How can someone be so bold that they will choose to talk behind your back instead than to stab you in front?

"You can't really keep your tongue to yourself huh? I wonder how you mustered all those courage to backstab me, a royal blood." She was stunned in her position as she's trying to breathe. I shouldn't just cut her tongue, but her entire mouth.

"I want you to convince me why should I let you live? Go! Oh, right! You can't talk. Now look here, don't let a next time happen, because next time it's not only tongue you're gonna lose, I don't know maybe your eyes? nails? your LIFE?" She's trembling so hard. I bet she's peeing behind her skirts. Disgusting. Just like her.

I hate fake people. It makes me wanna see them suffer before my eyes. Now, now, don't go calling me a psycho or a nutter. I may take things into extremes, but I don't personally like this.

"You can see that I'm still being nice here, because I didn't fire you as my naïvely stupid sister's maid. I can't have her here crying to father because she lost a PET—" I look at her from head to toe as I continue to speak.


"But if you utter a word about this to my sister you know what will happen." I can see the terror in her eyes. What a sight to see indeed.

"Get this servant out of my sight this instant." The other servants immediately followed my orders and carried that maid to their quarters as they should be, who knows what I would to them.

"Do you lack training or are you just a coward? You're trembling when you sliced her tongue off, you even looked away, what a pathetic little creature you are." He surprised me when he suddenly kneeled in front of me.

"Why are you kneeling?" He looked up to me and said, "I apologize for my incompetence Your Majesty." His voice was high compared to an average guy. It seems like he hasn't gone through puberty yet.

"Arise, are you new here?" I asked him. He stood up and straightened his body while facing me. He's stupidly stiff. "I was just appointed in the castle several days ago Your Majesty." I see, interesting, but suspicious.

"You know you could've reported this incident to the king and bring me down this instant, why didn't you?" He breathed heavily, must be nervous. Glad I'm intimidating him, he should be. "I believe that the princess' action is valid. Spreading false information about the sovereign and the family of the sovereign is a big violation against the empire." His hands are trembling visibly. I chuckled. "Calm down. I'm not gonna do any harm to you."

"Again Your Majesty. I apologize for my weakness and lack of experience. I believe they trained me while underestimating my capabilities and did it as they see fit since I am a woman."

Woman? So she's a woman. Interesting.

If she means that woman like her are weak, then she's not suited to be a knight of this kingdom.

"You're not even qualified at the start." I said as she stays quiet. "One must have a confidence to be a knight. One must learn between giving mercy to a criminal and having no mercy killing a commoner."

"I am still learning, Your Majesty. But I'll take everything you just said and be better."

"Don't be better and be the BEST. I don't accept BETTER in this Kingdom. You must know that the palace is a battlefield. If you're just better, don't crave about living a good life."

People will take advantage of you if you're dumb.

It's been years since my mother and I entered the palace. My mother married the King and became the next Empress in just a snap, although my mother was entitled as a Mistress.

Seeing how tough my mother is, they don't dare to touch even the single strand of her hair. And I, who have the same attitude as my mother, no one ever dare to lay their hands on me.

Mother used to tell me that I should survive and live when she suddenly vanish one day. Until this day, I live in the word 'BEST' than 'BETTER.'

"I understand your Majesty."

"If you do, then stop kneeling and go back to your post." As I was about to get out to eat outside, but the new recruit stands up as she insists of escorting me.

"Sorry. But I prefer a man to escort me instead. Someone who's not afraid to kill people. Someone who has the confidence to stand besides me." I saw how she clenched her fist while trying to compose herself.

It was such an embarrassment for a knight to be humiliated by a noble. Especially, a Royalty. "Call someone to escort me out of the palace."

"No." I look at her once again as she tries to stand up straight, showing me her confident side.

"But I am a knight Your Majesty. I insist." she walked towards me. The audacity of this woman to order me around. "Are you going against my orders now? Don't make me repeat myself and get me a knight now! I don't want to be seen with weak and ridiculous knight like you."

"Do you know what it means to stand besides me? I'm not a delicate princess like the lovable Lithia." Who said that girl has a charming smile?

And speaking of the devil, looks like she's fed up this time. The guts of this woman to face me in this mid-daytime.

Her golden hair along with her golden eyes reminds me of a shit, but an expensive one. I don't know when did I start to hate her.

Probably because of her cutesy act and annoying voice, it pisses me off. Maybe because of her annoying smile that radiates all through the palace, her idiotic laughs that made my ears hurt, her little miss perfect and goody-two-shoes attitude makes me cringe.

"You're crossing the line TIA!" As Lithia raises her hands, the knight covers my face and let the princess hurt her instead.

'Playing to be the hero in front of me. Aren't you?'

As she checks out the cheeks of the woman she just slap, I shake my head in disbelief. "Slap her back for me."

And without any doubt, The knight slaps my sister. I heard how painful that was, I can't hold my laughter anymore. One word. Satisfactory.

"Nice blush on there Lithia. Its shape's like a hand, new product? where'd you get it?" I chuckled.

The knight really did it without hesitations. Does she know who she just slaps right now? "You deserve it." I contain my laughter as I looks at my sister who seems to stay quiet.

Composing myself, I look at her wearing my disgust look. "I hate your entire being Little Miss Perfect. In short word: I despise you." Lithia's eyes are burning, her face is hilarious!

"You're crazy for hating someone who didn't even do anything to you." I lift her chin slightly as I can see her pretty shitty face.

"That's why I was a bad omen and I will always be. Keep trying. Maybe you'll be on my level soon." I read pretty most everything about fairytales.

Where Villains ended up tragically. But I'm not like them. I choose to live with a bad record because I like the fun of it. And if someone tries to harm me, I'll make sure to kill them even if I have to use my own hands.

"Keep being innocent and follow the flow of the Kingdom. You'll have a good life." I tap her face as I look at the knight who's not even speaking.

"I will not thank you for anything because I didn't order you to cover me. But you should thank me for experiencing a rare opportunity."

"You just slap my sister. It feels great to touch a soft face isn't it?" Lithia, who can't look at my eyes leaves as her maid follows her.

I can see how she's wiping her tears while trying to compose herself. "Sometimes, it's better not to intrude on someone's business unless you want to play the hero." I said to the knight.

"As you said, you're a woman. You must stay in the kitchen and quit being a knight."

That's one of my traits that you have to learn from me. We have to speak in a straightforward manner whether if it's intentionally or unintentionally.

Sugar coating words are a waste of time. Being frank is better than a liar. At least your feelings got through effectively that way right?