"I didn't summon you here, Lithia. Are you possibly sleeping with the General?" My sister coughs as she looks at me.

"No. It's just I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and decided to wander. Then I came across the General while I was roaming around in the garden. I was planning to head back, but I wanted to see you before I sleep. I was going to congratulate you on your accession to the throne. You were so busy these days that I didn't get to see you." And now she's being nice. After the troubles I've caused her, she's still the little pathetic Lithia that I know. How can she fight for her position on her own if she lacks the authority to do so?

"You're the first princess now, Lithia. I hope you know how to rule your people. You must learn to show no pity for those who'll try to tarnish the Empire's reputation." She bows as if she truly understands my words. Given her demeanor, it would be difficult to transform her into a ruler, as I only picture her as a pure white rabbit.

What a sight. A rabbit and a tiger. What an unusual tandem they are. "I will keep your words in mind, Your Highness." AS YOU SHOULD.

I return my gaze to Vien as I stand up. "Kneel for your Emperor. I'm not going to make it long since I'm really fed up with everything. It's past my bedtime, and I need to sleep. So I will make sure to make it quick. Vienna De Lune, General of Ethereal Empire, I bestow you a new journey and granted you the opportunity to have a relationship with the Princess. However, these favors will be ineffective for the time being because you must continue to serve as the Empire's sword." I drew her sword as I raised it.

"From this day onward, anyone who tries to betray you will be executed. And Lithia," She looks at me as she kneels. "You're not allowed to join the battalion. When the war began, I wanted you to pledge your life to the Empire. If we don't return in a year, you will be ascended as the guardian of the people, and I wanted you to look after the Empress."

"Can you promise me?" She raised her head while looking at me with such worried expression. "Yes, Your Highness." I clear my throat as I continue.

"My plan is simple. Lithia, command the knights to release the criminals. You must disguise them as merchants and send them to each Empire as spies. They should report to you once a week, and this is the chance to prove your worth. Kill anyone who will abandon their responsibilities. Vien, send the first knight in Major and his forces to the opposite Empire."

"They'll introduce themselves off as new recruits. I will give them the signal when it's time already. You will be in charge of training the rest. And Aedion, appoints him to look after Elysian. That child will be the Empire's next commander-in-chief. Kill Aedion if that youngster dies. I don't need dogs who just barks around."

"Any objections, rants, petitions, or added comments?" They remain in silence. "Good response. You may now rise. Vien, please escort my sister to her room." I sat on my chair for a while as they leave.

Why would I waste my time attempting to predict the future when I can simply control it with my own hands? Manipulate, win, and seize command. That's a characteristic everyone should possess.

This upcoming war will take for a while. There are seven empires that I needed to destroy. However, it would be too exhausting to fight those cretins one by one. I was hoping to get some amusing reports from the First Knight in Major after the knights had already been dispatched to the other Empire. Who knows? Perhaps there will be some harem and concubine reports. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Strange questions and theories begin to enter my mind as I stare at the moon once more.

Sometimes I asked, what if the sky, I'm looking right now is the future? Do stars represent those people who are currently looking at the past right now? Did the thought of:

'I wished I was born in their era.' crossed their minds? What does future, even look like? I can't even imagine. Does Empire like this still exist? Are they also fighting for their positions? It may be entertaining and technologically advanced, but it is still cruel. The only thing that will change is the passage of time, but the people will remain the same.

We are egotistical, conceited, arrogant, liars, cheaters, uneducated, proud, sinners, and greedy. We always put on our masks and appear to be someone else in order to be loved by others.

Some of us give up in life, while others continue to fight. Some people are mystified as to what life's purpose is. However, life has no meaning for me. You are not required to discover your purpose. You have the option of being nice or bad. It's entirely up to you.

You are not born to be of service to others or to help those who are in need. Because, in the first place, it was your instinct that was commanding your physical body to assist someone.

Don't you think that being born means to live? You're given a chance to live, so cut yourself off from the rest of the world and live your own story. Start the pages of your life. Trust people who's worthy in your eyes and start to explore what you wanted to be and not others want you to become.

Rest if you're exhausted, bow to no one, and don't be afraid to face the world. You can find true happiness if you're able to accomplish the things you really want to do.

I take out my quill as I start to write. Like what I previously stated,

"Right from this moment, I shall begin declaring the commoners' and nobles' union. The capital will be open for all. Outside commoners will be awarded a title and a plot of land."

"Discrimination will not be tolerated and anyone who engages in it will be sentenced to prison immediately. While for those people who wanted to migrate will be given a chance to do so."

"As your new Emperor, I anticipate everyone's cooperation to stay on the ground for quite some time. No one's allowed to leave the capital except for the people who's going to migrate. Those citizens who will attempt to betray me will be tortured until they beg for a quick death."

"This is a message coming from the palace. Have a nice day and let us all rot in hell someday."

"Your Excellency, Helvetica Ethereal."