“I don't know.With cosmetic surgery and make-ups,it's easy to make her look like Destiny.”Daniel spoke in a level voice.
Yake thought about his implication,asked,“What brings you to Rina?”
“No comments.”
Yake stared at Daniel,said,“Rina has no connection with Destiny.”
“Rina is better than Destiny.Much better.If Rina was my sister,I wouldn't become an embalmer to atone for her crime.”
“She killed people because Elvis Harris and I both married?”
“Yes.The only two men who loved her got married.She couldn't accept that.”
“So she could kill people?”Yake asked coldly.
“Whatever she did,it's none of my business.For me,my sister died ten years ago.I know no more than you,so save your breath.”Daniel paused,and then continued,“Even if she is alive,she must have changed greatly.I hope Harris and you can realize this.You both should move on.”
“So philosophical.Is that because you are an embalmer?”
“Maybe.That's all I've got to say.Good luck.”