An Unbreakable Will

One of the royal guards scurried into the throne room.

"The castle is under attack," the guard informed the king, "Kan's body was found outside and, many other defeated guards are laying outside."

"Where is Cora?" the king asked.

"She is outside," the guard answered, "it seems as though she is willingly cooperating with the intruders."

"No. No. No," the king said worriedly, "the elite guards aren't enough. I'll have to press the button."

"My king," the guard bowed, "I do not think that's necessary."

"I don't care what you think!" the king shouted, "what will the Fang Family think if I allow them to escape?"

"It's all that boy's fault," the king scowled, "the one with the dreads. He's the one that defeated Kan, I'm sure of it. That boy is a demon."

"Are you sure this is necessary?" the queen asked, "we have other problems too. We have no idea where Sergio and Koji are."

"Sergio probably just went out looking for Koji," the king said as he slammed his arm on the armrest on his right.

The armrest lifted and stood vertically beside the king's throne. It revealed a compartment with a small red button and a built-in speaker beside it.

The king eagerly pushed the button and, a voice erupted out of the speakers.

"Government headquarters," the voice said, "which royal am I speaking to?"

"King Kaijo," the king answered, "there's been a disturbance at Kaijo Castle."

"What's the problem?" the voice replied.

"My castle is under attack. The mastermind behind this is a demon. He is a brown-skinned boy with dreads. I will have him pointed out when I get assistance at my castle."

"Understood," the voice said, "do not worry King Kaijo. There will be help at your castle in no time."

The armrest folded down and concealed the hidden compartment.

"It doesn't matter if that boy could take down Kan," the king said with a grin, "when a royal needs help, the Avalon Government sends in one of the many army captains. When one of them gets here, that boy is finished."

Outside of the castle, the three samurai glared down at Gio.

A user sat inside the chest plate of each samurai. Val sat in the chest plate of the purple samurai, Cora sat in the pink one, and Teo sat in the black one.

The three samurai swung their blades down at Gio.

Gio immediately dissolved into wind in order to avoid the attacks.

"Did he just disappear?" Cora asked.

"No," Val answered, "Gio has wind prana and, he's able to turn himself into wind. That's pretty much all I know about his abilities."

"Since we can't see the wind, we'll have to rely on our sensing abilities to avoid his attacks and keep track of him while he's in that wind form," Val explained.

They sensed Gio coming towards them and prepared to attack.

Gio reappeared in front of Val.

"I'll take you out first," Gio whispered as prana swirled around his fist.

"Wind Prana: Tornado Fang!"

A spinning tornado appeared on Gio's arm and, he attempted to strike Val's samurai.

"I can sense the prana on his arm," Val said.

Anticipating the attack, Val reacted quickly and swung her purple sword at Gio.

The sword slammed into Gio's tornado arm and, Gio flipped back and landed on the ground.

He once again dashed at Val but, Cora's samurai got between them.

Gio moved out of the way and landed on the ground with an irritated look on his face.

"Why didn't he attack me?" Cora whispered.

This time, Gio dashed towards Teo's black samurai and attempted to attack. His attack was halted by a pink samurai sword which soared at him.

Gio dodged the attack and, the sword sliced through the ground.

While in the air Gio aimed his open hand at Val's samurai.

"Wind Prana: Piercing Winds!"

Fast, powerful winds shot at Val's samurai and caused it to tip over.

The purple samurai crashed into the ground and, before Val could get it up, Gio dashed towards to finish her off.

"That'll be one down," Gio said as he grinned.

He channeled prana at his fist and attempted to crack open Val's samurai with a punch.

Cora's pink samurai disappeared and, she landed on the ground.

"I'll have to be quick," Cora said as she dashed towards Val to protect her.

Just before Gio could hit Val, Cora appeared in his way.

Gio stopped in his tracks and, his fist stopped right in front of Cora's face.

"I get it," Cora said smugly, "you can't hurt me."

"Damn," Gio whispered, "if I hurt her, Sergio will surely be pissed off. What am I supposed to do?"

Gio heard a menacing voice from behind him, "you let your guard down."

He turned around and, the dark samurai loomed above him, preparing an attack.

"The effects of that speedy guy's sword are fading," Teo said, "now I can use my true power."

"Dark Prana: Dark Slash!"

The black blade, with dark prana swirling around it, quickly came down upon Gio.

Rome's deep dark eyes stared at Raijah.

Raijah quickly went on the offensive and attempted a low kick with his left leg.

Rome caught Raijah's leg with his hand as he said, "what an obvious attack."

"And you still fell for it," Raijah said with a smirk.

"Doragonken: Fang Kick!"

Using his free leg, Raijah jumped into the air and attacked.

He slammed his right leg into Rome's chest and, the attack sent Rome crashing through the castle walls.

"Was that Doragonken?" Rome wondered out loud.

As the king heard the crashing of walls, he yelled, "get more guards to protect me and the queen! An army captain will be here soon!"

The one guard in the throne room scrambled to get more people.

Rome landed outside of the castle and looked to his left.

He saw Kan's bleeding unconscious body lying in a crater in the ground.

"Did you beat him?" Rome asked as Raijah joined him outside of the castle.

"I did," Raijah said, "and since you won't give my friends back peacefully, I'll have to beat you next."

Rome took one more glimpse at Kan and whispered, "rest up. Gio and I will deal with this."

Rome looked up and saw colored samurai where he sensed Gio's prana. "It seems Gio has already started fighting your friends."

"Do not misunderstand," Rome said to Raijah, "Kan is a great friend and an even better fighter. Defeating him is a huge achievement and, it means you're getting stronger."

"But, none of that matters when you're going up against my prana," Rome said as he blinked.

As Rome blinked, Raijah felt a sudden explosion in his chest. He looked down and saw a hole in his chest and noticed the injury stained the ground with his blood.

"What just happened," Raijah said, "you didn't even attack."

"I did," Rome replied as he blinked again.

Raijah felt another explosion, this time in his legs.

His knees buckled and, he dropped to the ground.

Rome watched as the hole in Raijah's body began to heal.

"He's healing even faster than an elite would," Rome concluded, "does this boy truly possess divine prana?"

Raijah forced himself to stand up and, he looked at Rome.

Rome stared at the wounds he gave Raijah, "Although he's healing, those injuries are severe and, they should still be hurting. So why does he continue to fight?"

"You never answered my question in the forest," Rome said to Raijah, "why do you try so hard to defy destiny."

Raijah gasped, trying to catch his breath. "That's the fourth and final requirement of learning Doragonken," he responded, "having an unbreakable will."

"If I didn't have that, I wouldn't have gotten through the difficult training and, I would've simply given up."

Raijah grinned and said, "that is why I'll never stop fighting destiny."

"That unbreakable will that I possess makes me someone who will never give up."