Scratch her chin before she writes: - And what are you doing now?. On the chat he writes: - I am talking to you?. - For a while we have been talking about words and until now you haven't allowed me to see your picture. - That's because I'm mysterious. Even after two months? - But you've already seen my picture. Yes, but you are the one who allowed this. - I don't like this situation, I won't let you. - Wait, I love you.
I know .. but you are very mysterious .. I ask to see you and you refuse. You write in a question: - Hey, are you with me? - yes, I'm with you. - Ha.. will I see you? - Yes, as you like. Suddenly.. Her room lights out. She muttered in her sweet voice: Damn it, not now. She glances at the lit laptop screen, and says to herself, "Finally, I'll see him." She feels suspicious movement in the kitchen, gets worried The light is cut off and darkness falls over the entire apartment. - Mom, what are you doing? Are you in the kitchen?
It was past four in the morning and the light had been cut off for a moment, but there was no answer. She gets up and turns on the light of the phone torch and goes to the kitchen, there are no sounds except the ticking of the wall clock, she enters the kitchen, preceded by the area of the floodlight. Utensils, sink, refrigerator. "It's all fine, but where's my mom?" The shining light is now located on the kitchen door that leads to the rear staircase of the building. Her body shivered in terror, she now feels the deadly tension "someone broke into the kitchen" feeling a slight movement Behind her, her body stiffens. And before she comes to a finger, he grabs her by force majeure and covers her mouth with an iron fist, placing a sharp knife blade in the side of her chest, whispering like a hissing: "You wanted to see me, I'm here now..ha.. happy now?"
He forces her out of the kitchen door with him to the spiral staircase, where his black car is waiting in the back alley, his mobile phone lying on the front seat, with his screen on Messenger, where he is writing to her. And now it has become his property forever, and the black car drives away until it disappears in the light of the rising sun! He opened the trunk of the car, took her out tied, her mouth was gagged, her hair was disheveled, her face and clothes were dirty, she felt excruciating pain all over her body, but she did not care about that, her biggest concern was what next? What does he intend to do with her, does he kill her or rape her or torture her, or is it the greatest catastrophe that he does all of the above combined?