Chapter 14

As he moves away, the fire dies and leaves nothing behind. 'Well, I thought there would be ash.' Izuku walks up to Nejire, who has tear marks on her face. "He said he would protect me. Yet, he hurt me and ran when there was danger." Izuku shakes his head. "Then he wasn't your boyfriend. They would put their lives on the line for their girlfriend. I would." She grabs his hand. "Take me somewhere surprising. I want to do the date now." He nods and teleports to a shipwreck. Raiders raise their guns at them, angry. "Uh oh. Hold on to me tight." He starts to do the hand signs (horse, serpent, ram, monkey, boar, horse, tiger) and yells "Fire style, Fireball Jutsu!" He shoots a massive fireball out of his mouth, burning all the raiders. Some jump in the water, and he does the hand signs (ox, monkey, hare, rat {yes, I am cutting it short}) and yells "Water style, Water Dragon Jutsu!" A massive water dragon comes out of the water and kills the rest. "Woah, thought that would be bad. Well, I guess we could watch the sunset." She looks at him. "How did you do that?" He chuckles. "Oh, it's another quirk I made. Those hand signs? Didn't need to do them." She looks at him. "Then why did you do them?" He laughs. "For nostalgia." He looks at her. He looks back at the sunset. "You know, I've been in some tough spots. But I never would have thought to be so strong, I could just punch it in the face and it would be gone. To be honest, I wish I could make a quirk that held me back." He stands up and yawns. "We should go to bed. It's getting late." She stands up and wraps her arms around his neck. "Why?" He asks, sweating a little. "This is why." Right as they teleport, she kisses him, and they end up on the Prydwen. Everyone looks at them. She breaks the kiss, looking him in the eyes. "You do know that everyone is looking at us right now, right?" He asks, chuckling. The crowd bursts out yelling, some crying and some just standing there. "Why did she kiss him?" One asks. "Who knows? Maybe he forced her!" She turns around. "I wanted to kiss him. After all, he is my boyfriend." Izuku just stands there. "I get no say in this, do I." She giggles. "Yep! We also need to do something for Elder Maxson." Izuku nods, looking somewhere.

*Somewhere else*

"Can he sees us?" "No Mother." 'Good. If he can't see us, that means he doesn't know what we're planning.'

*Back to the Prydwen*

'I can tell someone is watching me, I just don't know who. It feels like two people are.' He looks at Nejire. "What were you looking at?" He shakes his head. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." She looks at the place he was looking and sees nothing. She looks back at him. They walk into the vessel and go to the bridge. "Ah, Sentinel. I have a proposal." Izuku nods. "We battle to the death with fists only. If you win, you become Elder." Izuku looks at Nejire. "Yes. I won't use a quirk and you can use a switchblade." They walk into a warehouse with glass windows so people can see through it. Maxson draws the switchblade and Izuku gets in a fighting stance. Maxson charges forward and tries to stab Izuku but he blocks it. He punches Maxson in the face and staggers him. He sidekicks him in the chest, making him stumble. He charges forward and back roundhouse kicks him in the stomach, making him hold his stomach. Izuku grabs the blade and throws it aside, then uppercuts Maxson. He flys into a wall and slides down it. He coughs blood and looks up. "I will show you mercy since you came up with the idea." He helps Maxson up, and Maxson coughs. "Even though you didn't kill me, you shall still be named Elder." Izuku nods. Izuku teleports them back to the Prydwen and starts walking to the bridge. "You know, you could've killed me, yet you didn't. Why?" He looks at Izuku. "I might need some advice from the past Elder. After all, you are the most popular and the strongest Elder of them all."