
"Ririsu Prana: Immuration!"

Immediately after chanting those words, a purple hanko seal manifested beneath the blast, spreading across Teiden's flat edge and reaching a size equal to the explosion.

This hanko seal was the mark of Val's complementary-type Ririsu: Immuration.

Prior to unlocking this ability, Val's Signature Prana already had a multitude of purposes, such as allowing her to seal her target within another object, seal certain aspects of her target, such as their wounds, or even outright nullify her opponent's attacks by sealing away the Prana within said techniques.

Immuration complements this ability by granting Val access to three distinct dimensions, which she can seal her target within. These dimensions function as follows:

Nullspace, the first dimension, is used to seal tangible attacks. Within this space, Prana is slowly reduced until it becomes nothing, effectively rendering attacks null and void. The Nullspace has a limited capacity, and if too much energy is stored within, it can become unstable and release all stored attacks at once. To prevent overloading the dimension, Val can unseal the attacks, allowing her to turn her opponents' techniques against them.

Cache, the second dimension, functions as a cache memory would. It allows Val to store objects within it and release and utilize them when she sees fit. There are limitations to what can be stored in Cache, as it can only hold things up to a specific size and weight. Additionally, only non-living objects can be stored in this dimension.

Limbo is the third and final pocket dimension. It allows Val to trap one person at a time within it, forcing them to relive the events of their life over and over for eternity. When used, Val must make direct contact with her target and place a hanko seal on them. However, despite its pros, Limbo requires significant concentration to maintain. Hypothetically, one could be trapped in Limbo forever. But, in the case that Val exhausts all her Prana, the dimension could collapse, releasing the victim.

Val concentrated her thoughts. Channeling her Ririsu, she called upon the Nullspace dimension. As she did so, the hanko seal brightened to a brilliant violet color, and the beam slowed to a crawl.

The air around Val seemed to shimmer and bend from the output of her Prana. With one final blinding flash of light, the beam vanished, leaving tiny sparks of energy hanging in the air.

Not even a second after, Teiden shrunk, sending Warui, Val, and Raijah tumbling back to the ground.


Val landed at the base of a mountain, just beyond the plateau the villages once sat on. Perhaps it was bad luck, but Warui came plummeting, landing directly ahead of her.

It was Val's first closeup look at Warui. He was completely unscathed, despite bearing the brunt of Raijah's last attack. Val wasn't sure whether she was standing before a man or a monster, but she wasn't in a position where she could simply back down.

Val caught a glimpse of the plateau in her peripheral. Most people in the area were pinned to the ground, and even those still standing were far too unfit for battle.

Raijah was unconscious, and Cora was kneeling anxiously by his side. Teo was barely managing to stand on his own two feet, but Aziel was slowly trudging toward Val and Warui, his arms limping uselessly at his side. His long hair swung back and forth with each vain step he took. He looked as if a gentle breeze would be enough to knock him off his feet.

The sight was unlike anything Val had ever witnessed. Never once had her eyes seen Aziel look so beaten. After seeing the state of her long-time master, Val made up her mind: she would face Warui alone.

Val returned Warui's gaze. "It's me you want, right?"

Warui's face morphed with disgust. "Oh, how the great Shi family has fallen," he said bitterly. "The fact that you are a Saint is a letdown on its own. All that means is that your Doragonken is sub-par, so you must use Prana to atone for it."

Warui directed his eyes at Raijah, who lay unconscious with the most severe injuries on the premises. If Val hadn't known better, she'd have assumed Raijah was dead.

"What that boy just showed is what I'd expect from you, Saku. You are not worthy of the Shi name. None of you are!"

Val replied, "If that's the case, I challenge you to a traditional spar, like you and Saku used to do. I will put my family name on the line. . .I'll put everything on the line, including the artifacts."

Pondering over Val's offer, Warui grew quiet.

"Val!" Aziel shouted as he continued to plod towards them. "Don't be rash. You know what this man is capable of. Challenging him to a spar is a death wish!"

Taken aback, Val replied, "You say that because you don't believe I can win."

Aziel's voice was frantic. "You must understand," he pleaded. "You've grown into a fine Elite, Val. However, no matter how strong you become, I refuse to allow you to wager your life!"

Everyone in the vicinity could sense the distress within Aziel's voice. "Hashira was the last of my loved ones. My parents. . .dead. My brother. . .turned against me. Don't you get it?"

Aziel looked toward the plateau, motioning at Raijah, Teo, and Cora. "You students are all I have left. My heart cannot bear the weight of another loss. Please, Val, out of all people, you should understand. Right now, I do not have the strength to protect you. But I cannot just stand here and watch you die!"

Val's gaze intensified. "Thank you, Aziel," she began. "It is for that very reason that I look up to you. I want to become a powerful Saint like you and a respected leader like my father. But, you said it yourself, Master. Right now, you do not have the strength to protect me. So for once. . .allow me to do the protecting."

Warui threw his head back and burst into boisterous laughter. "Saku, your mental fortitude is worth some praise. Very well. I will take you up on your offer. However, I do not wish to spar with you."

Warui's expression darkened from amusement to anger. "A traditional Doragonken spar is held between two natural fighters. Now that my Prana awakened, which I assume is Tensai's doing, we cannot spar traditionally. This battle will not be a spar but a death match. The winner shall walk away with their life and the holy artifacts."

Val nodded her head, accepting Warui's terms.

She turned to face Aziel, who had stopped his advance. Aziel was well aware. There was no way he could change Val's mind. Instead, he looked up, where slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. He was at a total loss for words.

Val's dark eyes sparkled. Her smile was soft and reassuring, full of kindness and empathy. "Aziel," Val said. "I was your first student. Please. . .no matter how trivial it may seem. . .you must put your trust in me."

Aziel grimaced as his entire body grew tense. He glanced around uneasily, but it did nothing but confirm his thoughts: Val was the only one capable of fighting.

Aziel's scythe, Kanashimi, appeared. It hovered vertically by Aziel's side. Previously, his voice was hesitant, but Val's words comforted him. "I will get you as far from here as possible. I'm entrusting everything to you, Val. I know you will not fail."

A transportation mirror appeared below Val and Warui. A momentary tingle ran through her body, and her vision went dark as she teleported away.


Deep in the confines of intragalactic space, Val and Warui appeared on one of the hundreds of moons in the orbit of a brown dwarf.

Initially, Val was surprised that Warui could survive in the vacuum of space. However, considering he was now a Saint, it wasn't too farfetched that he was capable of such a feat.

Val settled into her stance. She relaxed her hand on the katana's handle, preparing to unsheathe it the second Warui made his move.

Warui's face harbored a pinched expression. "Won't you equip the Yōkai earrings? I told you to make this fight worthwhile. What is the purpose of having those artifacts if you refuse to call upon their power?"

"I will defeat you with my own strength," Val responded.

Warui placed a finger on his chin. "It seems you didn't inherit Saku's critical thinking skills. Very well, I will force you to utilize all your assets, then take it all from you and leave you lifeless."

"Why is it that you want the artifacts anyway? You're plenty strong without them, especially now that you've become a Saint."

"I am well aware of that," Warui said, annoyed by Val's question. "However, even now, my power pales in comparison to Saku's. That is the problem. Saku was under the impression that she could deny me my destiny simply because she was stronger than me. I was the one destined to accompany her to the dragons' homeland. Who else could have done it? I was always by her side, living in her shadow as the second strongest. And when the time came for Saku to repay me, she faltered, said I wasn't worthy, and couldn't be trusted."

Warui proudly extended his arms outwards.

"I ordered the slaughter of the dragons not because I was angry but because I had to prove my worth. I took the initiative. That is how it should be. Saku knew I was her only option, yet she did not take action. The world should be run by victors—those who are decisive in their every move, not fence sitters like Saku, who have the power but are too afraid to use it!

"Once I combine those artifacts, I shall finally surpass Saku. Then I will decide my fate without bending to the will of someone stronger than me!"

Val unsheathed her katana. She channeled her Prana into the blade, prompting Ame-no-Ohabari's black dragon markings to morph into a vivid shade of violet.

"If you're the victor, then I suppose that makes me the failure. It's a fitting name, but this time I have no choice but to win. I made a vow to my teacher and my past self. I will not fail. . ."

Val extended her arm, pointing her sword forward at Warui.

". . .I swear to it."