Chapter 35

As they walk back to their home, Ezra holds his hand and looks into Izuku's eyes. They're red as if a fire was burning. "I will burn down the Institute, and kill everyone in it. None shall survive." As they get home, Izuku looks at Ezra. "I need to go to Diamond City. I was hoping you could replace me until I get back. It could take a while." Ezra tears up and hugs him tight. "I love you too much to leave you, but this will be the best for you. Just...don't let the thought of revenge take over you. I don't want to see you filled with hatred." Ezra cries as Izuku starts to cry as well. "I understand. I love you so much." Izuku kisses her one last time before teleporting. He teleports himself in front of Diamond City. He wipes his tears as he enters the Jewel of the Commonwealth. As Ezra sits down on the chair in the Hokage's office, Roger walks in. "Where is-?" Ezra interrupts him by showing her palm to Roger. "Diamond City. He wants more revenge on the Institute." Roger keeps his head up. "The Institute was destroyed before Lord Hokage woke up." Ezra stands up. "Does he know at all?" Roger shakes his head. "Not at all." She frowns. "Then go find him. This could be a trap to lead him somewhere and kill him." Roger drops his head as his eyes widen. "Or hypnotize him." She slams her hand on the desk, shattering it. "Just go!" He opens the window, jumps out, and lands safely before running out of the village. 'I am his damn girlfriend. Don't scare me with that bullshit.' She looks out the window and gasps.

A massive nine-tailed fox is rampaging near Diamond City. "What the hell?" As Izuku walks up to the gate, a voice whispers to him: Go back...Ezra needs you...Another voice, this time much louder says "You, child, shall go back to the living!" Izuku wakes up to someone standing above him, looking down at him. "He lives! Get him some-" Izuku stands up and punches her in the stomach, making her vomit blood. He grabs her collar and throws her at the others. He activates his armor. Izuku looks up and sees Kurama. "You killed me!" He yells and seals Kurama into himself and raises his palms towards the people. "Tailed Beast Bomb!" Chakra starts collecting into an orb and races towards the people. When it collides, it explodes, killing all of them. 'Was that really necessary? They were the Institutes survivors when it was destroyed.' Izuku makes ten thousand Shadow Clones. "Remake Diamond City exactly as it was and bring back all the residents." The clones nod and get to work. 'They had it coming when they joined the Institute.' Izuku looks at the bodies and feels the last bit of hate in him leave and disappear.