A Sudden Attack

Aziel and the students regained consciousness.

Teo dropped to the ground, holding his head in a way that suggested that he was in pain.

The others dropped down to assist him, each asking the same question.

"What's going on?"

Teo could feel his heart thumping against his ribs. He felt a sharp pain in his head and, a ringing sensation blocked his ears.

Teo let out a groan of pain when he suddenly began to see visions in his head.

Although the scene was blurry, he could vaguely make out the setting.

He saw a silhouette of two figures in the distance.

One of the figures was taller than the other and, it had its hand placed on the shorter one's head. It looked as if it was ruffling the other one's hair.

The vision progressively became clearer. Just before Teo could discern the figures, the scenery changed.

He now saw a black blade, similar to his sword, Teiden. The only difference between the two blades was that this one was much longer.

The vision changed again and, Teo felt his pain increasing.

He now saw a tattoo sharing various similarities to his.

It was a faded tattoo with eight arrows pointing outward in a radial pattern and a circle that bisected those arrows.

The only difference between the two tattoos was the skull in the center of this one.

Teo finally regained consciousness but, his entire body was throbbing in pain.

"There's something familiar about that Kaizen guy," Teo said, still holding his head, "I just can't remember what it is."

Raijah replied, "you're probably connected somehow, being as you're both devils."

"Yeah," Teo said.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Aziel asked.

"I will be," Teo answered, "when are we leaving for the Shi Mountains?"

"We planned on leaving after I told you guys about David," Aziel said.

"But," Hashira added, "if you need more time to rest, that isn't a problem."

"I'm fine," Teo said, "I'll be waiting outside."

Teo walked out the door, leaving the others.

"I'm going to say goodbye to Sean," Raijah said, "I'll meet you guys outside."

"I'll go with you," Cora said as she followed behind Raijah.

Aziel walked outside, following after Teo, and leaving Val and Hashira alone in the living room.

"That reminds me," Hashira said as he stood up.

"Val, are you sure that you're ready to return to the Shi Mountains? When I brought up that I'd be going back, you were the first to suggest coming along."

Still kneeling on the ground, Val replied, "honestly, that was just an act."

"So you aren't ready to return?" Hashira responded.

"Oh, I am," Val said as she got on her feet.

Confused, Hashira said, "but you just said-"

"However," Val unsheathed her katana, "that was before I had this."

"Don't rely too much on Shōkyo," Hashira advised, "not only does it use up a lot of your energy but, it doesn't follow the Shi Family's values."

"Yeah, I know," Val said as she walked toward the door.

"One more thing," Hashira said, causing Val to turn around.

"Just how much do the others know about your past?" he asked.

"They know enough," Val responded, "they'll learn the rest eventually."

Before stepping out the door, Val added, "by the way, Grandpa. I want you to know that if there ever comes a time when I have to choose between saving the others and using Shōkyo on a person."

"I won't hesitate to erase that person from existence."

Val walked out the door, and Hashira followed behind her.

A couple of minutes later, Raijah and Cora walked outside, joining the others.

They all formed a circle and, Hashira asked, "Is everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded their head except Aziel.

"Hey, Raijah," Aziel called out.

Raijah looked at Aziel.

"I noticed that you didn't say anything about David and everything else that I showed you."

"I know it's a lot to take in. If you feel angry and don't know who to blame, it's me."

Aziel rambled on, "I- I could've stopped David. I fought him after that meeting of elites two years ago. I had the upper hand and, I could've killed him right there."

"But- But I couldn't bring myself to kill him. It's my fault-"

"I'm not mad," Raijah said, "and I don't blame you."

Aziel looked up, shocked by Raijah's answer.

"This David guy," Raijah said with a determined expression, "he has business with me, right?"

Aziel, still shocked, nodded his head.

"Then let him come," Raijah replied, "I'll kick his ass anytime."

A smile formed on everyone's face, each of them feeling respect for Raijah.

"Well then," Aziel said, "with that off my chest, I'm ready to go."

The circle dispersed and, Raijah walked ahead.

"Still optimistic," Teo grinned, "you haven't changed a bit, Raijah."

"All right!" Raijah announced, pointing his finger into the distance, "let's head to the Shi Mountains!"

With that, Raijah and the others took off, heading toward Val's homeland.

In the neighboring country of Saul, tens of thousands of people crowded around the palace as they awaited their King's speech.

The King stood on the balcony of his diamond-studded palace.

He was a tall, fair-skinned man.

He wore a white royal mantle and a diamond crown that covered his short brown hair.

To his left and right were two guards dressed in a white uniform.

The King stared down at the rowdy crowd, several floors below him.

He cleared his throat and said, "Hello, everyone."

His demanding tone silenced the crowd.

With the crowd now silent, the King continued.

"I've gathered you here to discuss the recent actions of the Heavenly Demon."

"Earlier today, he used a lieutenant from the Avalon Army to make a statement to every country in the world."

"And I encourage you all not to worry."

"Don't worry?" someone blurted out, "he created a crater with an attack that was felt everywhere on the planet!"

"Yeah!" another added, "he's bad news! Something must be done now!"

"Silence!" the King yelled.

The crowd grew silent immediately and, the King continued his speech.

"If the Heavenly Demon decides to come to Saul, I will kill him myself."

"That is all."

He turned around to leave and, the crowd erupted in chatter.

As the King walked into the palace, the noisy crowd suddenly began to grow silent.

Confused, the King turned around.

He noticed a yellow gleam and watched as people in the crowd collapsed in chunks.

"What's going on?" the King said.

Everyone in the crowd had now collapsed.

The King looked to his left and, his guard dropped to the floor.

He then looked to his right and, that guard also dropped to the floor.

King Saul felt the sudden appearance of another aura.

He looked up and noticed someone sitting on the edge of his palace's roof.

There sat a man with curly brown hair and a lemon-colored tuxedo. He had on brown tuxedo shoes and, his right hand held a yellow sword that complemented his tuxedo.

His left leg hung down the roof while his right arm rested on his other leg, which hugged his chest.

"You might be stronger than I thought," the man said, "being as you're the only one that was able to resist my sword's enchantment."

Ignoring the man's comment, the King replied, "there may not be any snow but, it's an awfully cold day to be attacking."

In a different country, another king was preparing to begin his speech.

He was also planning to address the Heavenly Demon's statement.

The King had light skin and, he wore a purple royal mantle and a purple crown with jewels.

From the balcony of his palace, he stared down at a frozen crowd.

From his people, to his palace, to his streets, his entire country was frozen.

"What is this?" the King whispered.

He looked up into the air and noticed a person floating above his country.

The man had curly, white hair and no shirt on, revealing his lean muscles.

He wore white tuxedo pants with black tuxedo shoes.

With a smile, the man stretched his arms outward and took a deep breath.

In a relieved tone, he said, "what a perfect day for an attack."