Chapter 12

"I can't stay. I have a mission, and the Elder told me you had something for me." Izuku explains to her. She grabs a bracelet, and puts it in his hand. "Remember me." He nods and takes something out of his pocket. "A necklace for you, to remember me by." An announcement is put threw the loud speakers. "Izuku come to the catwalk ASAP, it is important." He looks back at her and puts the necklace on her. "I'll see you later." He walks to the catwalk outside. Elder Maxson is standing there, next to Captain Kells. "Paladin, you will be going undercover for a while. We don't know when you will be back, but you'll be tailing a synth. No armour and only a silenced 10mm pistol. We can't have this mission go bad." Kells hands a pistol to Izuku. "If the mission is a success, you will have a promotion waiting for you." Izuku nods. They also hand over a piece of clothe. "Use your quirk to find the person and take him down when he isn't expecting it. Good luck." Izuku nods and jumps off. As he's falling, he equips his power armour and lands safely. He unequips his power armour and teleports close to the synth. He crouches, and notices that he is being surrounded by people, and he aims. 'Wait, people will notice. I need to do it when there is a loud sound.' He follows him to an ally way and hears a multiple bangs. He takes the shot, and it lands. There is a bullet hole, but the synth turns around. "What?" The synth lunges forward, tackling Izuku. He throws it. off him. He starts doing the hand signs (ox, hare, monkey) and holds his arm down. Blue electricity starts coming out of his hand. He zaps past him yelling, "Chidori!" as the synth falls with a hole through it's chest. "Shit. Someone could've heard that. I need to get out of here." As someone is about look down the ally, Izuku teleports to a roof with the ally visible. The person screams, drawing everyone's attention. 'That was too close. I might have to into hiding.' He makes a clone. "Go tell Elder Maxson that the mission was a success, but I need to go into hiding for a little while. Dismissed!" The clone teleports to the Prydwen. "Elder. The mission was a success, but I need to go into hiding." The clone poofs, leaving a confused Maxson. 'I know Nejire had feelings for him. I should tell her.' He enter the vessel and finds Nejire. "Izuku is in hiding. We don't know how long, but he is okay." She nods, holding in tears. 'Why Izuku? Right when we need you.' Izuku is running on top of rooftops before jumping down and lands. He is currently in Diamond City, where he used to live. He sees Mina walking towards his position. He jumps out and covers her mouth with his hand. "Listen. I need to find someone. You have the location. He shows her a picture. It was a friend of hers, and she started crying. "I need to know where her mother is. Tell me!" She shakes her head. He lets go. "Don't tell anyone abou this." He looks and sees a security guard. He teleports away, back to the Prydwen.