"I was wondering who will be the last candidate, but I didn't think you'll be THAT PERSON,"

"Luna." She coughs as she drinks her tea. "You can't blame me, Your father is the reason why I'm here. He said that we're seeing for quite some time now and asked me if I could see you."

"I thought it'll be a normal meeting, but I guess it's a spouse searching." She chuckles as she places her tea on the table.

"I'm not here to marry you; that would be the most DISGUSTING record in my family's history." Indeed, she got my attitude as time passes by. I've created another little villain.

"But I wanted to marry you, Isn't that possible?" I could see her shivering as she looks at me wearing her stomach-churning face. "Do you hear yourself, Hel? You're disgusting." It's refreshing to take a break and converse with her for a while. Since it's been some time since we last talked.

She leans back in her chair, arms crossed, and stares at me as if she's trying to read my mind.

"I thought this WIFE thing was simply a ruse to keep you from getting married, but are you sure you wanted a wife instead of a husband?" I chuckle as I sip my coffee.

Husband, she says?

"Haven't I told you before? I would rather marry a woman than a man. I'm not comparing them to my father, but I think my trust issues have already consumed me. I may assassinate every woman who dares to speak with him."

"And so, marrying a woman isn't a problem, Isn't it? They're more obedient, and less pain. They only wanted attention and a little bit of freedom. I can give them that. I wished I was a man and marry my mother so she will not look me with those eyes. I will not force her to be dirty just to please me." If only I was born in her age, I would treat her better than my former and new obnoxious father.

"I understand your point, I will not go any further." Luna knows the word LIMIT in conversation. That's why it's pleasant to have her around.

"However, what if the person you chose has a secret lover?" A love behind my back? That's not a problem. In fact, that's a source of amusement.

"Then off to the Guillotine, they go." We both chuckles as she knew that I was going to say something like that.. As time passes by, I could feel my maid, getting tired of standing. But nonetheless, she wasn't even complaining.

"The moon's rising, shall we eat our dinner, Luna?" She returns her glance to me after looking at my maid. "I see. I didn't notice the time because of our interesting conversation." She stands up as we started to walk.

"The palace's too bright, even at night." I chuckle slightly gaze down the corridor. "It's Lithia's doings. She finds the palace dull, so she decorated the ceiling with chandeliers and hung lanterns and vines on every pillar." I don't think it's a bad idea tho. The only repulsive thing for me is seeing her face.

"LUNA MOONVIELLE AND PRINCESS HELVETICA IS ENTERING THE DINING ROOM!" Luna covers her right ear as she closes her eyes.

"First time?" She rolled her eyes, as if it was my fault that her ears were suffering. It would be hilarious if you could just see her face!

As soon as we enter,

Luna's parents were sitting next to my parents, conversing as if they were all set to start as a family. Unfortunately, their daughter is a straight noble woman.

"You're late for dinner, but that's probably because you're having such a great chat." Father said as he laughs. This man has the audacity to pick a bridesmaid who isn't even interested in marrying me.

But I appreciate that he chose her as I can rest for the whole time. "Did you have a pleasant conversation?" I smile as we both sat on the chair.

"We did, father. However, Luna and I decided to not get married." In an instant, their joyous expressions changed in a snap. Lithia, who was sitting quietly, suddenly chuckles. I forgive her as it's also funny for me to see their priceless expressions.

"Nobody has ever informed me that this is a marriage arrangement. I've simply been told that this is merely a meeting and a visit with the princess." Luna spoke herself in a calm manner.

"I'm not opposed to marrying the Princess, but she wants someone who will stay with her for the rest of her life. And as a Moonvielle's child, I wish to marry a man. Have my own heir and continue to rule the manor."

The gathering fell silent as Lithia began to chuckle. "Why would you wish to engage them, Father, when you know they simply see each other as friends? THIS IS ABOUT HILARIOUS!" She may be pretty beneficial at times.

"Please behave yourself, Princess Lithia. However, this is an unavoidable occurrence. As a Moonvielle's child, I'll take the punishment, only if it comes from the princess." My mother giggles as she composed herself.

"Of course, Lady Luna will not take any punishment. I understand your reasons and the feeling's also mutual." She looks at me while chuckling as she shakes her head in disbelief.

"We don't want to end this night just like this, aren't we? Then, I'd like to raise a glass to Moonvielle and Ethereal's unification." We all stand up as mother raised her glass.

"A toast for the everlasting relationship," We all raised our glasses sign for the dinner to start. It was such a lovely evening that I didn't realize how late it was. I excused myself as the duke and duchess allow me to leave.

I return my gaze to Luna, but she just smiles. I can read her mouth whispering: "Goodluck" while I separate with her.

"Sit on my bed." I told Serina as I could feel her suffering from a heel pain. I shouldn't have forced her to wear heels if she's not used to.

"Y-Your Majesty, your hands might get di—" Her heel clicked as I began to apply some ointment. Now, I can't have her to wear shoes, nor heels.

I browsed through my shoe cabinets as I get a medium high wedge. The color's also light for her peach dress. " "This is a token of appreciation for your efforts. You did an average patience for today."

"I am grateful for Her Majesty's generosity!" She smiles as soon as she stands up, wearing the white wedge I gave to her.

"I'll make sure to take care of this, Your Majesty."

"More importantly, I can't have you grow exhausted or you might not be able to serve me. Sleep in your pillows tightly. You don't have to woke up early for tomorrow. You better enjoy the relaxation I gave you, or I won't give it to you again."

"More than that, these days I'll only check the knights' application forms so I'm always in my mother's chamber."

I will also have to talk about my chosen candidate for tomorrow as my birthday's coming soon. I have to make sure to keep on track.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will make sure to keep you in check. Please get some rest."

"Serina," She stops once again as she looks at me with her smiling face. "Yes, Your Highness?"

I get the box on my cabinet as I open it. A necklace that fits with her violet eyes.

"Turn around." She obediently follows my command as I gently locked the necklace. I can see her delighted faces as she stares at me again.

"That was a long-ago present for me. Free to use it as you wish."