Chapter 12

The way she phrased it and held herself when she'd named her terms convinced him that he had made the right decision choosing her to be his queen.

They would of course discuss her terms later but for now he would agree to them.

"Very well." He smiled.

She looked at him skeptically but nodded.

"I take my leave then. May I ask when the Union will take place?"

"As soon as possible." He said filling a second goblet.

She was about to open the door when she turned.

'What now?'

"What will happen to the rest of the girls?" She asked her stern, grey eyes staring him down challengingly.

"They will be sent back." He said taking a sip of the delicious wine.

She shook her head, "No, the ones you've tainted, the hundreds of girls that are living in a harem never to be touched by you again. You have soiled their reputation and they will never be able to live respectable lives." She paused and licked her lips, he just stood and watched, "Can you- no. You will help, find husbands for those girls. They deserve to live happy lives."

Here she was making terms for him to follow in his own chambers, 'Had she learnt anything from her teachings in those months?' He questioned.

He just nodded, "Very well then."

She regarded him one last time, then seeming satisfied with what she saw she walked through the doors and left.

After sitting and finishing his goblet then filling another he called for the guard.

"Yes, my Sovereign." The guard entered and bowed his head.

The Sovereign spun the remaining blood red wine in his goblet.

"Bring me, Emon. And have him bring, Alessia."

"As you say, my Sovereign." The guard bowed and left the chamber.

As he waited for his two servants to appear he pondered his decision.

His father, the previous Sovereign, and his mother had always told him that his queen should be worthy of the title. His own mother had reigned by his father's side for forty years as a strong leader and speaker of the people.

Her name, Alessandra, meant defender of the people.

This woman, this Hydrangea, would she be as strong and respected as his mother, the Beloved Queen. And because of her his father was also beloved by the people.

The woman seemed to care deeply for her virgin companions, maybe she would care for Cadarama as well.

After finishing his second goblet he stood and watched the sea from the window.

A knock was heard at the door.


He heard the doors open and footsteps, "My Sovereign, the seneschal Emon and the manageress Alessia."

"Let them enter."

The guard probably nodded but the Sovereign wasn't looking, he was watching the tide rolling onto the shore then receding in it's repetitive fashion.

There was more footsteps and the doors shut.

He watched the waves a few seconds more then turned to face the two servants.

The first was an elderly man with a bald head and thin, white beard. His stature suggested that he was still strong in his old age and his brow suggested wisdom. He was dressed in the traditional servants garb of the palace, a white, linen tunic, but to symbolize his status as seneschal the tunic was adorned with a golden sash around his waist and shoulder.

His overall demeanour was cold and stiff.

The Sovereign knew that this man did not care for him as his Sovereign, but he had served his father well and had so far continued to do so for him.

The second person was a plump, matronly woman with streaks of white in her dark silver hair implying her age of fifty-two and her many years of service. Her dress was that of the female servants of the palace, a white, linen tunic with a green sash sewn along the sides and collar to show that she was the manageress. She had a warm glow emanating from her whole being and the kind glint in her eyes said that she cared for the Sovereign.

This lady, Alessia, had served his father and mother for almost her entire life and had seen him grow from a young boy into the ruler he was now. She could think of only one reason of why she would be summoned to his chambers and that would be to tell of his decided Union.

"Emon." He began.

"Yes, my Sovereign." The cold man answered.

"Tell the kitchen to begin preparing a wedding feast. You will also have to double the guard for the celebration and arrange the necessary measurements for inviting the neighbouring countries."

"As you say, my Sovereign." Emon said bowing his shiny head.

"Alessia." He called, his eyes now trained on the beach below again.

"My Sovereign." Her kind voice answered.

"The woman I have chosen will be sent to the queen's wing. Make sure she has everything she needs and assign her servants. She may do as she pleases, but she may only remain in her sanctioned wing. Remember this both of you."

"My Sovereign." The both bowed then he told them they could leave and preform their duties.

He rested a few moments before he returned to his own duties.

The rest of the afternoon passed with it's regular pace of complaints and disputes.

When he returned to his chambers and found them empty, save himself, he was confused. But then he remembered that there would be no more girls.

He walked to his bed and fell asleep listening to the waves on the shore.