"Are you still going to train? You can now either rest or observe the knights in training. They shouldn't keep a wooden blade in their hands for too long. Why don't we schedule your appointments during the day and have them practice in the afternoon?" I propose while we're walking along the corridor. If you look at us, it was like finding your partner. Camilla simply smiles as she looks at me.


"That'll be fine for me. Thank you for allowing my selfishness." I wouldn't consider it as selfish. As someone who's just like her back then, I couldn't ignore it.


We stopped as we reached the dining room. The guards were looking and coughing while the door swung open wide. This is the first time they didn't yell our name. Who's going to greet us inside anyway? It's not like someone is waiting for us. 


We were all sitting quietly, waiting for our food to arrive. "I'm not sure what's wrong with all of you, but keep in mind that you're a nuisance in my eyes. You should contact me after practice if you have something to discuss." The maids began to place the water on the table.


"Please tone it down." Camilla whispers as I see her eyes begging me to stop talking. "The camp is much more peaceful without them." I said as I started to drink. Emotions shouldn't be involved in business, but here I am, creating a fuse over small matters. But is it really a small issue?


"If you really cared, then you would be right there from the start, supporting those fools." I'm already done talking with my father, and yet there's a part of me that just can't accept him easily. "That was my fault. I understand if you're holding a grudge. But I just wanted to see how much you've improved. I was grateful that you let me and your mother watch you. And, even if you are opposed to it, we will continue to support you." The dinner was served individually as soon as he finished speaking.


My mother sat calmly, with a look of disappointment on her face. I had the impression that she was attempting to reunite me with my father, but I continued to decline her offer. "Are you going to have dinner with us?" Lithia inquired, her gaze falling on Devourah.


"Hmm? I'm afraid, I can't. I mean, I have many things to do. But if that SPECIFIC PERSON insists, I might consider it." Really? Is she trying to flirt with my maid while we're eating?


"It's your choice, Devourah." Are they that close for her to call the Grand Duke's daughter by name? "Then I should dine with all of you. It's lonely to eat alone." AND THAT WOMAN IS OKAY WITH IT?!


"Miss Serina, keep in mind your position." But, as Lithia pointed out, Devourah seemed to be protecting my maid. "Your Highness, I told her to address me by my given name. And it's OK with me, so there's no need to be concerned." My appetite has begun to wane.


"You shouldn't worry about them. It's their business, Your Highness." Vien interrupted the conversation as she exchanged glances with Devourah. I can't really concentrate on eating. "Are you envious? Do you want me to cling to you?" Camilla chuckles as she eats her share.


"I'd rather be alone and have dinner with you instead of having dinner with them." She looks satisfied with my response as she keeps on eating. "I'd prefer to be with you as well, Your Highness. However, you must be able to converse with people. That's why we should have dinner with them later on." Speaking of having dinner...


"Did you send the letter to the Duke and the Duchess? Are they going to move in here?" She gets a glass of water and drinks it. "I did. But they don't want to live here because the manor is their home. However, if we want to visit them, we're always welcome to do so." Perhaps they don't want to be involved in politics.


"Would you like us to pay your family a visit tomorrow?" She wipes her mouth and stares at me with a perplexed expression. "Do you mind if we pay them a visit after my practice?" I caress her cheeks while giving her reassurance.


"I'll set the schedule, it's understandable." The dining room began to fill with silence as they all looked at me with suspicion. "Who are you?" Lithia asked while wearing a confused expression.


While Vien closes her eyes as she prays. "The one who's occupying Her Highness' body, please leave. In the name of Zeus, please leave Her Highness' body."


"SHUT UP!" I exclaimed as Camilla laughed slightly. "Helvetica is a gentle person when she's with her fiancé. How adorable." With her small smirks and chuckles, I can see my mother's eyes mocking me.


"As your father, I'm jealous." Jealous his ass. "Mother, could you please give your husband some attention? He looks like a fool." My mother, on the other hand, merely laughs at me while slapping my father hard in the face. DESERVE.


"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Father asked as he caressed his cheeks. "For being an asshole." And before I know it, my lips are curving into a smile.


The lunch came to an end almost as quickly as it began. It was a pleasant ambiance. But, to be honest, I didn't particularly enjoy it because I'm not used to it. We get back to the camp as the knights' training continues. But my father said he had some urgent matters, so I let him. At least, he'll put his time to good use.


Meanwhile, I let Serina accompany Devourah. Those two need to spend some quality time together. I'm not sure where they'll wind up, though. "How's Augustus doing?" I asked while Vien dusted her uniform.


"I was going to give the letter tomorrow because of your schedule. But it seems like you have something in your mind." So, they're still doing well.


"What does it state?"


"They wanted to move on the evening. The ball will start and it's a perfect opportunity for them to move. You haven't given them a signal. Are you going to let them move?" Augustus informed me very well.


"Let them do things their way if that's what they want to do. If he fails the mission, though," I came to a halt as I gazed at the knights. "There will be no leniency. As this generation's General. Demonstrate your authority. You have to execute him." I know how soft her heart is, but work is work. She can't let her emotions get mixed up for a mere person.


"And also, the fourth commander. Theo. Tell him he needs to prepare. From now on, they'll be gone for a week. If Augustus wins this night, the other Empire will be in shambles. I'm sure they'll hire a lot of security to protect the Empire." And that's a chance to seize.


"Then I'll make certain to notify them. Please pardon me, Your Highness." Vien abruptly vacated her position, allowing Camilla to approach me.


"Is there any matter here?" I can see her eyes were filled with questions as she locked contact. "I've already given my signal. However, there's no need for you to hurry. Practice necessitates dedication and perseverance. I understand that you do not want to be protected, but I am unable to allow you to hurry your training." I order the knights to lay their swords down.


"This is your final practice session. Starting tomorrow, you'll be working on your own." I roam around, examining their posture individually. "I DON'T WANT ANY LAZY KNIGHTS IN THIS CAMP! DID YOU GET ME?"


"YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!" They all respond in harmony. "The strategy is easy. You stab them, they die. You stand there, you die. Death is just an option." I reclaim my position in front of them while my sight wanders across the camp.


"The conflict will begin if Augustus completes the assignment successfully. For a while, keep your head down. And don't be afraid to take risks when the war started." As I tilted my head slightly, a simple grin appeared on my lips.


"Don't die and expect that you'll be going up there." I said as I pointed my right index finger upward. "You've entered my domain. Expect you'll be going down here." I added while pointing to the ground.


"It's not a threat. But I hope you'll stay alive until the end. NOW POSITION!" That'll be enough motivation for them to live. Just because you offer your life to your country, doesn't mean you're a hero already.


Every move was marked by determination. Still, they shouldn't be celebrating so soon. "Your Majesty, the message has been sent." Vien said, bowing to me with sincerity.


"And you should stay alive until the end, General." She fixed her posture, looking at me with such confidence. "I'm your creation, Your Majesty." Creation, she said? I will never be soft unless you're Camilla. That's it.


After a few hours, the training camp began to resemble a battleground, as it should be. Some knights are willing to surrender, while others are determined to win regardless of the circumstances. That's what we called determination.


After the practice, I expected there to be some complaints. After all, I didn't give them a chance to rest or even drink some water. The knights, on the other hand, gaze at me with such a vivid aura and happy faces.


"They wouldn't be that strong if it wasn't for you, Your Highness. That's why they were looking at you with such an energetic expression." It's more of a grateful, yet childish expression.


"This isn't the end; you still have to complete your task. If you sit around too much, you'll wind up looking like my father." They cough for a few moments. Look at these knuckleheads, are they giggling?


"This isn't where we'll be separating. But now is the time that you should get back to your family and do not inform them about our plan. Those who dare to promote the strategy will face the death penalty. I will give you a week to rest. HOWEVER, don't and DON'T forget to train yourself. That is all. You're all dismissed." A week is enough for a rest, isn't it?


I'm being considerate; they should be grateful. "THANK YOU, YOUR HIGHNESS!" The knights dispersed once again as I looked at my sword. "I'm sorry, but I don't think you could train with the knights. I didn't expect that this would start soon." Camilla raised her brows at me as she crossed her arms.


"For your punishment, you should be the one to train me instead. No complaints, Hel. Are we clear?" The authority this woman wields over me to make me do anything she wants is tremendous.


"Yes, Your Highness. Well then, can we leave this place? The dinner will start soon." I offer my hand while Vien looks at me with such disgustment on her face. 


"GLADLY, YOUR HIGHNESS!" But who is she to stop me? This is my fiancé. She should get back to Lithia.