
Together, Teo and Raijah dashed at the guards.

Raijah sprinted ahead of Teo. He kept Val and Cora on his shoulders with his left hand, and he pointed his right hand at the guards, "work with me, prana," Raijah whispered as red lightning shot out of his hand and pierced through many guards.

"I'll call that Lightning Prana: Lightning Bolt," Raijah said proudly.

Raijah smirked as he looked at Teo, who ran past him. Dark prana began to swirl around Teo's sword as he brought it to his face.

"Dark Prana: Blackout!"

Dark Prana surrounded the street as Raijah heard the clattering of armor.

As the dark prana cleared, Raijah saw Teo, who had dark prana swirling around him and his sword.

Teo was standing in the middle of the street with guards lying all around him.

"Showoff," Raijah said in an annoyed tone.

More guards ran towards Raijah and Teo.

"That name didn't have enough flair," Raijah said as he jumped into the air. Once again, he supported the girls with his left arm and pointed his right arm at the guards.

"Divine Lightning: Lightning Bolt!"

Many red bolts shot out of Raijah's hand and pierced the guards. The lightning slammed into the ground and created a deep hole in the street.

As Raijah landed, he grinned at Teo as he said, "divine lightning. I like that name much more."

Teo frowned and pointed his sword at another crowd of guards.

"Dark Prana: Dark Beam!"

A beam of dark prana fired at the guards, creating a hole bigger than Raijah's attack.

As Raijah dashed towards the guards to outdo Teo, a flash followed, and a boy in a white suit and tuxedo pants appeared.

He swung his bandaged sword at Raijah, hitting Raijah in the chest and sending him flying.

As the sword hit Raijah, he began to feel slightly tired. Raijah tightened his grip on Val and Cora to keep them from falling.

Raijah began to fly, stopping his momentum, "divine prana is amazing," Raijah said as he looked down at the boy who appeared on the battlefield, "this flying thing feels natural."

Teo began to fly, and he soared towards Raijah.

"Devils can fly too?" Raijah asked Teo.

"Of course," Teo responded, "gods aren't that cool."

The boy on the ground proudly posed as he said, "Koji, the speedster is here! You guards can sit this one out," Koji said to the remaining guards, causing them to stand and watch.

"Who is this guy?" Teo asked Raijah.

"No clue," Raijah answered, "that sword he's holding has some weird effect. Watch out for it."

"These guys can fly without ririsu?" Koji asked himself

"That doesn't matter," Koji said as he began to stretch his legs, "they aren't a match for my speed."

Koji appeared in front of Raijah and Teo and slammed into them with his sword.

"Did he teleport?" Teo asked as he and Raijah landed on the ground.

Koji laughed, "I don't teleport," he boasted, "I'm just that fast."

As he said this, he appeared in front of Teo and Raijah, "you guys are slow," Koji said, "this is going to be fun."

"Dark Prana: Blackout!"

Dark prana once again surrounded the battlefield.

"I'll have to use the true nature of this ability," Teo said as his body combined with the dark prana.

"Where did Teo go?" Raijah asked as he felt Teo's prana disappear.

Teo appeared behind Koji and swung his sword as he said, "I can merge with this field of my dark prana and move freely within it. You can't sense my prana, and I can appear anywhere in here. Your speed is irrelevant."

"Speed Prana: x2!"

Koji suddenly became much faster than before as he said, "you thought that was the limit of my speed?"

Teo's sword missed, and he dissolved back into his prana as he said, "what kind of prana was that?"

Koji laughed as he dashed at Raijah while holding his sword, "with my prana, I can multiply my speed! You can't beat someone that you can't keep up with!"

Just before Koji hit Raijah, Teo appeared in front of Raijah and blocked his attack.

As Teo's sword came in contact with Koji's sword, Teo began to feel weaker.

"Keep your guard up, Raijah," Teo said, "this guy can multiply his speed, and you were right about his sword. It has some weird ability."

Teo released his blackout to preserve energy as he pushed Koji back with his sword.

Teo stood next to Raijah as he said, "I don't know if we can beat him. We have to get out of here."

Raijah nodded his head as he and Teo dashed away. As they neared the guards, Teo pointed his sword at them, "Time to get serious," Teo said.

"Dark Prana: Dark Beam!"

Dark prana swirled around Teo's sword as a dark beam fired at the guards.

Before the guards could react, the beam crashed into them, sending them flying out of the way and clearing the path for Raijah and Teo.

As Teo and Raijah dashed, they felt something pass them.

Koji appeared in the middle of the street, "you intend to run away from someone faster than you?" Koji sneered.

"Up!" Raijah said as he began to fly upwards.

Teo flew upwards and followed Raijah.

Koji appeared above them, "too slow," he said as he swung his sword, causing Raijah and Teo to feel even more tired as they slammed into the ground.

"Damn," Raijah said as he continued to hold onto Val and Cora.

"What's up with that sword?" Teo said as he stood up.

Koji landed next to them, "just let me have Cora," he said.

Raijah gently placed Cora and Val on the ground, "I don't care who you are," Raijah said, "you aren't taking her anywhere."

Koji began to laugh as he asked, "why are you protecting her?"

Teo spoke before Raijah, "I'll ask the questions," Teo said as he began to release his prana, "who the hell are you?"

As Koji felt Teo's prana, he said, "this is some odd prana."

Teo stared at Koji menacingly, "answer the question," Teo said as his prana swirled around him.

"I'm so scared," Koji said as he mocked Teo.

"If you must know," Koji continued, "I'm Cora's brother. The stronger, faster, and cooler brother."

"That's more of a reason not to let you have her," Raijah said to Koji, "Cora has a goal, and she's with us because her family couldn't help her reach it."

As Raijah left Val and Cora on the ground, he and Teo dashed towards Koji.

As Koji continued to hold his sword, he began to feel weaker.

"Speed Prana: x3!"

Koji maneuvered around Raijah and Teo, "he was right. This sword is no joke," Koji whispered to himself, "I have to hurry before I get too tired."

Koji dashed towards Cora and Val as he attempted to pick up Cora.

A flash followed that distracted Koji.

Koji got his sword ready as he began to feel another prana.

"Why is he here?" Koji said to himself.

As Koji said this, a scythe appeared that slammed into his sword.

The prana that Koji felt was the aura of the one-eyed reaper, Aziel.

Aziel looked back at Raijah, who, along with Teo, was now in front of Cora and Val's bodies.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Raijah," Aziel said, "I had to make her finish."

"What do you mean?" Raijah asked Aziel.

"It's not important," Aziel said as he turned his attention back to Koji.

Koji glared at Aziel as he said, "why are you protecting them?"

Aziel ignored Koji's question and said, "you've met your match Koji. Leave now and spare me the task of having to fight you."

As Koji and Aziel stood with their blades against each other, Koji said, "what makes you think you can beat me? Your strength doesn't matter if you can't keep up with me."

Aziel began to laugh, "you must have forgotten," Aziel said, "let me remind you," Aziel flipped back with his scythe as his white prana erupted.

"I awakened your prana," Aziel said with a grin, "I know that fatal weakness of yours."

"You're just like Sergio," Koji spat bitterly, "I hate how calm and confident you two are against me."

"Before this sword saps all my energy," Koji said, "I'll beat that calmness out of you."