"Do you dislike the idea of having maids working alongside you?" I asked Serina as I continued to read additional petitions from the capital. Ethereal Empire is losing its people as they migrate to other Kingdom. I'm afraid the Empire will fall too soon if this continues.

"I don't hate the idea, Your Majesty. In fact, having them by my side could be fun as well." I never imagined that fun in her vocabulary is taking care of those young ladies. I chuckle while taking a glance to her position.

"How's your living in this palace? Are you doing alright?" Come to think of it, It's been about a month since I took her in, and I've never even bother to take her out to the capital, nor let her travel for a while.

"I'm doing well, Your Majesty. Thank you for your concern." I slightly dip my quill into a black ink as I continue to speak. "I'll let you take a three-week vacation after my birthday. Will that be alright with you? Or would you like me to extend your vacation?" Her eyes were filled with joy as she smiles.

"Three weeks is enough, Your Majesty. THANK YOU." She bows as if she's already satisfied with those words. I might as well surprise her with a substantial sum of money as a reward for her hardwork.

"You seem to be taking care of that necklace, a lot." She nods while touching the pendant. "It was given by Your Majesty, after all."

"Then what if it wasn't me? Would you treat it as if it's a stranger?" I said while letting out a little chuckle. The night's cold and, yet the moon's just guiding me throughout the night. I wish Camilla will sleep well in this kind of weather.

"I just found your gift special, Your Majesty." As if I'm going to ask for a favor in return. That's not my cup of tea. I'd rather do it with my own hands. That's more thrilling.

"As you should, but if you ever want to throw it away, just return it back inside of my cabinet. I'll make sure to understand your reasons." My words may appear ordinary to someone's ears, but they conceal a profound significance.

"I will make sure to remember that, Your Majesty."

"You're dismissed," I utter while raising my right hand, permitting her to return back in her chamber. "Have a nice night, Your Majesty." She left the room as soon as she finished speaking.

I thought I'll be able to work quietly, but a knock from my door caught my attention. I expected that it'll be Camilla because she usually can't sleep at night, but it was none other than, my sister, Lithia.

"Don't just stand there and get inside. You're being suspicious. People from the palace will think that there's something going on in this room. Close the door." She proceeds on sitting and it was like a deja vu that she came into my mother's chamber for the second time.

"If you're going to read some petty books, I suggest you do it in your room. You're disturbing me from my work." But instead of remaining quiet, she fastened her gaze on mine and began to talk.

"What do you think about our father?" I stopped writing as I put down my quill while looking at her with a straight expression. She knows my answer very well.

"Muted." I simply replied. Isn't it true? He's deaf to his own Empire and looks at us as if we're subjects and not his daughters. I despised people like him.

"Don't you think that we're just misunderstanding him? What if he really cares for us, but we can't see it?" What's with this nonsense topic she's pontificating? It's quite unusual for her to talk about our father. Is she questioning herself now?

"Do you even remember what happened to your mother back then? If not, think twice. Whether I'm misinterpreting him or not, even if you turn the world upside down, he neglected his duties as our father. He might be showing his care towards any one of us, however, it doesn't change the fact that he's weak and vulnerable." I return my attention to the papers as I started to write again.

"I just heard him talking to Vien. He said he's sorry." Sorry, he said? "So you're deciding to forgive him just because you overheard their petty conversation?" Why can't this woman understand that words are just MERE WORDS?

I could tell someone that I'll let him live, let him walk for a few steps and then kill him. After all, you can deceive everyone by being a nice talker.

"I'm not saying that I forgive him—" I cut her words. "And so am I." That's easy.

"How about give father a chance? He's just a human like us, Hel." And what did she think of us? Immortals? Statue? A thing who doesn't have any feelings?

"You can give him a chance, Lithia. It's entirely up to you. But for me, I only give chances to people who deserves it, and father is not a part of it. If you've only come in here to talk about him, better rest to your room and don't bother me with this kind of rubbish conversation; it's making my stomach hurt." I thought that she'll close her mouth after I speak, but what she said after, suprised me.

"I'm not one of those servants that you can kick, however you please, Hel. We're both part of royalties so I suggest you stop being rude to me. Although I am a year younger than you, but I'm your sister. We're the only ones who can help each other when you ascend the throne." I'm the only one who's helping myself until now. What is she even saying?

"I survived for many years without your assistance, Lithia. Because I learned how to stand on my feet at my young age. Perhaps only if you begin to establish your own power, then, and only then will I let you stand by my side and accept you as my sister." I don't need weak people standing and doing nothing, just waiting for my protection.

"You're not my fiancé. I hope you know what I mean. The only way to survive in this world is to show people that you have the authority to govern them, Lithia. People will step on you if you're a weak leader, and your knights will never have the bravery to fight in the battlefield when they notice that you're a fragile person."

"However, if you have the same courage like I do, you'll be alright even if you're the only one alive."

The Rule in every leadership, all of it was the Emperor's fault. And I can't let people to look down on me when I ascend the throne. I'll make sure to clean this Empire once and for all.