Chapter 21

"What?" He looks at his hands. He turns his head. "You thought I was joking when I lost my memories. You slapped me without thinking of the possibilities. I used way too much power and almost died." She grits her teeth. 'Come on, I can't be angry now. Not now!' She tries holding herself back but fails. She slaps him as hard as she can. "I think love isn't worth it. You've shone me that." He looks in her eyes and she notices they're grey. "Goodbye. I don't think I'll be seeing here again."

He teleports after a glance at Nejire.

He lands on a wall after the battle with the clones. There is a 50km deep ravine in the floor. He sees a clone with a hole in its chest, with random sparks of electricity. It looks up. "You've killed the others easily. I was supposed to be the last one; the strongest one. Yet I got skewered on the inside of this ravine. Just kill me." Izuku jumps down while drawing the Kusanagi blade stabbing her in the head. "Oh well." He looks down the ravine and sees lava. He sees the device on the floor with an arrow pointing a different direction. "They're all not dead it seems. I know what to do." He rips off a part of the clones shoulder and finds the others exact location. He teleports and sees the clone holding a girl with blonde hair. "Ah shit. Here we go again." He walks up and taps the clone on the shoulder. It turns and he stabs it with his Kusanagi blade between the eyes. "Stay safe."He says to the girl and teleports to the next location. He sees the clone walking into a town and a man following her. The man runs up to the clone and punches it but gets pushed back by Izuku. Izuku gets punched in the face but barely moves. "Of course you go and punch me." He spins and swipes the clones feet, making it fall backward. He axe kicks its head, crushing it. "Think before you attack something, dumbass." He turns around and teleports. He lands to the right of the next. clone and backhands it. The device turns off and returns to a ball.

'That's all of them.' He teleports back to the Prydwen and sits on his bed. He takes his sword and sets it next to his bed. He lays down. 'I will wake up in 4 hours. That should be enough time.' He closes his eyes.

Two hours later there is a knock on the door. He wakes up and grabs his sword. He opens the door a crack and sees Nejire. "Hey, have you seen anyone with green hair walk around here?" He opens the door fully. "I am him." She looks at him and hugs him. "Thank god! I was afraid you lost your memory forever!" She lets go. "Still, there is a raid going on at Diamond City. We need to get there fast." He grabs her hand and kisses her on the lips. "Let's go." He teleports outside Diamond City and gets shot immediately. "Oh fucking hell." He draws the blade.