Chapter 18

"Can I open my eyes now?" He asks. They say yes and he opens his eyes. They are both wearing a bra and underwear. "I thought you said yes?" While he is confused, he gets a thought in his mind that makes him shake his head. "We did. Now come over here and have some fun!" Izuku immediately teleports himself and them into a different room. "This room is soundproof, this way no one hears us."

They... achieve the goal. (a/n: Do you want me to go into more detail with sex scenes?) Izuku, Nejire, and Mina teleport back to Diamond City. They go eat some noodles and talk. "I have a question about the three of us. Are we all... dating?" Izuku asks. The girls look at each other and look back at him. "We have agreed to share you. But that means you have to love us both equally." Izuku nods and slurps up more noodles.

He looks at them and gives them both a kiss. They both blush and he chuckles. He slurps up the rest of the noodles and they finish their noodles. They stand up and head back to Izuku's house. Izuku makes a big bed for the three of them. They go back outside and they go shopping. They split up as Nejire goes with Izuku and Mina goes to get clothes from a different shop. He gets more grenades and a power armor frame for Nejire.

He creates 2 X-01 power armor sets for both Nejire and Mina using his creation quirk. After a couple of hours, they both meet up back at their house. He gives Nejire the power armor frame with a set of X-01 power armor. He gives the other set to Mina, that way they can protect themselves. They notice it's getting dark so they go to bed. "With that out of the way, I have to meet up with some of my friends in Goodneighber. They need me to do a favor for them, and it could get me a good item. Hopefully, I get it, because it could make our lives much easier." They look at him. "What would it be that could help us?" Nejire asks. Mina nods, "Yeah, what is it?" Izuku looks at them in the eye. "Something even I can't create."

They look at each other. "And that is?" They ask. "A tracker that will let me track anyone and anything in the world. It could find my clone mother." They nod. "I will be doing it on my own." He teleports away to Goodneighber. He lands in front of a ghoul who jumps back. "Jesus Christ! You scared the ever-loving shit out of me! Anyway, we have the place. You need to go to a place called Nuka-World. We had sent some people who had fire quirks and we haven't gotten a runner in a month. The device is there and find them. Some of them were my good friends, and I would hate to lose them." Izuku nods and gets the info. He teleports to the location and instantly crouches down, just in case. He sees multiple people with bags covering there faces getting executed. He jumps up to the executer and punches him, then stabs him with the Kusanagi Blade. He unhoods them and notices there the people that went missing. He gets shot in the back and turns around. He dashes at them and swings his sword. A purple slash appears and cuts the raiders in half.