"Your Majesty sent a letter? The King?" I gaze at them both as I give them the opportunity to read what's inside.

"It's an invitation for Lady Helvetica's spouse." They were staring at me as if I was the one who's gonna see the princess.

"Don't stare at me like that. I don't even meet the minimum standards. It has to be a woman. It means that one of you should come to the palace to meet the Princess." What exactly is she thinking? Getting married to a lady. Isn't it strange? Her Majesty's spouse must be a man, not a woman.

I let out a sigh.

The King also recommends our manor. What is he thinking? I don't think I'll be able to stand seeing my sisters getting involved in the palace's matters.

"Are you having a little meeting?" Father asked as soon as he entered the room along with mother, who's clinging in his arms.

"You might be stressed about the invitation. If you wanted to, you could always decline. If my children do not wish to marry, I will not push them to." Father said, reassuring us with a smile.

"I don't mind meeting Her Majesty," Cynthia said as she looks at us. "But neither of us fits her requirements. Don't you think, mother?" Mother looks at the invitation once again as she chuckles.

"The Princess wants someone permanent and not temporary. Must not be a minor. Obviously not a guy, but a stunning woman who is self-sufficient and capable of exceeding Her Majesty's expectations." However, knowing the Princess, Her standards are unsurpassed.

"But, in terms of being beautiful and self-sufficient, isn't that—" We looked at Camilla, who had been attentively listening the entire time. She points out herself as she looks so...

Happy (?)

"Camilla, you've been smiling the entire time." Her cheeks flushed as soon as mother looks at her. She slaps her cheeks gently as she coughs, regaining her composure after she smiles.

"Your Majesty is a soft person, after all." Father was taken aback in his positions, while mother smiled awkwardly.

"Callie, Dear— we are not talking about Princess Lithia—"

"No, mother. Princess Helvetica is a soft person." I felt like I was on the verge of going deaf at any minute. Cynthia nods slightly as her hand was on her chin.

"Ah, now that I think about it, she's probably not as horrible as the rumors say. I felt a warm atmosphere around Lady Helvetica. Perhaps those who disseminated the stories simply sought to tarnish the princess' image." Cynthia states as my father sighs deeply.

"I can't let Cynthia go. She's just a minor, but are you sure you're comfortable with it?" Father asked as we all look at her.

"It's only a meeting with the princess, father. Not a wedding. I also have to see for myself if Her Majesty is really that type of woman."

"I'm aware of her bad reputation, but Her Majesty did not treat me in this manner when she first arrived to the manor. She knew that I was nervous, but never talks about it. She observed my trembling palms, but she reassures me that she's not an unreasonable woman."

"Even though she realized I was faking my confidence, she still forgave me. No one can comprehend Lady Helvetica simply by looking at her. Don't you agree that now is the time to change people's perceptions of Her Majesty?"

"She might be harsh and was known for killing people. But aren't we supposed to look for, why did she do it? Every action has a justification. And I know that Princess Helvetica's actions are valid." To think that Camilla can talk this much about Her Majesty..

I still don't think she's a nice person. A nice person would not have to jeopardize the lives of the Empire's warriors.

"If you like Her Majesty that much, I suppose you should pay a visit to the palace tomorrow." Mother said with a smile on her face. "Are you sure about this?" Father asked as he looks concerned about my sister's safety.

It can't be helped isn't it? After all.. There're rumors circulating in the capital.

They said that Her Majesty attempted to assassinate the Emperor with a sword a few weeks ago. She doesn't want others to know so she killed the knights in exchange for peace. Her father, the king, on the other hand, was shocked by her daughter's scheming and locked himself in his quarters.

It might be hard for the Emperor. That woman doesn't kneel to no one even the strongest person in the Empire. We might not be able to see Camilla again if she marries that horrible woman.

"Can you think about this, Camilla? Your Majesty is not a simple person to deal with. She has a bad reputation. Everybody knows about that. She almost tried to kill the King." But she smiles rather than to be worried.

"She was ATTEMPTING to assassinate the king. If she's that terrible, don't you think 'KILLING THE KING' is more appropriate? Who would draw their sword to threaten His Majesty when she could have killed him right then and there?" There's no use in dealing with my sister..

She will just find a hole in everything. Just like she always does. She thinks that everyone have reasons, but isn't Princess Helvetica different from all?

She would kill people without hesitations. It's her ENTERTAINMENT. She made 2 knights fight each other and the ones who will stay alive will be the winner because she's bored.

She's irrational and did everything for her own amusement. She's a ruthless woman who has nothing to fear.

That she even asked knights to sabotage her maid because she's too naïve. She bullies her sister for fun and most of all..

She wanted to be this Kingdom's ruler..

What will happen..

If such person will lead the Kingdom? I could imagine fire spreading across the country as she sits on the throne. All knights will die in her command and my sister...

The Princess will kill her with her own hands..

"Carien? CARIEN, Honey, are you okay?" Mother asked as they stood up. "Yes.. mother.." She smiles as if it's going to be alright.

"Accompany your sister tomorrow. We have to attend the King's invitation for dinner and Camilla,"

"Please don't let your guard down as we can't interrupt your time with the Princess."