbing a pouch full of Gold Coin he'd been saving, he added, "It's said to be the finest restaurant in all of Avalon."

Raijah hesitated for a moment. "But isn't the Royal Diner exclusive to royals?"

Sean reassured him with a mischievous grin. "Well, there are lots of royals, but commoners are welcome too. If you're really leaving to train with Saint Aziel, we should have some fun."


Despite its name, the Royal Diner was a restaurant in the Inner District. And although it was often advertised as "open to all," the restaurant boasted prices that only those fairly well-off could afford.

As they entered the restaurant, Raijah immediately took note of the fine tablecloths, gold plates and utensils, and silver walls and floors.

"Impressive," Raijah whispered to Sean.

Sean chuckled softly. "Table for two, please," he requested from the lady at the entrance.

She nodded graciously and led them to a well-appointed table, leaving Raijah and Sean to settle into their seats.

"So, God Raijah," Sean teased. "What divine meal will you order?"

Raijah leaned back in his chair and examined the menu. "I'll have some peppered meat with rice and a glass of water," he finally replied.

Sean mirrored his choice, instructing the server accordingly. While the cooks prepared their meals, Raijah's attention shifted to the main entrance. There, he watched as King Hendrix of the Fang family, accompanied by his wife Amelia, strode into the restaurant, his presence commanding attention. Recognizing Raijah as the boy from the ceremony, the king approached him with scorn.

"Do you honestly believe a peasant like yourself can afford to dine in a place like this?" King Hendrix sneered, causing heads to turn in their direction.

"Absolutely," Raijah replied. "Even if I couldn't, I'd never admit that to someone as stuck up as you."

He locked eyes with the king. Sean and the old man at the dojo had taught him to pull his punches. He took a deep breath, noting that if he attacked a king, he and Sean would receive capital punishment.

"You're lucky you're a noble. If it weren't for that, I'd kick that crown right off your head," Raijah thought.

With a surge of anger, the king raised his foot, intending to crush Raijah's head beneath his golden boot. But before it made contact, familiar pink crystals materialized beneath the king's foot, halting his advance.

"Hmph. Know your place, peasant." King Hendrix spat as he led his wife to their seats.

The crystals dissipated just as fast as they appeared, but not before Raijah saw a figure swish by through a window.

"I remember those crystals," he muttered, forgetting all about King Hendrix.

Sean's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"What was that about?"

"King Hendrix has a problem with me. At the Ceremony, he was going on about how I am a mere peasant that cannot possess Divine Prana," Raijah replied, making quotes with his hands for emphasis.

"Raijah, you know how arrogant those royals can be. You're plenty strong; I know you can stand up for yourself, but it's best not to pick a fight with them," Sean said.

Their food arrived, steaming with enticing aromas, but Raijah's appetite had waned. He glanced back at the door, his mind filled with the burning desire to uncover the truth of his existence. However, he had little time with Sean. He couldn't let himself be absentminded.

"Let's enjoy our meal, Sean," Raijah said. "I have to leave tonight, so let's make the best of the time we have left."

"I like that idea," Sean responded.

They savored their meal, allowing the flavors to dance on their tongues. Their conversation shifted to lighter topics, reminiscing about their shared memories and dreams for the future.


After finishing their meal, Raijah and Sean strolled through the moonlit streets of Avalon. Their footsteps echoed against the cobblestone paths, the cool night breeze brushing against their faces.

As they approached their house, the realization finally washed over Raijah. He was not prepared to leave. He'd spent the last six years with Sean by his side, and all his accomplishments, including his various martial arts championships, could partly be attributed to Sean's efforts and sacrifices.

Fortunately, Sean seemed to notice Raijah's uncertainty as he stopped in his tracks and placed a hand on Raijah's shoulder.

"Raijah, you are like a son to me. As long as I've known you, you've always longed to find out where you come from. And I want nothing more than for you to get everything you deserve in this life. I know we'll be separated for a while, but know that my door is always open to you. I'll be waiting to hear about your incredible journey."

Tears welled up in Raijah's eyes as he hugged Sean tightly. "Thank you for everything, Sean. I'll never forget all you've done for me. You've been my family when I had none. I'll come to visit frequently, and if I can't, I'll at least write to you."

With a smile, Sean said, "It's getting late. You should start heading out."

He placed his finger on Raijah's scar. "If you unlock this power, promise you'll show me some of that lightning you were talking about."

"Yeah. . ." Raijah said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

". . .I promise."