A Series of Battles

As Aziel headed in the direction of Raijah's prana, he began to feel a new aura coming his way.

"These guys just keep coming," Aziel complained.

Aziel could feel the aura getting closer.

"What are you planning," Aziel said as he looked around, awaiting the incoming attack.

Aziel felt a swift breeze of wind as his black hakama began to tear in different places.

"What the hell is going on?" Aziel whispered.

He looked up, expecting the enemy to attempt an aerial attack.

Aziel felt a powerful gust of wind, which caused him to lose his balance.

As Aziel was pushed back by the winds, he could sense the aura was right on him.

"Is that aura I'm sensing coming from the wind?" Aziel asked himself.

The wind stopped and Gio appeared in front of Aziel.

"Wind Prana: Piercing Wind Palm!"

Gio struck Aziel in the chest, and a gust of wind followed that shattered the buildings behind them.

The attack sent Aziel flying backward, causing him to crash through multiple buildings before coming to a stop.

Aziel landed in another street, and as he looked down the path of destroyed buildings where he had crashed through, he watched the man in the yellow suit vanish.

As the man disappeared, a strong gust of wind followed.

"How is he doing that?" Aziel whispered, "is he able to turn himself into wind?"

The winds began to speed up again, and this time Aziel knew what to expect.

Gio appeared behind Aziel and attempted to strike Aziel with the same attack.

Before Gio could attack, Aziel blocked his palm with the tip of his blade.

"I'm not sure who you are," Aziel said as he stared at Gio, "but I have somewhere to be."

"I can't let you leave," Gio replied as he extended his arms in different directions, forming a T-shape.

"Wind Prana: Piercing Winds!"

Winds shot out of Gio's hands, pushing away the buildings that surrounded the two fighters.

"Now we have enough space to fight," Gio said.

What a careless fighter," Aziel said, feeling annoyed, "people live in the buildings that you are destroying."

Gio shrugged as Aziel began to spin his scythe.

Aziel felt a sudden increase in air pressure.

The ground below them exploded as a tornado surrounded them.

Gio lifted his hand, and a gust of wind carrying a brown potion soared at his hand.

The potion was in a graduated cylinder, and as it landed in Gio's hand, he smiled and threw it at the ground.

It shattered, and the brown mixture dissolved into the air.

He formed a sly smile as he said, "that was a potion of my creation. It stops all teleportation techniques. There's no escape."

Aziel looked at the tornado, which was moving incredibly fast.

"Be my guest," Gio said.

Aziel picked up a nearby rock and threw it at the tornado.

As the rock neared the tornado, it disintegrated on impact.

"There's no way to avoid this fight," Gio boasted, "these winds destroy anything that they touch.

"Now," Gio said as he adjusted his glasses, "you can't teleport or escape. Your only hope would be to beat me."

"But, how would you defeat someone that you can't see," Gio said as he vanished.

A gust of wind followed that charged at Aziel.

David avoided Sergio's attack by teleporting behind him.

"No need to be so hasty," David said, "you don't even know who I am."

"First, you tell me Koji is safe with you, then you teleport me into a star to test my strength," Sergio recalled as he turned around, "I may not know you but, you haven't given a good first impression."

"Well," David said, "I'd like for you to join forces with me."

"Why would I do that," Sergio replied, "I'm not here to negotiate. Tell me where Koji is so I can be on my way."

"This is a random planet somewhere in the multiverse," David laughed, "even if I did tell you where he is, you wouldn't know how to get there or home."

David felt his legs freeze. As he looked down, he saw Sergio's ice slowly climbing up his body.

"You haven't answered my question. I'd hate to leave your body here, frozen," Sergio said coldly.

"I'd hate to have to kill your bro-" David began.

Before David could finish, Sergio flicked his wrist, causing the blue ice on David's leg to spread and freeze his entire body.

A moment of silence followed as Sergio stared at David, who stood frozen in a thick layer of ice.

"What a waste of time," Sergio said as his cold breath caused the ice to thicken.

He noticed David begin to smile before teleporting away.

Koji appeared inside the ice. His injuries stained the ice with blood, and Sergio noticed that Koji had several wounds around his body.

Before Sergio could remove his ice, David appeared behind him with the blade of his scythe surrounding Sergio's neck.

"In a fair fight, as I am now, I'd probably lose to you," David whispered to Sergio, "however, in my journey to achieve my goal, I've learned that one can't always fight fairly."

"Coward," Sergio said bitterly, "I know what you're planning."

David formed a smile as he pulled his blade closer to Sergio's neck.

"You know how this goes," David said, "you have a choice to make. Join my team or lose your brother."

Sergio looked at Koji, who was in the block of ice.

As David noticed where Sergio's attention was, he teleported Koji and the ice block away.

"There's no way you can save him," David continued, "I can teleport him wherever and whenever I want. And, if you defeat me, you won't have the slightest idea where he is."

"I'd like for you to make your decision now," David said.

Back in the forest, Kan and Rome dashed towards Raijah and Teo.

"Give up the princess," Kan, who wore the blue suit, said.

Raijah shot bolts of red lightning at Rome.

Rome maneuvered around the attacks, and the lightning slammed into the ground, destroying nearby trees and land.

Rome dashed into the air and jabbed Raijah in the chest.

As Raijah crashed into the ground, Kan rushed towards Teo as his arms became coated with steel.

Teo blocked Kan's attack with his sword and countered by attempting to slice him.

Kan created a sword by extending and sharpening the metal on his left arm.

Using their swords, the two clashed, both trying to find an opening so they could finish their opponent.

"I can still feel the effects of that guy draining our energy," Teo whispered, "I can't keep this up."

Kan noticed Teo was slowing down. He found an opening and kicked Teo with a leg coated with steel.

Teo slammed into the ground, joining Raijah in the crater.

Kan and Rome walked towards the edge of the crater where Raijah and Teo lay.

"We underestimated these guys," Raijah said, "they're way stronger than those guards from earlier."

As Teo and Raijah attempted to stand, Kan and Rome appeared in front of them.

Rome picked up Raijah and Teo by their shirts.

"Where's the princess?" Rome asked, "I'd like to get this over with so Sergio can stop bothering us."